Ireland (Republic of) x Fem!Reader x England-Arranged Marriage *Lemon*

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Australia-Jett Kirkland
Britannia-Ainsley Kirkland
Celt-Anghus Kirkland
England-Arthur Kirkland
Ireland (Republic of)-Liam Kirkland
New Zealand-Toby Kirkland
Northern Ireland-Seamus Kirkland
Scotland-Allistor Kirkland
Sealand-Peter Kirkland
Wales-Dylan Kirkland

(Y/n)-Your name
(L/n)-Last name
(B/n)-Brothers name
(F/c)-Favourite colour
(F/i)-Favourite instrument
(D/j)-Dream job

Third person P.O.V.
The (L/n)s. One of the most successful, rich and well known families in England. They run multiple businesses and control lots of trades within the country. They have two children, the oldest (Y/n) who is set too inherent the company and her younger brother (B/n).

Of course (Y/n) has had lots of expectations put upon her, get good grades, don't break the rules, always be respectful, do lots of sports and extra curricular activities, never ever date. So it's been a pretty tough life. Her brother didn't have as many expectations, just to not get arrested.

(Y/n) has always held onto the idea that she she will fall in love and get married, that way the idea of inheriting a business she doesn't want seems easier to deal with. But what happened when things don't go to plan?

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I walk down the hallway of my high school with people saying hi to me left and right. I don't even understand why I'm so popular, yeah my family is rich and I do a lot of things but I don't really know anyone here.

I make it to my locker and grab my things for my next class. This is my favourite class because my crush Liam Kirkland is in there with me. We've been on a few secret dates and I've been over to his house a few times. We both confessed that we like each other but because of our family businesses and parents we don't use the term dating or boyfriend and girlfriend

I skip my way to class and when I open the door I see the familiar red head about to pour his water bottle over his twin brother Seamus.

"Hey." I say and he accidentally drops the water bottle on Seamus' head

"H-Hi." He replies, his cheeks turning red

"Liam what the fuck?" Seamus yells as he rubs his head but then quietens down when he sees me "Can you to just hurry up and fuck already?"

"Seamus!" Liam and I both yell at the same time

Liam and I both laugh and take our seats. We talk to each other the entire lesson and the teacher calls us out on it s few times but we ignore her.

"Hey (Y/n), do you want to go out on the weekend?" He asks

"Yes, of course." I reply happily

"Great, here I'll add my new number in your phone." He says grabbing my phone "Arthur broke my other one by a bad magic experiment.

I let him add his number and I give him my number.

"I'll text you later." I giggle

We continue talking but I'm having a hard time concentrating on the actual conversation, his red hair and green eyes are just so mesmerising. The bell for the end of the day rings and I walk home as happy as I've ever been.

I walk inside and a maid takes my bag from me. I head up to my large room and giggle like crazy. Liam asked me out again, I can't wait to tell my mother . Wait a second, I'm not allowed to date... I guess I just won't tell my parents. What they don't know won't hurt them.

I change out of my school uniform into a nice (f/c) dress because my mother told me that after school there would be someone important overs my hair is still neat and tidy so I wait until my mother comes for me.

While eating I text Liam.

'Hey what's up?' I type

'My parents and Arthur are out so it's basically a party at my house' he replies

Arthur is his younger brother, he's nice but kind of a stick in the mud. I wish I could be there, it sounds like fun.

'Haha sounds fun' I reply with a few laughing emojis

'So where do you want to go for our date?' He asks

'How about that new restaurant that opened up in the city?' I ask

'Yeah I like that idea.' He replies

I hear a knock at my door and say a quick goodbye to Liam before I tell the person to come in. It's my mother.

"The people we want you to meet are here." My mother states

"Coming mother." I reply placing my phone down and following her to the large living room

Inside there is a man and woman, the woman with long light-brown hair and the man with dark red. Both have green eyes and. There is also Arthur who has short blond hair and green eyes, what is he doing here? This must be Liam's mother and father as well, because I always sneak into Liam's house I've never met his parents or some of his brothers.

"Hello (Y/n)." The woman states "My name is Ainsley, this is my husband Anghus and this is my son Arthur."

Arthur takes my hand and kisses it, he seems very eager about something.

"(Y/n) we have asked you here to discuss your future." My father states

I feel my stomach drop as he says that. I already don't really want to inherent the family business so what else could the possibly want to throw in? And that does that have to do with the Kirkland's.

"You're getting married!" My mother bursts excitedly "We have arranged a marriage with you and Arthur so you will be able to work with him in together in the businesses."

The Kirkland's are the second richest families in England but I don't want to marry Arthur.

"What? I don't want to get married though." I say shocked

"(Y/n), this is for the best." My father states

"We're so excited to have you as a daughter in law." Ainsley smiles

"It'll help both of our companies." Anghus states

"It's not happening." I sigh

"But you'll be completely rich." My father states

"I don't care, I'm not getting married!" I yell and storm out of the room

I run to my bedroom and throw myself into the bed in tears. There is no way in hell I'm letting myself be dragged down into a forced marriage. I pick up my phone and decide to text Liam.

'Hey guess what.. I found out where your parents and Arthur are' I text

'Really? Where?' He messages back about five minutes later

'At my house, telling me I'm getting married to Arthur' I reply, wiping my tears away


'Yeah, idk what to do." I say

'Did you say no?' He asks

'Yeah but I don't think they're going to take that as an answer' I answer 'Brb someone is knocking my door.'

"Come in" I call out, wiping away my tears

It's my mother who looks a little angry but she is trying to hide it.

"(Y/n) we have arranged this marriage for you, don't let our efforts go to waste." She says

"Mother I don't even know him." I reply

"That's why Ainsley and I have set up a small date for you two on Saturday" my mother says "Don't worry, after you two get to know each other the wedding will happen and it'll be beautiful, I can already see your dress, the cake, the venue. It'll be perfect."

As she walks out I feel tears begun to pour out of my eyes. I don't want to get married how can my parents not understand? I turn my phone off and decide to go to bed instead of staying up. I'll think about what to do.

Ireland (Republic of)'s P.O.V.
I feel myself boiling with rage as I realise my younger brother is going to marry the girl I love, what are my parents thinking? Arthur knows that I like her and yet he would still go through with this? I know my parents would never force this upon him.

I hear the front door open and I walk down to it. I see Arthur with a small smile on his face but when he catches my eye it fades.

"Oh hello Liam." My mother says and walks into the living room with my father behind her

"What the hell Arthur?!" I whisper yell as I run and grab him by his collar

He yells in shock and looks completely confuse.

"What did I do?" He asks, trying to get me off of him

"You're marrying (Y/n)!" I yell

"How did you find out?" He asks stopping his struggling

"She told me, tell mother and father you won't marry her, you know I like her!" I say shaking him a little bit

'No way, I like her as well!" He says "Besides it'll further the companies." He replies "You're nothing but rude and mean to me so why should I do anything for you?"

I raise my fist to punch him but my hand is caught before I can make contact, I turn to see my older brother Allistor with a cigar in his mouth.

"What's going on lads?" He asks

"Why don't you ask Arthur." I say yanking myself away from his grip and letting go of Arthur

I storm off and slam the door to my room. My mother and father rush out of the living room and ask what happened but Arthur just says that I got angry over something. I lay down on my bed and feel myself boil with frustration. That's when there is a knock at my door and Seamus walks in.

"What happened?" He asks

"Apparently mother and father arranged a marriage for Arthur and (Y/n)." I say hurrying my head in my pillow

"Shit... I'm sorry..." he says placing hand on my back

"Don't be I'll figure something out." I reply

"I know you will, but you can't do anything to bad or else mother and father might kick you out." He says

I stay silent as I'm thinking. Kick me out huh?

*Time skip to Saturday*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I put on a (f/c) dress and brush my hair. Tonight I'm going on a date with Arthur and I already just want to go to sleep. I check myself in the mirror and there isn't a hair out of place. A maid knocks on my door and tells me that Arthur is here to pick me up.

I walk to the living room and Arthur is staring at me blushing.

"Wow, you look nice." He says and kisses my hand

I laugh awkwardly and hide my hand behind my back. We head out to his car and he begins to drive to a fancy restaurant, he wanted to go to the new one in the city but I only want to go there with Liam.

We pull up at the restaurant and Arthur holds the door open for me. He is really acting like a true gentleman. But... he isn't Liam.

He pulls out the chair for me and I sit down. After ordering he smiles at me.

"So what have you been up to love?" He asks

"Oh just, things really..." I say "I guess I learned to play a new song on (f/i)."

"I'd love to hear you play sometime." I say

"Arthur do you really want to go through with this marriage?" I ask suddenly, I need to know

"Well I-" He begins to say before our food arrives at our table

I sigh quietly and begin to earn my food when my phone vibrates with a message. I sneakily check it under the table and it's Liam telling me to look behind Arthur. I carefully look past him and there in one of the booth seats is Liam with a large hat and big glasses waving at me. He is with a blond girl, no wait, that's Seamus in a wig.

'What are you doing?!' I message

'Making sure Arthur doesn't try anything, now enjoy your food' He replies

I giggle a little bit and turn back to my food. It's nice to have someone watch over me. After we finish our food we head to the park and walk around for a little while.

"About your question love." Arthur states, wrapping an arm around my waist "I think this might answer it."

He presses his lips to mine and I squeak in shock. My eyes stay wide open and I don't kiss back at all. That's when a rock flies out of nowhere and hits Arthur in the head. He pulls back in shock and turns around clutching his head.

"Who threw that?!" He yells

It remains silent but I see a flash of red hair and a blond wig in the ground, I'm guessing Liam and Seamus might have something to do with that. I let out a small giggle and Arthur looks over towards me.

"I think we should go home, my feet are starting to hurt." I say before he can say anything else

He nods and follows after me as we walk to his car. He drives me home and I thank him for the 'nice' evening.

I head up to my room and as I'm changing out of my dress and into an oversized t-shirt I hear a knock at the window. I quickly finish changing and walk over to it, opening it. It's Liam.

"Hey (Y/n), so how did your date go with that piece of burnt celery?" He asks

"It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but I still didn't want to go." I sigh

"I know, we'll figure out something, you won't have to marry that wet sock." He says resting his forehead against mine

I lean into him as well and as I look up our lips brush against each other. We lean forward and press our lips against one another. I pull him closer by wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands are placed on my waist. We pull apart and smile at one another, as he opens his mouth to speak a knock at my door is heard and he crouches down to the ground.

I walk over to the door and open it. It's my mother and father,

"So how did it go?" My mother asks

"It was fine." I reply

"So you'll marry him? Yay!" My mother claps and hugs me

"No I-" I say before I'm cut off

"We are paying for the whole wedding and we want everything to be the way you imagine it so just tell us what you want." My father says beaming

My heart breaks as I realise my parents don't really care about what I want unless it matches up with their whole plan. My younger brother (B/n) walks in as well.

"Congrats sis, can I be the flower boy?" He asks

"You're 15." I reply

Wait why didn't I just say no the wedding isn't happening

"Well I didn't get to be one at Aunty Kate's wedding so I want to be one at yours." He replies

I nod and he hugs me in happiness.

"I can't wait," He says

He sounds so happy... they all do.

"Well then we'll let you rest for now, we can discuss wedding plans later." My father says and ushers my family out

As they close the door I burst into tears and fall to the ground. Not a moment later warm arms are wrapped around me and by the scent I can tell it's a Liam. He smells like smokey wood and chocolate.

"Shh it's ok lass, well think of something." He says petting my head

"I wish I could just leave." I whisper

"So do I..." He says and he trails off like he is thinking "Why don't we?"

"What? How could we just leave?" I ask

"Think about it, make everyone think you're getting married so they'll lower their guard" Liam states "Before the wedding we can run away together."

I think about it for a few minutes. There is noting in my life really making me happy except Liam. I don't want money or riches, a wedding or my family to ignore everything I'm trying to yell them, I love my little brother but he would be able to keep a secret if I gave him my new phone number... maybe I should.

"Yes, I'll run away with you." I confirm

Liam smiles and we press our lips to each other again

"Listen lass, Is breá liom tú." He says and places a hand on my head "And I'll do whatever I can to make sure you're happy."

(Irish:Is breá liom tú-I love you)

"I love you too." I reply pressing my lips to his "I know we'll be happy."

*Time skip to the wedding*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I'm filled with so many nerves right now. I know I'm not going through with this marriage but what happens if Liam and I get caught? No I can't think like that, I need to remain calm.

All my clothes and things have already been taken by Liam and put in a car which is parked outside the chapel. Everything is hidden in the boot so it isn't seen. I had my dress specially designed so the skirt clips off and reveals a less puffy one under it as my mother wanted me to have a ball gown style.

I'm in my private tent alone and trying to calm myself down. My heart is beating so fast. That's when I hear footsteps and arms wrap around me.

"Scared lass?" Liam's voice asks

I nod and hug him back.

"We'll be alright. You won't have to get married." He whispers

I nod and we decide to leave as I have to walk down the aisle in ten minutes and if we don't hurry up I'll get married. That's when another pair of footsteps is heard and my father walks through the tent. Liam quickly ducks behind the mirror.

"Are you ready?" My father asks

"Yes almost, just wait outside the chapel doors and I'll meet you there." I say "I just want a moment to calm myself down."

"I understand, you need some time to process all of this. I was the same." He says "I'm so glad you came around and want to marry Arthur, I'm so proud of you."

He walks out of the tent and I whisper that Liam can come out.

"Alright lets go." I say clipping off my skirt and taking off my veil

Luckily I convinced my mother to let me wear flats so I don't need to change from heels. We walk out the back of the tent and as we do we hear someone clear their throat. We look behind us terrified and it's Seamus and (B/n).

"This isn't what it looks like!" I say quickly

"It looks like the bride is running away with the brother of the groom, you're saying that's not what's happening?" Seamus asks

"Ok maybe it is what it looks like..." I whisper sadly, feeling tears come from my eyes and I realise I've been caught

"Don't worry sis, we won't tell anyone." My brother smiles

I look at him confused.

"Liam it's obvious that you and (Y/n) are in love and no one should get in the way of that." Seamus states "So if you promise you'll still keep in touch with (B/n) and I we promise we won't tell where you have gone."

I run over and hug (B/n). He hugs me back tightly and kisses my forehead. Seamus and Liam hug each their and I hear a string of thank yous.

"I know we'll meet again." He says

"Thank you Seamus." I say kissing Seamus' cheek and hugging him

"No problem lass, take care of my brother because he can barely cook without exploding the kitchen." Seamus chuckles

"I'll teach him to cook, even though I barely can myself." I giggle

After one final goodbye Liam and I walk over to the car and we wave goodbye to our brothers, as we pull out from the chapels driveway and make our way to the highway and Liam has already booked our car to go on a ferry which connects England to Belgium. Our parents will never look for us there.

I realise once we are on the boat I'm still in my wedding gown and people are giving Liam and I happy glances.

"They must think we got married." Liam asks

I giggle and we decide to change clothes. When out on our regular clothes and walk into the dining hall where there is free food.

"I'm starving," I say

Liam agrees and we grab our food. We walk over to the railing when we are done and look over the edge at the water. England is becoming further and further away.

"I wonder what our families are thinking," I say

Liam wraps his arms around my waist and I lean my body back into his. We never have to worry about being forced to do anything again.

North Ireland's P.O.V.
I watch (Y/n) and Liam's car drive away and we wait for a few minutes before heading back into the chapel. After 30 minutes people are starting to wonder where (Y/n) is. Arthur looks very nervous and he is fidgeting quite a lot. Her parents still don't think she could have run away. Liam and (Y/n) must be far enough away now to reveal they have left without the risk of being caught.

I walk up to the altar where the microphone is.

"Attention everyone." I say quieting everyone down "The wedding is off."

The guests all murmur in confusion and shock.

"What?" (Y/n)'s mother asks shocked

"Liam and (Y/n) have run away together, they've cut contact with everyone." I explain "They have been in love for a long time."

I turn to (Y/n)'s parents.

"You two really should have listened to what your daughter was trying to tell you, because I doubt you'll ever have contact with her again." I say

"But we were just trying to ensure her happiness." Her mother argues

"Then that shows how little you know about your daughter, the last thing she wanted was an arranged marriage." I say and walk back down the aisle outside

Allistor, Dylan, Jett, Toby and Peter follow after me. I see Arthur smile sadly and nod in understanding.

"It's ok, I knew she didn't love me." He sighs as my parents walk over to comfort him "I love her so I need to let her go, she wouldn't have been happy."

Arthur walks down the aisle and last us, I can see the sadness in my eyes and I feel sorry for him, but not guilty. (Y/n) didn't love him.

"Did you know about this?" I hear (Y/n)'s parents ask her brother

He nods slowly and they look shocked..

"Where did she go?" They ask

"I don't know, she didn't say." He says

I walk over to defend him.

"Liam and (Y/n) were very secretive, they could be on their way to Iceland or America or something." I say

They look down sadly as they realise they drove away their daughter. (B/n)'s mother looks up and pets her son's head.

"We'll make sure this doesn't happen for you, if you ever don't want to do something you can tell us." She says kissing her son's head

I walk out with my brothers. Peter is crying because he didn't get to throw flowers and he doesn't have a "big sister". Allistor seems like he doesn't care but I can tell he is worried about Liam and Arthur as well. Dylan is talking with Allistor about how to help Arthur, Toby and Jett seem confused and my parents look very disappointed.

"Why didn't Liam tell us that he loved (Y/n), or why didn't she say anything to her parents?" My father asks

"Because she wasn't allowed to date or go against her parents, Liam was protecting her." I say "He didn't want to get her in trouble, they've been secretly dating I guess for about seven months now."

My mother looks over to our father heartbroken.

"It's for the best, they'll be happy." She states

"We'll see them again, don't worry." My father says "I can feel it."

I look over for Toby because he isn't talking with Jett anymore, he and (B/n) are talking and smiling. I guess they are the same age, however they already look like they are more than friends. Cute.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
Liam and I have made it off the ferry and we are driving through the country side of Belgium. It's getting dark and we're going to need to stop driving. We pull over on the side of the rode and set up the tent which connects to the car. I turn on the lamps and Liam pulls out the blankets and air mattress. It's small so we are kind of pushed against each other.

"How are you feeling lass?" Liam asks me

"Amazing, I can finally live my own life." I say

"I made sure we'll have enough money to last a while" he says "And I talked to my Belgian friend who works at the immigration department to let us become residents here without talking to our parents."

"I'm so happy ." I say hugging him tightly

His arms go around me but not on my waist, they head a bit lower to my butt. He squeezes which causes me to yelp.

"Liam!" I squeal

"Well we know what happens after the wedding." He says huskily

"Quick reminder that I didn't actually get married." I giggle as I feel his hands continuing to squeeze "Ngh Liam."

**Lemon Start**

I moan as his other hand slides up through my top and squeezes my left mound.

"What do you say? Do you want this?" He whispers

"Ahh yes!" I moan as his fingers pinch my bud, hardening it

He press his lips to mine and I kiss back straight away. It's fiery and passionate but also caring. He pushes his tongue into my mouth and I let him take dominance over me. His tongue moves all around my mouth like he is marking his territory.

He trails kisses down my neck and I let out a large moan when he sucks on once specific spot on my neck. He bites and sucks, leaving hickeys showing the world who I belong to, after myself of course.

He takes off my shirt and his. I begin to feel a little nervous as he reaches behind me to unclip my bra. I feel it loosen and I try to cover myself as he slips it off of me. As I do I feel his hands pin my arms above my head, revealing myself to him.

"You're beautiful, you don't need to hide yourself." He says and pressing his lips to mine again

I relax and he moves his head down to my chest.

He grabs my left mound wiht his hand while sucking and biting on the right causing me to let out a string of moans.

"Ngh Liam~" I call out

"I love hearing you call my name lass." He says in his Irish accent

He switches side and soon both my buds are rock hard and have hickeys around them. Then he pulls of my pants leaving me only in my panties.

His hand rubs me through the fabric and he slides it to one side and he feels my dripping heat.

"I make you this wet huh?" He asks

"Ahh Liam, no~" I moan as he presses one finder into me

"Oh do you want me to stop?" He asks adding a second and scissoring them inside me

"Ahh no don't stop~" I say as he adds a third

He begins to pump his fingers and he bites down softly on my left bud. His other hand massages my tithing and I feel a knot beginning to form in my abdomen.

"Ngh Liam, I think I'm going to-Ahh~" I moan as my fluids pour of me

He licks his finger and smirks. I catch my breath and then smirk, I want it give him pleasure as well. I push him down so I'm on top and I take off his pants. Leaving him in his Irish flag boxers with a large bulge. I take them off and his large length springs out. I don't know if that could fit inside me...

I give him along lick from the base to the tip on the underside vein which causes him to let out large moan. He is dripping with pre-cum which tastes a little salty but not gross or anything. I encase the tip of him in my mouth and suck.

"Ahh (Y/n)~" he calls out as I slowly lower my mouth onto him

I encase as much of his length as I can without deep-throating him and I suck, bite and lick him as much as I can. He places a hand on my head and bucks into my mouth, I know what he wants so I slowly relax my throat and encase his whole member in my mouth. I bob my head up and down again and when I feel him twitching I move my head up higher so I don't choke. He releases himself in my mouth with a loud moan and I remove my head

He carved his breath and then smirks as he sits up. He flips us so I'm underneath and removes my panties. He grabs a condom from one of the bags and rips it open. His red hair falls down into his face making him look extremely sexy. I brush it out of his face as he slips on the condom.

He presses his tip to my entrance and slowly pushes himself in. I let out a moan as he pushes his length in the whole way. Liam gives me a few minutes to adjust and in that time he rubs his thumb over my clit and sucks on my neck.

"Ahh Liam, please move~" I say bucking my hips

He follows my instructions and begins to thrust in and out of me. He starts of slow but slowly increases the pace until he is slamming in an out of me. You can hear the sound of skin slapping and our moans emitting front he tent.

I feel a knot tightening in my lower abdomen again and I tug his red hair to let him know.

"It's ok (Y/n), let it all out." He whispers huskily

His voice sets me over the edge and thanking snaps, releasing all my cum. I must have set him over then edge because he lets out a loud moan and releases into the condom. He slips out of me and takes off the condom. Wrapping it in a paper towel.

He disposed of it and lays down next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I rest my head on his chest and slowly fall asleep. I can't believe I ran away from my parents and the business.

*Time skip to 10 Years later*

North Ireland's P.O.V.
It's been 10 years since I last saw Liam and not a day goes by when I don't miss him. (B/n) and I found out that they moved to Belgium but we haven't told anyone. Now (B/n) and Toby are getting married and (B/n) asked to have the ceremony in Belgium. When he told Toby that it was because there was a chance they could see Liam and (Y/n) he agreed straight away.

Arthur still hasn't gotten married, I think he never really got over her. Allistor did though and Dylan. Jett has a girlfriend and even peter has a Ladonian boyfriend. I'm still single, I want to see Liam again before I start dating anyone, I just miss him so much.

(Y/n)'s parents, (B/n), mine and my brothers are all walking down the street in our way to the wedding practice when a little boy with red hair and (e/c) eyes runs in front of us and freezes when he runs past me. He turns around and points at me.

"You look just like my daid!" He yells


I stare at him, he looks like a perfect mixture of (Y/n) and Liam, could he be?....

"What's your name?" I ask bending down to meet his eye

Everyone else is staring at him shocked, they must reals who he look like.

"I'm Thomas Seamus Kirkland!" He says happily

My breath catches in my throat. This is Liam and (Y/n)'s kid, oh my go they had a kid."

"Where are your parents?" My mother asks, looking like she is about to burst into tears

"My mum and daid were out shopping and I ran away because I couldn't get lollies!" He says stamping his foot "They said we only went for baby bottles but I wanted candy!"

"Baby bottles? So there is a baby in your family?" (Y/n)'s mother asks

"There are two, my daid says the twin gene runs in the family." He smiles "I have two younger brothers. James Arthur Kirkland and Laurence (B/n) Kirkland and they are kind of annoying but I love them."

"Oh my god we have grandchildren." I hear (Y/n)'s mother state with happy tears

"They're named after us." (B/n) whispers

"They're kind of noisy but they're really cute!" He says "Actually I kind of miss them... I don't remember where the store is."

Tears begin to build up in his eyes and he sits down and cries.

"Are your mother and father (Y/n) and Liam?" My father asks

He nods happily.

"Do you know where they are?!" He asks full of hope

"Why don't we go find them?" (Y/n)'s father states

As they begin to walk I can see everyone bursting with happiness. We're finally going to see (Y/n) and my brother again, after ten years.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I hold James on my hip and Liam has Laurence. We are looking for our oldest son Thomas who ran off after we said we wouldn't buy him candy, it's been about half an hour and I'm beginning to panic. What if someone stole him?

"MUUUUUM!" I hear a voice yell and I'm nearly tackled to the ground my Thomas

"Thomas Seamus Kirkland, where on earth did you run off to?" I ask making sure he isn't hurt

"I found some friends, one looks just like daid!" He says making my heart stop

I look up and standing there are my family and Liam's.

"(Y/n)?" My mother says with tears coming from her eyes

"Mother? Father? What are you all doing here?" I ask in shock

"Is it really you?" My mother asks

I nod and my mother wraps her arms around me, careful not to squish James. I feel tears pour down my cheek as I realise how much I've missed my family.

"We're so sorry for what we put you through, I know it must have been hard thinking your only option was to run away." My mother states pulling away

"It's ok, it was a long time ago." I reply

Footsteps are heard behind me and Liam appears holding Laurence. He smiles when he sees his brothers and Seamus' face lights up completely.

"Hey bro." Liam says hugging his twin brother

"Mum who are they?" Thomas asks me

"Your grandparents and uncles." I reply

"Wooww." He says in amazement as he states at Liam's father "Why is this one so old?"

"Thomas!" I say in shock

Ainsley snickers and Anghus laughs.

"He is definitely Liam's son." Anghus chuckles

I hug (B/n) and hand him James. He coos over him and I'm informed they're here for Toby and (B/n)'s wedding.

"We really want you to be there." (B/n) states

"Of course we'll come." I giggle and Liam appears behind me smiling

"We wouldn't miss it for the world." Liam beams

We say goodbye because Laurence and James need to go home for a nap. I take James from (B/n)'s arms.

"Hey (Y/n)." Arthur stays quietly "I'm happy for you."

"Thank you." I reply happily

Liam and I walk back with our three children.

"That's not how I thought that would go." I giggle

"Same, I really missed them

"I did as well, but now I've got another family." I say squeezing Thomas' hand

Liam kisses me and Thomas pretends to gag. I guess running away really did turn out well. I got married, had children and also have my dream career, (d/j). Now I have contact with my family and they seem happy to see me, not angry or anything, everything always does work out in the end.

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