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Chapter fifty seven
"I love you."
Goldie's POV:
I woke up to lips on my chest. I shifted my body and felt lips wrap around my right breast. I opened my eyes and Fred looked up at me. He smirked as he sucked on my breast. "Fred, stop. They're sore." Fred furrowed his eyebrows and said "they're sore?" I nodded and he kneaded my left breast in his hand. "Ow, don't squeeze so hard." "Jeez, they're real sensitive, aren't they?" I sighed and Fred kissed my right breast, going to suck on it once again. I pulled on his hair and said "Fred, they're so sore. Please." "I'll be careful." I closed my eyes and tried to enjoy it but they were much too sensitive and sore. "Fred, I can't." I sat up and pushed him off me, pulling my shirt down. He scratched the back of his head and said "did I do something wrong?" I shook my head and said "no. Not at all." I pushed my comforter and sheet of my lap and went to get up. Fred's eyes went to my lap. "Darling, you're bleeding." I instantly knew that it was my period. I felt the cramps as I swung my legs over the bed. I instantly regretted not wearing shorts to bed. I was beyond embarrassed. "Uhm, could you go in the living room?" "What? Why?" "It's my period, Freddie. I'll take care of it. Can you just go in the living room?" Fred shook his head and said "no. I'll help you. What do you need?" "Fred, please." "Dee Dee, let me help you." I sighed in frustration and said "I have to put a pad on and now there's blood on my sheets and you're here. It's so embarrassing." "Dee Dee, I don't care about any of that. I'm gonna run you a bath and clean up your bed, ok?" I shook my head and said "no." "I'm doing it." "You need to go to work." "George can handle it." "I know that but things can be overwhelming for George. You need to go be there with him." "What about you?" "It's just my period, Fred." "Are you going into work?" "No, I'm off again today." "Great, I can stay here and take care of you." "Fred, no." "I'm going to get your bath ready." He left me sitting on the bed and I sighed again. I noticed the small amount of blood on the sheets and groaned. I wanted to crawl under my bed and never come out. Fred scooped me up in his arms as he came back into the room. "Put me down." I told him. He carried me into the bathroom and set me down, beginning to rid me of my clothing. "Don't." I said, trying to push his hands off me. "It's fine. I'll throw your dirty stuff in the wash. Enjoy your bath." I glared at him as he took my clothes out of the bathroom. I noticed that he used my lavender smelling bubble bath and I got into the tub, the warm water immediately making me feel better. I sighed softly and closed my eyes. I would always get the absolute worst cramps and I hated it. "Darling, I hate to do this but I have to go. Seems like George sent an owl." "It's ok, Freddie." "Erm, will you be ok? If I go back to help George with the shop?" "I'll be fine. I have Alta and Zophia. Yelena went into work I'm assuming." "Yeah, I didn't see her." Fred bit his lip and approached the tub. "You're sure you'll be ok without me? I just feel bad leaving you here." "I'll be ok, Fred. You can come and see me after work." "I'll check on you at lunch. And I cleaned your bed. It's all ready for you to go and sleep in." "Thank you." I reached up to cup his cheek, kissing him. Fred's arms went around my neck, pulling me in closer. I giggled against his lips and said "you're going to fall in." "Mmm, no I'm not." He pulled away and said "I love you. I love you, Goldie." My heart fluttered and I said "I love you too." Fred closed the bathroom door behind him and I immediately missed him already. Not having him for so long just for him to leave me again, even if it was for a couple of hours, still made me miss him crazily. I finished my bath and then got back into my bed that was freshly made. I winced at my cramps and wished they would go away. I also knew I had to deal with Blaise which was stressing me out. But I knew he'd be at school. I figured I could send him an owl. "Zophia!" I called. She came into my room and said "yeah, Goldie?" "Could you bring me the heating pad. It's in the hall closet." Zophia nodded and went to grab the heating pad, coming back once she retrieved it. "Thanks." "Fred said he'd be back at lunch." "Yeah, he told me." "He also told me to take care of you. Since you've got your period." I smiled and said "he's so sweet." "He really is. Well, let me know if you need anything." Zophia said as she left the room. I ended up falling asleep due to the cramps.


I woke up to Fred sitting next to me, playing with my fingers. He held my hand in his, absentmindedly messing with my fingers. His mind was going a hundred miles per hour, so many thoughts running through his head.

"She'll feel better in a few days."
"Is she going to break up with Blaise?"
"Will I be enough for her?"
"If I asked her to move in with me, would she?"
"I wish I could make her feel better."

He rubbed at his eyes and a small sigh left his lips. I bit my lip and said "Freddie?" He looked down at me and said "how are you, love?" "I'm feeling a little bit better. You're thinking a lot. I didn't mean to pry. It's just...your thoughts are loud." Fred half smiled and said "heard all that did you?" I nodded. "I get lost in my thoughts sometimes. I always forget you can hear them." "I didn't mean to." Fred shook his head and said "I don't care. I never did. It's what makes you, you. Nothing can make me fall out of love with you. I tried when we were apart. I tried to move on. I couldn't." "Neither could I. Even though I was with Blaise, I didn't love him. I liked him. But, him and I weren't together that long." "Are you breaking it off with him?" Fred asked sheepishly. "Of course I am. It's always been you, Fred. I only want you." Fred pulled me into his lap and I immediately tried to get off. "What're you doing?" He furrowed his eyebrows at me. "Fred, I'm on my period. I'm bleeding and I'm gross." "Ok, so you're bleeding. You're still beautiful, darling." "Still. I don't need to be in your lap." Fred leaned his forehead against mine and said "I don't care. That doesn't matter to me." I cupped his cheek and Fred grabbed my hand, bringing to his lips. He kissed my hand and I half smiled at him. "You're so pretty." He whispered. I kissed his forehead and he looked down at my hand, his eyes going to my nails. "I like them. To be honest, I love how they felt against my skin as I fucked you yesterday." I hit his shoulder and said "you totally ruined the moment." He winked at me and I shook my head. "You're such an idiot, Fred Weasley." "I'm your idiot, Goldie March." I smiled and cupped his cheek again. "Can I kiss you?" I asked. "You never have to ask! I love when you kiss me!" Fred quickly pressed his lips to mine, making me giggle into the kiss. His hands went to my hips, squeezing hard. He bit down on my lip, causing me to grip a handful of his suit jacket. Fred kissed the corner of my lips and then said "I didn't hurt you, did I?" I shook my head and Fred kissed my lips again, biting down on my bottom lip. I whimpered softly and said "Freddie." He began to kiss my lips again, his hands moving up to my breasts. He squeezed them and I said "Fred, they're sensitive." He kissed up and down my neck, his hands going back down to my hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he started to make a hickey on my neck. He pulled away and said "have you eaten today?" I shook my head and Fred set me down next to him gently. "I brought some stuff from home. Mum made George and I some lunch and dropped it off. She even made you a plate." I smiled at the thought of Molly making me a plate and then I wondered why. "Why'd she make me a plate?" I asked. "Well, she sent an owl this morning and I sent one back telling her that you'd want some too. And that you and I were back together. She really gave it to me when she found out. Even though it was my fault, she understood why I did it. But, she told me I shouldn't have." Fred said as he picked up two plates from my dresser. "Do you regret it?" "Yes. I regret it all. I shouldn't of done it." I took the plate from Fred and took the foil off of it. It was a simple sandwich cut in half and I smiled at it. "Freddie, tell Molly I said thank you." "You can tell her yourself. She's invited us over for dinner." Then Fred made a face as if he was remembering something. "Are you able to go? With your cramps?" I nodded and said "yes. I'll be fine. Do we have to dress nice?" "I don't think so. Why?" "Well, I'm a little bloated right now, Freddie." Fred looked down at my stomach and his eyes widened. "Bloody hell! You're huge!" I half smiled and Fred put his hand on my stomach. "That's just from being on your period?" "Yeah." Fred bit his lip and stared at my stomach. I quirked an eyebrow and said "what?" "Is that what you'd look like if you were pregnant?" I gulped and said "I guess." "I've thought about it, you know?" "What?" "Marrying you. Having kids. Moving into a little house. Maybe having a dog." "I have a cat, Fred." "Well, we could have a cat and a dog." I giggled and he said "no, but seriously. I'd love to fuck a baby into you." I hit him on his arm and said "Freddie!" He smirked and winked at me. I rolled my eyes at him and he said "what does you being bloated have to do with you dressing nice?" "I can't wear anything tight, Fred. Like jeans or anything. I'll have to wear something loose. Like a dress or something." "You have plenty of those." I took a bite out of my sandwich and sighed in relief. "Oh, I was so hungry." Fred kissed my forehead and said "awe, darling." "I usually don't eat much on the first day of my period cause I'm in so in pain." Fred clicked his tongue and said "well, Zophia and I will take care of you." I smiled at him and said "how's George?" "He's good. Happy we made up." "And Ginny?" "I think if I didn't try to win you back, she would've killed me. George would've done the same." I took another bite out of my sandwich and Fred frowned. "What is it?" I asked. "I'm really sorry. I shouldn't of done it. I'm sorry everyone talked about it at school. I'm sorry for the first years coming up to you." I set my sandwich down and said "Fred, it's in the past. I forgive you. We're together now, aren't we?" He nodded and said "I really am sorry." "I know. I'm sorry too." "Whatever are you sorry for, darling?" "Not reading your mind. I would've known your true intentions and we wouldn't of had to break up. We could've fixed it right then and there." Fred bit his lip and looked down. I cupped his cheek and Fred looked up at me. "We're together now." He threw his arms around me and hugged me. "Oh, Goldie." I squeezed him and nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck, taking in his cinnamon scent. "I was so lost without you. I couldn't be without you. It was so hard." "I know, Fred. But, we're ok." He pulled away and I smiled at him. Fred kissed my forehead and the two of us ate our sandwiches. "Yelena, Alta, and Zophia can go with us, can't they?" Fred nodded and said "of course. I'll let them know on my way out. I gotta go back with George. You'll be ok here?" "I'll be fine, Freddie." "Alright. I'll be back to get you at 6:30." "Ok." Fred went to leave the room and I stopped him. "Freddie." He turned around at the sound of my voice and quirked an eyebrow. "I love you." He smiled and said "I love you too, Dee Dee."


Zophia was bouncing with excitement as we awaited Fred. I put on some light makeup, nothing too crazy. My dress was currently hiding my bloated stomach and Alta said "Zophia, calm down." "We're going to Freddie's house! I'm excited!" I smiled at her and sat down on the couch. I took a breath, feeling relieved that I had taken medicine and wasn't in pain anymore. There was a knock on the door which I assumed was Fred. Zophia rushed to the door and opened it, jumping into Fred's arms. He made no mistake of catching her, pretending she was too heavy to make her laugh. "Oh my gosh, she's too heavy!" George laughed and Yelena shook her head at Zophia. Fred stepped into the flat and walked over to me, Zophia over his shoulder. "Hi." He kissed my lips and I said "hi." "Freddie, put me down!" "Did you hear something?" Fred asked. I giggled at him and Zophia said "Fred!" "Oh, I forgot." Fred set Zophia down and she smiled up at him. She then noticed George, jumping into his arms. George picked her up and hugged her. Zophia leaned her head on George's shoulder and he rubbed her back, his large hand moving up and down. "Are we all ready?" Fred said. Alta nodded and said "just about." "We're going to apparate. Is that ok?" Yelena nodded and said "that's fine." I stood up and George went to set Zophia down and Yelena said "hold her while we apparate." George nodded at her and we all stepped out of the flat. "Ready?" Fred said. "Yeah." I answered. George looked at Zophia and said "hang on. Don't let go, ok? You could get hurt." "I won't, Georgie." He smiled at her and I noticed his hold on her get tighter. The six of us then apparated. I squeezed Fred's arm and felt myself becoming a little woozy. I had never gotten used to apparating and all the medication I had taken didn't help. "You ok?" Fred whispered. I nodded and said "yeah." Alta and Yelena looked at George who had held Zophia close to him. Her arms were around his neck and she looked at him. "What was that?" "We apparated." "That was kinda scary." "Awe, I'm sorry, Zophia. We could travel by floo powder on the way home." She half smiled and said "is that scary like apparating?" "No. Very simple. I'll even do it with you if you'd like." George told her. She nodded and he set her down. We walked over to the house and the twins announced they were there. "George!" Angelina said as she rushed over. George hugged his girlfriend and she kissed his cheek. George immediately kissed her lips, holding her tightly. "Oh, Angie." He mumbled into her neck. Fred rolled his eyes at the two of them and went to pull me into the kitchen. Angelina stopped him of course as she gave me a hug. I hugged her and was glad to see her. "I was very happy to hear you and Fred made up. The two of you are meant for each other." I went to answer when Molly's voice stopped me. "Goldie, sweetheart, it's so nice to see you again." I turned to her and she opened her arms. I went to give her a hug and she said "Goldie, it's so nice to have you here again. I couldn't believe that you and Fred had broken up. I can't see him with anyone else. You're perfect for him." I then pulled away from
Molly. Arthur walked in and greeted his sons. Arthur hugged Fred and I said "it hurt to be without him for so long. I truly thought he didn't love me." "Goldie, he's so infatuated with you. I know my son and he needs you. Plus, I was very upset to be losing you as well. You're quite delightful and I enjoy your company very much. You're almost like a daughter to me." I gasped softly and said "really?" Molly nodded. "What's going on here?" Fred said as he wrapped his arm around my waist. "Just welcoming Goldie back. I'm relieved that the two of you are back together." Fred smiled and said "Mum, she's she only girl I've ever loved. The only one who I've seen myself having a future with." Molly pointed a finger at him and said "you better have." Fred shook his head and I looked around for Ginny, realizing she'd be at school; along with Ron. Percy was here though. He walked over and said "Goldie, it's nice to see you." "Hi, Percy. How have things been at the ministry?" He groaned and said "awful. Now that you know who is back, everything is in ruins. And the death eaters don't make it any better." I frowned and said "I'm sorry about that." Percy shrugged and said "it could be worse." He walked away and Molly was setting the table. I winced and Fred looked down at me. "Cramps?" He whispered. "Yeah. I guess the medicine wore off." Fred kissed my forehead and the two of us walked into the kitchen. "Mum, do you think you could make that stuff you'd make for Ginny? When she'd have cramps?" Molly turned around and looked at me. "Oh, you should've told me you were on your period, dear. I would've had something mixed up and ready for you." "It's not a big deal." I replied. Molly shook her head and said "nonsense. I'll make you something that'll make those cramps go away. You just sit here with Fred." Molly started on a potion or concoction and I sat down next to Fred. I felt his warm hand on my stomach. I guided his hand to my lower stomach where my cramps were, under my dress. Fred quirked an eyebrow as his hand met my abdomen. I sighed softly at the warm feeling against my abdomen. "Your hand's warm." Fred kissed my cheek and said "feeling better?" "A little bit. I should've brought my heating pad." "Ginny might have one in her room actually. I remember her coming home and saying she had to get one since you had one. And she didn't know muggles had such contraptions." "Muggles?" Arthur said. Fred and I chuckled. "How are you, Goldie?" "I'm good, Arthur. How are you?" "I'm splendid, Goldie. Now, what was this talk about muggles?" "Oh, just talking about this muggle contraption called a heating pad. It helps girls with their period cramps." "Really? And it just heats up?" "Well, you have to plug it in the wall." I said. Arthur's face lit up and he said "you plug it into the wall? That's fascinating." Angelina nodded as she sat down. "It works wonders, Mr. Weasley." George smirked and put his arm around Angelina. "Angelina, I've told you to call Arthur and I by our first names." Angelina smiled at Molly and said "I know. I'm used to being formal." Molly patted her shoulder and said "there's no need for that here. I'm almost done with the potion, Goldie." I nodded at her and felt Fred pulled me closer to him. "Did you want me to go upstairs and grab the heating pad?" Fred asked. I bit my lip and nodded. "You guys do have outlets? In the house?" "Yeah, something's gotta power the lamps and all the appliances. Not everything is powered by magic." I rolled my eyes at him and frowned as his hand left my abdomen. Fred went upstairs. Molly set the potion in front of me and George said "Goldie, how've you been? With everything between you and Fred?" "Yes, how are you both? Fred was so distraught. I could barely recognize my own son." "Everything's going really well. I missed him so much and I love him so so much. I love him with everything I have. And when he told me how he felt yesterday, it felt like everything was going good again. I missed this. I missed all of you. I'm just so glad everything's ok." Alta smiled at me and Zophia said "me too. I hated to see you sad." Molly looked at Zophia and said "I've been so worried about Goldie that I've paid no attention to you. What's your name?" "I'm Zophia. Yelena and Alta adopted me." Molly smiled at her and said "you're just adorable! You can call me Molly. I'm Fred and George's mum." Zophia giggled and Fred walked back into the room. "Got it, darling." He plugged it into the wall and then handed it to me. "Thank you." I said. Fred nodded and kissed my cheek while going to sit down. I sipped on the potion which didn't taste all that bad. Molly was preparing dinner. "Goldie, I'm making your favorite. Spaghetti." I smiled at her and said "thank you." "Of course!" She went back to the stove and Fred put his arm around me. I leaned into his touch and he said "last time I was here, it was dreadful. I was surround by my family and you weren't here. Everyone was wondering what had happened between us and I couldn't tell anyone the truth, that I still loved you. It was such an awful time." I took Fred's hand in mine and said "I know. But we're ok now, right?" Fred cupped my cheek and kissed my lips passionately. "Of course we are." "Goldie, we'll all be spending Christmas at the burrow this year. You'll be coming along with Fred, I presume?" I looked up at Molly and said "I would assume so." Fred nodded and said "yes." "Good. Bring your dad along too. I'm sure Arthur would love to meet him. And he's so sweet." "I will." I looked at Fred who leaned back in his chair, removing his arm that was around me to stretch. His back popped and he exhaled. His button up shirt was tight and pretty much showed everything that was underneath. He had taken his suit jacket off and he was wearing a brown button up shirt with an orange tie. Fred then put his arm back around me and said "I can't wait to spend Christmas with you." "Me too." "Especially here. In my family home. You'll love it. I know you will." I smiled and said "of course I will." Molly was currently gushing over Zophia and Yelena smiled as Zophia interacted with Molly. Molly then began to serve everyone a large plate of spaghetti. "Goldie, would you like some wine with yours?" "Yes, please." "Could I have some too, Molly?" "Of course, Alta." Dinner was going absolutely great. I had missed times like these. I missed being with the Weasley's but I missed being with Fred the most. Hearing his laugh, seeing his smile, seeing him hopelessly in love with me. It made me so happy. I listened to every one swap stories at the table while sipping on wine. I had had a couple of glasses and it was helping me relax since I was dealing with my cramps. "We'd better not apparate since Goldie's a little woozy here." Fred said as he held me up. I was slightly tipsy but nothing I couldn't handle. "I'm fine, Fred." I mumbled. I noticed George carrying Zophia since she had fallen asleep. "Alta and Yelena can go first and then I'll go with Zophia. Then you and Goldie after me." George said. Fred nodded and I leaned my head against his chest. "Ooh, I'm sleepy." Fred chuckled and said "I know, love. We'll be home in a minute." The wine was making me very sleepy and Molly said "take care of her when you get home." "I will, mum." Alta and Yelena went through the fireplace and then George went. Angelina apparated back to her apartment. Fred helped me into the fireplace and said "hold onto me." I nodded and held his arm. "I'll see you soon, mum." "I love you, Freddie. Take care of Goldie." "I will. You don't have to tell me twice." "Oh, but I do, Freddie." Fred shook his head and used the floo powder. We arrived in a flat I was unfamiliar with. I looked around and didn't recognize anything. "Where are we?" I asked. "Me and George's flat." "Oh." Fred led me down the hall to a bedroom. "Who's room is this?" "Mine. You're much too drunk to take home." "I am not drunk, Frederick." Fred winced and said "but you are, darling." "I'm tipsy. Not drunk." Fred nodded and said "fine. You're tipsy." "But I am! I wouldn't get drunk around your mother. I needed the wine to help me relax. I have a little bit of a buzz. Nothing serious. If anything I want to sleep it off." Fred kissed my head and said "that's fine. Whatever you'd like. Now, let me get you something to sleep in." He walked over to a closet and I looked around the room. I noticed pictures of him and I scattered amongst the room as if he wanted to hide them but didn't. I was too buzzed to ask him about it now. "Here you are." He gave me one of his shirts. I took off my dress and unclasped the bra I forced myself to put on. I sighed in relief as my breasts were no longer trapped. Fred's eyes widened at them and I said "don't get any ideas." "As nice as they look, better cover them up." Fred then stood awkwardly and I pulled the shirt he gave me over his head. "Did I give you a boner?" Fred rolled his eyes. "Yes." I sat down on his bed and began to make myself comfortable. "I'm very tired, Freddie." "That's ok, poppet. You can go to sleep. I'll be in bed in just a few minutes." I nodded and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep.


I woke up in the middle of the night, having to use the restroom. Fred laid asleep next to me. The buzz I had earlier was still slightly lingering and I tapped Fred. "Fred, where's your bathroom?" Fred sighed deeply and said "right there, love." I looked to see that he had his own bathroom in his bedroom. "Thank you. I'll be right back." Fred hummed in response and I went to the bathroom, doing my business. I splashed some water on my face to help me sober up a bit. I dried my face and then walked back into Fred's bedroom. I laid down on his bed and Fred pulled me into his chest. "You ok, darling?" "Yeah. Just had to pee." "Let me know if you need anything." "I will. And Fred?" "Hmm?" "Thank you for being there for me. And being a loving boyfriend. I'm really glad we're back together. And I just want you to know that I love you." I looked up at him, awaiting for him to answer me. He opened his eyes and said "Goldie, I love you too. And you mean everything to me. I regret what I did and wished I would've just told you the truth. I wanted you to become a healer. I couldn't give you much before but now I can give you everything." "Fred, I never cared that you couldn't give me things. I didn't care that your family wasn't as wealthy as others. All I cared about was you. I'd be with you if we were living on the streets." Fred chuckled and said "well that's nice to know. It blows my that none of that matters to you. You deserve someone who can give you anything you want and you stuck with me." I wrapped my arms around his neck and said "I've only ever wanted you." "I know, darling. And I've only ever wanted you." "Don't leave me again, Freddie. Promise me." "I promise." He kissed my lips sweetly and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. I inhaled his cinnamon scent and sighed. I felt his lips on my neck and I held him closer. "I love you, Goldie." "I love you too, Fred."

Yes, this is super long!!

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