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2/23/19: This story was made years ago, so apologizes for OOCness, errors, and more!

Fon sighed, eyes reading over the newest report that one of the head butlers had just sent him.

Apparently his son, Hibari Kyoya, had scared off his newest babysitter.


He rubbed his forehead, thinking over on who to call over next to watch his little boy while he went out for another hit that he had just got hired for. Fon didn't really want to leave, but it was necessary for money to support themselves. (More like the damages that Kyoya did often. Fon only understood some of the words. "Herbivores need to be bitten to death father-" Kyoya had told him once when he asked. Fon thought that his son needed to lay off the animal channels for a little bit.)

So Fon really did the only thing he could do at the moment.

Call Colonello, a fellow coworker that sometimes joined him on missions.

Now Fon knew that he really didn't need to call Colonello, but Fon kinda wanted to know the blond's opinion on his situation. (Because Colonello and Lal somehow produced pineapple children- They're monsters.)

"Hey Fon, Kora!"

Fon breathed a sigh of relief, glad that his old friend ended up picking up. "Hello Colonello..." Fon hesitated for a second. "Its...Well, I need some help on something."

As if sensing his old friends urgency, Colonello's voice took a serious tone. "Is everything alright, Kora? Do you need me to come over?"

Fon shook his head, "No...Its not alright to be honest." Fon breathed out a wary sigh, exhaustion finally setting in, making him sound older then he really was. "I just....need a babysitter. Kyoyas still chasing them out...None of them end up coming back and I'm running out of people to call."

Colonello was silent for a moment, "You know, Kora. Me and Lal found this...interesting babysitter."

Fon raised an eye brow, "And let me guess, this babysitter ran away?"

Colonello chuckled, "Actually no. She put up with both Mukuro and Chrome for a whole weekend, the house was still in amazing shape and they were all asleep on the couch when we got back, Kora."

If Fon had a drink in his mouth, he would have spit it out. "What? Seriously?"

Colonello smirked on the other side, amused at how his friends usual calmness was fading away. "Yup, and do you want to know what the best part is, Kora."

Colonello didn't even wait for Fon to reply, "Both Mukuro and Chrome asked for her again, and the babysitter came back. Not even traumatized like the rest, Kora."

Fon held his breath. "And what is this so-called babysitters name?"

Colonello smiled slightly. "Tsunami. Cielo Tsunami."



"Now, Kyoya please be on you're best behaver."

Kyoya sighed, looking away as his father looked at him with pleading eyes. "She better not be a herbivore like the rest.."

The door bell rang.

Fon flashed the door a nervous smile, "Oh, that must be her." He turned back to Kyoya for a second, hugging him. (Even though Kyoya struggled against him) "Now please Kyoya, don't scare this one away. Even if she is..." Fon paused, looking for the word. "...A herbivore."

Kyoya scowled, finding how his father was acting like a stupid herbivore annoying. "Fine."

Fon smiled politely, heading towards the door to open it for the guest. He hoped that she was a good a babysitter as Colonello had said. (Secretly, he hoped that she wasn't just doing it for the money.)

Fon took a deep breath, glancing at Kyoya one more time before opening the door. "Hello, Thank you once again for coming all this way to watch my son."

The girl in front of him smiled brightly, "No problem! I enjoy kids!" (Fon silently wondered how long it had been since someone had smiled at him normally like that, not one of the flirtatious ones that both men and women shot from time to time.)

Fon flashed her a grateful smile, "Well I need to leave right now so I hope it's not a problem."

The girl shook her head, hair bouncing in the process. (How is the hair...So fluffy??) "Nope, Its not a problem at all."

Fon gave Kyoya a meaningful look before he left, choosing to ignore the scoff his son sent back. "Ill be on my way then, call me if he gives you any troubles."

The brunette simply smiled warmly and headed into the house, pushing Fon out in the process, "Don't worry, we'll be fine."

Fon sweatdropped, "Alight then..."

And thus, Fon headed out, a calming smile present on his face. (While on the inside he mentally prayed that Kyoya didn't do anything wrong.)




Fon looked up at Kyoya, pausing his eating. "Yes Kyoya?"

Kyoya looked down, a tint of pink covering his cheeks. (If Fon was any less of a human being, he would have squealed and hugged Kyoya to death.) "May we..."

Fon listened in, surprised that his son was actually requesting something from him.

Kyoya continued to look down. (Fon suspected that he got that habit from his late mother.) "May we....Call that herbivore back next time you go out?"

Fon stared at his son blankly before breaking into smile, "Why of course, but why the sudden request?"

Kyoya instantly gained a bloodthirsty smirk, eyes glinting in dangerous way, "The herbivore has a hidden carnivorous side....One that I want to bite to death."

Fon shook his head in amusement, taking Kyoyas answer as a 'I-like-this-babysitter-'.


As the weeks turned into months, Fon grew more interested in this 'Cielo Tsunami', she was the second person to actually tame his son, so he'd obviously be interested in this women. His son even seemed to like her. Sort of. ("Father." Fon looked over to his son, "I wish to bite the Omnivore to death. Train me.")

Everything was going fine, Kyoya seemed...Happy. Fon could finally trust someone other then himself and his friends with his son and he could finally go out and do some missions.

The only thing...was that Tsuna seemed to drag people in. Fon hasn't felt anything like that since Luce. Even his son seemed to be getting pulled in ever so slowly.

It worried the Chinese Man, he was worried that Tsuna was just putting on a play, one to snatch him up and make him do her bidding.

('She wouldn't do that' Something inside Fons whispered, 'You can finally be free like the wind. You can be safe with her.')

So he listened to the voice in his head.

It was to say the least, the best choice he had ever made.

5 months later they started dating.



It was her who approached them.

It was her who tamed them.

It was her who loved them.

It was her who said 'I love you'

It was her who let them be themselves.

It was her who didn't love them for their looks.

It was him who wouldn't let her go.


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