Kral Zera

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"Hey princess have you seen Shiro?" Pidge asked as she was on a screen and Allura was going over scans in the main deck of the castle.

"Let me check," she smiled back at the green paladin and pulled up the castle.

"He isn't on the ship... and the black lion is gone too!" Alluras eyes widen and glared back at Pidge.

"Where's Lotor?"

The black lion flew over a crowd of the most powerful galra leaders that fought for the title of emperor and landed on the other side with a roar as they stopped to see the lion of Voltron as the wind put out a flame that only... Sendak held...

The lions mouth opened to show Lotor with his blade with his four generals behind him with glares ready for a battle on their faces.

"Halt, your true emperor has arrived," Lotor commanded as he was lowered to the ground from the lion.

"You? Lead the galra empire?" Sendak snarled back on the stairs that would lead to where the emperor of the galra empire would earn the title lighting a violet flame at the top.

"What could possibly make you think that you could be our emperor?" He growled as they stepped out and walked to the pit of fire with torches along the sides.

"The weak half galra that fights with other half breeds and takes pity and loves a pathetic human, a human that was a paladin of Voltron, our enemy,"

"My fathers blood is not just in my veins, it's also on my sword," Lotor snarled.

"The emperor fell to me and so will anyone who stands in my way or speaks ill of those who I seek stronger to fight by my side, as you can see, no full bred galra is worthy," he growled back at Sendak as lance charged up his rifle and Ezor took out two small blades in each hand.

"You think such treachery and blinded mercy makes you qualified to lead us?!" Sendak spat in disgust.

"I will lift the flame not for defeating my father," Lotor walked forward keeping his eyes on Sendak as the warlords and soldiers around him stood to the side and watched. "And not even for being the strongest galra here,"

"But because I did something no one else could do," he stopped near the stairs as the black lion lifted its head.

"I returned the black lion to the galra," Lotor stated strongly.

"Stand aside Sendak,"

No one moved as they all waited for the next move on either of the galra behalf's. Who would begin the battle for the throne...

"Time to prove yourself through honorable rite of combat," Sendak pointed to the prince.

"No, time to end this!" Lotor raised his sword to him threateningly.

"Now I am taking what is rightfully mine," he snarled.

"I am lighting that flame and my first act as emperor will be to reunite you with my late father!" Lotor charged at him with a growl as Sendak glared.

"You're not getting to the top of these stairs!" Sendak yelled with a battle cry as he charge at the prince. Lotor twirled his blade in his hand and swung it down on Sendak with a roar as their weapons collided.

Lotor flipped out of the way as the unnecessarily large robotic hand as a weapon of Sendak's crushed the stairs where Lotor stood once but Lotor jumped in the air to bring his sword down on him but Sendak swung his arm around to knock Lotor down the stairs, but the prince ducked. He spun his sword across his back to the other hand and ran up one stair and to send another attack on the soldier they all thought was deceased.

Lotor threw his sword at him but Sendak deflected it only as Lotor flipped into the air and grabbed the blade for it to return to do its job, to kill. Sendak swiped his claw at him and Lotor skidded back on his feet as Sendak ran at him again but Lotor blocked with his sword and the metal collided once again with sparks.

"You don't even know what you are Sendak!" Lotor grunted as he was enough distance from the galra.

"So loyal, so brave, and yet, so stupid," he growled with a deep voice as he wasn't even panting.

"I know what I am! I am a warrior!" Sendak roared as his arm created a blast sending both men apart with dust between them.

"You are nothing but a puppet! You mindless fool!" Lotor roared back but Sendak's claw cleared a hole through the smoke as well as a red energy that both passed the prince but Sendak jumped through the dust and charged at Lotor.

He slammed into the prince and Lotor was thrown up the stairs with a grunt as he rolled across the flat ground in the middle of the stair case. Lotor immediately got to his feet and charged back into the fight.

Lotor dodged a hit and jumped over Sendak to strike with his blade that could've ended it all. A Marmora soldier ran up as Lotor was in mid air and tackled the prince to the ground as they both fell down the stairs and an explosion erupted behind them where Sendak was still.

More set off as the ground rumbled with each and every explosion that was right after the other. Lotor grunted sitting up and the Marmora soldier pushed himself up as well. Sendak emerged from under piles of rock from the explosion with a roar.

"Lotor has betrayed us to Voltron! Fire on the black lion!" Sendak screamed the command and immediately laser cannons blasted down at Shiro and his lion.

Soon the lion took off into the air to draw their fire from where the true battle that will matter in the future stood.

A galra woman opened her device on her arm growling a glare at lance who watched the battle of Lotor and Sendak above and was to distracted to see her aiming at him. Suddenly a blast from Acxa deflected the attack on her friend.

Acxa glared But Ezor smirked as she flipped over a soldier and threw her blade into another as lance charged up his rifle and shot at a soldier next to him white zethrid stood next to him.

"What's the plan small fry?" She asked.

"We have to make sure Lotor gets that throne!" Lance yelled to his fellow generals and she nodded charging at others.

But everyone also broke into battle.

"This is exactly what I wanted to avoid, I knew they'd all turn on each other," Lotor looked at the ships above firing at one another as well as the black lion in the fight in the air.

Both, prince and Marmora soldier, heard a battle cry from above as Sendak jumped in the air and slammed his mechanical claws where Lotor was but created a large amount of smoke as Lotor and the Marmora got out of the way.

A commander ran up to the Marmora soldier and collided her blade with his but scrapped across his face and his mask faded with a few sparks only to reveal Keith as he growled with his teeth together tightly.

He rolled out of the way before she could strike him again as he held his sword tightly.

Lotor jumped back before he could be wounded by Sendak's claw but the warrior was driven by blinded rage with no will and no strategy.

"Killing you will be to merciful!" He snarled.

"Once I'm emperor, im going to make you my slave and your precious human as my prize! The heart of the prince to be beaten and broken as he is chained to the side of my throne, weak and useless as all you can do is watch and obey me!"

Lotor roared with no mercy as he didn't hold back on the galra as he didn't care if death would be merciful on Sendak, it would make sure he's out of the way forever.

Acxa ran to lance and the others as the galra where to busy to fight for themselves and against each other.

"Should we get Lotor?" She asked as they looked up at the battle.

"No he has to finish this fight," lance gripped his rifle tightly with his ocean blue eyes focused on the fight of his boyfriend and a dead man.

Lance heard something behind him and gasped seeing a galra twice his size and jumped back before a sword could slice him in half. Lance brought his rifle up as it blocked the sword as the galra snarled down and lance gasped feeling his knees weakening as he was forced to one knee.

"Sendak will be our emperor, without you Lotor will be killed soon after," he smirked as lance growled. He pulled his rifle to the side and spun out of the way as the galra stumbled a little but screamed when lance shot him in the chest.

"You'll have to get through your first step of killing me before Lotor falls," lance chuckled and pressed the barrel to the galras head.

"Vrepit sa," he smirked and pulled the trigger.

Lance turned to see if his fellow generals where okay but there was no sign of them.

"Zethrid? Acxa?" He gulped looking around to see if they where injured or fighting another somewhere but they where just... gone.

"Ezor?" Lance looked around.

Lance heard an explosion from above again but saw the dust clear and Lotor on one knee with no Sendak. Was it over?

He gasped seeing Voltron jumped down from above as he guessed Matt and Allura went back to their lions as before but smiled seeing Lotor walking up those stairs with a purple flame in hand.

He bowed the flame down into a pit as the flames traveled up into a structure that was lit by the flame. They won. Lotor won.

Lotor turned to the crowd below.

"The flame is lit! Bow to your emperor!" The archivist announced and lance smiled proudly up at Lotor.

Lance was the first one to bow in the front as he slowly dropped to one knee and bowed his head down. After he dropped to his knee, the others joined him and bowed before the rightful leader of the galra empire.

The battle of Kral zera was over.

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