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Chapter sixty three
Goldie's POV:
"Freddie, are you awake yet?!" Zophia knocked on the bedroom door. I watched Fred pull his pillow over his head and groan loudly. I giggled and walked over to my bedroom door, opening it. "Hi, Z." I said. She smiled and said "hi. Is Freddie up yet?" "No, not yet. He will be. I have to go into work. Do you think you'll be ok with Freddie today?" Zophia nodded and said "yep! He takes good care of me." "Ok, I'm going to get started on breakfast but I have to get dressed." I cast a spell for the food to start cooking and Zophia left me, going towards her bedroom. I closed the door behind me and walked to my closet, looking for a sweater to wear. I also grabbed a skirt and started to undress. I hummed softly and put some tights on my legs and put my skirt on. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail before putting my sweater on. I turned around to face the bed and saw Fred leaning on his elbows, watching me. I jumped and said "Freddie, you scared me!" "Sorry. Just admiring you." He had a sheepish smile on his face which I rarely saw when it came to Fred. "Are you able to watch Zophia today?" He nodded and said "yeah. I have to go into work. But I'm doing paperwork today so Zophia can go with me. I'll even let her eat all the candies we sell." I smiled at that and said "that's cute." I sat down at the vanity in my bedroom and started to apply light makeup, nothing too crazy. Fred sat up a little and watched intently. I looked at him through the mirror and said "what?" He shook his head and said "just watching." I started on my mascara and said "what time do you have to go in?" "What time is it now?" "7:30." "Bloody hell, it's early. I have to be there at 9:00." I nodded and put a lipstick on which was a nude color. I made sure my makeup was ok and re did my ponytail since I didn't like it. "I gotta shower." Fred mumbled. I turned to look at him as he stood up, stretching. He exhaled and then yawned. "Do you have clothes here?" I said. "Of course I have clothes here." He said in a matter of fact tone. I rolled my eyes playfully at him and said "well, I'm going to fix Zophia's breakfast." I left the room and went to the kitchen. Zophia sat at the table and sighed. "What is it?" I asked her. "Alta and Yelena have been gone a while. I thought their honeymoon was only going to be for a week." She said. They were only supposed to be gone for a week but they extended their trip. They deserved it. Zophia just didn't understand. "They'll be back soon. Don't worry." I made Zophia a plate and then made Fred a plate. Fred came out of the bedroom a few minutes later. He was freshly showered and I said "here's your plate." He went to take it from me then stopped himself. I furrowed my eyebrows and watched as his nose twitched. He took a step away from me and sneezed into his elbow. He shook his head and I said "I thought you'd be one of those obnoxious sneezers." "I do around my mum just to annoy her." I giggled softly as he took his plate from me, going to the table. I set Zophia's plate down on the table and then made mine, going to sit with them. I practically gobbled down my breakfast as I didn't want to be late. "You'll kill yourself doing that, love." Fred said. I rolled my eyes playfully and said "says the man who eats way more than I do." Fred shrugged and said "I was hungry." "I know." Zophia smirked at our interaction and said "I'm glad you guys got back together. Blaise was very brooding. And with Fred around, I also get George. I get two for the price of one." "You're right about that." I said. Fred looked at me and said "what's that supposed to mean?" "Nothing bad. I'll be back later." Fred nodded and stood up to give me a kiss. The kiss was needy but full of passion. I moaned softly against his lips and pushed on his chest gently, trying to detach him from me. "Freddie." I mumbled against his lips. The kiss got deeper and Fred's hands squeezed my hips. "Gross!" Zophia said. That caused Fred to pull away, his lips swollen. "Gross, eh?" He said. Zophia nodded while crossing her arms over her chest. "You're still my best girl, Zophia." She smiled up at Fred and I felt his arms leave my waist. "I'll see you after work?" I said. Fred nodded and said "yeah." I went to the door and stopped when I heard Fred interacting with Zophia. "When you go to Hogwarts next year, I'm going to make sure you have every Weasley's Wizard Wheezes product so you can prank all my old teachers. I'll even tell you which ones'll be extra nice to you." I smiled at the thought of Zophia going to Hogwarts and being exactly like the twins. "Really?!" Zophia said. "Of course! Have to have you prepared!"


I would only be working for a few hours today. I decided I'd stop at a pastry shop and get some muffins and cupcakes for the twins and Zophia. And I knew she'd be at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes with them. I walked into the shop which was buzzing with customers. George was at the till counter and said "hiya, Goldie." I smiled at him and said "hi. Do you have time for a break? I brought some pastries." George looked at the boxes in my hands and said "yeah. I have time for a break." "And since I ran into you first, I'll let you pick first." George smiled and said "really?" I nodded and opened the boxes in front of him. George made sure to close the shop and rang up the majority of them rather quickly. Even though there was lots of people, George handled it pretty well. When he was finished he looked down at the treats in front of him. George pointed at a cupcake which had pink frosting on it and then pointed at a chocolate chip muffin. "I'll put these aside for you." I said. George nodded and said "I'll be up in a few minutes. I'll ring up these last customers and then be upstairs." I closed the boxes and walked upstairs into the flat. As I walked in, Zophia and Fred were currently covered in paint. Fred slung his paint brush at Zophia who squealed. She managed to get Fred on his cheek. "Woah!" He exclaimed. She giggled at him and I cleared my throat. The two of them looked up at me and Fred said "hi, love." Zophia waved at me and I said "I brought pastries." Zophia gasped and rushed over. "What'd you bring? What'd you bring?" She asked. I opened the box and she reached for a cupcake and I said "no, that's George's." Fred scoffed softly and said "you let him pick first? Not even your own boyfriend?" "Oh hush, Fred." "Yeah, hush, Fred." George said as he walked over, grabbing his cupcake. Fred rolled his eyes and I grabbed a wet rag. I then started to wipe the paint off Fred's face. "Goldie!" He whined as he tried to push me off, desperate to get to the treats. I scrubbed at his cheek softly and his eyes met mine. "You're covered in paint. Zophia is next." Zophia looked up at me as she munched on a sugar cookie. Once I was finished with Fred he reached for a cupcake that had blue icing on top. I grabbed a cupcake similar to George's. Fred swiped his finger on the icing of my cupcake and I looked at him with an eye roll. "Just wanted a taste." He smirked. I watched him lick the pastel purple icing off his finger, smirking at me as he did so. My lips parted and George said "you ok there, Goldie?" I looked at the younger twin and said "yes." I felt my cheeks heating up and George said "you seem rather flustered." I cleared my throat and Zophia went to grab a muffin. I stopped her and wiped the paint off her face. Both twins eyes were on me as I did so. I set down the wet rag and then sat on the counter, the twins immediately getting on either side of me. George bumped my shoulder and I looked at him. "Freddie made you flustered?" I rolled my eyes at him and Fred kissed my cheek. "Looks like the answer is yes." I turned to Fred who kissed the corner of my lips. I then turned my head so I could kiss his lips, the kiss tasting like icing. Fred moaned softly. "I wanna sit on the counter!" Zophia pushed on Fred's legs. He chuckled against my lips and pulled me closer to him with his free hand that wasn't holding his cupcake. His hand rested on my waist and Zophia said "Fred!" She pushed on him again and he pulled away from me. "Alright, alright, I hear you." He reached down and picked her up, setting her on the counter. The twins had very high counters in their flat since they were so tall. Zophia looked up at Fred who told her to scoot from the edge. "Thank you, Freddie." He shook his head at her and said "you're welcome." George leaned his head on my shoulder and said "thanks for bringing pastries." He wrapped his arms around my waist. George smelled of vanilla with a hint of gunpowder. "You're welcome." I said. "Missed you. Haven't seen you much. My brother seems to keep you away from me. I'm your friend too, you know." I set down my cupcake and hugged George. "Aw, George, I've missed you too. Seems like we only see each other at gatherings these days. Or if I'm passing by." Fred quirked an eyebrow at the two of us, not liking how close his brother was to me. "Don't be a stranger. I can always keep you company if Fred isn't around." "I know, George. You mean a lot to me." I could hear George's thoughts in his head. He was afraid him and I were growing apart.

"Goldie, you're my best friend."

"I care about you too. Not just Fred."

"Please don't let us drift apart. I don't want you to go away."

"I'll never go away, George. From either of you. I'm here to stay." George's arms tightened around my waist and said "I was thinking too loud, wasn't I?" "Just a bit." George chuckled and pulled away from me. "I'll always be your friend, George." He smiled and said "me too." Zophia was too busy eating her muffin to be caught up in our conversation. I turned to Zophia to say something but Fred's voice entered my ears. His thoughts were extra loud today. And of course they were sexual.

"I'd love to bend you over this counter and shag you."

"Your pretty little moans would definitely travel to George's room."

"I'd love for him to hear how good I make you feel."

My eyes went to Fred who smirked. "Something wrong, love?" He asked. Zophia looked at me and then looked at Fred. "Nothing. Nothing at all." Zophia looked at me and said "you're a great babysitter, Goldie." "And what about us?" The twins asked in unison. Zophia looked at George and then turned around to look at Fred. I ruffled Zophia's hair and said "thank you. I care about you so much. You're like my niece." Zophia furrowed her eyebrows and the twins said "what about us?" Zophia looked at George and said "you guys are good babysitters too. You guys let me have fun." Fred and George chuckled to each other and Zophia faced Fred. "Don't leave Goldie again. She was so sad." That caught Fred off guard and he put his hands in his pockets while looking down. "I'll never do that again. It almost killed me. That might seem stupid but I swear it did." George frowned at his brother and Zophia said "it's not stupid. You love her." Fred looked up at me and said "yeah, I do." I hopped off the counter and said "shall I make some tea?" Zophia nodded and said "yes!" I smiled at her and the twins did the same. I was hoping the subject would change. I no longer wanted to talk about Fred and I's breakup. It happened and is in the past. And anytime it gets brought up, it's pain for the both of us. I started on some tea and felt arms snake around my waist. "You ok?" Fred asked softly. I nodded and said "yeah. Just don't want to talk about the breakup anymore. That's all." Fred's arms tightened around me and said "me too. It hurts too much." I seemed to zone out as Fred held me, the flat being silent except for George's and Zophia's small voices talking. I stared at the boiling water in the pot, Fred leaning his head on my shoulder. I inhaled his scent, cinnamon filling my nostrils. Zophia's scream made me jump and throw Fred off of me. George had smeared icing onto her face and she had done the same to him. I let out a relieved breath and said "Zophia, you scared me." "Sorry, Goldie. I didn't mean to. It's George's fault!" George shrugged and said "sorry, Goldie." He had a sheepish smile on his face and I sighed. Fred cupped my cheek and said "you ok? You're a bit jumpy today." I nodded and said "yeah, I'm fine. Work has been stressing me out a bit. I also had a kid come in the other day. About Zophia's age. And she was really sick. She would've died if it wasn't for me. And now that you know who is back..." I looked down and Fred made me look up at him. "Hey, it's ok. I promise. We're fine." I gripped Fred's suit coat and said "Freddie, I can't have anything happen to any of you." "Hey, nothing will happen to any of us. We'll be fine." I nodded and Fred kissed my lips sweetly. He tasted of frosting and I smiled into the kiss. "You know, I like that you can hear my thoughts. Especially when they're sexual." I rolled my eyes and huffed at him. I turned to the counter and grabbed four mugs for tea. "Awe, my little huffy puff." I glared at him and then faced the stove and cabinets again. Another huff left my lips as he was doing this to get on my nerves. His arms went around my waist and he kissed my cheek. "Gosh, you're so huffy today. Such a huffy puff." "Piss off, Fred." I retorted. Fred chuckled and patted my hip. I started to make the tea as Fred removed himself from me. I set the pastries on the table along with the four cups of tea. I sat down next to Fred who smirked at me. "I have a new nickname for Goldie, George." George looked at his brother with a quirked eyebrow. "Huffy puff. Get it? Cause she's a Hufflepuff and she's in a huffy mood today." George brought his cup of tea to his lips, chuckling. Zophia was too busy looking at the pastries to hear our conversation. "Huffy puff. It's cute." George set his cup down and winked at me. I kicked him under the table and his eyes widened at me. Fred chuckled and I kicked him as well. "Ow." He said. I shook my head at him and finished my tea. I then went into the bathroom to re apply my lipstick. Fred leaned on the doorframe and said "spend the night?" "I don't think I have any clothes here." "No, you do. And you don't have work tomorrow, so, perfect opportunity to stay here with me." I smiled at him and said "I'll think about it." "I always stay at yours. Stay with me. Please." "Ok." My eyes went to the mirror, starting on my lipstick. "Can I?" Fred asked. I nodded and Fred came into the bathroom. He lifted me onto the counter and took the lipstick from me. I looked up at him through my lashes and Fred took off the cap. He grabbed my chin with one hand, holding my face softly. He then applied the lipstick to my bottom lip. I puckered my lips which caused him to giggle. I smiled and Fred waited for me to stop smiling so he could finish. As he continued, my eyes went to his features. His eyes were a pretty brown color that I could get lost in. His freckles on his face were faint but prominent at the same time. My eyes went to his hair. His and George's hair was short at the moment. I hadn't even really noticed the length. I reached up to his hair and ran my fingers through it. I rubbed my lips together to make sure the lipstick was on both lips. I went to turn around to check my makeup but Fred kissed me. A surprised sound came from me as he kissed my lips passionately. Fred moaned softly against my lips and my hand went to cup his cheek. I pulled away and saw my red lipstick smeared all over his lips. I shook my head and said "you're covered in lipstick." Fred looked around me in the mirror and said "so I am." I grabbed a tissue and began wiping the red lipstick off his face, telling him to reapply the makeup to my face. When he was finished, I patted his shoulder, hopping off the counter. I walked into the living room and grabbed my purse. "Where're you going?" Fred said as his arms went around my waist. "I have to go to Gringotts. I have to put some money into my vault. And take a small bit out." I replied. Fred held me against him and said "if you ever need anything, you know I'll help." "I know, Freddie. I'm not in trouble or anything. I just need a little bit of extra money right now. For the rent at Alta's. And I also have to go grocery shopping since Zophia basically ate me out of house and home." I removed Fred's arms from my waist and I ran a hand through my hair. "Hey, don't stress. I'll help you. What all do you need?" I shook my head and said "it's fine, Fred. I'll take care of it." "Let me pay for the rent or the groceries. I promised your dad I'd take care of you." I looked up at Fred who cupped my cheek. "You don't have to, Fred." Fred clicked his tongue and said "let me help you. Please." I nodded and Fred said "yeah?" I nodded again and he placed a sweet kiss on my lips. I smiled as he pulled away, getting the lipstick off his lips. "George?" George looked at me and I said "can you watch Zophia for a bit? I have to go to the bank. And do a few things." George nodded and said "sure." Zophia smiled up at George and I made sure my lipstick looked ok before leaving. "I have to get the key to my vault. It's in my office." Fred said. He left me in the shop which was currently closed at the moment. It was weird to hear it completely silent. Fred came back over to me and the two of us left, going to walk down the street to Gringotts. "I'll pay for the rent." Fred said. I sighed and said "at least let me give you the money back." He shook his head and said "no. You need that money." I bit my lip and nodded, not bringing it up again. Zophia's birthday was in a couple of weeks. "Zophia's birthday is coming up." Fred put his hands in his pockets and said "is it?" "Yes. It's the 26th." We were currently in mid September. Fred nodded and said "George and I will definitely do something big for her. Next year she goes off to Hogwarts." "Yes, it is. I'm sure that's going to be hard on Alta and Yelena. And for me. She's like my niece. She is my niece." Fred took my hand as we approached the wizarding bank. I walked up to one of the goblins and told them I needed to go into my vault. Fred and I were then escorted to my vault. I had never gotten used to going to Gringotts. Alta's mom was usually the one who took me since my dad couldn't since he was a muggle. I grabbed the money I needed for the store since Fred had offered to pay the rent. I also set some of the money I had made inside. "Could we stop by mine as well?" Fred said to the goblin who just grumbled and took us to Fred's vault. I sat next to Fred as we rode towards his vault. Fred stood up and went inside, getting the money. When he came back, we were taken back to the entrance of the bank and then left. "I've got the money for your rent. I wasn't sure how much so I just got a good amount." Fred said. I nodded and said "you didn't have to." "Yes, I did. I have to take care of you. I'll always take care of you." He cupped my cheek and I leaned into his touch. "I was going to go to a muggle store to shop for food. Do you want to come with?" Fred nodded and the two of us apparated. It was a store that was on the outskirts of London. I had apparated us to my house where my dad lived. "Come on." I told Fred as I grabbed his hand. Fred looked around as we walked, having not been to the muggle world many times. We walked inside the store and I started shopping, throwing different things into the cart. Fred pointed to different things and asked what they were or asked if he could try them. I was more than happy to oblige and purchase them for him. "Is that muggle money?" Fred said a bit loudly, earning a few looks. I shushed him and nodded. "Yes. These are dollars which is also referred to as change. Muggles also have credit and debit cards which are just cards with money on them. And muggles have a bank just like us, where they go and get their money from. But, there's multiple banks in the muggle world. There isn't just one like back home." Fred nodded and rummaged through the things in the cart. "Was there something else you wanted?" I asked sweetly. Fred shook his head and said "no, don't think so." I started to put everything up onto the conveyor belt to be scanned. "Hi." The girl behind the register said. I smiled at her and said "hi, how are you?" "I'm good." She started scanning my things, her eyes going up to Fred. "How are you?" She said. Fred nodded to her and said "good." He watched the items be scanned and bagged. I watched Fred's eyes look around at all the different people. He pulled me closer to him and I furrowed my eyebrows. I paid for the groceries and Fred and I walked out of the store. "What's up?" "There was a guy in there. I didn't like how he was looking at you." I handed Fred a couple of bags and took a couple as well. Fred made a face at the weight of the bags and I said "which guy?" "Behind us in line." I shrugged and said "I didn't even see him." We started walking back to my father's house and Fred said "he kinda looked like Rasmus." I scoffed and said "I only liked Rasmus for a short time and it was because you never took interest in me." "Hey, I always was interested in you. I was just scared." I shook my head at him and stopped when we reached the house. "Why're you being so soft lately? You're not being your usual self." "What's my usual self?" "You're a bit cocky, Fred. And very outgoing. And loud and funny. You're just you. But, you've been a lot softer lately." Fred took a step closer to me. "Do you hate it?" "No. Not at all. I like you're soft side." Fred smiled and said "good." "Now, since we're at my dad's house. Take my hand so we can apparate." "This is your dad's house?" "Yes." "Let's go in, darling." "We have groceries we have to get back." "I've never seen your house. Can't we go in?" Another time, Freddie." "Fine." Fred rolled his eyes and the two of us apparated back outside of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. We walked the small distance to Alta and Yelena's flat. Fred and I stocked the groceries and Fred grabbed me by my waist. I giggled softly and he said "back to mine?" "Mmm-hmm." Fred and I walked back to his and George's flat. We walked in to see Zophia sprawled out on George's lap. George's head lolled to the side as he snored. Fred closed the door behind us and walked over to Zophia. "She doesn't have any clothes to sleep in." I said. Fred chuckled softly and said "she does. The clever girl brought pajamas and fresh clothes for the morning." I shook my head and Fred picked her up. Her eyes fluttered open and she said "Fred?" "Just putting you to bed. Make sure you change into your pajamas." Zophia wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her to the guest room. I tapped George and he rubbed his eyes, looking around for Zophia. "Fred took her to bed." George nodded and stood up, stretching. "See you tomorrow." George said as he gave me a hug. I was taken aback but hugged him. George then walked to his bedroom, closing the door. Fred stepped out of the guest room and I followed him into his bedroom. Fred gave me a shirt to sleep in and I had a pair of shorts I had left here. I changed and fell back onto Fred's bed. Fred pulled me close to him and kissed my forehead. "I love you." He whispered. I nuzzled my face into his chest and said "I love you too."

This update should've been up months ago but I've been dealing with so much crap lately. So, I hope you'll all enjoy this

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