:. Chapter 2 .:

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I ran out of the room in search of the blonde haired boy, where could he be? I thought to myself. I looked all over the school twice; he was no where’s to be found! I was about to give up until I heard someone sobbing in the Janitors closet.

“Niall? Are you okay? I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean for him to take the note” I said while leaning down to his level.

“I-i-m-m fi-nn-e” he stutters out, he definitely isn’t alright!

“No you’re not!” I crouch down and pull him in to a tight hug. I must admit I really miss having someone to hold at night.

“Come on Niall, let’s go back to class.” I say as I’m wiping his tears away from his puffy eyes.

“I can’t go back there Lou, there just going to make fun of me!” he says while wiping his eyes.

“They can’t make fun of you unless you show them it’s affecting you.” I say honestly.

                We start walking back to class when a certain curly haired boy crashes into us, making me fall back.

“Seriously! Look where you’re going next time will you?”

“Sorry, but I was actually coming to see if you guys were okay? I mean you guys ran out of the class and he was crying so I started to get a little worries when you didn’t come back after 30 minutes.”

Has is really been 30 minutes that we left class? I couldn’t help but just stare at this boy’s face like I never have in my life. He was talking but I couldn’t make out what he was saying, I was too busy admiring his looks.

“ I’m fine thanks for worrying..” I heard Niall say quickly.

“Good! Are you okay to come back to class? Mr. Rosenberg is getting worried that you wouldn’t come back” 

“Yeah, I’m fine now” He looks at me and gives me a huge smile and starts walking to class.

                As soon as we get back into class, the class breaks out in silence and gives the three boys empty stares. They walked down to their seats and look in front where the principal is standing just staring at us.

“It’s about time you guys come back! I will be seeing you three in my office as soon as the bell rings understood!” He spates at us and leaves the class.

“What did we do? It’s not our fault that some idiot made Niall cry and I went to check on him” I say quite loudly and as fast as you can say Henry Phillips I heard a loud crack of thunder.

                Not now, not here! Please god allow this storm to stop now. I’m sitting here under the desk trying not to scream in fear. I can hear the laughter of others and the sound of the bell. The laughter soon fades and I can feel a pair of hands bringing me out of under the desk. I open my eyes and all I can see is a pair of beautiful green eyes staring back at me.

Harry’s P.O.V

                I can hear Louis whimpering and everyone laughing at him hiding under the table. The bell rings and the others flood in the halls. I go to see if Louis is okay when I can hear him crying a little bit. I pull him out to reveal these beautiful blue eyes staring back at me.

“Are you okay Louis?” I ask pretty concern about his condition of shock.

“I’m fine let me go-

                A huge crack of thunder and lightning strikes a nearby pole and Louis lodges himself into my stomach holding onto my shirt.

So I decided maybe I should update this story even though I didn’t get the 5 votes. The chapter has been sitting on my computer for a while now and I feel like it’s time to let it go. Hope you enjoy this chapter, sorry it’s a little short.

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