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Chapter nine
Departure from Hogwarts
Goldie's POV:
I hung out with the twins for the remainder of our time at Hogwarts. But now it was time to depart. I'd be lying if I said I wanted to leave. I'd miss all the friends I'd made but I'd miss Fred the most. I was currently laying in bed, wondering what I'd do without Fred and George for a few months. I didn't want to be at home with my dad and his new girlfriend. I loved mr father to death but I hadn't warmed up to his girlfriend yet. I wasn't ready for her to become my mother. I ended up sleeping only a couple of hours that night before we all had to leave.

Fred's POV:
I watched Goldie walk over and sit down, picking at her breakfast. "What's wrong?" I said to her. She shrugged and said "I'm tired. Didn't sleep well last night." "Why's that?" "I wanna go home for the summer but I don't want to go home for the summer." "What does that mean?" I nudged her playfully and she half smiled. "I'm happy I get to go home and see my dad. But his girlfriend is there. I'm not too fond of her." "Is she mean?" I asked, generally concerned. Goldie shook her head and said "no. It's just...she tries so hard to be my mom sometimes and I wish it was just me and my dad. I get that my dad wants to find someone but.." "You miss times when it was just you and your dad." She nodded and I said "I'm sure it'll be ok. I'll write you every week. Now, you'll have something to look forward to all summer." Goldie gasped and said "you'll write to me?" "Of course! George will too!" Goldie smiled and said "thank you, Freddie." She gave me a hug and I quickly returned it. "You're welcome, Dee Dee." George sat down on the other side of Goldie and said "happy for the summer?" "A bit, yeah." She replied. After breakfast we all headed to the train to depart. Alta and Goldie talked to each other as we approached the cabin. Lee followed behind George as we all went inside. Goldie went to sit next to Alta when I quickly pulled her over next to me. She giggled and George made a face as she took his seat. "Sit next to Lee." I said. George rolled his eyes and said "I'll sit on the other side." He say on the other side of Goldie and Alta smiled at Lee as the two of them sat down. Goldie made herself comfortable and the cat in her lap did the same. "What's your cat's name?" George and I asked. "Poppy." "That's cute." George said. Goldie smiled at him and the five of us began to talk to one another. Eventually Lee fell asleep and Alta did the same. Goldie yawned and I said "you could take a nap if you want." "No, I'm ok." "You're eyes are practically drooping." She sighed and I told her she could lean her head on my shoulder. At first she refused but eventually ended up doing so. George leaned against the wall and began falling asleep. Goldie's eyes began to flutter closed and I put my arm around her protectively.


When we arrived at King's Cross, I woke Goldie up. She quickly fixed her hair and acted like she hadn't just been asleep on my shoulder. In all honesty I didn't want her to get up. We all stepped off the train. We were all in normal clothing since we were leaving school. Goldie wore a simple tank top with a skirt. It was pretty cute. My mother waved like crazy as she saw George and I. Alta pulled Goldie away from me as the two of them rushed over to who I assumed was Alta's mom. "My boys!" Mum said as George and I approached her. She gave Percy a kiss on the cheek and then did the same to me. "Mum." I complained. "Hush, Fred." "Hiya, mum." George said as he kissed her cheek. When her eyes landed on Ron she shook her head. "Stealing that bloody car." "Mum, that was months ago. You can't be still mad." Ron said. "You should not have stolen that car. I'll be sure it'll never happen again, Ronald." Ron cringed at his full name. Mum sighed when she looked at Ginny. "Ginny, dear." "Hi, mummy." She said as she hugged her. Mum held her tightly and I watched Goldie interact with her father. I was happy she got to see him. I knew she had missed him a lot.

Goldie's POV:
"Mum, this is my friend Goldie. We became best friends this year." Alta said to her mother. Alta's mother had long straight brown hair and was quite pretty. "I'm Alta's mom. But you can call me Maisie. Alta told me you were muggle born. Is that true?" I nodded and said "yes." "That's awesome! I love muggles. They're the funniest people. They fascinate me. Where are your parents?" Maisie said. "My dad's..." "Right here." I turned around and said "dad!" I gave him a big hug and he did the same. "Dad, this is my friend Alta and her mom-" "Maisie. I'm Maisie Fox. And you are?" "Grady March." My dad offered his hand to her and Maisie gladly shook it, giving him a wink. Alta gave Yelena a wave and Yelena waved back. I heard Mallie walk over to talk to my father. I rolled my eyes and Maisie said "who's she?" Alta looked at her mother and said "nobody." "You're staring at that girl who is she? Is she your crush?" She gasped. "Mom!" Alta said in a hushed tone. My shoulder's slumped as Mallie began talking to my dad. "What's the matter, hon?" Maisie said. "Oh. Nothing." Maisie looked at Mallie and then said "oh. Don't like daddy's girlfriend?" "She's not bad. I just miss when it was me and him." Maisie nodded and said "he could do better." Alta glared at her mother and Mrs. Weasley walked over. "Maisie! Long time no see." The rest of the Weasley clan followed behind her and I snuck my way over to Fred, giving him a hug. He hugged me back with a sigh. "What's this for?" He asked. "I'm just getting my last few hugs in until we have to leave." "Percy! Your hair's curlier. And oh! The twins!" Maisie said. I pulled away from Fred and she said "you boys are getting rather handsome. How old are you two now?" "Fifteen." Fred and George said in unison. "Oh my god. They speak at the same time. Have you boys had your first kiss yet?" George turned bright red and said "n-no." Fred shook his head quickly and I noticed him getting flustered. "The girls are going to love you two! The two of you never have to worry!" Maisie turned to Ron and said "Ron, is that you?" "Hi, Ms. Fox." Ron said. Maisie complimented Ron and then marveled at Ginny who turned red like her brother's. Maisie and Mrs. Weasley began to talk to each other, including my father in the conversation. Fred put his hands his pockets and said "have you?" "Have I what?" I said. "Have you had your first kiss?" I shook my head. George scratched the back of his head and said "ugh, why'd she have to ask that?" "Cause she's my mum and my mum is so nosy." Alta retorted. George chuckled and Fred said "well, I hope you both have an amazing summer." "Thank you." Alta said. "Come on, Goldie. We're heading out." Dad told me. I turned to him and said "just a minute. I have to say goodbye." My dad began to collect my things and I looked up at the twins. "Well, I'll see you both when school starts." George nodded and said "see you, Goldie." He gave me a hug and then turned to Percy. I hugged Fred again and he said "I promise I'll write you." "Thanks, Fred." I pulled away and Fred kissed my forehead. "I'll see you later, Dee Dee." I blushed a bit and said "see you, Freddie." He smiled really big and Maisie said "Alta, we're having lunch with the March's!" "Coming!" Alta said. The two of us walked away. I looked over my shoulder at Fred and George who gave me a wave, smiling. I smiled back and waved. I was very happy with my newfound friends and couldn't wait to have another year at school with them.

Here's the update! Prisoner of Azkaban will start soon!!

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