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Chapter fifty nine
Yelena's Proposal
Goldie's POV:
I woke up before Fred, I had to go to work. I knew how to use floo powder so I'd travel home by floo. I stood up and shuffled my shoes on quietly. I gasped softly as Fred mumbled in his sleep. I shook my head at getting scared and walked over to his side of the bed. I ran my fingers through his hair. Fred let out a moan and I said "Freddie." "Hmm?" He hummed. "I'm going to work. I'm going to travel by floo. I'll come see you at lunch." Fred snored and I grabbed a piece of paper. I quickly wrote down that I was going to work and set the note next to him. I leaned down to kiss his head and his cheek. "I love you, darling." I smiled down at him and said "I love you too, Fred." I tiptoed out of his bedroom and closed the door behind me. As I approached the fireplace, I saw George in the kitchen. He was leaning against the counter, shirtless. "Where're your off to this early?" He asked. "Work. Why are you up this early?" I replied. "I just got back from Angie's." George stretched and his back popped just like Fred's would. George exhaled and I said "well, I'll see you and Fred at lunch." George nodded and said "see you, Dee Dee." I used the floo powder and headed home. I was hoping I didn't wake anyone up as I went to get ready for work. I changed into my uniform and gasped as I felt someone hug me. "Goldie, you're back! Goldie!" Zophia said. "Shhh, Z, you gotta be quiet." I quickly told her. "Where've you been? You didn't come home after we went to Freddie and Georgie's house." "I was staying with Fred. He was taking care of me while I was on my period. And do you know what a dementor is?" Zophia looked up at me and said "I'm not sure." I decided not to tell her since it could give her nightmares. "Well, it doesn't matter. But I have to go to work." I said. I kissed her head and she gave me another hug. I then headed off to work.

Fred's POV:
I saw that I was alone and looked around for Goldie. "Dee Dee?" I called. I looked at the note next to me and read over it. She had gone to work. I sighed and went to the kitchen to start making breakfast. When I reached the kitchen, I was met with George and Angelina. She was sitting on the kitchen counter, George in between her legs. He chuckled as she kissed his neck up and down. His hands went to her waist, pulling her closer to him. I cleared my throat and George looked over. He immediately removed himself from Angelina, his cheeks turning red. Angelina turned around and looked at me. She smirked and said "hi, Freddie." George hit her thigh and she looked at him. "What?" She said. He gave her a stern look and she rolled her eyes. "Is Goldie here?" Angelina asked. "No." George and I said in unison. I furrowed my eyebrows at him and he said "I was awake when she left." I nodded and went to walk into the kitchen. Angelina hopped off the counter, pushing on George. He took a step back and I squeezed past them. Angelina left the kitchen and said "well, I should get going. I'll see you later, Georgie?" He nodded and said "yeah." She had her finger under George's chin. He looked down at her, his eyes full of admiration. "I'll be here at 7:30. When I get off work." George smiled down at her and leaned down to kiss her lips. Angelina wrapped her arms around his neck. She then pulled away and left the flat. I started to make some tea and George walked over to where I stood. "Was Angelina here all night?" I asked. "No, I was at her's last night. She came to visit before she went to work. I got back super early this morning as Goldie was leaving. She seemed to be feeling better." George said. I leaned against the counter and said "I would hope so. After the dementor visited she didn't want me to go back downstairs. It was kinda cute. The way she clung to me, her legs going around my waist." "I'm just glad I walked in when I did. She could've died." The thought of Goldie cuddling me left my mind as I imagined what it'd be like if I didn't have her. "Thank you, George. I didn't thank you before. You and Goldie mean a lot to me. M'not sure what I'd do if I lost one of you." "Fred, you're my brother. I'll do anything to make you happy. Or just to have you around in general. I wouldn't be who I am without you." I half smiled at George and said "if anything were to happen to me, would you take care of Goldie?" George gulped and said "Fred.." "George, I need to know." "Yes, of course I would." "Promise me. If anything happens to me, you'll take care of her." I watched George's eyes water and he nodded. "I promise." George was always more emotional than I was. I tended to hide my emotions while George wore his on his sleeve. I gave him a hug and said "I didn't mean to make you upset. I just needed that reassurance." George sniffled and said "Fred, p-please don't go anywhere." I hugged him tighter and said "I'm not. I just needed you to promise me that. Just in case. I don't think it'd be any time soon. Years down the line. Maybe if Goldie and I were married, had a couple of kids, you'd take care of her?" George nodded and said "I promise." I pulled away from him and patted his shoulder. "What time do we need to open today?" I said as I poured myself a cup of tea. "Uhm, soon. In an hour or so." George replied. I nodded and said "ok." George made himself a cup of tea and a knock on the door was heard. I looked over at the door and then back at George. I quirked an eyebrow at him and he said "I dunno." I answered the door and Yelena stood there. "Hey, Yelena." I said as I looked up at her. She nodded at me and said "hello, Frederick." I grimaced at my full name and she smirked. "So, I've come to invite you and George to our flat. For dinner." She stepped into the flat, completely ignoring the fact that I hadn't invited her inside. "What for?" George said, holding his cup of tea. "Well, George, I happen to be inviting you both to dinner. It's just something I thought I'd do. Goldie's father and Alta's mother are coming as well. I just thought the two of you would like to come. Since, you're Goldie's boyfriend. And she'll be there." She looked at me and I closed the flat door, walking to grab my tea. "If it's only important that Fred goes, I can stay behind." George said. Yelena looked over at him, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "George, I want you there. Just cause I said Fred was Goldie's boyfriend doesn't make you any less important. And this dinner has nothing to do with Goldie. It's kind of important to me. I'd like you both to be there. You've always been my favorite twin, George." I watched my brother smile at that. "No offense, Fred." "None taken." "We'll be there. What time?" George asked. "8:00." I nodded and said "ok." Yelena half smiled at us both. "I'm gonna go now. I do have to get to work but I wanted to swing by and let you guys know. I'll see you both later I guess. Make sure you bring Angelina." She said as she made her way out of the flat. George looked down and smiled to himself. "George?" I said. "Yeah?" He replied. "You do know that you matter, right?" George looked at me and said "yeah." "You mean a lot to Goldie. And to everyone we know. You know that, right?" He nodded, not answering me. "I need you to understand that." "I do, Fred. But, in a way, you've always been the more popular twin. Everyone's favorite. And that's ok." I set my cup of tea down and said "you're a better man than me." "How so?" George's voice got small. "You're sweeter than I am. And just cause everyone refers to us as Fred and George, doesn't mean you matter any less. You didn't break your girlfriend's heart. You didn't date a girl who looked like her. You told Angelina how you felt and you guys got together. It took me three years to even tell Goldie how I felt. And I didn't even realize I had been hurting her all those years. And then I broke her heart. I didn't even talk to her about the whole leaving Hogwarts thing. I just broke her heart in two. You're a better man than me, George. And you always will be." "But, you're a good man too, Fred. You treat Goldie very well. I can see how much you love her. In your eyes. I've never seen you so happy." George shifted his weight from foot to foot, his eyes looking down. I then hugged George out of nowhere. George about dropped his tea and didn't hug me back at first. I never let my emotions get the better of me but they had been getting to me lately. I hadn't spoke to Ron since I had called him a prat. I knew he was upset with me at the moment and wanted to apologize to him in person. I knew that wouldn't be until Christmas and I hated it. I heard the clink from George's tea cup and felt him hug me back. "George, I don't say it often but I love you." I felt his arms tighten around me and he said "I love you too, Fred." I felt small tears forming in my eyes and I quickly pulled away and said "we'd better get ready for work." George nodded and I went to go into my room when he said "thanks, Fred." "Anytime, George."

Alta's POV:
Yelena had told me that she invited a few people over for dinner. I didn't mind it, of course. I had Zophia currently setting the table. Yelena wasn't home from work yet and I heard a knock on the door. I walked over and saw my mom and Grady. "Alta, hi!" My mom said. I smiled at her, giving her a hug. "Hi, mum." She pulled away and chuckled. Grady nodded to me and I said "hi, Grady." "Hi, Alta. How is your flat working out for you?" "Very well, thank you." Grady looked around for Goldie and I said "she's not here yet. She'll be home from work soon." Zophia walked over and said "hi, Maisie." My mom knelt down and started talking to Zophia and Grady introduced himself to her. "You're Goldie's dad?! She talks about you all the time!" Grady smiled and said "good things I hope." "Yes, always! Goldie really loves you." Grady's smile seemed to get bigger. I went back into the kitchen to finish dinner. It was almost finished and I was putting it into large dishes. "Hi, guys! I have to change really quickly and I'll be back." Goldie's voice said. "Goldie, Goldie!" Zophia said. "I gotta change, Z. I'll be right back." I watched her frown and walk back over to Grady. A couple of minutes later, Goldie came back out and Yelena got home, not even bothering to change out of her suit. Goldie's hair was half up and Zophia rushed over to give her a hug. Goldie giggled as she hugged the young girl. She had changed into a skirt with thigh high socks and a small collared shirt. As the two of them talked, I noticed the necklace Fred had got her around her neck. She then stood up to hug Grady who was very happy to see his daughter. I then told my mom and Grady they could take off their shoes, not needing to wear them. Yelena walked over to my mother and made small talk. Zophia groaned and said "I'm hungry." "We're waiting on the twins. Once they get here with Angelina, we can eat." I told her. She huffed and Goldie helped me set the food on the table. About a minute later, Fred and George arrived, the latter having Angelina on his arm. They were still dressed in their suits from work and Goldie walked over to her boyfriend. "Hi." He said as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Goldie smiled up at him and said "hi." She kissed him passionately and Zophia pulled on his suit jacket. "Hello? I've been waiting for you." She said. Goldie giggled as she pulled away from Fred. He looked down at Zophia and said "you're still my best girl, Zophia." He gave her a hug and I watched her squeeze him. He rubbed her back, his large hand going up and down her back. She pulled away and turned to George. "Georgie!" George's face lit up and he knelt down to her level. "Hiya, Zophia." She hugged him and George held her close to him. Angelina swooned at her boyfriend and I looked to see Fred kissing my best friend. Their lips moved in sync and Fred pulled Goldie closer to him, filling the gap in between them. Grady cleared his throat and Goldie pulled away, her cheeks turning red. Fred let go of her so she could come to the table. George was currently swinging Zophia in a circle. Her giggles filled the room along with George's laughs. "Faster, George, faster!" "I can't go any faster! I'll be sick!" "Zophia, let George come sit down and eat. We're all hungry." Yelena said in a sweet voice. George stopped spinning and made sure Zophia didn't fall over. "Whew, I'm dizzy." George said. "Me too." Zophia replied. George made it over to the table, looking very dizzy. Zophia did the same and leaned her head on my arm, trying to come down from the dizziness. Everyone began to put dinner onto their plate. I watched Goldie get an extra helping of broccoli while the men got mostly chicken. Zophia wanted a large plate of potatoes so that's what she got. Dinner was going absolutely amazing. It consisted mostly of all of us telling stories from Hogwarts. "What about the time we made Goldie go into the forbidden forest?" Fred said as he stabbed a piece of chicken with his fork. "Oh, gosh not that night. I was absolutely terrified." Goldie said as she covered her face. "Goldie, you do know we didn't mean to scare you. We didn't mean to make you cry." George said. Goldie removed her hands from her face and said "you literally jumped out and scared me!" "I didn't know you'd run off. I felt awful when I saw you were crying." I started clearing everyone's plates for desert which was Yelena's favorite. Chocolate cake. Zophia gasped as I set the large cake on the table. "Is that chocolate?" Fred asked. I nodded and I watched him reach over to the cake and try to swipe some icing onto his finger. He managed to get a tiny sliver on his fingertip before Goldie slapped his hand. "Ow!" He said said he looked at her. Zophia giggled at him and I rolled my eyes at him. "Wow, Fred." He brought his finger to his lips, sucking the small amount of chocolate icing off. Goldie shook her head and another yelp of pain was heard. "Ow!" "George!" I said in disbelief. He looked up at me and Yelena started to cut into the cake. The twins wouldn't dare to cross her. Angelina and Goldie watched their boyfriend's closely, making sure they weren't going to do anything. Yelena gave Zophia a large piece of cake and purposely gave the twins a smaller piece than her. Yelena handed Goldie her piece of cake along with Angelina. My mother began to tell stories of her days at Hogwarts. She was an exceptional witch during her years there. And she's more powerful than most witches. It's been proven and I've seen her do things that nobody else has done. Yelena shushed everyone and opened up a box which had a ring inside. I gasped softly as she got on one knee. "Alta, I've loved you since my third year at Hogwarts. You always intrigued me and I knew that I liked girls as soon as I saw you." I felt my cheeks begin to burn up and she said "Alta Fox, will you do the honor of becoming my wife?" Zophia stared up at me, awaiting for me to give Yelena an answer. Goldie smiled really big, putting her hands over her heart. I nodded and Yelena motioned for me to say the word. "Yes. Of course, yes." I said. My mother cheered loudly and Yelena slid the ring onto my finger, kissing me passionately. Zophia hugged us both and said "I have mommies now!" I looked down at her and said "you always did. Whether we were getting married or not." Yelena knelt down to her level and said "Zophia, I'll be honest with you. When Alta first found you, I didn't want you here. Primarily because I thought you had a family somewhere looking for you. And because I'm not really good with kids. Never have been. I didn't want to get attached to you just for you to be taken away from me. I don't do well with things like that. But, I'm glad Alta found you. I'm glad you're here with us. And I'm very happy that you get to be my daughter and I get to raise you." Zophia stared at Yelena in shock. Yelena hugged Zophia who held her tightly. Goldie came over to give me a hug. "I'm so happy for you." She said. I smiled and said "thank you." Angelina came over and congratulated me as well. I looked over at the twins, George leaning over to whisper things to Fred. I noticed Fred nod and look up at Goldie before leaning over to George. "He's planning something." I said to Goldie. She looked at her boyfriend and shook her head. "I'm sure it's nothing. He's probably talking to George about sex. You wouldn't believe how much the two of them talk about it." She replied. Angelina nodded in agreement and said "ugh, tell me about it." The three of us giggled and I watched the two of them stand up, walking over to us. "Mind if I steal her for a minute?" Fred said to me. I shook my head and Fred pulled Goldie into the hallway where they'd have some privacy. He had his arms around her waist, looking down at her as she talked to him. George had taken Angelina in the living room. Yelena grabbed my hand and made me look up at her. "I can't wait to be married to you." She said. I smiled at her and said "me too." "I'd like to give you a little something, once everyone leaves." Yelena smirked and I shook my head. "Lena, stop." Yelena pulled me into the kitchen, her hands going under my leggings to squeeze my ass. "I'm gonna fuck you real good when everyone leaves." I pushed on her chest which caused her grip on me to get tighter. "Lena, Z could see." "Zophia is infatuated with Fred Weasley, not even paying any attention to us." I couldn't see around the kitchen wall but could hear her giggles along with his voice. "Alta, Grady and I are going to head out!" My mom's voice said. I pulled away from Yelena, my leggings slapping against my skin. My much taller girlfriend smirked down at me. I gave my mother a hug, telling her goodbye. Goldie was hugging her father as he kissed her forehead. I watched Fred pull her towards her bedroom once Goldie was finished saying goodbye to her father. "Where are they going? What's happening?" Grady said. "They're probably going to have sex." My mom said. Grady's eyes widened and she quickly said "just kidding." George had ahold of Angelina's hand, trying to sneak out of the apartment, tiptoeing but was too tall to sneak out undetected. Yelena cleared her throat and said "leaving without saying goodbye, George?" George turned around to look at her. "Bye, Yelena." Him and Angelina left, the two of them giggling like idiots. I shook my head at them and my mom and Grady left. "Where's Fred and Goldie?" Yelena said. I heard Fred's groans coming from Goldie's bedroom. I walked over to the door, opening it. "Jeez, Alta! Fred said. Goldie was on top of him, her skirt hiding any nudity that might've been there. "Cast a silencing charm." I said. Goldie turned around to look at me and said "will do." "And lock this door. I don't want Zophia seeing anything." Goldie nodded and said "got it." Yelena smirked and said "couldn't wait till the guests left?" Fred threw his head back against the chair in Goldie's room and groaned in annoyance. "Get out!" He said. Yelena and I laughed as we closed the door. I watched the door lock and the room got silent. "Ready for your gift?" Yelena asked me in a husky voice. I nodded while my cheeks began to turn red.

It's been a minute but October's been hella busy for me. Should be coming to an end so I can update more!!

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