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Chapter fifty eight
An Unexpected Visitor
Goldie's POV:
I woke up to Fred kissing my cheek. I hummed as I felt his hand go up and down my side. "I'm going into work, darling. I'll be just downstairs in the shop. I'm sure I have some clothes that I didn't give back to you. Somewhere. You come downstairs if you need anything." I opened my eyes to look at him and he was all dressed and ready to go. "Could I have a hug?" Fred nodded and said "of course." He leaned down and gave me a hug. I sighed into the crook of his neck and Fred kissed my neck sweetly. "Go back to sleep, darling. And if you stay here in bed, I'll check on you at lunch." He said as he walked to the bedroom door. "Ok, Fred." He closed the door behind him and I could hear his footsteps getting further away, followed by another set of footsteps. George. I heard a door close and the flat was silent. As it was early I decided I'd go back to sleep.


I woke up in the late morning, early afternoon. I swung my legs over Fred's bed, going to the bathroom. I moaned in pain as my cramps came rushing in. I grabbed my purse and went to the bathroom, getting a fresh pad. "Ow." I mumbled. I made sure I had on a new pad and then looked for the clothes Fred said he had. I figured he had given everything back to me. He hadn't. I found a box near his closet that was full of things that were mine, including pictures of us inside. My heart sank as the pictures were stuffed towards the bottom of the box. I took them out and flipped through them. I half smiled at them and said "awe. Freddie, you were hurting just as much as I was." I put the pictures back and pulled some clothes out of there. A pair of sweatpants and I kept Fred's t-shirt on. I looked around Fred's room. It was dark when we had come in last night. I walked to his desk and noticed a letter sitting on top of it. It was addressed to me. The ink was smeared in some places and the paper had looked like it had gotten wet. The words he wrote were heart wrenching. My heart broke for him.

I'm nothing special, Goldie. I'm not worth giving up your one and only dream. But, maybe you still would've succeeded if I hadn't broken us up. Maybe everything would be fine.

I picked up the letter and shoved it into one of his desk drawers. I sniffled and thought about all that time we were apart. I wiped my tears and then went to my purse to get some pain medicine for my cramps. I looked at my bra that was on the floor and attempted to put it on. My breasts were much too sore. I winced and then sighed. After reading that letter I needed to see Fred. I needed to make sure everything was ok and this wasn't a dream I was having. I stepped out of the bedroom and totally forgot I was in their flat. I looked at the small kitchen and dining room. I saw the living room which had a tv in it. I assumed the front door was next to the living room. But there was two. I furrowed my eyebrows and opened the one I was originally going to open. When I did, sounds of whizzing fireworks erupted into the air. I noticed the shop was directly below their flat. I pulled on my shoes before going downstairs. People were all over this shop. I noticed George at the till counter. I walked over to him and said "Georgie?" He turned to look at me and said "hi, Dee Dee." "Hi. Do you know where Freddie is?" George pointed to a hallway in the back of the store and said "he's in his office. He's filling out some last minute paperwork. I'm sure he'll be delighted to see you." "Thank you." I left his side and made my way to the hallway, walking down it. I found the office with his name on it and opened the door. Fred looked up and had a dull look on his face but his facial expression changed when he saw me. "Dee Dee." He said. I closed the door behind me and I said "hi, Freddie." He motioned for me to come over and I did. He pulled me onto his lap and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "How are you?" He asked. "I'm ok. My cramps are really bothering me and my boobs are really really sore." I replied. Fred kissed my cheek and said "I'm sorry about that, love." I leaned my head on his shoulder and said "can I just sit here with you? While you do this paperwork?" "Sure." Fred had one arm around my waist while the other rested on his desk as he wrote. I watched his quill move quickly as he filled things in. His eyes scanned the paper as he read over it. Then his eyebrows furrowed. "What?" He mumbled softly. He set down his quill and picked up the paper, bringing it closer to his face to read. He leaned back in his chair, sighing. I ran my hand up and down his chest, snuggling into him. His hand that rested on my waist, went up my shirt and his thumb stroked my skin softly. "How are your cramps?" Fred asked, not taking his eyes off the paper. "They're a bit better now. When I woke up they were awful." I replied. Fred nodded and said "did you look around the flat?" "Not really. I just wanted to come down and see you. I hope I'm not bothering you while you're trying to do your work." Fred looked down at me and said "no, of course not, darling. If anything, you're taking the stress off. I'm in a much better mood now." I smiled and said "good." Fred cupped my cheek which caused me to start sliding out of his lap. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and adjusted myself so I wouldn't fall. Fred grabbed me by my hips and stopped me. "Darling, don't move." I felt my cheeks beginning to heat up and I said "I didn't mean to." Fred shrugged and said "it happens. It's been happening a lot more frequently since we got back together. Godric, the things you do to me." "Freddie, I need your help with this shipment that just came in." George said as he came into the office. Fred looked at him and said "ok, Georgie." I got off of Fred's lap and said "are you good?" He nodded and said "fine. Why don't you go upstairs? George and I will be off for our lunch break soon." "Ok. I'll be upstairs." I left the two of them downstairs and headed back up. I opened the window in the living room, letting some fresh air in. It had rained and there was a slight cool breeze outside. I looked around in the kitchen and tidied up a bit. I cast a spell so the dishes would wash themselves and I went to go back into Fred's room to grab some more medicine. The flat had got incredibly cold very quickly. I noticed ice on the windows. I furrowed my eyebrows as it was still fall and nowhere near time for it to be snowing. I shivered and goosebumps arose on my skin. My eyes widened when I saw it. A dementor. I had left my wand on the counter. I had never seen one this close before. I was completely frozen in fear. It quickly approached me and I felt myself begin to get weak. I could barely stand anymore. I fell to the ground and felt woozy. This dementor was going to kill me. I tried my best to get away from it, to get my wand. I had grabbed it, facing it towards the dementor. I went to say the spell. "Expecto Patronum!" George's voice said. I closed my eyes as I could barely hold them open anymore.

Fred's POV:
I walked into the flat, shuffling my shoes off and when I saw George with Goldie in his arms, my eyes widened. "Goldie?" I asked. I rushed over and George was holding her. "What happened? Is she ok?" "There was a dementor. I sent it away. But it had ahold of Goldie." George replied. I looked down at her and brushed her hair out of her face. "Goldie? Darling?" George looked around the flat and said "the window. He must've gotten in through the window." I looked at it and gulped. George handed Goldie to me and said "I'm going to close it. Hold her." George left and I held Goldie in my arms. "Goldie?" Her eyes fluttered open and she said "Freddie?" "Yeah. It's me." "W-where's George?" "Right here, Dee Dee." Goldie looked at George and said "I had the craziest dream. There was a dementor here in your flat and you cast it out. You saved me, George." "Darling, that was real. If I didn't have my wand, you could've been really hurt." Goldie looked at the two of us and said "oh. Really?" I nodded and stroked her head. "Oh, I'm exhausted. I can barely hold my eyes open." George frowned at her and I said "I could make you some tea. And it's probably best you sleep it off." "Goldie?! Good lord, what's happened?!" The voice of Goldie's father said. I had totally forgotten I had invited him for lunch to explain everything that happened between Goldie and I. "Dad, what're you doing here?" Goldie tried to look at him but was too tired. "Mr. March, a dementor attacked Goldie. She needs to rest for an hour or two. But she's fine." George explained. Grady shook his head and said "she doesn't look fine!" "Dad, I promise you I'm ok. I'm just really weak right now. I need to rest. I'm not injured. I just need to..rest." Goldie then passed out in my arms. I picked her up and carried her to my bedroom, tucking her in bed. I noticed her wand in her hand. I grabbed it and set it on the nightstand. I closed the bedroom door and I walked out to see Grady glaring at me. "Mr. March, can I explain everything? Please?" Grady gestured for me to do so. George sat at the dining room table and I started to make some tea. Now the three of us were sitting at the table. "I didn't break up with your daughter because I didn't love her. I love her with my whole heart. She means the world to me. I broke up with her because she was willing to give up her job as a healer, for me. I dropped out of Hogwarts, Goldie was going to do the same, for me. I stopped her. As much as it hurt me to do it, I think I hurt her more. I never really expressed how much pain I was in. But, I really put her in a bad place. I hurt her. I was supposed to be her boyfriend and I hurt her. I promised her I wouldn't. But, at the time, I couldn't give her anything. I was nothing. Goldie needed someone who can provide for her and give her anything she wants. I couldn't but now I can. Now that I have a great job and am making more money than I can imagine, I can take care of her. I'm sure you think very lowly of me now, but, please don't ever think I don't love Goldie. She's my everything. I even hope to make her my wife one day. She doesn't know that of course but I do plan on it. And I'm just so so glad to have her back in my life." Grady sighed and said "you mean that?" "Every word." "Goldie is my whole world. Her mother left me with a young witch and I had no idea what I was doing half of the time. And when she fell in love with you, I was terrified. She had never talked about a boy like the way she talked about you. When she got petrified and she told me how much it hurt you and George. I was shocked. She never had friends like the two of you and Alta. When the two of you broke up, she wasn't the same person. She talked about you as if you died. She was grieving, grieving the relationship the two of you had. She never told that necklace off. Goldie always wore that damn necklace her neck! And I'd tell her 'Goldie, he's not your boyfriend anymore.' And she'd say 'dad, I loved him. And I still do.' It blew my mind that after what you did, she still loved you. You really broke her heart." Grady said as he put his head in his hands. I bit my lip and said "I know, Mr. March. I wish I could take it all back. But, I'd like to keep her in my life if you'd let me. I'd like to be a better boyfriend to her. I need her in my life. I can't live without her. I just can't." Grady sighed again. "I know, Fred. If I didn't think you would be good to her or didn't love her in some way, we wouldn't be having this discussion. And you've treated her so well. I don't think many people understand how sweet Goldie is and would take advantage of her kindness. You and George never did. Neither did your family." The tea kettle whistled so I began to prepare the tea. "She gave us money for our schoolbooks. And she didn't even know us at the time. She just did it." George said. Grady half smiled and said "I know. She's told me that story quite a few times." "Freddie?" Goldie's small voice said. I looked over and said "darling? You ok?" She rubbed at her eyes and said "there was a dementor. Wasn't there?" I nodded and said "George saved you. Did you know that?" She nodded. "I heard him cast the spell. It was the last thing I heard before I passed out. Thank you, Georgie." George smiled warmly at her and said "you're welcome. And honestly you don't need to thank me. I'd always help you. No matter what." Goldie then wrapped her arms around me, hugging me. "I was scared." She whispered. I rubbed her back and held her tightly. "So was I. I was terrified it killed you." Goldie squeezed me and George said "Goldie, we're having fish and chips for lunch. Is that ok?" "That's fine." I heard George stand up and begin preparing the food. "My cramps are back, Freddie." Goldie said. I rubbed her back and said "awe, I'm sorry, darling. Mum did give me the recipe for that potion she made. I'll make it for you. If you want." "Oh, yes, please." I kissed her forehead and said "of course. Now go and sit down or go back and lay in my room. Whatever's comfortable." I cupped her cheek and made her look up at me. I leaned down to kiss her lips. Her arms went around my neck, pulling me closer to her. Goldie moaned softly as my lips moved against hers. "Ok, that's enough." Grady said. Goldie pulled away and I pecked her lips slowly. I removed myself from her and went into the kitchen. Goldie sat down with her dad and the two of them talked quietly. I started on the potion and George sighed as he leaned against the counter. "What is it?" I said. "That dementor, hovering over her. It was sucking the life out of her. Fred, I wasn't sure if I had made it in time. I was scared." He looked down and I said "George, you saved her. If it hadn't of been for you, she'd be dead." George looked over at her and I went to give her the potion. "For your cramps, darling." "Thank you. Oh and can you just.." She grabbed my hand and put it under her shirt, on her abdomen. A small sigh of relief left her lips and Grady quirked an eyebrow. "My hand is warm and heat helps women with their cramps." I said. Grady grimaced and said "I never was good with any of that stuff." "I know, dad. And it's ok." He half smiled at his daughter and Goldie sipped on the potion. She held my hand to her abdomen, leaning back against the chair. George began to plate the food and I said "I'll sit next to you and when I'm done eating, you can use my hand as a heating pad." Goldie nodded and I removed my hand from her abdomen. I went and sat next to her. "How's work been going?" Grady asked Goldie. She told him it was going well. And that it was a bit hard in the beginning but she got the hang of it. I finished eating before Goldie did. I put my hand back on her abdomen and she half smiled at me. "You ok?" I said softly. She nodded and George began to make small talk with Grady. I scooted my chair closer to her and Goldie wrapped her arms around me. I hugged her and felt her squeeze me. "Freddie." She whispered. "Hmm?" I hummed. "Can we go in your room? I just don't feel good." I nodded and said "yeah. Want me to carry you?" "Please." I picked her up and said "I'm gonna go ahead and put her back to bed. She's not feeling good." "Goldie, I have to get back. Will you be ok?" Grady asked. "I'll be ok, dad. I'll write you soon." She said. Grady nodded and approached me, kissing his daughter's head. "You take care of my daughter." "I will, sir." George walked Grady to the door and I went into my bedroom. I set Goldie down onto the bed and she immediately climbed into my lap just as I sat down. She wrapped her legs around my waist and said "Freddie.." I rubbed her back and said "what is it?" "Hold me." I wrapped my arms around her and continued to rub her back. "Fred, I'm gonna go back downstairs. You're coming with, right?" George said. I nodded and said "I'll be down in a few minutes." George left the room and Goldie squeezed me again. "What's wrong, darling?" "I'm so happy I'm with you. I'm happy we're together. And the dementor earlier, that really scared me, Freddie." "Hey, don't worry about the dementor. He's cast out and he's not coming back. You're safe here. I promise." Goldie looked at me and I cupped her cheek, kissing her lips. Goldie kissed me passionately. She pulled away and rested her head on my shoulder. "I saw your letter." I quickly realized which one she was talking about. "Oh, you did?" "Yeah. Did you actually think that way about yourself? Do you think you're not special?" I bit my lip and held Goldie tighter. "Yeah, I did. I was hurt and wasn't in a good state of mind, Goldie. I've tried not to put myself down but after I hurt you, I felt like shit. I wanted you to move on and be happy but you couldn't, cause I had done so much damage. I wasn't special, Goldie. I was just a guy who got lucky. You could have anyone you want. I didn't know why you wanted me in the beginning. But, I wanted you just as much. And now, I can't let you go." Goldie cupped my cheek and made me look at her. "Fred, you're the most special boy in the world. You're my everything. I love you with everything I have. Just promise me one thing." I nodded and said "anything." "Promise me you won't leave me. Promise me you'll be here with me forever." I kissed her lips feverishly, gripping her hips. "I promise." "Cross your heart and hope to die?" My eyes widened and said "hope to die?" Goldie chuckled and said "just cross your heart." "Will I die if I do this?" "Only if you lie." "I'd never lie about something like that." Goldie smiled at me and said "like this. And then say the words." She crossed her heart and awaited for me to mimic her actions. "Is this a muggle thing?" I asked. "Yes, will you just do it? Promise me, please." I brushed a strand of hair behind Goldie's ear. "I promise I'll never leave you, Goldie. Cross my heart and hope to die." She hugged me and I sighed at her touch. "I gotta go downstairs and help George. Are you going to be ok?" "Mmm-hmm. I'll be ok." Goldie didn't move, she stayed on my lap and it seemed like her legs tightened around my waist. "Baby, I'll be back in a few hours." Goldie looked at me and her cheeks were flushed. I smirked and said "so, 'baby' gets you all flustered." "Stop it, Fred." She got off my lap and I kissed her cheek. She then turned her head and kissed my lips. Her lips moved sloppily against mine and I cupped her cheek. She then began to kiss me hard. I moaned softly into the kiss and Goldie tugged at my hair. I pulled away and said "baby, I gotta go back to work." "Ok." She slowly detached herself from me and I stood up. She went to get back under the covers and just as I went to leave she said "Fred!" I turned around and said "what is it?" I was a bit panicked. "The window. He can't get back in through the window, can he?" I shook my head and said "no. George locked it all up. I'll even close the curtain when I leave. And my window doesn't open." Goldie looked at it and said "why?" "I dunno. It's broken. I've tried to pry it open with just about everything." "You didn't use a spell?" "I could've. I was trying to see if I could do it without magic. Like a muggle would." Goldie half smiled at me and said "well, go with George. I'll be here." I kissed her head and said "if you need anything, just come downstairs." "Ok." I left her in my room and quickly pulled my shoes on, going downstairs.

Here's the update! Yes this is long asf but here it is!!

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