自然のダークサイド (Shizen no Daakusaido), Last Part

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Eichi chose a clearing behind her house as her training field, so the moment she got back from school, she dropped off her things and went off to practice for a while. 

The book she had bought as a guidebook lay at her feet as she threw the daggers to the dummy she had gotten from the shed, trying to stay focused and concise. 

"Come on, come on....!" Eichi quietly encouraged herself. "You can do this, Eichi... Remember who you're doing this for...." 

However, despite all her attempts, some which gave her a few minor wounds, she couldn't get a single mark. Seriously! It was like something was against her. As if the dummy was fighting her. 

But that couldn't be possible, right? 

Eichi just chose to focus even more as her hands moved like a cheetah, throwing the daggers as accurate as she could to the dummy, only for it to end up on the rough ground. 

Eventually, though, she had to stop. She was so exhausted. She couldn't force herself to do more. 

She felt the wind cool her face as she lied on the ground, staring at the blue sky above before she sighed. 

"Wonder what I'm doing wrong..." she muttered. "I mean, I'm sure that I was aiming the daggers at the right direction. So why can't I get it to hit the dummy?" 

That's because you're using it wrong, dummy. A soft voice suddenly spoke up, a teasing tone sensed underneath. 

That voice shocked her to bits.

Eichi's eyes widened in shock, her hand grabbing a dagger on reflex as she got up in no time, "W-Who are you?!" 

But there was no one around. The only thing she could feel right now was the zephyr. 

Hello, Izanami Eichi. The voice spoke again. If you are looking for me, then I'm afraid that you will have to look at the daggers you recently acquired.

"H-Huh? The daggers?" Eichi repeated. 

Indeed. I am the manifestation of the magic possessing your daggers, the Nature magic and its higher level, the Blazing magic. You can call me Kage. Most of my friends do.

"N-Nice to meet you, Kage..." Eichi greeted them back, feeling slightly weird for talking to kunais. 

The newly named Kage seemed to have sensed that, because he chuckled, Do not worry, Eichi. You can talk to me through your mind as well.

"Eh? Really?" she blinked. 

Yes. Feel free to try it out. 

"O-Okay..." Eichi closed her eyes. Hello?

Welcome to the Mindscape, Eichi. Here, you can interact with your magic without worry. 

Wow, that's somewhat cool.

Indeed it is. 

Wait, did you call out to me when you saw me? Eichi suddenly remembered how weird their meeting had been. Because I've never been that interested in self-defence.

I may have played a little role in it, for I believe that you are the right person to wield the Nature magic.

E-Eh?! You believe that I'm the best choice?

Yes, I do. If you are wondering why, it is because you have the want to help others. 

R-Really?! Hearing that compliment made Eichi blush scarlet. I-I'm just a normal girl, though!

I think otherwise. You chose to try to learn self-defence in order to keep your family safe. That is a rare thing to see in today's society, with a war in the horizon. 

It's nothing much! Really! 

Just accept it Eichi. I am not going to take no for an answer. 

Eichi's mouth gaped before it closed. I-I....

I wish for you to be my partner as well, if it is okay. We can work together to keep the world safe, but only if you wish for that to happen. Are you ready to prove it through your actions?

Loading the other stuff might have taken a while, but the 8-year-old girl understood the last statement. 

And she knew the answer to it. 

So, with a smile, she gave her answer. 

Very well! I accept your offer, Kage!

Very good, Eichi.... Very good....

H-How did this happen?.... 

K-Kage... H-How could you betray me like this?....

Standing in front of the crowd screaming for her execution, Eichi's fear was obvious. Tears were streaming down her face like waterfalls. Her eyes frantically looked at her once-acquaintances, who now looked stony and unresponsive to her silent pleas. Some had tears falling too, but most of them had anger and rage in their hearts. Sadistic pleasure could be read on their faces, thinking that she was getting what she deserved. 

But Eichi didn't do it. 

Kage had. 


Yet no one wanted to listen. 

"Izanami Eichi, you are charged with the assaults of multiple villagers," the town elder announced. "As we all know, the penalty for that is death. Especially if those injuries all manifested into deaths." 

Hearing that word (manifest) made Eichi shiver even more. "Y-You're wrong! I-I didn't do it! Really!" 

"The evidence says otherwise," he looked at her, no expression on his face as he raised the sword in his hand. "Now, prepare to say goodbye." 


"Too late."

Those words, and a swing of a sword, was all Izanami Eichi heard... 

Before pain exploded in her head. 

An agonised scream tore through the air, tears fell, cheers were heard. 


The tears stopped.

A girl lay on the ground, a wound on her heart, no longer breathing. 

Dead to the world. 

I... I want revenge on Kage.... 

I want to get back at him for what he did....

For what he made me do....

For taking away my youth...

But at the same time... 


I want youth too...


Maybe I can compromise. 

I'll go look for Kage, and I'll find youthfulness to eat. 

Yeah! That sound great! I'll do that!

Watch out Kage, cause Jorogumo is coming your way to end you. 

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