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"Am I dying? No don't be stupid Ariana you're not dying, though it feels like it. Okay, okay stay calm, try and get some help." Ari spoke to herself realising that the pains in her stomach meant only one thing; the baby was coming.

"Mum! Mummmmm!" Ari shouted in hopes that her mother might hear her, as she was still at the hotel.

"Okay well that obviously didn't work," Ari spoke to herself, when she heard a door open. Pulling herself together, Ari tried as hard as she could to bring herself to try and walk closer to the door.

"Hello?" She called, hoping someone was there who could help her.

"Ari?" It was Rosie, who Ari thought probably wasn't going to be the greatest help in delivering a baby.

Wincing because of the pain, Ari tried as hard as she possibly could to make Rosie understand her situation. "Baby, coming, now."

Rosie started to become nervous and unable to think of what to do, "oh crap, crap. Okay stay calm,"

Ari breathed, " I am calm?"

Rosie stood still, " I was talking to myself, but anyhow you stay there I'll go get your mum and Shawn, if I can find him."

Ari stood on the stairs bending over in pain, wanting her mum and Shawn to be with her right now.

Moments later Donna and Sophie came rushing through the door to Ari's relief,

"Oh honey, c'mon let's get you upstairs, alot of work ahead but it'll all be worth it in the end." She smiled lightly to her daughter,

Lying down on the bed gently, Ari only wanted one thing; for Shawn to be next to her, but of course Rosie was still looking for him.

"Ari, it'll be time for you to push soon." Donna told her,

Ari shook her head. "No, no I need Shawn to be here."

"He will be Ari, Rosie is looking for him now."

Almost instantly, Shawn came rushing through the door, almost tripping over his own feet, leaving Ari to smile at him.

"I'm so sorry I tried to get here as fast as I could but-" Shawn tried to explain but Donna cut him off,

"Ari, time to start pushing, the baby's ready to come."

Shawn and Ari looked at each other, knowing this moment would change their lives forever. Shawn kissed Ari on the head and held her hand, "you can do this."

Hours later, cries filled the room, with a baby laying in Ari's arms and tears in both Shawn's and Ari's eyes at their child.


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