Her Silent Scream

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Lucy's P.O.V.

Even though I was still new here in Fairy Tail, I seem to feel as this place was home. Well, it felt more like home than in that prison cell Father calls a mansion. I never told them my last name though. I imagine what there reaction will be like when they find out I'm actually Lucy Heartfilia. Heiress to the Heartfilia fortune.

Ha! As if that will ever happen. But still, there would still be a chance that we could have other high class family that will try to hire Fairy Tail and if they see me, they'll be bound to recognize me. And that would lead straight back to Father.

'A lady does not associate herself with those low lives, scoundrels! You are to be expected to act like a true lady worthy of the Heartfilia name. Don't disgrace me.'

Those were his exact words.

I looked over to my pink Fairy Tail guild mark. Too bad Father. I'm not exactly that little girl who's going to do everything you say anymore.

"Hey Luce!"

I jumped from my seat. "Natsu! What the hell?! Don't go creeping up to me like that!"

By now I saw everyone looking at me. What's wrong? Was I too loud? That's not it. There was no such thing as too loud here in Fairy Tail.

The pink haired idiot pointed at the front door. "Some guy dressed in a fancy outfit is looking for you."

"Do you know him or something?" Gray asked from beside Erza.

I looked away from, "Gray, your clothes."

"Gah! Where's my shirt?!"

I had a sinking feeling in my guts who the person is. But it can't be. He would've just send somebody. Wasn't he busy in his precious office making money while he ignores his own and only daughter!

I got up from my seat and walked outside.

And there he is. A suitcase in his hand while 3 guards surround him. He gives me one look and shook his head. "I need to talk to your guild master."

"You called?" Master Makarov said from behind me.

I turned back to see everyone was outside. This isn't going to be pretty. It's even worse since Father's here.

"I am here to give you 15,000,000 J for that girl." He pointed at me. Oh great, so now I'm just 'that girl' now. Its bad enough that you already control my life. Use me like some kind of card to play.

Master looked at me and back at Father, "No."

Shocked and anger was found in his face. "What do you mean 'no'?! Is the price too low? Give me a number!"

Master looked ta Father harshly, "No, as I mean that I don't sell off my kids for money. We may not be blood related but that doesn't stop us. We are family here in Fairy Tail and not some things you can just buy off."

"But she's my daughter!"

"Ehhhhh?!", went the whole guild.

"Daughter?", Erza whispered. "Lucy, this man is your father?"

Father sneered, "typical, they don't even know who I am. I am Jude Heartfilia and that girl is my daughter, Lucy Heartfilia. Heir to the Heartfilia fortune."

Shut up!

Since when was I treated like a daughter by you?!

"I'm not your daughter.", I said in a low tone.

"We're going home. Now, Lucy. I'm tired of your childish tantrums. I only want what's the best for you."

I'm caught up in your expectations
You're trying to make me live your dream
But I'm causing you so much frustration
And you only want the best for me

"Why are you singing? That's enough, let's go."

But I wouldn't move.

You wanted me to show more interests
To always keep a big bright smile
Be that pinky little perfect princess
But I'm not that type of child

By now we were gathering a crowd.

And this storm is rising inside of me
Don't you feel that our whole worlds collide?
It's getting harder to breathe
It hurts deep inside

Memories of my lonesome times at the cold mansion brought tears to my eyes. I was close to just breaking down. But I had to get the next part of my chest.

I looked at him dead in the eye.

Just let me be
Who I am
It's what you really need to understand
And I hope so hard for the pain to go away

And it's torturing me
But I can't break free
So I cry and cry but just won't get it out
The Silent Scream

I remember. All that time having to be alone yet I'm surrounded by countless of people at parties. I silently scream when I cry, a habit I got from being punished for crying so loudly when I was younger.

Tell me why you're putting pressure on me
And everyday you cause me harm
That's the reason why I feel so lonely
Even though you hold me in your arms

When I gave home that rice ball with his face on it. He threw it away like garbage. It was my birthday. But did he even care? No. Not once.

Wanna put me in a box of glitter
But I'm just trying to get right out
And now you're feeling so so bitter
Because I let you down

"Yes you did!"

Nastu growled at him and he stepped back, "shut up! You old bastard!"

And this storm is rising inside of me
Don't you feel that our whole worlds collide?
It's getting harder to breathe
It hurts deep inside

Just let me be
Who I am
It's what you really need to understand
And I hope so hard for the pain to go away

And it's torturing me
But I can't break free
So I cry and cry but just won't get it out
The Silent Scream

Why Father? Why can't you just give me what I always wanted yet you never gave it to me. All I wanted was for you to notice me and love me yet you change when mom died. I tried to cheer you up but you just distanced yourself from me. Used me like I was a tool.

Can't you see how I cry for help
Cause you should love me just for being myself
I'll drown in an ocean
Of pain and emotion
If you don't save me right away

He and mom used to read me bed time stories and when I got scared of the villain, he would always tell me :'don't worry, I'm always here save you Lucy'

Just let me be
Who I am
It's what you really need to understand
And I hope so hard for the pain to go away
And it's torturing me
But I can't break free
So I cry and cry but just won't get it out
The Silent Scream
My Silent Scream

By now I was done. My guild mates and mostly everyone was in tears.

I looked at Father. He gave me a pouch and walked away.

"You know, you're just like your mother. I'll visit soon."

I wiped tears that was falling.

"Luce, you okay?", Natsu placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

I nodded, "yeah, I'm alright. I just need that out of my chest."

He looked at me concerned, "you've been keeping that much emotions in you?"

I shrugged. "The top rule my teacher gave me is to never show what I'm feeling. No emotions would lead to no scenes and no scenes would lead to no embarrassment and no embarrassment would lead to me not staining the Heartfilia name."

He pulled me in his arms, "I'm sorry."

"For what? You did nothing wrong. I should be sorry. I should've trusted you and told you who I really was."

The rest is up to you.....hold on for a second.

"Hey, what is it in that bag?"


"What? I'm just curious!"

I opened the bag, "huh, it's just my allowance."

"Well how much is it?"

Curiosity kills the cat.

"About 500,000 J"


"A year?"

I shook my head, "a month."

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