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Chapter sixty two
Alta and Yelena's wedding
Goldie's POV:
I had randomly woken up. I was beyond annoyed, considering I had a wedding to go to in a couple of hours. My head buzzed a bit from the small amount of firewhisky that I had after Ginny and I's encounter. I still couldn't believe I had done it. Fred and I had changed into pajamas before we went to sleep. "Goldie?" Fred mumbled. I turned to look at him and said "I'm here, Fred." "Why don't we get married? Like in a couple of years? After this war that's about to happen. It'll be me, you, Poppy and a dog. We have to get a dog. And then, possibly, maybe, a baby." I went to respond but he started mumbling incoherently. I half smiled at him as it was normal for him to mumble and talk in his sleep. I ran a hand through his hair and then slowly got out of the bed, going to use the bathroom. I winced as I was sore. "Jesus, Fred." I said softly. I quickly used the restroom and went back to bed, snuggling up next to him. "Is it time for our wedding?" I looked at Fred who's eyes were closed and I figured he was just talking in his sleep. I leaned down to kiss his cheek and Fred pulled me onto his chest. "I want to have a big wedding. With lots of people and everyone's dancing." I looked at him and said "really?" "Yeah. I wanna dance with you and just hold you. I know you'll look so pretty in your wedding dress." I smiled and nuzzled my face into his chest. "Guys." Alta said from the doorway. I looked at her and she said "are you guys getting up soon?" I nodded and she said "ok. I'll leave you guys to it." I kissed Fred's jaw and then went to his neck, kissing it. Fred moaned contentedly and I said "we have to start getting ready." Fred opened his eyes and said "hi, love." I cupped his cheek and said "hi." "How are you? Sore? Or are you ok?" "I'm a bit sore. But, I enjoyed everything last night. We have to start getting ready. For the wedding." "Ours?" I shook my head while giggling. "No, Fred. Alta and Yelena's." Fred furrowed his eyebrows and said "you sure it's not ours?" "I think you were dreaming about it." Fred sighed and said "I must've. Well, I'll go ahead and leave you girls to it." I nodded and went to get my dress out of my suitcase and Fred leaned against the doorframe. "What color is your dress?" Fred smirked at me and I said "green. What color is your suit?" "Blue." I bit my lip and said "really? I don't think I've ever seen you in blue." "It's a nice one." I nodded and said "ok, well, go and get ready. I have to help Alta and Zophia." I pushed Fred out of the room and Fred grabbed me, pulling me to him. He kissed my lips and I giggled against his lips. "Go." I said. He left and went towards George's room. I grabbed my dress and makeup, going to Alta's room. Zophia sat down and said "George is ok, right?" I furrowed my eyebrows and she said "Ginny said he got sick last night. You all were playing a game and George got sick. Is he ok?" I nodded and said "yeah. He's perfectly fine." "And Freddie is ok?" I nodded again. Zophia smiled and Alta started on her hair, braiding it. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail which was somewhat fancy. Ginny walked in with Hermione and said "I didn't know everyone was in here." "Sorry. We've all been getting ready." Alta replied. I went to grab my dress so I could then start on my makeup. "Whoa." Ginny said as she looked at my dress. "Do you think he'll like it?" "Fred? He's going to die. I'm dying just looking at it." Ginny said as her eyes went up and down.

I blushed a bit and said "Ginny." "I mean it. You look beautiful." Hermione nodded in agreement and said "it's a beautiful dress." Zophia smiled up at me and said "Freddie's gonna love it!" I felt a lot more confident than before and went to start on my makeup which was light and nothing too crazy. Maisie and Molly came in to help Alta into her wedding dress. "Where's Lena?" Alta said. "She's finished. She's with the boys at the moment." Molly replied. I stared at Alta as she was in her wedding dress. I thought about what Fred had said. Did he actually want to marry me someday? Or was it just a dream he had? I had never seen myself with anyone else but Fred. All I wanted was him and I did want to grow old with him one day. Especially with how things were in the wizarding world at the moment. We needed to cherish moments like these. Alta looked at us all and Luna said "you look beautiful." I smiled at Alta and said "Yelena might die when she sees you." Hermione nodded in agreement.

Zophia still wasn't dressed so I quickly helped her into her dress which was white like Alta's. Ginny swooned at Zophia and Alta did the same. "What color is Freddie wearing?" Zophia said to me. I smiled and said "blue." "Ooh!" I giggled and said "you think my dress will look good with his suit?" "Want me to check for you?" I nodded and Zophia rushed out of the room, on a mission to find Fred.

Imagine this dress on a bigger kid guys!!

The rest of us got ready and then headed to the reception hall. Zophia rushed over to me and said "wait till you see Freddie's suit! It's so pretty!" I smiled at her and we all made our way to our designated spots. Angelina stood next to me, in a black dress. "Do you think they behaved themselves?" Angelina said. I sighed and said "I hope so." "We did behave ourselves. Have ye little faith?" The twins asked in unison. Angelina and I turned around to be met with our boyfriends. George wore orange which I think was his signature color. He winked at Angelina and then gave me a smile. Angelina shook her head at him and I looked at Fred who winked like his brother. "Hi, love." He said. I smiled and said "hi, Freddie." He looked my dress up and down and said "you look stunning." "Thank you." Fred's hands went to my hips as his eyes continued to go up and down my body. I looked at his suit which was blue velvet and George's was orange velvet. "I love your suit, Freddie." He smirked and said "thank you." His thumbs drew circles into my hips and Fred bit his lip. "Can I kiss you?" "You don't have to ask, Fred." He nodded and leaned down to kiss my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. Fred deepened the kiss and then pulled away, leaning his forehead against mine. I pecked his lips a few times before Fred kissed me passionately. A small moan left his lips and I pulled away, Fred's eyes still closed. "Are we all ready?" Yelena said, clad in a white suit. Alta was in another room with her mom since her mom would technically be walking her down the aisle.

"Pretty much." George said as he put his arm around Angelina. Zophia held a basket of flowers and Molly made all of us sit down and get ready for the reception. I sat down next to Fred who took my hand. He played with my fingers and tapped his foot. "Nervous?" I said. Fred looked at me and said "yeah. I don't know why." I leaned my head on his shoulder and said "you dreamt about us getting married. You were mumbling about it in your sleep." "Oh, was I?" Fred said, his cheeks turning pink. I nodded. "It was cute. I guess you dreamt about it because of everything that's happening today." Fred looked down at our hands, playing with our fingers again. "Goldie, I'm usually very confident when it comes to you and everything. But, marriage, it's something I do want with you and just because of the events happening today, doesn't change how I feel. I've dreamt about it before. I dreamt about it a lot when we were broken up. Today was the first time in months where I woke up without tears." His eyes never left our hands. I looked at my boyfriend who didn't express how he felt a lot of the time. He sighed deeply and I said "Fred, I want that as well. You're the only one I've ever wanted. I want to grow old with you." Fred looked at me and said "really?" I cupped his cheek with my free hand and said "of course." Fred gave me a hug and said "oh, Goldie." He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck and I held him close to me, not wanting to let him go. The music started and Alta was walking down the aisle. Fred pulled away from me and we watched Alta walk alongside her mother as Yelena stood at the end, waiting for Alta. Zophia led the way as she sprinkled flowers onto the ground. Fred and George swooned at Zophia who quickly rushed over to the both them, giving each one a kiss on the cheek. Fred gave Zophia a hug and she clung to him, Fred returning a kiss to her cheek. She smiled and Fred motioned for her to follow her adoptive mother. Zophia went to where Alta was and I felt Fred squeeze my hand. I held his arm and stared up at him as he watched Yelena and Alta be married to one another.

Alta's POV:
I watched Zophia give each of the twins a kiss. I smiled and then my heart began to beat fast as I made my way over to Yelena. My mother went to sit down and Yelena smirked at me. "Do you have the rings?" Yelena said to Zophia. Zophia held them out to Yelena who patted her shoulder.

"Can I go sit now?" Zophia asked. I nodded and she rushed over to Fred, climbing into his lap. "Zophia." I began. Fred shook his head and said "it's fine." George turned around to look at his brother. Zophia was clinging to Fred and George sniggered. "Piss off." Fred said. "Yeah, piss off." Zophia said. I gasped and Fred immediately covered Zophia's mouth. George feigned shock and said "that's rather naughty." Yelena chuckled and made me look at her, drawing my attention away from Zophia. I stared at Yelena, not being able to take my eyes off of her. She looked so professional. So reserved. She always did but today it looked better than it ever had. She slid my ring onto my finger and I stared at her, in shock that we were even getting married. I slid her ring onto her finger and she cupped my cheek, kissing me passionately. My mom was currently screaming in the front row next to Goldie's dad who clapped but gave my mother a crazy look. Goldie stood next to Fred, clapping and wiping a tear from her eye. Fred tried to clap as best as he could but was holding Zophia so he just gave me a thumbs up. Angelina clapped loudly along with Luna. Now it was time to go eat and dance the night away. Yelena barely left my side all night and was planning our honeymoon. "So, where's Zophia going to stay?" I asked Yelena as we sat down to eat. Yelena shrugged and said "won't Goldie take care of her?" "She works during the day. She can watch her at night but who'll watch her during the day?" I ate a piece of chicken off my plate and Yelena said "couldn't Fred and George take shifts? Watching her?" "Maybe. It would have to be something we talked to them about." "I'll do it. Don't stress. Zophia will be fine. Enjoy the wedding. I'll go and talk to them." Yelena stood up and left me at the table. Goldie, Ginny, Angelina, and Luna then sat down. Hermione followed. "So, Alta is now married. It's time for the rest of us to get married." Angelina said. Goldie smiled and Hermione said "before I get married, I want my career to be sorted and ready." "What do you want to do?" Luna asked her. "I'd like to become an auror." Ginny nodded and said "that seems like a cool job. I think I might do that too. Unless I just stick with quidditch." She laughed and Angelina said "you all can be whatever you want. Just put your mind to it. You'll get there." Goldie looked at me and said "how does it feel to be married?" "Oh, Godric, it's amazing. I'm Yelena's and she's mine. And we can now raise Zophia. I suspect her Hogwarts letter will come next year." I said. "What makes you say that?" Hermione said. "Zophia's ten. She'll be eleven in a couple of months. Then Lena and I will have to ship her off to Hogwarts." "What house do you think she'll end up in?" Luna took a sip of her pumpkin juice and I said "Hufflepuff. But, Ravenclaw would also be great." "Well, whichever house she ends up in, we'll take care of her." Ginny said to me. I smiled and noticed Yelena talking to the twins. "Ugh, I don't want to go back to school." "Neither do I." Ginny and Hermione complained. "Goldie." She looked at me and said "what's up?" "Since Lena and I are going on our honeymoon, you'll make sure Zophia is ok?" Goldie furrowed her eyebrows and said "of course. I wouldn't let anything happen to her. And neither would Fred. He's so good with her. Makes me want to see him as a father one day. Hopefully." "You're absolutely smitten over my brother aren't you?" Ginny cut in. Goldie nodded while her cheeks turned pink. "Fred will take care of her. As will I. She loves Fred and he loves her. George does too. I'll even stay at the flat so she can be in her room and won't be away from home." Goldie reassured me. "She can go to Fred and George's." "You sure?" I nodded. Yelena came back over to me and pulled me onto the dance floor, the two of us swaying back and forth. The song that was currently playing was slow. Mostly everyone was on the dance floor. I noticed Zophia with Ron and Harry in a corner. Harry chuckled at her and Ron did the same as she explained something to them. I looked to my left to see Fred Weasley holding my best friend as if this would be the last time he ever did. His arms were around the small of her back and hers around his neck. There was barely any space between them as Fred swayed Goldie back and forth gently. George and Angelina were the same. He held onto that girl as if he'd lose her. Fred buried his face into the crook of Goldie's neck, holding her even closer. "What's up?" Yelena asked me. I shook my head and said "nothing. Just observing everyone else. We're the only married ones in the room. Out of our friends." Yelena chuckled and said "they'll all get there. Tonight's about me and you. And the rest of this week. I can't wait to live the rest of my days with you. I'm very excited to be spending my life with you and Zophia. I never thought I'd have a child. Ever. Because I knew I'd never be with a man. And then Zophia came along. She was alone and I figured she had parents looking for her. I didn't want to get attached. But, now that little girl has ahold of my heart and I can't get it back. Just like you do." I stared at my wife in shock and then hugged her, not wanting to let her go. "Lena, I was in love with you since the first time I saw you. Even though you were extremely intimidating and didn't talk much, I loved you. After we had been together for a while, I hoped we'd get married. I didn't think it'd actually happen though." I mumbled into her chest. Lena's hand went up and down my back and she said "Alta, I'd do anything for you. And Zophia. I am ready to spend this next chapter of my life with you." "Me too." A couple of more slow songs were played and Lena and I just danced, ignoring everything in the room. I couldn't ask for anything more. The night slowly but surely came to a close. "You'll take Zophia?" I asked Goldie. She nodded and said "of course." Fred was currently holding her, she was asleep in his arms. "I'll see you all when we get back." George smiled at me and said "have a nice honeymoon, Alta." Angelina sighed and said "I have work tomorrow. I'm gonna go, Georgie." George kissed her lips and Angelina went back to the cabin to grab her things and use the portkey. Yelena and I then left everyone, going to spend out honeymoon together.

Here's the update!! I originally wasn't going to update until after Christmas but here it is guys!!

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