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Chapter sixty one
Truth or Dare
Goldie's POV:
Arthur had readied the portkey which would take us to our vacation villas/cabins for the wedding. Him and my dad had worked hard on it. But we'd be going in groups since there was so many of us. The first would consist of Alta, Yelena, Fred and George, Ginny, and myself. Arthur went with us and then took the portkey back. The six of us entered our cabin. It was huge. Ginny gasped in awe and Alta picked up a piece of paper. "So, there's three master bedrooms. Those are for the couples. There's two bedrooms with single beds in them and there's two bedrooms which have like two to three twin beds in them." She said. "I'm getting a single bed. I want my own room." Ginny rushed up the stairs to claim her room. Fred pulled me up the stairs, I struggled to keep up with him. "Freddie! You're legs are way longer than mine! I can't keep up!" Fred turned around to look at me as we reached the top of the stairs. "Well, I'll carry you then." Fred scooped me up in his arms and carried me into one of the bedrooms. "I like this one. The bed is huge. And I can make sweet love to you." Fred kissed my neck and I giggled. The sound of the portkey entered the air and Fred said "I'm gonna grab our bags and bring them up here. Stay here." Fred left the room and I sat down and laid back against the bed, feeling it move slightly. My eyes widened and I realized it was a water bed. "Woah." I said as I felt the water rippling under me. Ginny came in and said "so, I took the single bedroom next to you and Fred's. I'd appreciate it if I didn't hear the two of you later on." I rolled my eyes at her and Ginny sat down next to me, jumping up when the bed moved. "What is that?!" She said. "It's a water bed. Muggles had them in the 80s and late 70s. I guess this one is still around. I think they sort of died down in the 90s." Ginny sat back down next to me and gasped softly. "So, there's water in the mattress?" "Yeah." "Wicked." Fred said from the doorway. He set our bags down and walked over to the water bed, falling onto it. A snack was heard and a "oof" left Fred's lips. "You ok?" I said. "Didn't expect it to be so hard." He replied. I shook my head and said "probably should've laid on your back." "Yeah. The stomach was not a good way to go." Ginny chuckled and more voices were heard. George and Angelina's giggles erupted as they went to the bedroom down the hall, the door slamming shut. "They're worse than we are." Fred said as he sat up. I rolled my eyes playfully and Ginny said "how are the two of you going to shag on this bed? There's not much stability. Like if you were to press down, it might be hard to find the right grip. Since there's water in it." Fred pulled me over to him and got on top of me. "Fred, what're you doing?" I tried to push him off of me and he said "I'm testing this to make sure I can shag you on this bed." His crotch was flush with mine and I awaited for him to do something. "I think it's possible." Fred said as he ground his hips down against mine. I pushed him off of me and shook my head. "I guess it is." Fred kissed my cheek multiple times and Ginny said "the two of you are gross. But cute." "Thank you, Ginny." I said with a smile. "Shut up, Gin." Fred retorted.


It was after dinner and everyone had settled in. We were all sitting in front of the fireplace on the floor. Yelena smirked and said "I have an idea. So, I was thinking we could play truth or dare." Fred and George smirked and high fived each other. "But not normal truth or dare. The version I want to play, also includes spin the bottle." "How does that work?" Harry asked. "Well, if you accept a truth or a dare, it has to me something sexual. Like say you get truth, you have to tell everyone in the room who you've always wanted to fuck. Or if you get dare, make out with someone in the room or engage in sexual activities with them." Hermione's face turned red and she said "do we have to?" "Only if you want. Nobody is forced to do anything because of boundaries and consent. But, I hope you'll all play." Harry adjusted his glasses on his face and said "I'm down." The twins smirked at Yelena and she was pleased to know they'd be playing. "I'll play." I said. "Me too." Ginny added. Alta nodded at Yelena and Lee said "I'm definitely playing. The majority of us were going to play. It was Yelena, Alta, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Fred and George, Lee, Percy, Angelina, Oliver, Luna and I. Hermione was mostly going to watch but participate in some stuff. Lee had also brought Simone since he had a plus one. Simone wasn't playing and Yelena said "who wants to go first?" Harry raised his hand and spun the bottle. The bottle landed on Ron. "Ron. Truth or dare?" "Truth." Ron answered quickly. "Out of all these girls in the room, who's the one you've wanted to shag the most?" Fred and George began to cackle with laughter, wanting to hear their brother's answer. Ron gulped and his eyes scanned the room. "Uh, I'd have to say...Goldie or Hermione." Hermione's eyes widened and her face started to turn red. My eyes widened and George said "like the older women, eh, Ron?" I hit George and said "I'm not that much older." Yelena chuckled at Ron's answer and said "I'll go next." Yelena spun the bottle and it landed on me. Fred wolf whistled and George smirked at me. "Goldie, truth or dare?" "Dare." I was feeling a little ballsy tonight. Yelena's eyes went around the room. She was choosing someone. I quickly looked down at my lap, I didn't want to know who she chose. "Goldie, I dare you to make out with Angelina. For ten seconds." I looked up at Angelina who nodded and said "I'll do it." I left my spot from in between Fred and George, going over to Angelina. I sat on the opposite side of her so her back was to George and Fred. I cupped her cheek and she leaned in. Her lips were plump and full as they moved against mine. I had never kissed a girl before. It was different. Totally different than when I kiss Fred. Angelina pulled me in closer, deepening the kiss. "Bloody hell." I heard George mumble softly. Alta chuckled in disbelief and Yelena said "that's ten seconds." I pulled away from Angelina. She looked down and I could feel my cheeks heating up. George's lips were parted in awe and he adjusted his pants, looking at Angelina and I. Fred gripped a handful of the carpet under us in his hand. I went back to sit in between the twins and I heard George's heavy breathing. Fred adjusted his pants and Yelena said "who's next?" "Me." George said quickly. He spun the bottle which somehow landed on me. I gulped and looked at Fred who glared at his brother. "Truth or dare?" "Dare." I said quietly. George nodded and said "I dare you to make me cum in my pants." Lee spit his firewhisky and Oliver's eyes went wide. I looked at Angelina who nodded. I then looked at Fred. He said "sure. Why not?" I was in shock that Fred had even agreed to it. "In front of everyone?" I asked. George nodded and I mumbled a curse word under my breath. "That's not appropriate." Hermione said as I straddled George, feeling his hard on poke my clothed crotch. "Shut up, Hermione." Ron and Harry said in unison. She scoffed and I put my hands on George's shoulders, starting to move my hips slowly. A relieved groan left his lips and Fred scoffed. "You're pathetic." He spat. "Piss off. You're just as hard." The younger twin retorted. George leaned his head on my chest, his hands going to my hips to guide me. I wouldn't dare look at anyone in the room. I knew everyone was watching. George's moans sounded so much similar to Fred's. Just a little bit deeper. "Are you close, Georgie?" I whispered where only he could hear. "Yeah. I'm real close. I'm really close, Dee Dee." Lee started to snigger at his best friend and Angelina watched in awe. A tiny moan came from me and that's what sent George over the edge. He gripped my hips hard, moaning into the crook of my neck. I held him to my chest and ran my fingers through his hair gently. "You ok?" I said. George nodded and kissed my cheek. "You're fucking amazing." I blushed a bit as George looked up at me. "Come on then! Let's see the evidence!" Lee said. A sigh left George's lips and I got off of his lap carefully, my eyes widening at the wet spot on his trousers. "How long have you been wanting to do that, George?" Lee asked cheekily. "Long time." George replied with his eyes closed. I went and sat back down in between the twins. Ron gulped and said "well, seems like we'll all have to do something close to that, eh?" Harry nodded and I looked at the ground, slightly feeling ashamed. "I'm next." Lee said as he went to grab the bottle. "Freddie?" I said softly. I saw Fred look at me in my peripheral vision. "Are you mad at me?" "No. It was a dare. You're not in love with him." Fred said in a gruff voice. "You promise you're not mad at me?" I looked up at him. George stood up and left the room, going to change his pants. "No, it was kinda hot. I assume that's what I look like when I'm with you." He whispered in my ear. He grabbed my hand, kissing it. I smiled at Fred and the bottle was now pointing at Fred. "Truth or dare, Fred?" "Dare." "I dare you to kiss me." Lee said with a smirk. "Done." Fred stood up and approached him. Alta covered her mouth in shock as Fred placed his lips on Lee's. Yelena and George who had just come back, screamed in shock. Percy rolled his eyes and even Ron was applauding. "I need a shot of firewhisky now." Fred said. Ginny handed me a shot which I quickly downed. Fred and Lee both took one and Luna said "I'll go next." Hermione looked over at her and Ginny watched with anticipation as the bottle spun around the room. "Ginny, truth or dare?" Luna asked sweetly. "Truth." Ginny said. "Who's the prettiest girl in the room?" Luna smiled at her and Ginny chuckled. Hermione brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Angelina leaned her head on George's shoulder and he kissed her forehead, reaching for a shot of firewhisky. "Well, if I'm perfectly honest, I'd have to see Goldie. Or you, Luna." "Really? Me?" Luna said as she blushed. I looked at Ginny who smirked at me. "I'll go." I said as I reached for the bottle. Fred clapped and I spun the bottle. The bottle landed on Alta. "Alta, truth or dare?" "Dare." Alta said proudly. Yelena smirked at her future wife and I said "I dare you to fuck Percy in the next room." Fred, George and Ron busted out laughing, George holding his stomach. "It'll be Percy's first!" Fred laughed loudly. "Shut up, you prat!" Percy yelled. Ron started to wheeze and Harry chuckled at his best friend. Yelena looked at Alta who said "I don't have to." "No, go ahead. I know you won't leave me for Percy." Yelena replied. That made the twins laugh even harder, Fred wiping tears from his eyes. Alta stood up and approached Percy, holding her hand out for him. "Nobody's sleeping in the downstairs bedroom, right?" Alta said. Everyone shook their head and Alta pulled Percy up to his feet. "Come on, Perce." Hermione hit Ron on the shoulder and Ginny said "are we still playing?" "Yeah, we'll still play. But no crazy dares until they come back. So, if you're going to pick dare, let's leave it to kissing or simple stuff like touching someone's boob." Yelena replied.

Alta's POV:
Percy and I were alone in the downstairs bedroom. Percy ran a hand through his curly hair. His hair was quite pretty. "Is it really your first time?" I asked. Percy looked everywhere but me and said "yes. I'm losing my virginity to a girl who happens to be a lesbian." "Well, it's technically my first time. First time having a dick inside me." Percy rolled his eyes and said "do we have to do it?" "We could fake it. But that's up to you." Percy made a face as if he was thinking about it and then said "I'll do it. Otherwise my idiotic siblings will tease me for the rest of my life." I nodded and said "cool." I sat down on the bed and put my hand in my shorts, rubbing my crotch over my panties. Percy's eyes widened and I said "I have to get wet a bit. And kinda get myself in the mood." Percy's eyes stayed on my hand that was inside my shorts. His curls fell into his face and I saw him adjusting his pants. I took off my shirt and Percy slowly started to get undressed. I took off my shorts and panties. I continued to rub at my clit and Percy's lips parted. I motioned for him to get on the bed with me. "Are you ready?" He asked. "Yeah. I'm good." I guided him to my entrance and felt him push inside me. I gasped at the feeling and Percy held back a groan. "Whoa." I said softly. "What?" Percy said. "I've only ever felt plastic ones inside me. This is totally different." Percy nodded and I told him he could move. He moved slowly at first but after a minute or so I told him he could go faster. I closed my eyes, enjoying the pleasure I was currently feeling. I felt Percy's balls slap against me as he moved back and forth. He buried his face into the crook of my neck and I said "harder, Percy." He gladly obliged and the two of us began to moan loudly. I could hear our group of friends cheering us on. Fred and George specifically. I gripped onto Percy's shoulders and I felt him kiss my neck up and down. "Percy, you feel so good." Whines left Percy's lips. I could feel him twitching inside me and could tell he was close. And I was surprised that I was as well. "Godric, I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum, Alta." "Cum for me, Percy." That was all it took for Percy to come undone. I could feel him spilling inside me. I gasped as I tightened around his cock, cumming directly after him. The both of us slowly came down from our highs and Percy pulled out slowly. He looked down at my crotch and I could feel his cum leaking out. Percy stared in awe and said "whoa." "You were pretty good. Any girl would be lucky to have you." I told him. Percy half smiled and said "thanks." I sat up and used a cleaning spell on the both of us. "Ready to go back?" Percy nodded.

Goldie's POV:
Who hasn't gone yet?" Hermione said. "I'll spin." Ron said as he spun the bottle. I was hoping the bottle didn't land on me. It ended up landing on George. "I don't have to do anything with George, do I?" Ron said in shock. "No, of course not." Yelena replied. "Ok. Uhm, George, truth or dare?" "Truth." Ron nodded and went to think of a question he could ask George. "If you weren't in love with Angelina and you were single, which girl in this room would you want to be with? Or shag, I should say." George clicked his tongue and his eyes scanned the females in the room. "It's hard to say. Angie would definitely be my number one but if I wasn't with her, it'd probably have to be...Goldie." "Shoot." I mumbled, not wanting attention back on me. "Want my girlfriend, eh, George?" Fred questioned. "If I was single, yeah." George retorted. I looked at Angelina who said "my turn." She grabbed the bottle and spun it. I gave her an "I'm sorry" type look. Which she shook her head and mouthed "you're fine. It's ok." The bottle landed on Lee. "Hello, Lee." Angelina said. Lee winked at her and she said "I dare you to kiss me and grab my tits while doing so." "Done." George eyed Angelina and watched her approach his best friend. "Angie, don't." He whispered. She set herself down in front of Lee and started to kiss him, the two of them beginning to make out. Lee's hands cupped her breasts and George reached for a shot of firewhisky, downing it. And then did three more after that. Angelina pulled away from Lee and everyone applauded. She went to sit back down on the other side of George who could barely keep his eyes open. "I needanother shot." He mumbled as he grabbed the firewhisky again. "Slow down, mate." Fred told him. "Piss off." George replied as he did another shot. Harry grabbed the firewhisky and said "that's enough for you." Hermione said "I'll go." She spun the bottle and it landed on Harry. "Truth or dare?" "Truth?" "Who's prettier? Me or Ginny?" Harry gulped and said "you're both pretty." "Ugh, who are you more attracted to?" Just as Harry went to answer, Percy and Alta's moans were heard. Ron and Fred began cheering, along with Ginny who clapped. George clapped a few times before falling onto his back. I looked over at him and said "George?" "Georgie?" Angelina said. He opened his eyes and said "why'd you do it, Angie? Why'd you kiss him?" "It was apart of the game, George. I didn't get upset with what you and Goldie did." She said. "I didn't kiss her. I wouldn't do that to you. I love you, Angelina." "I know, George. I know you do." The younger twin then sat up quickly, holding his stomach. "Oh, I'm gonna be sick." He rushed off to the bathroom which was down the hall. "Looks like someone had too much firewhisky." Lee commented. Ron sniggered and Harry finally gave his answer. "Ginny." Ginny bit her lip and Fred nudged her playfully to which she hit his arm. "I'm gonna see if he's ok." Angelina said as she went off to find George. Alta and Percy then came back into the room. Percy's cheeks were flushed as he sat down. "For the first time actually feeling what a dick feels like. Percy wasn't too bad." Alta announced. Fred cackled and Alta noticed George and Angelina were missing. "Where'd George and Angelina go?" "He had too much firewhisky. So, I think he's puking and Angelina's helping." I replied. Alta nodded and Ginny said "my turn." Ginny spun the bottle and it landed on me. "Truth or dare, Dee Dee?" "Dare." I figured now that George was gone, the dare wouldn't be too serious. "I dare you to have sex with me." Now it was who Fred spit firewhisky. I was wishing I had picked truth. I nodded and Alta's mouth dropped. Yelena chuckled and said "I never thought you'd get down and dirty with the girls, Goldie." I didn't answer and Ginny said "Is there another bedroom downstairs? I don't want to go in a room where my brother just had sex." "There's one at the back of the hall. It's kinda small. Like the bed and everything." Ron said. Ginny nodded and grabbed my hand, pulling me to my feet and pulling me to the bedroom. Everyone cheered for us as we went inside. Ginny locked the door and said "we don't have to if you don't want to." I shook my head and said "it's fine. We're already here. And I'm not going to back out of a dare." Ginny nodded and said "ok." "You think Fred will be mad?" Ginny shook her head. "No. He'd be more pissed if you shagged George." "Why?" "Cause George is his equal. They're practically the same but different. Fred would feel betrayed if you shagged George. And if you were with George and shagged Fred, it'd absolutely crush George." I nodded and Ginny began peeling off her clothes. I did the same but slowly. Ginny looked my body up and down and said "you're so pretty." I bit my lip and said "so are you." Ginny's eyes went up and down my body, the two of us going to sit down on the bed. "How do we do this?" I asked softly. "However you want." She replied. Ginny's hand went to my chest, kneading my right breast in her hand. I leaned forward to kiss Ginny's neck to which she moaned. I slowly fell back against the bed, Ginny straddling me. The two of us kissed, our lips moved in sync. I cupped her cheek, wanting to pull her close. She moved her hips against mine, a soft moan leaving her lips. "I've thought about this for years if I'm honest, Goldie." "Really?" Ginny nodded and moved her hips against mine once again. The feeling of her clit rubbing against mine, felt amazing. "Like that, Ginny." I said quietly. Ginny smirked and started to move her hips at a steady pace. I wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her closer to me. I closed my eyes as pleasure began to build up in my stomach. Ginny kissed my neck up and down, nibbling softly. "Ginny. Oh, Gin." Ginny's hand ran up and down my body, her thrusts getting harder. "Come on then, let them hear you." I then let a loud moan come from my lips, Ginny doing the same. My hands went to her hips, guiding her back and forth on my hips. The pleasure I was feeling was immense, I never thought something like this could give me much pleasure. "Goldie, you feel amazing. Godric, you're amazing." I moved my hips against hers, increasing the pleasure. "Shit, Goldie." Ginny buried her face into the crook of my neck as the ropes inside our bodies were about to snap. "I'm close. I'm so close, Ginny." "Me too. Godric." I closed my eyes, squeezing Ginny's hips. I came first, gasping and moaning Ginny's name. "Ginny! Oh my god, I'm cumming." My legs shook as I panted, trying to catch my breath. "I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum, Goldie." Ginny thrusted harder and then moaned loudly. Her legs shook on either side of me, her body doing the same. I felt liquid on my clit as Ginny held me tightly. "Oh, Gin, you squirted." "Fuck! Fuck! Oh, Goldie, I'm cumming!" I stared up at Ginny in awe. Her body was slick with sweat and her nipples were hard and perky. I sat up, Ginny wrapping her arms around me. I sucked on her right breast before going to the left. "Godric." Ginny panted and her legs continued to shake. I rubbed her thigh gently and said "Ginny, that was..." "Stupendous." She whispered. I giggled and cupped her cheek, making her look down at me. "This doesn't change anything between us, right?" I shook my head at her. "No." "This doesn't bother you? That I've secretly wanted to do this? And you're with my brother?" Ginny waited for me to answer her. I shook my head again and she slowly lifted herself off of my lap, laying on her back. I laid on my side to face her and said "you think Freddie will be mad?" "No, I already told you. It's a dare. It won't matter to him." I looked down at the wet spot from Ginny and said "wow. I don't think I could do that." "Sure you could. I think you almost did today." Ginny said. I shrugged and said "yeah. Probably. But, I did good?" "You were bloody amazing." Ginny smirked. Ginny and I laid there for a couple of more minutes before returning back to the group. Alta and Yelena clapped for me. Alta said "you guys were loud. Looks like the two of you had a good time." George and Angelina were back, George sipping on water. I went and took my seat in between the twins, pulling a blanket onto my lap. Fred did the same. I felt Fred's hand on my arm, pulling me towards him. "Have fun, did you?" He asked. I nodded and said "yeah. It was ok." "Don't lie." He spat. I gulped and watched as someone was taking their turn. "Ginny made you feel good, eh?" Fred's voice was quiet but intimidating. I was the only one who could hear him. I nodded again. "Wait till we get back up to our room. I'm gonna make you cum so hard, I'll be the only one you can come to when you get all hot and bothered." My lips parted and Fred kissed my cheek, then going to kiss my lips. I kissed him back and I felt his hand slip under the leggings I wore. His hand was under the blanket so nobody would know exactly what he was doing. His hand went inside my panties, his fingers running through my folds. "Still wet?" I didn't look at him, my attention went to Luna who was currently making out with Ginny. "Don't worry, love. I'll take good care of you when the game is over." He brought his hand back up and I watched him lick his fingers. The game had started to die down. Mostly just kissing and exposing how you really felt about another person. "Goldie, truth or dare?" Oliver said. "Truth." I was no longer doing any dares. "Before you and Fred got together, how long did you like him?" Alta started giggling as she knew how long. I looked to Fred who was awaiting the answer. His breath fanned over my face as he moved closer, the smell of firewhisky entering my nostrils. "I liked him ever since I moved here. I think it was that night in the forbidden forest. Even though I cried and was terrified, Fred helped me. He was my knight in shining armor." Fred cupped my cheek and I heard Yelena take a turn. "Are you going to kiss me, Fred?" He nodded and said "yeah. And I'm gonna destroy you when the game's over." He pressed his lips to mine, kissing me passionately. I pulled on his collar, deepening the kiss. "Fuck it." Fred mumbled as he pulled away. He looked to the group and said "Goldie and I are going to retreat for the night." He pulled me away from the group and up the stairs to our bedroom. My mind was still reeling from the powerful orgasm I had with Ginny as Fred undressed me. He locks the door and now I was under him as he stared at my naked body. He went down to my crotch and licked up my slit. I gasped and my hands flew to his hair. He started to suck on my clit harshly. He wrapped his arms around my thighs to keep me in place. As much as I wanted Fred in between my legs, I was becoming sensitive. I tried to scoot out from under him, Fred holding me in place. I pulled on his hair hard which made Fred groan against my clit. "Fred, I'm-" I then felt myself cumming under him. Gasps left my lips as I ground against his face, Fred helping me through my orgasm. I panted and Fred came out from in between my legs. "I need a minute. I'm sensitive. Just g-give me a minute." Fred smirked down at me and said "my sister made you cum so hard, yeah?" I nodded, not being able to answer him. I grabbed his shirt and said "you're still dressed." Fred pulled off his shirt and stood up, patting my thigh. He unbuttoned his pants and my eyes widened at the tent in his boxers. He took off his boxers and started to jerk himself off. I bit my lip as soft moans left Fred's lips. "Are you ready for me, love?" "Yeah. I think so." Fred quickly got on top of me carefully, positioning himself at my entrance. He ran the head of his dick through my folds. I shuddered and Fred chuckled. Fred threw his head back as he pushed inside me. I stared up at him as he started to move. His red hair stuck to his forehead even though we just started. He leaned down to leave kisses up and down my neck, leaving a hickey. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he went to pull away from me. He furrowed his eyebrows at me and o said "stay here. I wanna be close to you." Fred kissed my forehead and then kissed my lips passionately. "Whatever you want, darling." His thrusts started to pick up speed and I held onto him for dear life, not wanting him to leave me. "Fred-Freddie." Airy moans and pants left my lips. "You gonna cum, Goldie?" "I'm so close. Fred...it's too much." Fred reached down to my clit and rubbed it quickly. "Godric, you're squeezing me. Cum for me, Goldie. Come on." I gasped for air as I felt my orgasm washing over me. "Freddie, oh my god." My nails dug into Fred's back, dragging down it. My legs started to shake and I closed my eyes, trying to calm down. Fred came directly after me, pulling out to cum on my stomach. I felt him spurt on my stomach and thighs. "Shit, Goldie." I opened my eyes and Fred chuckled. I furrowed my eyebrows and he said "you squirted. It was kinda hot. You looked so beautiful doing it too." I looked in between my legs at the wet spot. "I did that?" Fred nodded and said "yep. Now, could Ginny or George make you feel that way?" I shook my head at him and said "no. Of course not." Fred kissed my lips passionately and used a cleaning spell to clean the both of us up. I laid back down on my back and Fred pulled me onto his chest. "I love you." He said softly. "I love you too, Fred." "I didn't hurt you, did I? You were ok?" He asked. "I was a bit overstimulated but I was ok. You could never hurt me, Fred." Fred held me tighter and said "I would hope not, darling." "You couldn't." I kissed his lips and then laid back down on his chest. I reached up to play with his hair and he smiled lazily at me. "You're absolutely gorgeous." He mumbled. "So are you. I'm very lucky to have you as a boyfriend." I replied. Fred played with my curls and said "I would've died without you." "Me too. I'll never leave you, Fred." "And I'll never leave you, Goldie."

Here's the update!! I apologize for people who don't like stuff like this but the idea came up in my head and I've literally never written stuff like this. I've written smut before but I've never done something like this. So, I hope the people who do like this stuff, I hope you all enjoyed it!!

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