Chapter 6: Anger and Respect

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(Start Soundtrack)

-Pissed wasn't the word to describe all the emotions that Izuku was currently feeling... Enraged was the proper one. All the students tried their best to make sure that Izuku didn't get into a duel with one of the best to ever do it on the very first day, but it was failure as Izuku accepted the challenge immediately after Lui established it. Now the students were watching on as they awaited for the result of the battle between the two students of the Hero Factory. Izuku he said nothing as he grabbed the sword and swung it around a few times as he was ready for a fight with the Ice Knight. Lui smirked as his hair started to move exactly like fire, as Izuku saw it and started to get into position as Lui was about to charge right at him...

Lui: So here are the rules for and I, if one manages to knock the other one out or make them say, "I surrender" in any sort of way, then the duel is over as that will be the way to end it.

Izuku: . . .

Lui: *Smirk* Got nothing to say huh? Well then... *Readies Ice Sword* Prepare to suffer the wrath of me and me alone.

Izuku: And you'll pay for putting the darkness inside of me! *Readies His Stance*

-Lui smirked as he readies his stance and looked to take down as he charged in with Izuku doing the same as the two of them collided with each other from the first strike burst of sparks surround them both as a gust a of pushed back everyone except for Ironhide. Ever since Izuku accepted Lui's challenge Ironhide has been interested into this fight mainly because he wanted to see what Midoriya has in the tank. Kris wanted to stop this fight, but Ironhide stopped her and told her that this needed to happen, Kris at first disagreed with this as he looked to see if Izuku could win.

Kris: Midoriya... Focus on surviving not winning.

(The Guy attacking is Izuku, and the One Dodging is Lui.)


Lui: HAHAHAHAHA! *Blocks a Hit* Lesson 1 kid! Focus on the fight and your opponent! *Ducks and Kicks Izuku in the Gut* LIKE THAT!

Izuku: *Spits Out some Saliva* ACK!

-Izuku is then sent flying as he is then dragged into the ground by Lui with some sort of an ice gauntlet forming on his Right Hand, and ends up punching Izuku into the ground. Lui got up as the gauntlet dissolved into nothing as Lui smirked knowing he won the fight as he walked away from the battered and bruised body of Izuku.

Lui: HA! That's the son of Prime? Pathetic!

Izuku: Just... SHUT! *Get's Up and Lands a Strike On Lui* UP!

-Izuku began to charge non-stop and try his absolute hardest to try and land a strike on Lui as sparks began to spark off of the two swords due to the sheer impact of the impact and impressive amounts of speed.

(Imagine Izuku only has one sword and is currently in the training ground.)

-But this began to have more pleasure from the Ice Knight as he began to chuckle while the attacks kept on coming, soon Lui saw an opening as he ducked once more and looked to punch Izuku in the gut. But this time Izuku was prepared as he slammed his sword into the ground, as dust began to form as it blinded the field forming some sort of a disadvantage for Lui as he easily made two gauntlets as he threw his sword in the air as he cleared the dust. But even when he cleared the dust Izuku was no where to be found as he looked around and was caught off guard by Izuku suddenly as he almost managed to punch Lui in the gut, but Lui stopped him before that happened. Once the two got some distance between each other, that's when Lui's hair began to move... Like it was a form of Blue Fire...

Lui: *Hair Moving Like Fire* This is you when your in a fight huh? HAHAHAHA! *Hair Starts to Enlarge* THIS IS WHAT I CALL A FIGHT! *Charges Once Again at Izuku*

-Gaunlets then deactivated from the hand of Lui as he caught sword in his right hand as he and Izuku's Swords began to collide with one another at amazing speeds that seemed like they were moving at supersonic speeds.

(End Soundtrack)

In the Stands...

-All the students were in hesitation at the events that were currently unfolding as it was. And the most worried of the group was young Honey Guten who was the most worried out of everyone. She front and center knew how powerful Lui was as she saw him beat her sister into the ground with her on the recovery bed for almost an entire month because of it. Valt almost barely won against Lui but lost to him due to Valt passing out when Lui was on his final legs. Thinking about it now, Honey began to worry about Izuku as he was beginning to get more aggressive with the battle, it was like he was getting more and more angry.

Honey: Why is Izuku getting more angry? Lui may have disrespected his friends from Earth but what changed?


Ranjiro: Aiger! That isn't helping matters! He's on his toes as it is already!

-Suddenly as they were cheering him on a big boom was heard as Izuku was sent across the room as he crashed into the wall with Lui about to charge in as he transformed his hands into Ice Gauntlet's once again as he and Izuku collided once more. This would continue to worry the thoughts of Honey Guten as she looked on to Izuku fighting as she took a deep breathe of worry.

Honey: Izu... *Slight Blush* Try to survive long enough for the perfect opportunity...

Back in the Arena...

Izuku: RAAAAAGH! *Charges In Again*

-Izuku with a broken sword on the ground, charged in bare handed as he looked to get a few lucky hits on Lui, but it was to no avail as Lui took Izuku by the throat and slammed him down. Izuku said nothing as it appeared to be unconscious as Lui smirked and began to walk away as he thought he won. But Izuku launched up again as he looked to punch Lui in the one spot he hasn't attempted to get since the battle started. Lui didn't see this coming as he tried to land a punch with a Ice Gauntlet on his right hand, but Izuku lifted himself into the air as he looked for a kick to the face but Lui managed to block it with his left... But when Izuku did it, he noticed that when Lui struck with his right hand it was weak, but with his left hand it was really powerful. The reason why was because it looked like the Left Hand was weak at blocking than the right hand.

Izuku: *Backs Off* (He always appears to strike with his left arm... That means...) *Realization* (THAT'S IT!)

-Lui began to charge in with his left hand cocked back and loaded for another strike as Izuku began charging in himself. Izuku then went for another kick as Lui blocked it but let his guard down for a slight millisecond. Izuku saw it, and quickly punched Lui in the face while the right arm is down and stunned Lui as Izuku flipped off as he then proceeded to get the upper hand on Lui...

Izuku: *Begins Punching Lui* Eat this you Ice... *Kicks Lui's Jaw* DRAGON!

Lui: *Spits Out Some Saliva* URK! *Sent Flying a Few Feet Back*

-Lui was sent flying as he sent to the wall as he began coughing up some slight blood. Izuku began to sigh a breathe of relief thinking he has a really good chance of taking him down, but Lui got up and he yelled into the sky as he then proceeded to punch Izuku right in the ribs and...

Izuku: *Spits out some blood* PFFT! PLACK! *Gets punched and sent into the wall*

Lui: I gotta admit kid... *Wipes Saliva from his mouth* You have guts I'll give you that much... BUT THIS IS WHERE YOU'RE STRUGGLE ENDS HERE!!! YOU MUST HAVE SOME VERY BAD FRIENDS IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE ME!!!

Izuku: *Stops* N-Never...


Izuku: Talk... *Starts to get up*



Izuku: About... *Having an aura around him*

Kit, Toko, and Nika: IZUKU! GET OUT OF THERE!

Izumi: *In Izuku's Head* ONI-CHAN!!!

Izuku: My...

-All of a sudden, the lights started to flicker as the students began to get a little confused. Lui then chuckled thinking it was a trick, but then a massive burst of darkness took some students off their feet and those who didn't were watching Izuku as looked like he was getting... More Angry.  He then had some odd sparks floating around him as Ironhide was watching with fascination and utter disbelief, as he never saw anything like it. But then...

Izuku: *Dark Voice* FAMILY!

Izuku: *Unleashing a terrifying aura* RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-The aura then broke the entire lights and the windows in the training room, Ironhide saw the result and he was shocked about how much power Izuku is capable of having. After it finished radiating, Lui was laughing thinking it was just a small burst of energy, but when the dust cleared...

Izuku?: *Dark Voice* You have made you're LAST mistake Ice Knight...

Izuku?: *Dark Voice* Only Galeem will have mercy on you're soul for the mistake you have made...

-For the first time known to Lui, he wasn't just intimidated, he was afraid, whatever was happening... This was not the same boy that Lui challenged... And this made Lui... Excited.

Lui: *Feeling Intimidated* Holy shit... *Grins Wildly* I WAS RIGHT! *Voice Change* YOU ARE INTERESTING!

Lui: *Unleashing his own aura* LET ME SEE WHAT YOU'RE MADE OF PRIME!!!

(Start Soundtrack)

-Lui using his aura started to ice the the floor he was currently on as Izuku took a step and started running at terrifying speeds as he and Lui collided fist sending a wind shockwave throughout the entire school...

And getting the attention of two certain people.

Stormer: *Looking at the files* Hmm... You really think that Drift can handle the new 501st Unit back on Earth? I mean, the 501st hasn't been business after the Paragon Mission.

Hisashi: Lighten up a little Preston! You're acting up for no reason! There's nothing bad that's going to-.

-The air shockwave then appeared into the room as it sent Stormer and Hisashi crashing into the computer's as the alarm started to sound a high alert.

Stormer: What in the name of the Goddess Galeem was that!?

Hisashi: *Rubbing his head* I don't know Stormer, but it almost seemed like it came from... Within the Hero Factory?

X-P0: *Check's the scanner* Don't worry I'm checking the power scanners now to see where it is and... HOLY CRAP!

Stormer: *Get's up* What's up?


Hisashi/Stormer: WHAT!?

Stormer: RAGH! *Put on battle mask* I TOLD you it was bad idea to give Lui permission to train on Izuku's first day of practical training! *Running* Let's go!

Optimus: *Hisashi transforms into battle armor* Right behind you old friend! *Follows Stormer*

At the end of the duel...

-Izuku and Lui were both dead even with one another in the fight as it was soon coming to an end, and the two of them never had the patience to take care of their own personal health. They kept colliding fists as the two of them made sparks fly, as Lui's hair kept flaming to an out of control limit. Stormer and Optimus came in to see the situation as Stormer set his blaster to ice cold to hopefully freeze them both but Optimus looks at Izuku to see a familiar aura coming from his son. Stormer then put up five massive ice towers between the two... But... They unleashed a fury of fire that engulfed the entire training center as all of the students held on to their damn asses. The entire stadium was shocked as they all started to get up to see who was victorious... And this is where they saw...

Izuku and Lui both unconscious.

(Stop the Soundtrack at 1:16.)


Ironhide: Damn! That was some fight!

Stormer: IRONHIDE!

Ironhide: Oh, Stormer! Prime! What's up?

Stormer: Mind telling me what in the name of Galeem just happened! We were going over mission logs with X-P0, when we saw an energy spike in the Hero Factory! *Puts his battle glove to Ironhide's face* So... What happened.

Optimus: Stormer. Don't let you're anger get the best of you. Ironhide allowed this because you and I both know even if Ironhide tried to stop it... Lui wouldn't listen regardless. *Picks up Izuku* Let's just get Izuku and Lui to the medical wing immediately. *Goes to the medical wing*

Stormer: *Grumbling while picking up Lui* Fine. *Begins walking behind Optimus as Honey looks on worryingly*

Honey: *Blushing while crying* (Izuku... Please be okay.)

In the Medical Wing...

-It has been a solid 10 minutes since Izuku and Lui has their duel and they went unconscious after their massive fight. Ratchet confirmed that they were both okay, just had some scratches here and there across their bodies. After a while, Izuku woke up as he began to get his bearings...

Izuku: *A little hurt* Ow... *Sits up* What happened?

Ratchet: *See's Izuku awake* Ah, Izuku, you're awake. Thank goodness, you and Lui had quite the scuffle, you both went all out and the entire Hero Factory could feel that fight from a mile away.

Izuku: W-What are you...? *Remembers the fight he and Lui had* The battle! What happened! Who won! Did we cause-!

???: *Annoyed* Who do YOU think won nerd?

Izuku: *Looks to his side* L-Lui! You're here too?

Lui: Yeah...

Izuku: *Sigh* I-I... Lost... Didn't I?

Lui: *Looks At Izuku then starts chuckling* Hehehehehehehe...

Izuku: *Confused* Huh? Why are you laughing?

Lui: *Laughing* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You think you lost! That's hilarious!

Izuku: *Shocked* W-Wait, I got knocked out though! And you must have been awake before you went uncon-!

Lui: We both passed out at the same time. *Sits up* So it's a tie.

Izuku: *Shocked* (A-A tie?)

Lui: Have to admit it kid... You're strong. Can't believe I'm saying this... But. You're a serious fighter. And someone I can proudly call a rival.

Izuku: *Surprise and begins to smile* You... You really think so?

Lui: *Looks at Izuku* Does this smile look like one that can lie? *Showing his iconic dragon like smile*

Izuku: *Smirks* Rivals huh? *Offers a fist bump* Then I'll happily accept it.

-Lui takes the fist bump... As the rivalry between these two heroes began to develop. Izuku knows that his true rival will be Katsuki, but for the time being, he was happy that he had a new teammate and new rival to past the time...

Meanwhile on Earth...

Zane: *Pinning Izumi to the wall* I won't ask again Izumi... Be my girlfriend... And I can make you're life much better.

Izumi: *Struggling* Go to hell! I'm not going to be you're girlfriend you dick!

Tenya: *Sighing* Izumi, please, just make this easier on yourself. We don't like hurting you, so please just accept this and becomes Zane's girlfriend.

Izumi: Grr... *Kicks Zane in the balls as she get's Zane off of her* You can forget about it! And Iida! If you're thinking that Izuku's going to forgive you then you're delusional!

Tenya: I know he'll forgive me. He and I are like brothers-!

Izumi: After what you did when Zane told Izuku to commit suicide. *Walking away* Not anymore.

-Iida sighed a little annoyed as he helped Zane up, with the thought of trying to get Izuku a happy life without being a hero, and thinking that Izuku will forgive him...

But Iida will realize... That his thoughts and ideals... Will bite him in the butt.

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