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Goldie March enjoyed life as she had it. It was her and her father. It had always been. Grady was a police detective so he wasn't always around but he loved his daughter more than anything. Goldie mother walked out on her and her father when she was a baby. She never knew her mother. She had only seen pictures of her. She looked like her. Goldie had long curly hair like her mother and the brown skin she adorned. Grady stepped up to the plate and became the best father he could be. When her letter to Ilvermorny came, Grady didn't know what to do. His daughter was a witch. She ended up spending three years there before having to transfer to Hogwarts. Grady met a woman named Mallie Starling. She was from London and was a witch. She concealed that fact for a while until she noticed Goldie with her wand one day, then she broke the news. Grady was so head over heels in love, he decided that they'd move to London. Goldie was not against the idea but she knew she'd have to start at a new school and make new friends. She wasn't looking forward to that. And she hadn't warmed up to Mallie yet. When they arrived in London, Mallie lived in a decent sized apartment. Grady would have to find a new job which wouldn't be hard for him. Goldie sighed and her father noticed. "London will be fun. I promise." He said. "But dad, I don't want to go to a new school. I liked Ilvermorny. I had friends there. I'm not going to have any new friends at this school." Goldie said as she frowned. Grady gave her a hug and said "I'm sure it'll be fine. I don't want you to stress about it. I'm gonna take you shopping for your supplies tomorrow. We have to go to...Mallie where is it again?" "Diagon Alley I'll take you guys." Mallie replied. Goldie rolled her eyes at that. She wanted it to Judy be her and her dad. She had nothing against Mallie but her dad was the one who always took her to get her school supplies. It was the few times where they got to spend time together.


As the three of them arrived in Diagon Alley, Goldie stared at everything. It was nothing like back home. "Do you want a pet?" Mallie asked. Goldie looked at the pet store and said "a pet?" "You can take a pet to Hogwarts with you. Only if you'd like." Goldie noticed a small Siamese cat in the window and said "could I have her?" Mallie nodded and they went inside the store to purchase the kitten. Goldie felt a tiny bit better that she'd have a companion while she was at school. They then walked into a store to get her books. "Mum, these books are mighty expensive this year." A boy said. Goldie looked over to see a red headed boy staring down at a piece of paper. "Don't worry, George. We'll get by." His mother said. Goldie immediately felt bad and then she noticed that he had lots of siblings. Including a twin. Grady and Mallie were too busy conversing with one another to notice that Goldie had wandered off. She had money she could offer them, after all it was just her. Ever since her and her father moved in with Mallie, she had a bit more money. But her first couple of years at Ilvermorny were hard since she didn't have too much money. "Excuse me, I don't mean to pry but I over heard you saying your books were expensive. I'd feel really bad if I didn't give you all a bit of money. If I'm overstepping my boundaries, I apologize but I know what it's like." Goldie said. She held out a small pouch of money towards Mrs. Weasley, who was in shock. "That's very nice of you, dear." She said while taking the pouch. George looked at Goldie and half smiled. "Thank you." He said quietly. Goldie nodded and Ron said "wow. Thank you so much." Goldie nodded once again. Fred then looked over at her. He noticed she was new and he had never seen her before. His lips curled up into a smile as he looked at her curly hair. Mrs. Weasley turned away from her children to pay for the books, Ron left as well, not introducing himself. "I'm Goldie. I'm new here." Goldie said boldly, attempting to make friends. George smiled warmly and said "I'm George. George Weasley." He offered his hand to her and she shook it. "That's my brother Fred." Fred stepped forward and Goldie looked at the twins in front of her. They were much taller than she was. Fred offered his hand and Goldie shook it. "Goldie. Cool name." Fred said. Goldie smiled at him and said "thank you." "You're from America?" George asked. Goldie nodded and said "yeah. Why are you both covered in dirt?" "It's soot. From the fireplace." Fred immediately began to wipe off his face, embarrassed. George didn't bother to wipe it away. "Fireplace?" "Yeah. We traveled by floo powder." "Floo powder?" Goldie had never heard that term before. "I'm assuming your dad is a muggle." Fred said. Goldie turned around to see her dad being fascinated by something across the room. "A muggle? Your dad is a muggle?" Arthur said as he walked over. Goldie furrowed her eyebrows and said "what's a muggle?" "Non magic folk." Arthur replied. "Oh. Back home we call them No Maj's." Fred blew a raspberry and said "that's a stupid name." Goldie shrugged and said "I guess." Arthur went to introduce himself to Grady March, ecstatic that he was a muggle. "First time at Hogwarts?" George said. Goldie nodded and said "yes. I'm kinda nervous." "Don't be. Hogwarts is really fun. I'm sure you'll make lots of friends." George smiled at her once again, Goldie smiling with him. "Fred! George!" A boy said. "Lee, how are ya, mate?" Fred said as he stepped past Goldie to greet his friend. "See you around." George said. Goldie nodded and George left her side, following his brother. Goldie walked back over to her father, watching him interact with Mr. Weasley.


When it was time for Goldie to board the Hogwarts express she was beyond nervous. She stood on the platform, terrified to step onto the train. She had already said her goodbye's to her father. She took a breath and got on. Goldie had no idea where to sit as she wasn't sorted into a house yet. She looked for an empty compartment and couldn't find one. She then bumped into a figure. "Goldie, right?" It was Fred. She nodded and said "sorry. I was looking for a place to sit." "You can sit with us." He said, grabbing her wrist and pulling her through the train. When they reached their compartment, George smiled and said "hi, Goldie." "Hi." She said. Fred made her sit next to him and George said "Goldie, this is our friend Lee." Lee held out his hand and said "hiya, I'm Lee Jordan." "I'm Goldie March." She said. Lee smiled at her and then said "that there is Oliver Wood. He's preparing for quidditch so that's why he hasn't said anything." "Shut it, Jordan." Oliver retorted. "The season hasn't even started yet." Fred said. Oliver looked at him and said "I have to be prepared. It's nice to meet you, Goldie." "What house do you think she'd be put in?" Lee said to the twins. "I don't know her well enough." Oliver said. "Wasn't talking to to you. Anyway what do you think, guys?" Lee replied. "She could be a Gryffindor. Maybe." George suggested. Fred shook his head and said "she's totally a Hufflepuff." Lee sniggered and said "maybe. You'd look dashing in a Slytherin robe and skirt though." Fred groaned at the mere mention of Slytherin and Oliver said "I agree." George rolled his eyes and said "no. Gryffindor or Hufflepuff suits her. Unless she's really smart. Then she'd be a Ravenclaw. How smart are you, Goldie?" "Uhm, I'm not a genius but I pass all my subjects." She said. "So, not a Ravenclaw then. That's fine. Hopefully you'll be put in Gryffindor." George said. "Are you all Gryffindor's?" Goldie asked. "Yep." Fred and George said in unison. Goldie immediately hoped she would get Gryffindor. She didn't know anyone else and George made her feel at ease. Fred did as well but she hadn't warmed up to him yet. The subject was changed to quidditch. Goldie eagerly listened as the boys boated about the Gryffindor team. Oliver was the only one in the cabin that had a deep voice. The twin's voices were rather high as was Lee's. The boys hadn't hit puberty yet. Fred told a joke which made Goldie giggle. Fred turned to her and smiled. Goldie felt her nerves go away as the train ride went on.


When they arrived at Hogwarts, Goldie didn't want to part from her new friends. She marveled at the boy's Gryffindor robes. "You scared?" Fred said. Goldie nodded and said "yes. I have to go with the new kids I guess." "Don't be scared. You're just getting sorted into your house. Any house is good except Slytherin." "What's so bad about Slytherin?" Goldie asked. Fred hadn't paid much attention to girls during his time so far at Hogwarts. He thought Lulu Reynards was pretty and he couldn't wait to see her this year. But Goldie was a bit prettier. He thought it was cute at how she looked at him questioningly, awaiting his answer. "Some Slytherin's can be a bit mean. And a bit cold. Not all of them are though. I've met a couple who are pretty nice. But Slytherin doesn't suit you. You seem..." Goldie bit her lip nervously and Fred began to scratch the back of his head. "Uhm you seem really nice. And a bit smart too." He said while looking at the ground. "Thanks." Goldie said. "Fred, come on! Percy'll be mad if we aren't at the table!" George said. Fred turned to his brother and said "coming! I gotta go but uh I'll see you later I guess." Goldie nodded and said "yeah." She watched Fred go off with his brother and his friends. Goldie went with the new kids who had to get sorted. Because she was in the group of new kids, they seemed just as nervous as she was. But she couldn't help but notice all the other kids who had been there a couple of years, staring at all the new comers. The Great Hall was something Goldie really liked. She thought it was beautiful and she noticed the Gryffindors sitting at their table. Lee gave her a wave, along with Fred and George. Goldie waved back shyly, happy that they even took the time to wave. "Goldie March." Professor McGonagall said. Goldie stepped forward and sat down under the sorting hat. "Ah, you have attributes for all the houses. You'd excel greatly in Hufflepuff but Gryffindor could be your strength." The hat said. Goldie wished for Gryffindor just so she could sit with her newfound friends and feel the comfortable feeling she felt when being around the twins. "Hufflepuff!" The Hufflepuff's clapped for her and welcomed her to their table. Fred frowned a bit as he knew she would be in another house. He liked having her around. He thought it was slightly adorable that she was new and had absolutely no knowledge of Hogwarts. Goldie sighed softly and sat down next to a boy with brown hair. "Hi." He said. "Hello." Goldie said. "I'm Cedric. Cedric Diggory." He offered her his hand and she said "hello, Cedric." He smiled at her and a girl said "I'm Alta Fox. Welcome to Hufflepuff." "Thank you." Goldie said. She noticed a book in Alta's lap and said "what's that?" She shrugged and said "it's someone's diary. I found it." Goldie nodded and a boy said "I'm Miguel Diaz. And that's Hannah Abbot." Hannah smiled at Goldie and said "hi." "Hi." The students began to eat and talk amongst each other. Goldie's nerves went away once again as Cedric and Alta made her feel welcome. When it was time to go back to their dorms, Hannah and Alta told Goldie she'd be rooming with them. Goldie was excited to receive her robe, tie and scarf adoring the Hufflepuff colors. Alta was too busy reading the diary she had at dinner and she bumped into a tall figure. "Oops. I'm sorry." Alta said. "You should watch where your going." A girl said as she looked down at Alta. Atla's eyes slightly widened and the girl walked away, not anything anything else. "She's awful tall." Hannah said. Cedric shrugged and said "yeah." When they reached the Hufflepuff common room, Goldie was in awe at how pretty it was. She was in love with it. They walked up to the dorms and Hannah said "that's your bed." Goldie walked over to it and sat down. The bed was pretty comfortable and Atla was in the bed next to her. She was feeling a bit better about being at Hogwarts. She was still nervous for classes and everything the next day but she's warm up to it all.

Here's the prologue!! This is long and YALL should expect the chapters to be long.

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