Protective!Luxembourg x Fem!Reader-The Party

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Belgium-Emma Van den Berg
England-Arthur Kirkland
France-Francis Bonnefoy
Luxembourg-Louis Van den Berg
The Netherlands-Tim Van den Berg

(Y/n)-Your name
(P/o)-Party outfit
(H/l)-Hair length
(H/c)-Hair colour
(H/s)-Hair style
(F/d)-Favourite drink

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
Alfred's invited me to another stupid party and because I didn't go to his last one I'm forced to go to this one. It's not like I don't like Alfred or anything, but he can be really over excited about the stupidest things.

At least my friend Louis has been roped into going with me. Lois is often busy and can't attend parties but this time he managed to convince his boss to let him go. But this means I'll have time to be alone with him. Well his brother and sister are going as well so it won't be just us but I guess I'll make the most of it.

I've loved Louis' for so long, his soft light brown hair and green eyes are stunning, even though one is covered by his hair, not to mention he's from Luxembourg, one of my favourite countries. He is sweet, kind, smart, elegant, cool and a total gentleman. It's impossible to not love him.

However there is one problem, I'm to shy to reveal my feelings and I don't think he likes be back at all. I guess I'll always be stuck on the sidelines watching his meet girls and cheering him on as his best friend.

I look over to my phone when I hear a ding. Louis is coming to pick me up soon. I guess I should get ready for the party now. I head to my closet and pick out my outfit; (p/c). I slip into it and look in the mirror. After brushing my (h/l) (h/c) hair and styling it in (h/s).

I hear a knock at the door and I grab my phone. I run to the door and open it to see Louis smiling. When he sees me he freezes for a second but I don't know why.

"Hey (Y/n)." He smiles

"Hey, I"m ready to go." I giggle

After locking the door I follow after Louis to his car. Tim and Emma, his older brother and sister are in the back giggling. I take a seat in the passenger seat.

"I forced Tim to move to he back so you and Louis can be together." Emma whispers before Lou's gets in

"Ja, so hurry up and get married." Tim says


"You guuuuyyysss." I laugh

Louis opens up his door and takes his seat. He looks at us a little suspiciously but ignores us. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding and I smile in relief. I can hear Tim and Emma whispering  to each other, probably about how much they want Louis and I to get together.

We pull up to Alfred's house and I can already hear the music. I think he said he spoke with all his neighbours and they have all gone to a hotel or something. We walk up to the door and as it opens I'm tackled in a hug.

Luxembourg's P.O.V.
I narrow my green eyes as I see (Y/n) being glomped by Alfred. He could have hurt her!

"Hey dudes, I'm so glad you came!" He laughs

"You said you would pay me $50 for being here." Tim says and holds out his hand

I roll my eyes, he is always thinking about money. Alfred jumps off of (Y/n) and hands Tim his money. I almost want to pull (Y/n) to me and never let go but she wouldn't like that.

We walk inside and I immediately realise that all eyes are on (Y/n). I mean I can't blame them, she looks stunning but she is mine, of course we may not actually be together but it's obvious...

Immediately (Y/n) is approached by Francis and I get ready to defend her.

"Bonjour (Y/n)." He says handing her a ride and kissing her hand "You look lovely tonight mon chéri."


(French:Mon chéri-My darling)

"Oh uhh thank you." (Y/n) replies blushing

I should be the only one to make her blush. I glare at Francis though my one visible eye and he soon realises that he shouldn't be flirting with her. I don't care who comes up to us, I won't back down off of my (Y/n).

(Y/n) walks over to the drinks table and I quickly follow after her. I pour her a glass of (f/d) before she even has the chance to do it herself.

"Wow thank you Louis, you always know what I want." She giggles taking it from me

I try to hide my blush at her smile but I don't know how well I did. After (Y/n) goes and talks to some of her friends that I don't know so I can't follow her. I head over to Tim and talk with him for a bit, still keeping an eye on the people around (Y/n).

She walks over to one of the guys and begins talking to him, I know who he is. His name is Josh and he is a guy who has known her for years but he is also creepy and violent.I watch him lean behind her and grab her but and she she slaps him. He whispers something in her ear and she tries to move away. He grabs her chin to kiss her and I'm over there in seconds.

I remove his hands from her and give him a menacing smile.

"Excuse me sir, do you have an issue with my girlfriend?" I ask him

(Y/n) looks at me a little confused but doesn't say anything.

"Oh she's your girlfriend?" He asks with a smirk "Tell me, is she good at giving head?"

My eyes widen because I'm shocked and (Y/n) looks sick to her stomach.

"Don't talk about people that way you disgrace." I say pulling (Y/n) close to me

He smirks and tries to grab her from me when before I can think I punch him in the face. A few people have now stopped dancing to see what's going on. He tries to punch me back but Tim comes out of seemingly nowhere and grabs his hand. Alfred runs over and looks confused.

"Josh what the hell are you doing here?" Alfred asks "You weren't invited because you accused Arthur of vandalising and almost got him arrested!"

"Oh come on, I'm not causing any issues. This idiot just punches me for no reason!" Josh yells

"For no reason? You groped me and tried to kiss me after I told you to leave me alone." (Y/n) says snapping out of her dazed stage "Louis was just protecting me!"

Alfred picks up Josh and throws him out the front door.

"(Y/n), dude I'm so sorry you had to deal with that idiot." Alfred says

"It's ok, I knew him a few years ago and I thought he wanted to talk about our old school." (Y/n) smiles

"Well then if that issue is solved," Alfred smirks "Then we should play seven minutes in heaven."

Before anyone can recent Alfred pulls everyone into a circle and grabs a hat with a bunch of folded papers.

"Alright dudes, I have the names of everyone in this hat." He smiles and holds it up "Who wants to go first?"

I blush at the thought of being with (Y/n) in the closer. I could tell her my feelings or even kiss her. That would be amazing...

"Well if no one wants to go first then I will pick someone." Alfred says smiling

I notice the look he gives (Y/n) and I shake with nervousness. He is going to make her go first and I'm begging it's me who goes with her because if it's someone like Francis I wouldn't be able to stop him.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I sigh as Alfred walks over to me with the hat. He holds it out in front of me and smiles. I put my hand in and feel drawn to a certain slip of paper. I pull it out and open it. My face explodes in a blush when I see who's name it it.

"Louis." I say in an almost whisper

I hear a triumphant breath from next to me and Louis stands up. Alfred leads us to the closet and locks us in.

"Remember only seven minutes!" He calls through the door

The closet is very dark and only illuminated by a crack in the doorway. I look up to loud and I can see his green eye looking directly at me.

"Thank you for saving me from Josh." I say smiling

"It's no problem, he was so rude." Louis replies

I look up to him and take a step closer.

"Why did you call me your girlfriend though?" I ask

"Uhh... because... I-uhh." He stumbles over his words "Oh screw it."

He leans forward and presses his lips against mine. I am taken aback by how fast this is but I don't dislike it. He tastes of strawberry's and cream. I slowly start to kiss back and he places his hand behind my waist. He pushes me up against the wall of the closet and deepens the kiss. We only pull apart when we need air.

"I love you (Y/n), I have for years." He whispers

"I love you to Louis." I reply hugging him tightly

He presses his lips to mine again and we have a full on make out session until Alfred opens the door and smirks.

"Woo get some!" He laughs and pulls us out

Louis and I blush but he doesn't loose his hold on me. We go over to one of the couches and sit down together. He doesn't let go of me at all and it smells me feel safe, loved and warm.

"Ech hunn dech gär." He says as he kisses my forehead

(Luxembourgish:Ech hunn dech gär-I love you)

"Ech hun dech och gaer." I reply returning his kiss

(Luxembourgish:Ech hun dech och gaer-I love you too)

He holds me tighter and glares at anyone who tries to come close to us while we are having our special moment, except of course Tim and Emma who come by to congratulate us. I hope our relationship works out well.

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