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Chapter sixty
Changing seasons and Wedding Plans
Goldie's POV:
I was awakened by Fred mumbling in his sleep. Which wasn't abnormal. But the soft sob that left his lips was. I shook him softly and said "Freddie?" His hand searched for me and when he felt that I was next to him, he went to lay in my lap. "Freddie? What's wrong?" "Had a nightmare. That's all." His voice was deep from sleep but sounded sad. "Do you want to talk about it?" "In a few minutes." I nodded and stroked his head, my fingers running through his hair. His arms tightened around my waist and I reached for my wand. I cast Augamenti in the cup on my dresser. The sun had just rose and was shining my room. The air coming in from the cracked window was cool, which signaled that fall was officially here. "Goldie?" Fred said. "Hmm?" I hummed. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I can't imagine not being with you. I love you so much. I don't want to ever be without you." A sob left his lips and my lips parted in shock. He looked up at me, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Freddie, I'll never leave you. You don't ever have to worry. I'll always be here." Fred sat up and pulled me into his lap. I cupped his cheek and said "I'll never leave you, Fred." He nodded and buried his face into my chest. Is this how he felt when we weren't together? I wrapped my legs around his waist, Fred pulling me closer against him. He was holding onto me so tightly. I rubbed his back and said "Freddie, I'm here. It's ok." "I'm so sorry, love. I shouldn't of done it. And I keep having these dreams. Of us not together. Of us being so broken. It's mostly that day. That day replays in my head like clockwork. How I treated you. I treated you like you meant nothing to me. You mean the world to me, darling." I played with the ends of his hair as he looked up at me, his eyes apologetic. "You are the love of my life, Fred Weasley. We're here together, right now. I hated the time we were apart but you came back to me. I was lost without you. Don't you ever think I'll leave you. Because I won't. Ever. I promise." "I promise too. I promise to never leave you." Fred sat up a little, his lips inches away from mine. "You already did. You pinky promised, remember?" I said. Fred chuckled and said "oh yeah." He cupped my cheek and kissed me passionately. "We'll always have each other." I nodded at him and said "always." He hugged me and I kissed his head. "Do you want some water?" Fred nodded against my chest and I reached for the cup of water on my dresser. I handed it to Fred who took it from me. "Feeling better?" Fred nodded again finishing the water and reaching around me to set it on the dresser. He wrapped his arms around me again, content sighs leaving his lips. "I'll never leave you, Fred." He slowly pulled my nightgown down, kissing the tops of my breasts. "Mmm, I have to go to work." I ran my fingers through Fred's fiery locks. Fred kissed my neck and then the tops of my breasts again. "So do I." He mumbled, his hand going up my nightgown. "I'm still on my period." I said to him. He huffed and said "I'm aware. We didn't have sex last night. But, you grinding on me was kinda hot." "I made you come in your pants so I'd say it was pretty hot." Fred smacked my hip playfully and said "don't you dare tell anyone about that." "I would never. As soon as I'm off my period, we could maybe have intimate sex." Fred smirked and I kissed his cheek and then kissed his nose. "I just want you to hold me and make love to me. I don't want to fuck, Fred. I want you to just...make love to me and it be slow. And you maybe give me cuddles after?" I looked away from him as I felt my cheeks begin to heat up. Fred grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "Darling, we can do whatever you want. We don't always need to do it like we always do. Whatever you want." I smiled and said "so, are we having lunch together today?" Fred nodded and said "we could eat in my office. Away from everyone." "Very true. We could always go out into Diagon Alley as well." "I don't have any clothes here. So, looks like I'm gonna go home and stay there." Fred looked at his suit he had worn the day before. I got off his lap, his arms falling from my waist with a frown. I started to get dressed and I watched Fred pull on his button up shirt. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and did some light make up. I noticed Fred watching me and I said "what?" "Nothing. You're just so pretty." I blushed and and said "thank you." Fred walked over to me, kissing my cheek. "I'm off, darling." "Ok. Be careful walking home." "I will. Meet me at the shop at 1:30." "Ok, Freddie." I turned back to my vanity in my room and Fred grabbed me. I yelped in surprise and then giggled when he leaned in to kiss me. I patted his chest and said "I'll see you at lunch." Fred kissed my lips desperately and I brought my hand to his neck, pulling him closer to me. Fred's hands went to my hips, squeezing. Our lips moved in sync and Fred picked me up, putting me on my vanity. He kissed my neck up and down, sucking harshly on a certain spot. "Freddie, I gotta go to work. I can't be late." He hummed in response and the feeling of his lips on my neck was beginning to be too much. "Fred. Freddie." I stopped him and said "go off with George." Fred kissed my hand and said "I love you, darling." "I love you too. I'll see you at lunch. Be a good boy till then." Fred smirked and said "no promises." I shook my head and he left my room.


I took a breath as I went to get a cup of water. Today was a bit more hectic than usual and witches and wizards were coming in with all kinds of injuries. "Goldie? You ok?" Woody's voice asked. I nodded and said "yeah. Could be worse, right?" He shrugged and said "I guess so. I'm stressed out." "Me too. I don't want to see any kids today. I don't want to hear that kids were injured by death eaters." Woody gulped and said "me too." I pulled my hair into a tight ponytail and went back to my post, woody going to his.

Fred's POV:
I furrowed my eyebrows at the clock. "George?" "Yeah?" "We need to get that clock fixed. It's wrong." "No, it isn't. That clock is correct." I looked down at my watch and said "bloody hell!" "What?" George set down a stack of boxes with a huff. "Goldie was supposed to be here an hour ago." "She's probably busy. She is a healer. I'm sure that job is hard." "We're supposed to have lunch together." I said deflatedly. "You could always check and see if she still can. Maybe something came up." I turned to him and he set down another stack of boxes, wiping his face. "You sure? Are you going to be able to unload all that by yourself?" George nodded and said "I'll use a spell if I have to." "Ok. I won't be gone long." George nodded again and I went outside, apparating to St. Mungo's. I opened the doors and saw that it was eerily quiet. I walked to the receptionist desk and said "excuse me?" The girl looked up at me and said "can I help you?" "Goldie March. She's a healer here. Could you tell me if she's here or if she left?" "Goldie March?" "Yes." The girl sighed obnoxiously and looked to a list on the wall. "Yes, she's here." "Erm, is she busy at the moment?" "How should I know? I just work this desk." I blinked a few times and said "ok." "Fred?" I turned to see Woody Evergreen. He looked me up and down and I said "Woody? You work here?" "Yeah. I do. Why're you looking for Goldie? She won't be happy to see you." I felt my heart begin to thump and I said "what?" "You guys broke up. What're you doing here?" Relief washed over my body as he didn't know the details. "We're back together. We got back together a couple of days ago." Woody furrowed his eyebrows and said "she didn't tell me that." "Woody, where is she?" "Her office." "And where is that?" "I'll take you. Just come on." I followed Woody through the hospital until we reached offices. I saw a glass door with Goldie's name painted on it. I turned the doorknob and opened the door. Goldie looked up, stress evident on her face. "Oh. Freddie." She said. "We were supposed to have lunch, darling." "Oh, things got hectic here. I'm so sorry, Fred. I forgot." "You two really are back together?" Woody said. Goldie nodded and said "yes. I meant to tell you, Woody, but things got so crazy here." Woody looked at me and said "my bad. I was just looking out for Goldie. I didn't want you to cause an upset while she was at work." I bit my lip and said "if we were still broken up, I probably wouldn't of come here. This is her workplace." Woody nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him. "He's barmy." I shook my head and sat down across from Goldie. A giggle left her lips. "Barmy? Does that mean crazy?" I nodded and said "yeah." Goldie stood up and approached me, my eyes going to the skirt on her body. "He's been a bit protective of me since he heard we broke up. I don't think he was happy about it." Goldie's legs looked amazing, thigh high socks hugging her legs. "It's not his business." I told her. Goldie cupped my cheek and said "he's fine. He just felt bad for me." I pulled Goldie into my lap and she hugged me, kissing my cheek. "So, are we still on for lunch?" She said. "If you're able to. Are you able to?" I asked. Goldie giggled and said "yes." She got off my lap and stood up and the two of us quickly apparated back to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. "Goldie! Fred!" Alta said. I looked up at her and said "what is it?" "Would you guys have lunch with us? We're trying to plan out the wedding to be in a couple of weeks." Goldie looked at me and I said "yeah. Sure." We went up to George and I's flat. "So, we were thinking of having the wedding in exactly two weeks. Goldie is going to be the maid of honor." Alta said. Goldie gasped and "I will?" Alta nodded and said "you're my best friend and Lena likes you so much so, who else was going to do it?" I put my arm around Goldie who was over the moon. Yelena began to set down plates in front of us. "George let us in. I hope that's ok." Yelena said to me. I shook my head and said "that's totally fine." Yelena had made a pasta that looked delicious. "If you don't mind me asking, where's Zophia?" Yelena set down a pitcher of tea and said "she's with Alta's mum today. She took her clothes shopping. Plus, she gets to go to Hogwarts next year. So, she's very excited." "Awe, she'll love it." Goldie said. I nodded in agreement and said "she's going to have a blast." Alta twirled some pasta onto her fork and said "and we were thinking of getting a place for all of us to stay. Maybe two. And one of them would have all of us young adults and teenagers in it and the other one would have like Molly and Arthur, Grady and my mum. And anyone who'd rather be in the calmer cabin." "Who're you all inviting?" Goldie asked as she sipped on her tea. "Well, obviously Fred and George are invited. Then there's Ron, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Angelina, Lee, and possibly Oliver. And do you guys think Percy would want to be there? Since I'm inviting the majority of his family?" "Percy would probably want to be there, yeah. He's trying to make amends with everyone since he's been working at the ministry. He was working right under the minister. So, everyone was telling him that Voldemort wasn't back. I think he'd like to." I said. Alta nodded and said "then, I'll gladly invite him." "Can't forget Colin." Yelena said as she ate a large forkful of noodles. "Oh, gosh, Colin! I haven't seen him in ages." Goldie said as she looked down at her plate of food. "Why does Creevey need to be there?" Yelena looked at me and said "because he has to take the pictures." "He wrote to me when I graduated from Hogwarts. He should be about fifteen now. Gosh, I remember when he started his first year at Hogwarts." Goldie sighed. I nudged Goldie who rolled her eyes at me and Alta said "we were thinking of getting married on a beach. In America." "Ooh! Where?" Goldie asked excitedly. "Santa Cruz." A gasp left Goldie's lips. "Santa Cruz?! Oh my gosh! I haven't been there in so long. Do you have all the preparations set? Me and my dad could help you." "We're going to need it. We need two large cabins on the beach. One for all of us and one for the other guests." "My dad will find the perfect spot. He's always been good at that. Finding the perfect vacation spot." "Then it's settled. Santa Cruz it is." Yelena smiled at Alta and Goldie said "now we have to go dress shopping!!" Alta and Goldie squealed while Yelena and I winced at how loud they were. "I'll need a suit." Yelena said to me. I smirked and said "George and I can help with that." George came into the room and said "Fred, can you go down and watch the shop? I'm kinda hungry." "Georgie!" Goldie said as she stood up, rushing over to give him a hug. George chuckled as he caught her, hugged her. "Hi, Goldie." "How's your day been?" She looked up at him, George's arms going around her waist. "It's been good. I'm assuming you've all been wedding planning up here?" "Yes. We have. You and Freddie need to help Yelena find a suit." Goldie booped George's nose which caused him to giggle. I stood up and said "Goldie, I'm going down to the shop." She checked her watch and said "I have to get back to work. I'll see you later." She kissed George's cheek and then walked over to me, kissing my lips. I cupped her cheek, not wanting to let her go. Goldie patted my chest and said "I'll back later, Fred." She went outside and apparated. "Dad can help you with the portkey." George said as he sat down across from Alta who said "he can?" "Dad's great at portkey's. Wouldn't you say so, Fred?" I nodded and said "yeah. He's pretty good." I left the three of them, going down to the shop to make sure business would continue to run smoothly.

Next chapter will have a lot of sexual content surrounding it!! If you don't want to read, you can simply skip it! Please don't report the book or chapter!!

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