Unhappy Campers

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Blitzo was peeking out of a corner of a building to check if the coast was clear. He then immediately runs across to a building in the Sloth Ring and starts climbing up the drain gutter downspout before he sneaks on the edge to a windowsill.

Blitzo: Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.

Blitzo opens a window and tries to get inside But, his head has a hard time getting inside because his horns are blocking his entrance. He starts to make it through, but then he ends up falling in and rolls over.

Blitzo: Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!!!

Blitzo crouches up and looks around for anyone who saw him. However, unbeknownst to him, a hand holding a taser comes into the scene and painfully tases him right in the butthole below his tail, making Blitzo seize in shock with static electricity before falling head first to the ground with smoke coming out of him.

Unknown Demon: Well, if it isn't the deadbeat.

Blitzo gets back up after his painful tase and brushes his sleeves.

Blitzo: Well, if it isn't Nurse Pussy Face.

The camera pans over to the source of the voice, one of the nurses in charge of the rehab facility.

Rehab Nurse: You ain't gettin' in here. How many times do I have to sodomize you with a taser before you take a hint?

Despite being tased, Blitzo doesn't seem all hurt and brushes his coat.

Blitzo: As many as it takes to get me off. Now, enough with this foreplay. Where's Barb?

Rehab Nurse: She checked out months ago, but that ain't none of your business.

Blitzo, surprised, comes over to the nurse, hands shrugging in confusion.

Blitzo: Wait, what? How? This is- wh-where the fuck did she go?

The nurse is skeptical of his intentions and brings up a taser to his face, making Blitzo so nervous and anxious that his tail straightened up and his arms down in fear.

Rehab Nurse: Yeah, like I'm gonna tell you, ass clown.

Blitzo regains his composure and stares down at the nurse.

Blitzo: You know, I kill people for a living, right, bitch?

Rehab Nurse: Oh, I'm SO FUCKIN' scared...

Blitzo realizes that the nurse isn't all afraid of him and sighs.

Blitzo: Ugh... Fine.

Blitzo walks back to the window to climb out of the room. Halfway through, the nurse calls back to him.

Rehab Nurse: Blitzo, she's got a job now, a life. And a boyfriend.

The scene changes back to the point of view of Blitzo trying to exit out through the window.

Rehab Nurse: Don't fuck it up by finding her.

Blitzo: Oh, that's nice. Why don't you take that advice and shove it right between your pussy- wait she has a what?!?

Blitzo ends up crashing into the ground as a cat screech in fright.

— — —

The scene changes to the office inside of the I.M.P Headquarters where Moxxie, Millie, and Y/N are talking to a sinner client when Blitzo bursts open the door, now covered in bush leaves, bruises, and dirt all over his clothes and body, walks pass the four of them in a dejected manner. Moxxie calls to him to get his attention.

Moxxie: Sir! There's a client here who wants to-

Blitzo doesn't listen and interrupts Moxxie as he opens the door to his office and slams it shut. Moxxie and Millie stare in confusion before turning back to the client.

Millie: I'm sorry, you were saying?

Demon Client: Well, it's just that I'm sure one of the other camp counselors killed me, I'm just not sure which one...

Moxxie: How could you not know?

Demon Client: I was out on the lake when my boat started to sink. Someone had drilled holes in it. The counselors are the only ones with keys to the boathouse, and they're the only ones who knew I couldn't swim. It had to be them.

While Millie was delightfully smiling, Moxxie had a questionable look on his face about that work.

Moxxie: Hmm, we don't typically do investigations. I'll have to check with the boss.

Moxxie moves around the desk behind Millie and stops at the office door before he opens it.

Moxxie: Uh, pardon moi, sir.

Moxxie sees Blitzo flipping his contacts through his rotary address card file. Blitzo was so preoccupied that he didn't look up to Moxxie as he flips through different address files on the rotary.

Blitzo: Not now, Mox.

Moxxie: Sir, there's a client that needs us to investigate his death, and we don't usually-

Blitzo: No tiiiime!

Moxxie: But, sir, we really need the cashflow, and I was thinking maybe-

Blitzo is now completely irritated with Moxxie interrupting his search that he finally faces him and stopped flipping through his rotary address file.

Blitzo: What part of "NO. FUCKING. TIIIIIIIME." do you not understand? Just handle it yourself.

Moxxie was now surprised and confused at the same time and points to himself.

Moxxie: You want me to lead? On a hit?

Blitzo is now growing more frustrated with Moxxie and stops flipping his rotary card file while holding his head with one hand to keep cool on what he wanted to say.

Blitzo: I swear on all that is evil, Mox! If you aren't out of my office in negative three seconds-

Moxxie, not wanting to piss off his boss anymore, but also ecstatic of him giving this chance, grabs the doorknob and salutes him.

Moxxie: Youuu GOT IT, sir!

Moxxie closes the door behind him, his face full of sunshine and excitement. He was so excited about this job that his small little iris in his pupils expands out with stars gleaming bright shine. The scene switches back to the demon client camp counselor and Millie as Moxxie returns with new conference and leans against the desk.

Moxxie: We'll take the case! And I'll be handling this investigation, personally.

Y/N: Wait, what?

Millie looks on at Moxxie with concern and hesitation of her husband.

Millie: Honey, are you sure? What about Blitzo?

Moxxie: Honey, honey, please. Blitzo put me in charge this time.

Y/N: He did?!

Moxxie heard the disbelief coming from Y/N and narrows his eyes as he looked back to him skeptically. Y/N realized his mistake and then corrects his attitude.

Y/N: Oh! I mean, He... he did!

Moxxie: Right! And this is going to be the cleanest, most well-prepped, most surgical hit we've ever had! Don't worry, sir! We'll find your killer and give him what's coming to him.

Moxxie had second thoughts of who the targeted killer might be and thinks for a while before he corrects himself.

Moxxie: And/or her... Or they...

Y/N: Our client is a man?

— — —

Back to Blitzo's office, and after so many fruitless searches, he is still searching for his sister. He checks on Barbie's profile of her social media profile, where she has not made any effort to improve her profile.

Blitzo: Why the fuck wouldn't she tell you where she was going? Or who her boyfriend was? I mean, did you even ask-

Blitzo's phone started to vibrate, indicating another call.

Blitzo: Wait, hold on, I'm getting another call... *answers a call* Hellooooooo? (noise) Oh, good! Did you find- (noise) Really, where? (noise) Thanks, and I promise if we ever get a contract on your children, we'll make it quick and painless, byeee! *ends the call*

Blitzo puts his phone away and then starts running out of his office, unknowingly running pass Moxxie, Millie, and Y/N with a police investigation board on the wall that has red strings all over the place that it even extends out of the board. Moxxie was way over his head with the investigation that Millie and Y/N found the whole thing to be obnoxious.

Millie: Mox... Are you sure this isn't a little... much?

Moxxie: It's my first lead, Mills. It has to be... perfect.

Moxxie turns back to the investigation board.

Moxxie: Now, in front of you, you'll find a comprehensive guide to your cover persona. Memorize it. We've got a lot of work to do.

— — —

The scene moves to the summer camp called Camp Ivannakummore, where children and pre-teens can be seen laughing and playing in the background. Across the way, three preteen girls chat on a picnic bench. Moxxie and Millie are then shown in the bushes wearing disguises. Moxxie is dressed as a "human" girl while Millie is dressed as a "human" boy. Y/N was holding a girl clothes.

Moxxie: Okay, you two, one last time for safety. I'm Moxxine, the hottest, most popular girl at my school, and you are?

Millie: Your brother, Millerd, I like sports and fuckin' bitches!

Moxxie: Hm, you know these kids are a bit younger than I was expecting maybe lose that last part.

Millie: Check!

Moxxie: And Y/N, you'll pose as our older sister, the responsible and cool one who—

Y/N: No. No. No. Goodbye.

Y/N drops the girl clothes he was holding and starts walking away from the bushes.

Moxxie and Millie watch in surprise as Y/N walks off, saying "no" repeatedly.

Y/N: No. No. No. Goodbye.

Moxxie: Y/N, wait! We need you for this!

Y/N continues walking, not looking back, his voice trailing off as he heads toward the portal.

Y/N: Nope, I'm not doing this. No. I'm out.

Millie watches him go, a look of mild concern on her face.

Millie: Should we go after him?

Moxxie sighs and shakes his head.

Moxxie: No, let him go. We'll manage without him.  Alright, (in a girly voice) I think we are ready.

Millie notices something up head and points at it.

Millie: Hey, Mox!

The scene cuts to the cabins where an individual wearing a coat who's carrying a large sack over his back. He checks his surroundings to see if the coast was clear and then sneakily tiptoes to the bushes.

Millie: Check out that shady-lookin' fella over there. I think that's our guy.

Moxxie: Ahem, Millie... I hardly think pointing out the first guy you see is the proper way to conduct a-

Millie picks up a pair of binoculars and looks right at the guy carrying the sack, obviously clear that the guy was the killer their client wanted dead. He looks behind him to notice that the sack was slipping, so he drops it to reveal stashes of cash, couple of bags full of drugs, and syringe needles. He picks up the sack and then the binoculars show a drill in his hand.

Millie: No, that's definitely him. That bag's full of money, and drugs, and what looks like a drill one would use to poke holes in a boat.

The scene cuts back to Moxxie, looking a bit letdown after the obvious observation.

Moxxie: But- but that's all circumstantial at best! We need to methodically eliminate all suspects until we can be sure.

The scene phases out to Millie looking annoyed that the suspect was obviously the killer before the scene cuts back through the binoculars to show a boat house. The suspect's pair of eyeballs were visible in the shadows, looking nervously around to see if anyone else spotted him before disappearing behind a door. Unbeknownst to Millie, a single red-eye was seen into the crack right before the scene cuts back to Millie and Moxxie, as she puts aside her binoculars.

Millie: Now, he's lookin' around and headed into that locked boathouse we heard about. That would be the perfect place to-

Millie notices how visibly upset Moxxie is after making her obvious statement. She reconsiders her thoughts.

Millie: Fine, Mox. We'll do it your way.

Moxxie cheers up and he and Millie gets up after Millie puts the binoculars away in her backpack. He comes forward and observes the scenery to find the perfect human to manipulate to get close to their suspect.

Moxxie: With my sleuthing skills and your killer eye, we should have this wrapped up in no time. Now, (in a girly voice) we just have to find the kids with the most influence.

He scans the camp horizon until he spots three pre-teen girls at a table talking to each other.

Moxxie: Oh... target, acquired.

Moxxie adjusts his top before he proceeds to head out to meet the girls. Before Millie can joined him, a volleyball rolls over to her. She notices and approaches the ball before one of the campers calls to her.

Unnamed guy camper: Hey!

Millie looks over to see kids playing volleyball.

Unnamed girl camper: Hey!

Millie walks off to join them.

Over at the picnic table with the three preteen girls, one girl is talking, one of them is chewing gum and watching something on her phone, and the other is listening to her friend's story.

Unnamed Girl A: So, he snorted a whole line of ground-up mints, and tried to convince us he was high. Can you even believe him?

Suddenly. Moxxie approaches laughing obnoxiously and trying to fit in.

Moxxie: Ahahahaha! Oh, that Derek! What a riot! Riight?

The girls turn to him and look at him with disgust.

Unnamed Girl A: Um, who the fuck are you?

Moxxie: I'm Moxxine, I'm the prettiest girl at my school, and all the boys want me. My favorite coloooooor is hot pink. Because normal pink is sooo basic. I like horses, puppies, fast cars, jewelry, and I got my first period last year, and it was sooo heavy!

Moxxie makes his way over to the picnic table and sits down.

Moxxie: I guess I'm just more mature than your typical preteen. So, you wanna be frieeends?

The girls stare at him. The first girl looks at Moxxie from head to his toes and notices that he is a digitigrade and points it out.

Unnamed Girl A: The fuck is wrong with your legs?

Moxxie: Wha- Um Oh! um-uh.... I was in an accident?

Unnamed Girl B: The same accident that fucked up your skin? You look like you spent three years in a tanning bed.

Moxxie: It's uhhhhh.... natural?

Unnamed Girl A: Ahah! Yeah, you wish. That botch job looks like it cost five bucks in an alley behind Walmart.

Unnamed Girl B: Get lost, you fucking freak!

Moxxie stands up, obviously hurt and turns to the girls.

Moxxie: But, I-eeeh....

The girls all stand up and point in the direction for him to leave. When they looked over to the volleyball court, they notice a new person playing in the field. The scene cuts to Millie enjoying her time playing volleyball. In the girl's visions, they see the disguised Millie as a new hot boy on the block with sweat dripping down from her face and her hair swaying behind a bright color background with stars sparkling around her.

Unnamed Girl B: Oh, my god! WHO is THAT?!

The scene cuts back to the mean girls, all admiring Millie.

Unnamed Girl A: Look how beautifully tan he is.

Moxxie, completely taken back and shocked by the girl's turn off from his appears and admiring Millie's own, comes into the scene in front of one of the girls, looks at Millie.

Moxxie: WHAAAAT?!

Millie comes in close around as a camper passes the ball onto her.

Millie: I GOT IT!

In one spectacular movement, Millie leaps up in the air with the sun shining down on Millie. With such joy in her eyes, Millie gives it all and smacks the ball so hard that a boom echoed in the air before it rockets right into one of the camper's face. He was smacked in the face with a volleyball so hard that his skull was heard being crunched and broken, and his tooth was knocked out before he was slammed into the ground. The impact was so strong that dirt and dust spreads to the volleyball field right when Moxxie and the mean girls comes down to see what has happened. After the dust settles down, the camper who was hit seemed to be on the ground, dead or unconscious with a massive crater underneath him.

All the campers were totally shocked and even the Lifeguard Dude was completely taken back. He removes his sunglasses to see that the camper was on the ground and rushes over to check on him. The camper was unresponsive, and Millie looked nervous that she went too far.

Lifeguard Dude: That was...

He pauses before resuming with tears flowing from his eyes with pride.

Lifeguard Dude: The best spike I've ever seen...

The campers cheer on for Millie and lifted her up on their shoulders. As the campers take Millie away, the camper whow as hit in the face by Millie is revealed to be alive and reaches out to the Lifeguard Dude for help while he simply ignores him and wipes the tear away as he stands back up.

Unnamed camper: Please, I need medical attention.

Lifeguard Dude turns down to the kid with a scowl.

Lifeguard Dude: First Aid is for WINNERS!

While the campers take Millie away, the mean girls were looking at Millie with admiration in their eyes by Millie's incredible athletic skills.

Unnamed Girl A: Oh, my god! He is so fucking HOT!

Unnamed Girl A, immediately infatuated, waves her hand to cool herself while Moxxie makes a attempt to impress them again.

Moxxie: Oh! Ya know, he's my brother.

Despite his attempts, the girls all glare down at Moxxie for his obnoxious attitude and starts walking out on him.

Unnamed Girl B: FUCK OFF, TROLL!

As the girls leave him, Moxxie feels depressed that he did not impress them to get on their good side.

— — —

The scene switches back to Blitzo entering one of the pharmaceutical stores where Barbie is supposedly to be working at. The pharmacist was looking at his phone, completely oblivious to Blitzo approaching to his desk. The pharmacist notices Blitzo as he stops by the counter and brings up his phone to show the pharmacist the photo of his sister.

Blitzo: Hi, I'm lookin for one of your employees, her name is Barbie. Or her so called boyfriend! Does she work here?

The pharmacist was confused of who Blitzo was or why he was doing here.

Pharmacist: Wait, what? Who are you?

Blitzo, now pissed, grabs the pharmacist by his collar and pulls him over the desk before slamming him hard against the wall. He growls out his frustration and slams him again to show he has no time for any more excuses.

Blitzo: Someone who's gonna get reeeal creative if you don't tell him what he wants!

Using his tail, he slaps the pharmacist repeatedly to leave bruises on his cheek.

Blitzo: Where is she, fucknut? I know you know! It only gets worse from here, asshole!

Blitzo slaps the pharmacist multiple times with each slap getting harder and more painful until the pharmacist gives up.

Pharmacist: Okay! Okay! She's out on a pickup! And I don't know who her boyfriend is. She hasn't given a name!

Blitzo brings the pharmacist close to his face as he narrows his eyes at the frightened pharmacist.

Blitzo: Where?

— — —

The scene changes back to the summer camps where Millie is running across the camp physical course. She appears to be having fun as she leaps over a large wall, and after landing down, she starts to tic-tac herself across the course. Once she reaches the end, Millie hops up and grabs the pull-up bar before she starts spinning. She was spinning so fast that Millie's wheel spin started to go in flames before Millie rockets herself in the air like a ball. Millie, now a flaming fireball, meteors down and impacts the unconscious camper she hit with a volleyball so hard that she buried him six feet under with a crater of his shape. The campers and counselors applauded Millie for such a spectacular performance. One of the campers had his phone out live streaming the whole thing.

Millie emerges head-first with eyes the same as Moxxie when he was excited for his first solo mission, her iris swelled in her pupils with stars gleaming bright shine. She was overjoy with her increasing popularity.

Millie: Mox! Did you see? I broke the record on the course!

Unbeknownst to her, Moxxie was having a hard time and grimaced at the thought of Millie outshining her, but he gave her a very sheepish smile while Millie waves back at the crowd.

Moxxie: Mhmm. I saw.

Millie was so absorbed by her popularity that her eyes grew big and bright.

Millie: Can you believe this? Everyone LOVES me, they're cheering, they even posted videos of me online. LOOK!

Millie shows Moxxie the social media story of her performance that she meteors down at the camper she accidentally injured. Hearts keep liking her story as it increased her popularity. Moxxie was aghast of how Millie was the only one who gets the likes while he only gets the scowl.

Back at the camp, Millie continues to show off her excellent demonic skills and earns a lot of cheers from the campers and counselors despite accidentally crashing into the camper she fractured. However, Moxxie is upset because Millie is getting increasingly popular with her online sensation. Completely dejected, Moxxie reminds Millie that they still have a job but he could not do the job because the campers and counselors swooned over her. Millie insisted on getting their attention since he was supposed to be her sister. Moxxie tries to do what Millie asks at the campfire, and he ends up singing a horrible campfire song, which creeps out the other campers. However, Millie ends up upstaging Moxxie with her banjo playing, greatly upsetting Moxxie even more.

Demoralized, Moxxie cries in shame and hides in a camp lavatory, completely miserable about his failed attempts to get into the crowd. Millie cheers up Moxxie and tells him to do his best at what he is. Moxxie tries and does very well to investigate, but each day is a disaster: getting hit by a volleyball, getting attacked by a shark, getting mauled by a bear, and then finally, getting to be an outcast, while Mille continues with her popularity. She became so popular that the camp offered her to perform on stage in front of the local news. Moxxie was in the same foul mood as Blitzo since he was so angry that his solo work didn't go as well as he had planned. Finally, he vents his frustration at Millie for slacking off instead of doing the job of killing the camp counselor who killed their client. In return, Millie vents her frustration at Moxxie because he wants to do the job "his" way and not vice versa. Two of them got into a heated argument over who was responsible for their mishap before Millie told Moxxie he could do whatever he wanted to do but let her have her moment and walk off with tears. At the same time, Moxxie feels guilty for making her cry as he realizes how much this chance to shine means to his wife.

— — —

Meanwhile Blitzo was still searching for his sister. After a week of endless search, he has finally come to a demon imp who was told to be selling access to the human world and catches him by the throat. He shoves the dealer against the wall with a very angry face.

Demon Imp Dealer: It's here man, I swear!

Blitzo takes out his signature pistol from his back pocket and puts it under his chin to threaten the man into giving him what he wants.

Blitzo: Open it...

The dealer did what he was told and takes out an Asmodean Crystal, a crystal that has access to Earth. Blitzo was surprised that a thing existed in the black-market before the dealer activates it. He shoots a beam behind Blitzo and a crystal mirror portal opens up for Blitzo to gain access to the human world. He smiles at the sight of the portal.

Blitzo: Thanks, chump.

Blitzo throws the dealer into a nearby dumpster before he enters the portal to Earth. On the other side, Blitzo successfully lands into the human world, unaware that he had just landed in Camp Ivannakummore. He checks around before disappearing into the bushes. A stage was setup by the camp counselors to get Millie to perform live.

— — —

Backstage, Millie was looking at the crowd with anxiety. She turns around to meet the Lifeguard Dude once again.

Lifeguard Dude: You ready to go on, champ?

Millie: I guess...?

Lifeguard Dude: Good, now get out there and out Camp Ivannakummore on the Map!

As the crowd cheers grew louder, Millie was now feeling the mood. Her anxiety started to take a toll on her as she takes a deep breath before flipping the curtains to enter the stage. She tries her best to give the crowd the best smile, but it was only a grimace when she looked around for Moxxie in the crowd. However, she does not see Moxxie in the crowd or anywhere in the cheering campers and crowd. Just before she was about to go further, the stage lights turn off and then Moxxie's voice echoes in the microphone as smoke puffs around the stage and the hidden trap door opens on the floor with a spotlight shining on it.

Moxxie: Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! Are you ready for a SHOOOOOW?!?

The crowd does not like Moxxie being on the stage and boos at him, flipping him off, and looking at him with disgust.



Despite the absolute backlash for Moxxie, he does not seem to care much about the crowd giving him the intense dislike and proceeds to continue with his announcement.

Moxxie: I am very proud to introduce to you. Someone with abilities never before seen on this Earth. Someone with the raw athletic skill of an Olympian. The voice of an angel. The acrobatic technique of an indentured 12-year-old Russian ballerina.

Millie suddenly realizes that Moxxie was confessing to her on stage and drops the smile before making gestures to tell him to stop because the crowd was watching him.

Moxxie: And a body that - JUST. DOESN'T. QUIT.

Unbeknownst to Moxxie, the campers were starting to get uncomfortable with two of them looking at each other with the awkwardness and repulsive expressions on their face. When Moxxie finished, he then widened his eyes and glances over his shoulder to see that the crowd was totally silent and is now looking at him with creepiness. He realizes his mistake and turns around, coughing his throat before beginning his speech.

Moxxie: The best, and most supportive person I've ever known and the love of my life. My wife-

Millie and Moxxie had their glass broke noise came to their heads when they realized they are still on stage and Moxxie correct himself.

Moxxie: Brotheeeeer... Millerd!

Moxxie comes to her and hands over the microphone to Millie.

Millie: Thank you...

Moxxie: Knock'em dead, baby!

Millie: Speaking of...

Millie shrugs over her head to the other direction and Moxxie turns over to see that the target is moving along with a shadowy figure behind him, heading to the boat house. Moxxie turns back to Millie.

Moxxie: You sure?

Millie nuzzles her head to his to assure Moxxie to finish the job.

Millie: Go get'em, baby.

As Millie comes over to the front of the stage, Moxxie takes the opportunity to start his move. He jumps off stage and brush past the displeased crowd before heading into the bushes. From there, he sees the door to the boat house closing. As he moves around the bush, Moxxie trips on something and fell forward. However, he did not hit the ground and instead he lands on Blitzo. That's when they realize each other and looked at themselves before they come to realize how shocking turn of events played for them.

Moxxie: What in the- SIR?!

Blitzo: MOXXIE?! What the fuck are you doing here?!

Moxxie: Trying to finish the job you gave me!

Blitzo could not believe what Moxxie was saying and becomes not only disappointment, but also dismayed that Millie and Moxxie were still working on the case since it's already been a week.

Blitzo: Christ on a stick, you're still working on that? It's been like a fucking week. THIS is why I don't trust you with dick, Mox. Starting to think Y/N was the smart one in skipping this.

Blitzo was not having whatever was going on with Moxxie and then enters the bush to get to the boat house. Moxxie was annoyed that Blitzo still doesn't trust him to do the solo mission after everything he's done for him and crawls on out of the bush. Blitzo sneaks up to stand right next to the door. Moxxie soon follows right behind him.

Moxxie: And what exactly are you doing here, sir?

Blitzo: Apparently, helping finish your botched job...But, mostly I'm looking for my sister.

Blitzo then stands back and kicks the door open with a loud slam. He was completely appalled when he found out about the scene before him.

Blitzo: BARBIE!

The camera pans over to switch to show no sexual encounter, but Blitzo's sister, in a human form with a human camp counselor dealer she was with. She had one pause moment before she realized who barged right into the boat house.

Barbie Wire: BLITZO!?

Moxxie's head peeked over, completely confused of the ordeal and looked over at the door.

Moxxie: You know her?!

Blitzo: Do I know her? That's my sister, fuckface!

Upon hearing that the human form of Barbie Wire was Blitzo's sister, Moxxie's face grew into total shock.

Blitzo: Also, who's your boyfriend?!

— — —

Millie was standing there with a silent crowd waiting for her to make a move. She took a moment to close her eyes before opening them with a very smoothed gaze, holding her chin, and a heart puffing out to show her glorious face. The crowd screams to give Millie a applause.

— — —

Back to the boat house, from a camera POV, Blitzo and Moxxie were standing across one side of the house while Barbie and the camp counselor were on the left. Apparently, excluding the human camp counselor, Barbie doesn't seem she is fond of seeing Blitzo or Moxxie in the boat house. She stared at them with narrowed eyes while Blitzo and Moxxie were doing the same thing, but their arms crossed as if she's such a disappointment.

Barbie Wire: What the fuck are you doing here, shithead?

In return, Blitzo was also not fond of seeing his sister being in the human world and being with a human.

Blitzo: I should be asking you the same thing! Also, who's your boyfriend? You check yourself out of rehab, no call, no note, get a boyfriend, and I have to track you down to this shithole with...Who the fuck is this? Your boyfriend?

The human counselor was waving at Blitzo before Barbie comes into the scena and shoves her hand on his face.

Barbie Wire: No! He works for me. And who's the little twink here?

Before Moxxie could even retort to Barbie about being called a twink, obviously offended that she might have mentioned his penis size, Blitzo does the same thing and shoves his hand in front of his face.

Blitzo: No one... He works for me.

Moxxie: Sir, that guy's the target!

Blitzo realizes what a coincidence it must've been for the job since the human counselor is their client's target and was amused of it.

Blitzo: Oh, shit, Barb! Looks like your little boy toy got himself into some trouble.

Barbie is confused of what Moxxie meant.

Barbie Wire: The fuck are you talking about?

Moxxie: He killed our client, and now our client wants to kill him back.

Now that it makes all sense for Barbie, she turns to her human counselor with anger.

Barbie Wire: You fucking WHAT?!

Counselor Jimmy: He found out about your drugs.

Despite his honest answer, Barbie dismisses it and waves at him nonchalantly like she doesn't care.

Barbie: I don't want to fucking hear it, kid. Look, you're not killing my supplier!

While Moxxie looked incredibly annoyed of this whole family drama, Blitzo was more disappointed about this whole thing since her rehab. He was so frustrated that he pinched his eyes.

Blitzo: Oh, fuck... supplier of what? You're not back on that H-8, are you?

Barbie Wire: Fuck, no! It's just heroin.

Blitzo was relieved that the drug was only a minor for her and holds his temple.

Blitzo: Oh. Thank, Satan.

— — —

Back to Millie, she was giving the crowd one heck of a performance as she was juggling axes in her hands. She then throws the axes at the bullseye target which she hit two of them to the target, but the third one misses and flies over to the volleyball area and over the camper she crippled. The axe hits the tree which causes a beehive to shake before the hives snapped from the tree and lands on the camper. He screamed in pain and agony.

— — —

Meanwhile, back to the boat house, Blitzo was still arguing with Barbie while Moxxie was growing impatient with the drama between the two siblings.

Blitzo: So, now you're peddling heroin?

Moxxie pulls out his signature knife from the back, already had enough of this whole drama and walks around the water to get to the target with Blitzo following behind, still arguing with Barbie. Barbie pushes the human counselor over to the heroin stash and walks around to get confrontational with Moxxie before Blitzo came to the front to stop them from getting closer to each other.

Blitzo: What's the point? That shit barely gets rid of a headache.

Barbie Wire: It's honest work, okay? Plus, I'd rather not leach off my boyfriend. And I thought it would be sure to keep me as far away from you as possible.

Blitzo: Ok! I wanna know more about this boyfriend!

Barbie Wire rolls her eyes and crosses her arms.

Barbie Wire: Oh, now you're interested?

Blitzo: Damn right, I am! You've been so secretive about him. What's he like? What does he do? How did you even meet?

Barbie Wire smirks, enjoying the chance to make Blitzo squirm a bit.

Barbie Wire: Well, if you must know, he's sweet, kind, and actually cares about me. Unlike some people I know.

Blitzo narrows his eyes.

Blitzo: Yeah, yeah, just give me the details. I want to know what kind of guy thinks he can handle my sister.

Barbie Wire: Handle? Oh, please, Blitz. He's more than capable. We met while I was at rehab. He was the only one who visited me regularly, made that place less of a hell.

Blitzo: (muttering) I tried to visit...

Barbie Wire: (ignoring him) Anyway, he's got this calm, understanding nature. Helps me with my anger issues. And he's cute when he's flustered. You know, for someone who deals with demons on a regular basis, he's pretty innocent.

Blitzo raises an eyebrow.

Blitzo: Innocent? In Hell?

Barbie Wire: Yep. And autistic. He sees the world differently. It's refreshing.

Blitzo: Oh fuck...your dating Y/N?!?!

Barbie Wire grins mischievously.

Barbie Wire: Bingo.

Blitzo: You're serious? My employee? Y/N?

Barbie Wire: Yep. Surprised you didn't figure it out sooner.

Blitzo: But... but he's... he's...

Barbie Wire: Sweet? Kind? Innocent? Yeah, I know. Hard to believe someone like me could fall for someone like him, right?

Blitzo: How the hell did this happen?

Barbie Wire: Like I said, he visited me in rehab. We got close. He's been good to me, Blitzo. Better than anyone else ever has.

Blitzo: But Y/N's loaded! Why are you still working?

Barbie Wire: Because, Blitzo, I don't want to rely on him for everything. It's honest work, okay? Plus, I'd rather not leach off my boyfriend.

Moxxie: And you teamed up with genius here because...?

Barbie: Do you have any idea how easy teenage humans are to manipulate?

Counselor Jimmy heard this and was offended.

Counselor Jimmy: Heeey! No, I'm not!

Barbie turns her head with sad eyes and in a show of plea, she starts to make sexual gestures to persuade him.

Barbie Wire: Oh, Jimmy-wimmy, can you pwease  keep loading up druggie-wuggies for me?

She lifts her butt to show the counselor her black sexy panties and shakes her butt back and forth.

Barbie places a finger on her chin to show the innocent look on her face so that the Counselor Jimmy could see that she was being polite and very beautifully sexy at the same time. While she uses her feminine charms to seduce the counselor, Blitzo and Moxxie were completely deadpanned when they see how Jimmy was so stupidly gullible to fall for that kind of trick, and he did.

Counselor Jimmy: Heh. Sure, Barb. Whatever you say.

Counselor Jimmy heads back to load the heroin on the boat while Barbie smile evilly, obviously feeling proud that the human was a complete sucker with her charms. Moxxie was already losing patience with this because after everything he went through, he does not want anyone to interfere or deal with the whole family drama between Blitzo and Barbie.

Barbie Wire: If he could see the hickeys on this ass...

Moxxie: Sir... I've spent a week on this...

Already having enough, Moxxie brings out his signature knife to go for the kill.

Moxxie: I'm finishing it, one way, or another...

Before Moxxie could move to kill Jimmy, Barbie comes up to his face with a snarling growl and ferocious glare bearing down at Moxxie. Her human eyes glows in the dark with vicious killer intent. She refuses to allow Moxxie to go with his way and has claws and teeth ready to pounce if he makes his move.

Barbie Wire: Don't you dare!

— — —

Back to Millie sitting on a stool, she adjusts the cord of her strings to her guitar. once she has finally adjusted the guitar, just as she was about to perform, the 80s' style anthem song, "You Got the Power", started playing on the scene. Millie gives a rock with her fists as fireworks sprout on stage, making the crowd cheer with excitement.

— — —

Back at the boat house, Jimmy, Blitzo, Barbie, and Moxxie were watching the fireworks go off on the stage from a distance. With all of them distracted, Moxxie takes the initiative and glares down at Jimmy. He charges at Jimmy and then brought up his knife to stab the guy. But just before he could, merely inches from Jimmy, Barbie caught Moxxie with her tail before throwing Moxxie over and making him crash into the docks the boat, and then the water.

With her tail exposed, Barbie turns off her Asmodean Crystal to revert herself back to her demon imp form. She turns and glares at Blitzo.

Barbie Wire: Come on, Blitzo, haven't you fucked my life up enough already?!

Millie switches to the drums and beats it like there's no tomorrow. Between Millie's performance, the boat house fight scene continues as Moxxie emerges from the waters to grab hold of the docks and climbs up to stab Jimmy. However, Barbie's tail wraps around him again and pulls Moxxie back to Barbie. Moxxie, now furious, twirls his body and tackles Barbie to the ground with her tail still wrapped. He tries to stab Barbie, but Blitzo then joins the fight and moves in to break it up between Barbie and Moxxie. The panel switches to Jimmy, now afraid of his dealer and the imps attacking each other. He crawls over the heroin and moves to remove the tarp from the opening. Just before he can remove the rope, a knife was thrown by Moxxie and then hits the wall next to the tarp.

The scene switched to the demons fighting amongst themselves. Blitzo pulls Barbie off Moxxie before the little imp charges at Jimmy with anger. He jumps on him and starts pounding his face. While doing so, Barbie gets on the boat and start pulling the string from the motor to get the boat started. After three more pulls, she was able to get the boat running, but Moxxie kicked her out of the way and turns down the motor to be facing upwards with the blade spinning. He brings Jimmy over to slice his head.

In a mirage scene of the boat fight of Millie playing the guitar, Moxxie was about to kill Jimmy with the boat propellers before Barbie comes in and smacks him in the face to stop Moxxie. The fight scene switches to Blitzo pulling barbie off Moxxie before she gets berserk and frays her arms to break free. The panel switched to Jimmy where Moxxie comes in and was about to dogpile on him before Barbie flies over and tackles Moxxie to the ground. Blitzo appears in the next scene and then gets kicked in the face by Moxxie. It then shows the frightened Jimmy cowering behind Barbie who was having a cat fight with him as she pulls his horns underneath his wig, making him scream.

The montage scene continues with Blitzo being bruised and dazed after dealing with Moxxie and Barbie. The scene then comes back to Barbie who was elbowing Moxxie's face as the latter tries to choke Jimmy to death.

Mille finishes playing her guitar and smashes it on the stage while giving a rock-on fist to the crowd, making them cheer for her wildly. Then, fireworks explode to turn the scene white before showing back to Millie, now wielding nunchakus. She twists and turns them with mad skills before an epic explosion booms behind her after doing her performance.

As the crowd rocks on with the music, a fire from the explosion lands on one of the female camper's hair, causing her to scream as she tries to dose the flame out.

Meanwhile, at the boat house, Moxxie was shoved against the wall where he landed next to the knife he thrown at Jimmy. He takes it out and then runs back up to stab Jimmy. Once again, Barbie comes in front of him and stops Moxxie from stabbing Jimmy. She grabs his knife-hand and then punches him in the face. Moxxie retaliates back by kicking Barbie in the stomach before throwing her aside. He stabs Jimmy, but misses before Barbie gets back up and then grabs Moxxie by the arms. Blitzo, already had it with the fight, moves in and throws Jimmy out of the way since he's the cause of the scuffle into the waters.

Switching back to Millie, she does a sword mouth trick with one hand holding a very long sword while the other holds a torch. She slowly swallows the sword whole before throwing the torch away and runs off-stage to a mosh pit. The campers all held Millie as a guitar was being passed over to her. She plays it and then rocks on.

The flames cuts back to the boat fight scene where Barbie is strangling Blitzo to death as the latter is having a hard time trying to lose her grip. Moxxie gets up with a cut to his forehead and a very angry glare. He's been through a lot and has had it with the whole thing before he stands back up and start making his way to Jimmy. Jimmy looked no better than the rest of them as he had a nose bleed and blood dripping from his mouth. He warns him to stay back before Jimmy crawls up the docks while Moxxie brought out his knife once again, exhausted after dealing with Barbie.

After Barbie strangled Blitzo to death, she then comes back over and tackles Moxxie once again. However, Blitzo is alive and then jumps in to stop Barbie from killing Moxxie. It was like a cat fight when a noise of a cat came into the scene between the three imps. The fight started coming to the docks where Jimmy was on. Jimmy picks up one of the heroin package and throws it at the imps.

The heroin bag hits all the imps, and it doesn't seem to have any fatal side effects since they are demons, they were exposed to the contents with their eyes very wide and their pupils are full. Covered in heroin, the imps were now high due to the drugs and then started to become more feral and ravenous than ever. The fight between the three imps became more savage like cats as they start attacking themselves.

Back on the stage, Millie was being passed down to the stage and continues playing the guitar. The fireworks malfunctions and instead sprouts flames on the stage. While the Lifeguard Dude was listening to the music, the flames brushes past him which not only killed him, but his skeleton remains standing with his sunglasses still on.

As the song ends, fireworks spore out once again in a epic ending. one of the firework rockets, however, strayed away from the stage and into the boat house. Inside, Blitzo was not restraining Moxxie while barbie was already standing. As Jimmy stands on the boat, the stray rocket crashes through the window and then, in a slow motion, comes in front of his face before the frame resumes back to normal speed as the firework explodes, killing Jimmy, and splattering blood all over the imps. They were speechless that Jimmy died without Moxxie doing the thing. Barbie Wire blinked a couple of times of what just happened.

Now covered in blood, Barbie was furious that, not only was her supplier killed, but she is now out of the work thanks to her brother and Moxxie and yells in frustration.


Barbie turns to Blitzo and Moxxie for ruining her work.

Barbie Wire: Thanks a lot, Blitzo, I'm out of a job! FUCK!

Now, that she's become jobless and her day is ruined, Barbie turns around to leave. Blitzo, however, was guilty of ruining her second chance and stands up to apologize. Moxxie, on the other hand, was exhausted and does not seem to care about the whole family drama between the two.

Blitzo: Barb, wait!  I want to help you- Let me help you, please?

While Blitzo talks to Barbie, Moxxie rests his head in his hands, crying now that he has finally succeeded in finishing the job after a week of hellish attempts.

Blitzo: You're clean now, right? And dating Y/N...Let's... grab dinner, we'll catch up, and we'll talk about-

Barbie hears the last part of his sentence before she starts cracking up.

Barbie Wire: Hehahaha! You don't fucking GET IT!

The camera comes close to show only Barbie and Blitzo. Barbie points at Blitzo while glaring at him.

Barbie Wire: Just cause I'm outta rehab doesn't mean I wanna see you! Wanna know why Y/N didn't tell you about us. It's because I told him NOT to. I NEVER wanna see you, EVER!

Barbie was done with Blitzo and walks in a clearing part of the boat house where she taps her wrist containing the Asmodean Crystal to open a portal to Hell.

Barbie Wire: Next time you want to find me, Blitzo, DON'T!

And with that, Barbie leaves, closing the portal. Blitzo can only look on, depressed of Barbie being mad at him and telling him off while oblivious to Moxxie.

— — —

Meanwhile, after a spectacular performance, Millie was being praised by the campers. She looked on, eyes glowed with emotions now that she has fulfilled her importance. Millie makes a bow to the crowd and then heard footsteps close by. She turns and finds Moxxie, still covered in blood.

Millie: Looks like you did it.

Moxxie: No...

Moxxie's hands grabs Millie's making her look at him with eyes glowing with happiness.

Moxxie: You did it. I'm so proud of you, Millie.

Moxxie looks the other way, still guilty of him being jealous and acting furious at her.

Moxxie: And I'm sorry I let you down.

Millie then grabs Moxxie and lifts him up and spins themselves around.

Millie: Just don't do it again, dummy.

And with that, Moxxie kisses Millie on the lips. Their passion turns them on as the crowd was completely aghast of what they were seeing. Millie and Moxxie then started to get horny and French-kisses each other like raw dogs. They moan and began to take their clothes off.]l

Millie: Oh! Oh, yeah! Moxxie!

Millie rips off the top Moxxie was wearing, alongside the bra underneath

Millie: Moxxie!

They found a rhythm that made both of them aroused and starts ripping clothes one after another and Millie cry out. Moxxie moaned her names many times that takes them down to the stage off-screen. The sex scene is too graphic to show with the scene being played out by the noise Moxxie and Millie were making. By the expression of the crowd and the news crew that was in front, they were completely repulsive of what is transpiring before them. The off-screen sex scene escalated when Millie's shirt and Moxxie's pants were thrown into view and then Moxxie's pants lands on the camera man while his bra lands on top of the camera woman, as the camera rolls over them having sex.

Millie: Take it, Moxxie!


Blitzo: I don't know wether to congratulate you two. Or commit you two.

Blitzo rolled his eyes at Millie and Moxxie as they arrived at the spot they were told to meet him at so they could leave. Moxxie noticed the crystal.

Moxxie: Sir, how does that work?

Blitzo: To be perfectly honest Mox...I don't know. Here.

Blitzo steps confidently into the portal, expecting to be transported back to the IMP office. However, as he emerges on the other side, he realizes something is amiss. Instead of the familiar surroundings of their office, they find themselves standing in an old, abandoned broadcasting studio. The air is thick with dust, and the equipment looks ancient and dilapidated.

Blitzo: Well, this isn't what I was expecting.

Moxxie and Millie exchange confused glances as they step out of the portal behind Blitzo.

Moxxie: Um, sir, are we still in Hell?

Blitzo:  I don't think we're anywhere near our office. This looks like some sort of abandoned broadcasting studio.

Millie: What do we do now?

Blitzo picked up an old map

As they cautiously peer out of the room, they see a strange figure that resembles Y/N, but everything about him seems distorted. He appears as if in photo negative, his features reversed. He wears a white tuxedo with a dark blue shirt underneath, light green pants that seem too large for him, and comically oversized shoes. Large white ears stick out from under his messy hair.

Blitzo: What in the hell is that?

Moxxie: Is that... Y/N?

Millie: It looks like him, but... not quite.

The distorted figure continues to walk, humming and whistling a tune, but as he does, he periodically gargles up yellow sludge.

Moxxie: Yuck.

Blitzo: Ok. I'm curious now. Let's follow him.

Moxxie: What? Why?

As they quietly follow the distorted figure, they overhear him muttering to himself in broken English. He mentions names that sound slightly off: Charlie Emily, Amy Gumm, and Melinda Sordino. His speech was disjointed, and it's clear he's struggling to articulate his thoughts.

Photo Negative Y/N continues his disjointed muttering as he walks, his words barely coherent

Photo Negative Y/N: Charlie... Emily... Owl wants... Amy Gumm... Melinda Sordino... left....I...Lost... Forever... Can't... Find... Home... Lost... No way... Back...We Can't...Go...Owl... plans... blood... Charlie... trust... can't...left me... Owl.

Blitzo: What's he talking about?

Moxxie: I think he's not speaking properly. And why does he keep mentioning an Owl?

Millie: And who are Charlie Emily and the others?

They observe his awkward walking, noting that it seems unfamiliar, as if he's not accustomed to walking in his own body.

Photo Negative Y/N vomited more yellow sludge.

As they follow him, he walks in a room, and walks out. They look in a room and notice it's some kinda lab. A run down lab, and pretty banged up.

The group cautiously enters the run-down lab, observing the various equipment scattered about and the dilapidated state of the room. Tubes and wires dangle from the ceiling, and broken monitors litter the floor.

Blitzo: What is this place?

Moxxie: Looks like some kind of abandoned laboratory.

Millie: But why would Y/N be here?

As they explore further, they notice peculiar symbols etched into the walls and strange residue coating the surfaces.

Blitzo: Whatever happened here, it doesn't look good.

Moxxie then notices a jar labeled "Seeds of Eden."

Blitzo cautiously approaches the jar labeled "Seeds of Eden," his eyes widening in recognition as he reads the label.

Blitzo: Oh, hell. These are the real Seeds of Eden.

Moxxie: The real ones? Like Garden of Eden? How are they here? What were they doing here?

Blitzo: I have no idea, but this is bad. Really bad.

Millie: What do you mean?

They freeze as they hear voices coming from a nearby room. Blitzo gestures for them to stay quiet as he cautiously approaches the door. He presses his ear against it, trying to make out the conversation within.

He quickly ran in and hid behind the Treasure Island sign.

He looked at the various creatures in the room.

Owl's wings beat with a soft rustle as he glides into the room, his talons stained with crimson. His piercing gaze fixates on the yellow bear among the group.

Owl: They're close. Closer than they've ever been! Pooh, Hurricane, Kettle Springs, and Syracuse all view our existence as a plague. As horrors of Treasure Island. An evil in which they created!

Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie jumped as they heard banging and clawing from inside a room labeled CHARACTER PREP 1.

Owl: They will never cease. They hunt for us. We trusted Charlie!

Piglet: We can never trust her... ever again.

Wolf: *Snarls.*

Willie: Bad girl...very bad girl...

PN Y/N: No no no. No trust.

Owl: Look, at what our lives have become! We hide in the darkness, and eat insects, mice and ketchup packets for survival! Each day we get weaker and weaker. And remember, REMEMBER, what happened last time!

PN Y/N looked up at Owl and then Pooh.

Owl: Pooh, it's time to decide. We can either take the fight to her, and perhaps survive!

More banging could be heard in CHARACTER PREP 1.

Owl: Or, we lay down and die!

Blitzo knew this was way too much. He quickly made his way back to Moxxie and Millie without getting noticed.

Blitzo: We need to leave, now.

But as he moved to lead them away, his horn snagged on something, causing a loud crash that echoed through the room.

Moxxie: Maybe they didn't hear?

Moxxie's hopeful words were dashed as he peered cautiously outside the room, only to find the gaze of every occupant fixed on them, their expressions a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

Blitzo's hands trembled as he loaded the gun, his heart pounding in his chest. He glanced at Moxxie and Millie, his expression grim.

Blitzo: Get ready. We're gonna fight our way out.

Owl slowly approached the room, Blitzo braced himself. He pulled out a small flare gun.

Owl peered into the room, Blitzo seized the opportunity and swiftly turned out the lights. In the darkness, Owl's voice echoed ominously.

Owl: I know you're there. Owls see better in the dark.

Blitzo smirked in the darkness, his hand tightening around the flare gun he had concealed.

Blitzo: That's what I expected

Without hesitation, Blitzo aimed the flare gun at Owl's face and fired. The bright flare illuminated the room with a blinding light, temporarily blinding Owl and causing him to stagger back with a screech of pain.

As Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie burst out of the room, they were immediately met with a barrage of attacks from Wolf, Foxy, Pete (Cat), Dippy Dog, Steamboat Willie (Mouse), and Piglet. The adversaries pounced with ferocious intent, their movements fueled by desperation and malice.

Blitzo reacted quickly, firing his gun to create a distraction while Moxxie and Millie prepared to defend themselves. Moxxie summoned his courage, brandishing his weapon as he stood firm against the onslaught, while Millie unleashed her formidable strength, ready to fight tooth and nail to protect her loved ones.

Moxxie was then attacked by Photo Negative Y/N.

Moxxie engages in close combat with Photo Negative Y/N, mistaking him for the real Y/N in the dimly lit room. He dodges and parries Photo Negative Y/N's attacks, his movements becoming more frantic as the fight intensifies.

Moxxie: Y/N, what the hell is wrong with you?!

Blitzo: Ya... don't think this one's ours!

Photo Negative Y/N continues his assault, his movements erratic and disjointed. Suddenly, he pauses, his expression shifting as he begins to retch violently.

Moxxie: What the...?

Photo Negative Y/N vomits forth a torrent of yellow sludge, drenching Moxxie in the putrid substance. Moxxie recoils in horror, the foul smell assaulting his senses. Millie watched in horror and covered her mouth. Blitzo tried not to laugh.

Moxxie: Ugh, what is that smell?!

He wipes the sludge from his face, struggling to regain his composure as he tries to fend off his attacker. Photo Negative Y/N then struck him across the face with a sledgehammer.

Millie would have helped...if Wolf wasn't using her like chew toy.

Millie: Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Fuck!

Blitzo kept shooting and fighting against Dippy Dog and Foxy, only to be struck by Piglet, who is carrying a large wooden club, and was knocked all the way into Character Prep 1.

He surveys the room, his senses on high alert as he searches for any sign of danger.

Blitzo: Crap... am I the only one in here?

Suddenly, a figure emerges from the shadows, bounding towards Blitzo with surprising speed. Before Blitzo can react, Tigger pounces, his claws extended as he prepares to strike.

Tigger: That's my line!

Blitzo barely has time to register the attack before Tigger's claws connect, sending him sprawling to the ground. As he struggles to regain his footing, Blitzo realizes he's in for a fight against a foe unlike any he's encountered before.

As the chaos ensues inside Character Prep 1, the commotion can be heard echoing through the abandoned broadcasting studio. The sounds of Blitzo's screams mingle with the cacophony of banging, beating, and clawing, creating an atmosphere of tension and fear.

Moxxie: What... what's happening in there?

Millie's eyes dart towards the closed door, her spear at the ready as she braces herself for whatever may come next.

Blitzo rushes out of Character Prep 1, slamming the door shut behind him. He staggers, panting heavily, his eyes wide with fear and disbelief.

Blitzo: I would not... go in there.

Blitzo looked and saw the monsters charging at them.

Without hesitation, Blitzo grabs Moxxie and Millie, pulling them along as he starts to run down the corridor, their footsteps echoing off the dilapidated walls.

Behind them, the ominous figure of Owl looms, his form barely visible in the dim light as he gives chase, his talons poised to strike at any moment.

Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie burst into the kitchen, their chests heaving with exertion as they slam the door shut behind them. They quickly scan the room for anything they can use to barricade the door, their eyes widening with fear as they hear the pounding and voices growing louder on the other side.

Blitzo: We need to block this door! Now!

Moxxie rushes to grab a heavy table, while Millie begins pushing cabinets and chairs against the door in a desperate attempt to reinforce it. Blitzo, his hands shaking with adrenaline, pulls out the crystal once more, his mind racing as he searches for a way to activate it.

Outside, the relentless assault on the door continues, the sound of claws scraping against wood mingling with the muffled voices of the creatures beyond. With each passing moment, the pressure mounts, driving Blitzo to work faster as he tries to unlock the crystal's power and secure their escape.

Blitzo: Oh god! Come on, come on...

But as Blitzo struggles to activate the crystal, a sudden crash reverberates through the room, sending shivers down their spines as they realize the creatures have breached the barricade.

Tigger and Owl lunge forward, their claws outstretched as they make one final attempt to stop Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie from escaping. But just as the creatures are about to reach them, Blitzo manages to activate the crystal, creating a swirling portal of light

Blitzo: Jump! Now!

With adrenaline coursing through their veins, the trio leaps into the portal, their hearts pounding with fear as they leave the nightmare behind them. But in the chaos of their escape, Blitzo fumbles the crystal, his grip slipping at the last moment as it tumbles from his fingers and clatters to the ground below. The three Imps got back in their office, just as Tigger was about to jump in the portal.

Blitzo: We're alive!

Moxxie: That stuff... it's everywhere. It's in every crack, every crevice...

He winces as he wipes at his face, trying to rid himself of the lingering traces of the foul-smelling sludge.

Moxxie: Yeah, that stuff was... not pleasant.

Millie: (concerned) Are you okay, Moxxie?

Moxxie: (forces a smile) Yeah, just... feeling a bit... slimy. Wait, sir! you dropped the crystal!

Blitzo: (frantically patting his pockets) Damn it, you're right! It must have slipped out when we were running. But hey, those creatures have no idea what they have. They probably just think it's some weird rock.


As Owl holds the crystal, its surface glows with an eerie light, casting an ominous shadow over his face. He gazes at his assembled allies, a look of determination gleaming in his eyes.

Owl: This changes everything. Charlie thought she could hide from us, but now we know her location. We're going to Hurricane, Utah, and we're going to make her pay for what she and her family have done!

His words hang heavy in the air, each syllable dripping with malice and intent. The others nod in agreement, their expressions a mix of anticipation and bloodlust.

Wolf: Finally, we'll show them what happens when they cross us.

Pete: Time to bring a little chaos to Hurricane.

Piglet, Steamboat Willie, and the rest of the group exchange determined glances, their resolve steeled by Owl's declaration. With a flick of his talon, Owl activates the portal, its swirling vortex opening a gateway to their next destination.

Owl: Let's show them the true meaning of fear.

Photo Negative Y/N holds the necklace in his hand, the images of Charlie, Amy, and Melinda captured within its delicate frame. His laughter echoes through the room, a chilling sound that sends shivers down the spines of those nearby.

Photo Negative Y/N: (laughing) Oh, Charlie... Amy... Melinda... see ya real soon!

His eyes gleam with a twisted sense of satisfaction, his lips curling into a malevolent smirk as he savors the anticipation of what's to come. With a final, ominous chuckle, he tucks the necklace away, his mind already plotting their next move.


The scene rolls in the breaking news card over to start viewing the headlines. The camera then shows the news anchorwoman reporting in on the sex scene that was being watched and livestreamed on the internet.

Anchorwoman: Internet sensation and local celebrity Millerd Realboy caught incesting tonight!

The anchorwoman then shows the pictures taken by the campers of the Moxxie and Millie having sex on stage and then a short story scene of Millie making love to Moxxie as she kisses Moxxie on top of him.

Anchorwoman: Showcasing a sickening display onlookers deemed: Too disturbing to look away... and we won't.

Despite Millie's popularity now ruined and her reputation tarnished, that doesn't seem to matter for Blitzo as he turns off the TV. He was having his morning coffee as he was in the morning meeting with Moxxie and Millie, who still doesn't mind about her popularity crashing.

Blitzo: Gonna be honest, Moxxie-

The scene switched to the three imps with Millie and Moxxie not ditching their disguises in the meeting room. Blitzo smiles at Moxxie for a job well done.

Blitzo: Not too bad for your first solo mission.

Moxxie was taken back of his boss praising him despite it took a week to get it done. He then gasps deeply before Moxxie gets all glittery and then very happy that his eyes widened with cuteness, dimples smiling, and stars sparkling around him.

Moxxie: Reeeeeally, siiiir?

Blitzo then lose the smile to reveal that he is grouchy and still disappointed that the job lasted a week and that his sister still hates him, so he becomes truthful of Moxxie.

Blitzo: Nooo, no, not really. You're a fucking disgrace. By the way, did you even shower? You still smell like stomach acid!

And with that, Blitzo silently drinks his coffee while Moxxie loses all shine, completely depressed with sad puppy dog eyes. He looks over the table while Millie glares at her boss for being a completely asshole.

Blitzo: By the way, do you think we should tell Y/N about his Freakshow doppelgänger? I'm pretty sure he and the others haven't figured out how to use the crystal yet.


Newspaper: Monsters in the woods?

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