The Walk

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It was soon to be sunset. Natsu walked along side Lucy. Until she stopped walking.

"What's wrong? " Natsu asked Lucy. Lucy took out her phone and took a picture of Natsu.

After she saw the picture she put her hand over her mouth and kept in her laugh. The flash on her phone made his picture priceless.

" Hey! You trying to blind me!?" Natsu yelled.

Lucy shook her head.

Natsu looked at his phone.

"It's gonna be sunset soon. " Natsu said. Lucy nodded. Natsu then grabbed her wrist and started running. He led her  back to the park, on a small hill.

"The view from this hill is a good place to watch the sunset."  Natsu smiled and sat down. Lucy sat down next to him.

The two watched the sun escape behind the horizon. And the moon appeared low in the sky.

Lucy suddenly yawned.

"tired? " Natsu asked. Lucy nodded sleepily.

" Let's go. " Natsu got up and offered his hand to Lucy. She took it graciously.

They walked out of the park and onto the streets.

"Hey you! Natsu!" someone yelled from behind them.

"Damn. " Natsu cursed under his breath.

Lucy and Natsu turned around. There was three tough muscled men.

"What're you guys doing here?"  Natsu growled. Lucy looked at him confused. Natsu sighed and looked at her.

"I used to be in these guy's gang. After my dad left me. But I quit at the beginning of this year. " Natsu briefly explained.

"You were also the top fighter."  the guy that called out to Natsu said. He had messy black hair, and pale blue eyes.

"What're you guys doing here? " Natsu asked again.

" We want you back in the gang. " the guy said and the guys next to him nodded.

"No."  Natsu said blankly.

"Whose that chic?" the guy on the left said pointed at Lucy.

"She's my friend leave her alone. " Natsu said, pulling Lucy behind him protectively. Lucy stared at the men over his shoulder.

"So you've got yourself a cutie."  the guy on the right smirked when he saw Lucy, and stepped forward. Natsu growled at him making him snicker.

"join the gang again or the chic joins. " the main guy said with an evil grin.

"Neither."  Natsu growled.

"Pick one or the other. The last choice is to use force. " the guy said cracking his knuckles.

Natsu kept glaring at them, not moving an inch. Lucy was shaking, as Natsu squeezed her hand to help her calm down.

The guy from the left got up to Natsu and kneed his gut. Natsu groaned and dropped to his knees holding his stomach. Lucy's hand slipped out of Natsu's as he fell.

The main guy went up to Lucy. He grabbed her wrist and held it up. She stood on her tippy toes.

Natsu was going to get up on his feet, but the guy who stood on the right took his arm and held it against his back pushing him to the ground.

"What's your name little missy. " the guy hold Lucy's wrist asked. Lucy didn't answer she just stared at the man with scared eyes.

"Come on... Speak." the man tightened his grip. Lucy winced.

"Leave her alone! She doesn't talk! " Natsu yelled fighting against the massive hands that held him down.

"I'll make her then."  the man said.

Lucy started glaring at the guy.

"OH she's a feisty one! " the guy cheered." My name's Hittori.  But people call me Hit. I guess you can think of why. "

Natsu let out a whimper of pain when the guy holding his arm moved it up his back.

Hit put his free hand on Lucy's hip, but she pushed it away with her free hand. Hit grinned, but that grin turned into a face of pain. Lucy kicked him in the manhood.

He let her go and dropped to the ground holding his manhood.

"Ouch. " Natsu said.

"Why you! " the man that wasn't holding Natsu grabbed Lucy. She squirmed in his grip on her waist.

Natsu turned over on his back and kicked the guy holding him.

Natsu punched the guy who was holding Lucy. Lucy went behind Natsu. Natsu and the guy he punched was fighting brutally with each other.

The guy Natsu kicked of him held Lucy's arms behind her back with one hand. His other hand was around her stomach.

She heeled his manhood and he went down. Natsu beat up the other guy.

Natsu turned grabbed Lucy's hand and ran. Natsu kept running all the way to Lucy's apartment. Lucy unlocked her apartment and they piled in.

"That was a close one. " Natsu huffed. Lucy nodded putting her hands on her knees and breathed heavily.

"You're hurt." he heard a soft voice. Lucy was talking. Natsu stared at her in surprise.

"Y-You talked! " Natsu pointed at her in surprise.

"Of course I do."  Lucy said.

"OH. " Natsu said. Lucy sighed and grabbed Natsu's wrist. She took him into her room and sat him on the bed. She quickly walked into the bath room and got the first aid. She came back into her bedroom. She opened up the fist aid and pulled out a cotton ball and rubbing alcohol.

She poured a small amount of the rubbing alcohol on the cotton ball.

She turned toward Natsu and dabbed a bleeding cut on his forehead.

"Ow! " Natsu whimpered in pain.

"Stay still."  Lucy said gently.

Natsu stayed still. Lucy threw away the cotton ball and put a bandaid over the cut.

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