Flashforward: I Went Missing

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Hozuki Castle is guarded by a woman named Kahyō. Her affiliation as a master guard in the Prison is the exchange for her death penalty. Find her. She knows who I am, and who your Father is.

- Rokudaime


She an important person, Godfather?

- Uzumaki


Well, we had history. I doubt very much she'll give false information.

- Rokudaime

The tall blonde Shinobi rolled the letter, a forlorn look inscribed upon his (fresh-looking) face. He handed it over his ponytailed-hair companion.

Towards the vast wind, came the dangerous whirlpools of Kusagakure, attempting to clash against the high cliffs where the Hozuki Castle was built on the high grounds. As if it were holy, exclusive--well, it really was love at first sight; to anyone who was thalassophilic* and carried an adventurous mind.

Thalassophile - love for the ocean*

Wind brushed the side bangs of Boruto. He was sad again. I could have travelled the world with you, if you'd let me...

"You mind telling me why we're wasting our time outside, where it's more dangerous?" Shikadai asked. Hostile as always. "'Coz I wouldn't mind lighting a freakin' cigarette."

"I'm still figuring how my Dad could have survived this place. Look at how every pillar is constructed." He squinted his eyes, wherein blue crystals turned into lavender pearls, with veins wrapping the corners like a vine. "The prisoners are tamed with chains that neutralize chakra. Underneath the basketball court is a bladed trap. The people who run this also seem to have some sort of a bracelet that emits chakra."

"Yeah, yeah. And I'm not afraid. Let's go before someone discovers we're here." A cigarette was pressed in his lips, and Shikadai was already walking ahead of him.

"Better safe than sorry. I just don't want to trust anyone."

"So am I."

Blood Prison.

The Demon Castle.

Sounds like it.

"Welcome, children." Said Kahyō, strutting from the dark hall of the insides greeting them with a cheerful smile.

"Don't call us that, please."

"You are as polite and formal as Kakashi, I see." She answered, unbothered. Shikadai examined the woman carefully as the smoke escaped his lips: tall, voluptuous, had the aura of a Kunoichi alright. She sure didn't have much trouble controlling the monsters the Prison held deep within a hundred meter walls.

Because it was 3:00 that they had paid their visit in the Castle, and some of the prisoners were out. If glaring could kill, Shikadai and Boruto could have put up a fight. Being in creepy prisons like this, the two wandering Shinobi thought mesmerizingly, made them acknowledge their peaceful coexistence as free men.

"Actually, we came here to look for someone. You might know her by face, or by name..." Boruto was stuttering, reaching for his pockets as if he couldn't find the hole in them. Shikadai was watching from his sitting position, in a table made of rocks, smoking.

Kahyō blinked. "Kind of odd to look for a friend in dark places like this, don't you think?"

"Actually, she is my wife." He said, handing a yellow-stained picture of Sarada--Shikadai chuckled; Kahyō's green eyes widened, obviously suppressing the stupendous words that would come out--on the Masterguard's fingertips, she was looking at a young teenage girl with pitch-black eyes and a pair of red glasses. "Was she here?" Kahyō held the picture in her hands as she gulped. "I know her. Even before she came...her name was popular and she was famous. I almost didn't recognize her here because she's so young. The Sarada that came here volunteered as an inmate for four days, said she had some issues and needed to take care of herself properly. She said this place was one of a few that could help her."

"So she's gone?" Boruto lashed out, "You just let her go??"

"Boruto, let it go. You know better." Shikadai looked back at Kahyō, who had the most suspicious face. "You do know that caging an innocent is similar to letting a Rogue out, which is against the law."

"Don't throw that to me, kid. I know the law. You can thank me later. I didn't treat her greater than her environment; I treated her as if she were a guest."

Boruto felt sick. He didn't think there would come a time he'd feel his bones weakening, despite the exasperating trainings he's had day by day. He didn't know if it was an uncommon sea sickness that hit him, or it was the look on the Prisoners eyes that accused him of something, or was Shikadai looked more than disappointed. In him.

They promised that they would look for her together, and have results.

It wasn't happening again, was it?

Boruto wouldn't be a bad husband. Blame it on the circumstances. Blame it on the blood they carried on their veins (as if they had a choice). Blame it on the stupid idea Sarada came up with, which was running away, believing for a second she could erase the faults of the world by herself.

This was why heroism wasn't always good: heroism was martyrdom. You would try to be good, but people always saw see the ego; the flaws; and the good intentions, a shadow of your best efforts. Sarada Uchiha was never evil; in fact she was someone of big heart, Boruto was sure of that—the World turned her into one. And she believed in it.

"Was she pregnant?"

His shoulders fell. The Uzumaki child bowed his head, the cold wind of Kusagakure brushing both sides of his bangs as he let out a hopeless sigh. "Yes."

"I thought so. She was looking for someone though,..."

Shikadai perked up.

"She was looking for Uchiha Sasuke."

"Was that really necessary?"

"Don't start with me."

"I'm thinking..." Boruto's lips pressed into a thin line. He looked up at the grey skies. It had begun to rain. Sarada, where are you?

In a small cottage somewhere in a summer place there she rested, her yellowish skin flawless and shining under the open window. On a soft velvet fabric she was recovering. A thick wrap of bandage appeared on her arm the moment she awoke to the smell of coffee and honey syrup, and ended up gazing at a wooden ceiling. Upon realization, she jumped to sit on the bed, a gasp on her mouth.

A dangerous, Level-4 chakra was in front of her. It was similar to hers. But it wasn't moving, and it didn't seem to have any intention of harm. Sarada sensed a living creature too much: a hundred-year-old Tree of Chakra, a powerful Shinobi, and even the tiniest insect—Sarada's sensory skills were never delaying. She knew that much, and she was afraid that much.

Being a target in your whole life, you tend to go uneasy.

Even if it's someone close to you, you should always have doubt in your pockets, or suffer an unpredictable fate.

"Oh? You're awake?" said he.

With a hand on her bandaged arm, Sarada gave a chuckle with no sound. She fell hard, on the headboard of the bed, feeling more mentally weak than she could ever be.

Inojin. Of all people.


- Inspired by the anime Erased, also known 'The Town I Went Missing'.

- Kahyo is a real Kunoichi from Kakashi Hiden.  

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