The Beginning of the end..

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Harry’s P.O.V

It’s been almost a half hour when the storm finally calms down and I can finally see those piercing blue eyes looking at me. I have no idea how long I was staring at his eyes and his lips, Oh god his lips look so soft. I start to lean in to kiss him when he pulls away from me quickly.

“Thanks for comforting me Harry I appreciate it, I’ll see you around.”

                I don’t have enough time to say anything and he’s already out the door. I’m left there sitting there thinking about him while my stomach is just swirling with emotions.

                I took out my phone to see what time it is, I’ve been sitting here for almost an hour thinking about him. I decide I can’t stay sitting in an empty classroom for the rest of the day so I decide it’s time to go home. I push the small key into the door when I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist.

“Hi Harry, It’s been a while.”

“What the hell are you doing here? I thought your parents disowned you after everything happened?” I spat out at him with pure disgust.

                I’m about to open my door when I feel a shooting pain in my chest, I looked down to something unimaginable.

 Louis’s P.O.V

                I sat there holding on to Harry as hard as I could. I started breathing normally, only letting little whimpers out now. I have to admit being in Harry’s arms for this long, he hasn’t even let me go once. I feel so safe in his arms, his hands are caressing my back ever so gently and I can’t help but swoon a bit. Why am I feeling this way to a boy who I don’t even know that much?

                As the storm passed on I felt the need to pull away from Harry, I mean I didn’t want him to have to comfort me anymore then he already has. But that was a lie, I wanted to stay wrapped up in his arms and never let go. It’s strange how a person can make you feel like this. I pull away to reveal these beautiful green eyes looking into mine. I can’t help but wondering what he’s thinking about right now, we keep our gaze for a little while until I see Harry leaning in towards me.

“Thanks for comforting me Harry I appreciate it, I’ll See you around” I manage to say getting up and leaving as fast as possible.

                I walk towards the door and leave the school for the very first time. “Woww, what a day” I think to myself when I see a boy about our Harry’s age just watching me, sending me daggers.

                I get into my car and drive home, I decide to stop at the local coffee shop to get some coffee for mum and myself. I get my order and proceed back home, When I walk in my whole family is gathered around the T.V looks of panic is all over their faces.

“What’s going on?” I ask worried as could be

                My mum just runs up to me a hugs me hard, I stay shocked a little bit until I can hear her crying silently. My arms wrap around her without hesitation and I squeeze her harder, if that’s even possible.

“I-i-m so h-ha-happy you’re okay” she chokes out

“Why wouldn’t I be okay mum? I just went to school!” I say still a little confused.

“There’s been an incident at your school, a kid named Harry is missing. The principal called asking me if you were home safely.”


I’m so sorry it’s a little short but I wanted to leave y’all on a cliff hanger this chapter. I’ve been pretty busy with my courses this term with so much event planning going on I don’t have so much time to write this story, I was going to cancel this story until I realized I had 55 reads :) I’m so happy and thank you so much for the 6 votes. I promise that I’ll update after 5 votes and hopefully I won’t update in a month. Maybe ill update tomorrow, it’s up to you guys. Please comment about anything you want.

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