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Hi my names Y/N Kirkland, you may know my brother Arthur Kirkland, well I'm his younger sister, right now we are in the barracks and I have to deliver plans to one of our Allies

I walk out of our tent and walk down the small dirt road and find the tent with the flag of China, I walk in and see Yao Wang inside doing paper work, he looks up from his papers and smiles, " Nî hâo, Miss Kirkland what brings you here?" "I've brought the plans General Wang" he tells me to leave them on his desk, I take my leave and start walk back to my tent.

when suddenly I hear someone yelling and talk in Italian "Mi dispiace che mi sia stato detto di sparare, per favore Signore perdona il mio peccato!!" Then I hear a gun shot and he runs away, I feel a push dull pain in my shoulder and I fall to the ground, I try my hardest to stay awake then the last thing I hear and see is "
Quelqu'un m'a un docteur, ne t'inquiète pas je t'ai eu" and Blonde hair a blue eyes, then everything goes dark,

2 Days Later

I wake up, and feel pain shoot through my shoulder, "AAhHH" I lay back down and my brother runs in, "Y/N!!! Your ok!!!" He hugs me and smiles " I'm so glad your ok, that frog found you and brought you here" I instantly know who he's talking about, Commander Francis Bonnefoy, from the French Army, the doctor walks in

"Oh Miss Kirkland your awake, you are a very strong lady aren't you, haha," and he goes on talking about medicine and other things and then my brother and the doctor leave to talk about other things then I see Francis walk in and shows a worried smile, "Bonjour, Miss Kirkland how are you feeling?" I grab my shoulder and say "well besides the paining my shoulder im fine, I would like to thank you for saving me" and we talk for a while

2 weeks later—-

"Your arm is just about don healing Miss Kirkland" Matthew said "thank you doctor" I said then Francis walks in saying "Doctor how is my soldiers leg? Oh Miss Kirkland your still here." Matthew walks to him and says I'll show you to his tent, I wave bye to Francis as he walks way I get up from the bed and walk to the United Kingdom tent and see Arthur with dark bags under his eyes and he looks exhausted, I walk over and and say "How you doin?" He looks up and smiles and says " we've been attacked by the Germans" and I walk over to the stove where the kettle was whistling, I pour the hot water into a cup and make tea, walk over to Arthur and give him the cup he smiles and takes the cup and drinks it, we have a chat of what's happening when he brought up a new topic "Y/n how would you feel about living with Francis? Just for a while" I said I wouldn't mind but why would I be living there, he said that it would be safer for me to live with him than to be in the barracks

I pack the stuff I had which was very little and walk to the Francis's home a giant mansion, I walk in and he's there waking down the stair case and he greets me and shows me to my room, it is absolutely gorgeous and I look around and he chuckles and say "the sparkle in your eyes tells me you like it" I look at him and smile and explore my room, then Francis takes his leave to work on some stuff he had to take care of

Months have past and I've grown to love my new life Arthur comes to visit all the time and I found out that Petter my little brother was living with Francis, and Alfred, with his brother Matthew, which I was surprised because, well he was my doctor, then I found my self to fall in love with Francis and I found he feels the same, I was in my room reading a book and Francis came in tired looking and smiles to say " Dinner is ready we are waiting for you" I smile and walk to the dinning room and see everyone there even my brothers , I sit next to Alfred and Francis on my other side we eat a delicious dinner when a soldier comes in and asks for Alfred, Arthur and Francis they leave me with Matthew and Petter, then another soldier comes asking for Matthew leaving me with Petter, so we do what we always do when we are left alone, Play, we go to my room and play Romeo and Juliet, I was Pretending to die and Petter says " if I can't livith with thee I mustnt Livith at all" and drinks water from a cup pretending it poison and dies, from the entrance off room I see Francis smiling and clapping wiping Fake tears from his eyes and says, "Petter bedtime" "Awwwwww" we sat in unison and Petter kisses my cheek and walks to him room, Francis kisses my cheek as well and goes to his room

The next morning I was doing my morning routine and I was once again left with peter but this time he had friends over they where the children of General Wang only they where missing one Japan who left them for the Axis, I walk to the back yard and see a gate I've been beyond the gate before so I open it and see a forest, I walk in and it's amazing I keep walking when I hear a twig snap I pull out my gun and point in the direction and see a man with white hair a red eyes, and a cross necklace, "don't worry frau it's only the  awesome me" I lower my gun and sigh "Gil don't sneak up on me like that" me and Gilbert met a few weeks ago, he's a german from the German camps in the woods, we walk about silly things other than war, like Books, Family, Cooking today I came to visit Gilbert against , we sit in the grass and talk about anything and everything when we hear loud voices, Gilbert gets up and says " You must leave now" I turn to leave but he does something different he grabs me and hugs me it was an awkward hug but I hugged back, and left to home, when I got home Francis was sitting on his bed by the fireplace and reading so I walked by and he looked up patted next to him for me to sit next to him, I do and he says " I didn't see you at lunch where were you?" I said "Umm I was just on a walk you know just getting some air" then we heard a knock on the door and see tired soldiers and they said one of the Russians caught an Italian soldier I immediately ask them to take me, they said no then I gave them the coldest glare I could ever do and said " Take. Me. To. The . Italian. NOW." They look just as frightened as Francis and they take me I walk in and see Feli he is a friend of mine and was also the Italian who shot me, but one day Gilbert brought him to apologize to me, and I forgave him, I hear people coming and I kiss his forehead and slip away before anyone could see me, when I return home, Francis was in my room for some reason, then he turns to me and smirks saying, your not gonna sleep tonight as he pins me to the wall

The next morning

I wake up and see Francis sleeping face and I look around and see we are both naked, I blush and remember everything we did, then he wakes up and kisses my cheek and says "Good Morning mon amour" he stretches and walks to the bathroom, I see his back covered in stretches *i did that?!* I thought

Months later—-

I was walking to the meeting place for me and Gilbert and we chatted when we heard gunshots and angry German words, we parted and I went to visit Arthur, unexpectedly Alfred was there too, recently he was a pilot and when we went to the german camp he was Gassed and lost his vision, now he must were glasses, I walked in and had tea, and chatted when I get home and start on a small snack then I hear Francis come in I go to see him in a suit with flowers and says "veux-tu m'épouser", all I do is smile because I have no idea what he says, he smiled knowing I didn't understand the very important question, and repeated himself, and said "will you marry me" I gasp and jump him making his chuckle and we kiss, today couldn't have been better

4 weeks later

I was with Gilbert and he noticed the ring on my finger and said, "Congratulations Y/N!!!" I smiled and said "I want you to be there", his smile vanished and he said "you know I can't go", I sighed sadly and said "I wish you could" then I noticed it was almost dark I take my leave and head home, I sit by the fire place and drank some tea while reading a book I hear Francis come in I put my stuff down and I went to greet him at the door, "Welcome Back Francis" he brushes past me to the kitchen gets a glass and fills it with water, he sighed when he finished it and says "who's Gilbert?" The question repeated in my head, then he turned to me eyes filled with rage and anger, and he said "WHO is Gilbert?!" As he throws the glass on the floor making it shatter and making me jump in fright, I managed to say "'s....not what you think" I try and grab his hand but he pulled it away sharply, and said "have you had sex with him?!" I shake my head and say "No, I love you, that's why I said I would marry you!" He grunted and said "Prove it" "what?" "I Said Prove you love me" I looked him in the eyes and he said "Marry me as soon as possible" I nodded and said "yes, Yes of course" he sighed and Combes his fingers through his hair and walked away, leaving me to press my back against the wall and cry, I pick up the broken glass and take a bath, I haven't seen Francis all evening, and I was in my old room, reading a book tears still leaking from my face, I hear foot steps coming to my room Francis comes in and I don't dare to look at him, we stay silent for a while before he walks and sits on the edge of the bed I flinch as he sits, and he says "I'm sorry for accusing you of something like that, I would have trusted you, I'm sorry y/n" his voice sounded back to normal, I grip the book tightly, and he looks at me with sorrowful eyes and he tries to caress my cheek but I move away almost on the edge of my bed, he moves his hand back down and looks down and asks " are, you afraid of me?" He look back at me my eyes wide, I'm visibly shaking and he looks at me sighed and looked back down, then he got up and left closing the door lightly, my shoulders untense and I put the book down and then someone burst through the door, I scream and fall off my bed and see Peter, then he comes and hugs me, and asked what happened, I said "ummm, just a misunderstanding, nothing big, Francis thought I loved another man when I only love him" peter giggles and says "like Romeo and Juliet?" I smile and say "yes just like Romeo and Juliet" then he asks " why is Mr. Francis think you loved someone else?" I said "because I met someone in the woods and we talked about magic and books and movies, we just didn't want to talk about war" Peter says "Ooohhh he thought you too met each other to kiss and hug and stuff" I smiled and said "yes he thought that when none of that happened" then he says "ok" and walks away, then I see Francis at the door way looking shocked i freeze up and feel the warmth leaving my body I look at my hand it's pale, then I see Francis walking to me and I didn't think it was possible but I my body tensed even more, when he got to me he knelt to me and hugged me and my body starts to feel normal and I hug back, I say "I'm sorry" and looks at me tears in his eyes and he says "no I need to apologize" and he wipes the tears that I didn't know that where there, he hug and peter comes in and says "I want hugs too!!" And pushes Francis and hugs me I laugh and looks at Francis who is smiling and laughing we get up off the floor and put peter to bed then I start to walk to my room when Francis walks to me and says " where are you going?" I said "to sleep?" As he said "but I have a better bed" and smirks, I roll my eyes walk with him and go to his room and we fall asleep

1 Month later

We walk out of the church and people cheered and congratulated us, I see the grave yard and walk to it I look at all the graves then I see Gilbert with his hands up and his gun on a gravestone, then I feel Francis wrap and arm around me then I said" Gil you made it!" I walk to him and he said " here is this is for you, I was a necklace with a red gem, I smile and say thank you, "well I must leave" he hugs me and kisses the top of my head, "watch what your doing" Francis growls and they practically are in each other's faces, I roll my eyes and push Francis away while Gil leaves

I moan as I feel his touch everywhere, "so Mrs. Bonnefoy. How are you feeling, "amazing" I say and he kissed my bullet wound and says, "if it weren't for that we wouldn't have met,but sadly you had to be hurt" I smile and watched as he towers over me and kisses me gently, I was happy we got married and that everything is fine

I was waiting in the woods for Gilbert I had gotten a note from him to meet him at our meeting spot, when I saw him he walked to me and told me that someone was out for Francis and that I should keep him away from the barracks, then I see Francis behind me with a gun pointed at Gil and Gil pointed his gun to Francis, then Francis says, "nice try but your soldier missed me and hit another soldier a good one too" then I gasp then Gil says "I only asked you Wife here to protect you to prevent you from going to the barracks!" Then Francis looks down to me and I nod showing it's all true, he lowers the gun and I see is car in the driveway I dash for it and drive to the barracks then I see my brother Arthur and say "Who was shot?!" He looks at me confused and I grab is collar and ask him again "WHO was Shot?!" He says, a Latvian I kNew who it was I got back into the car and drove to the Russian tents and see Raivis and I see him on a bed his body pale and I say "Raivis?! Hey it's me Y/n" he opens his eyes slowly and tries to smile his lips dry and blue, then I grab his hand and feel his hand cold I cry seeing him take his last breath before he sleeps forever, I turn and see the Estonian and his eyes stained with tears I turn to him and hug him and cry, i drive back and get to my bedroom and lay on the bed Francis gets home and lays next to me and he sound very tired, I turn to look at him and he says " I wrote a letter for the Mother of the Latvian, I hope she gets it soon I don't want her to suffer" I hug him close and fall asleep in his arms

Then next day everything was fine when a soldier came whispered something to Francis he locked every window and door of the house kisses me passionately, and walk out and locks the door then I find out he's locked me in and now I'm stuck in the house then I hear a boom of a canon and realizes what's happening we are being attacked, I hold my hands to my ears and sit in a corner then I hear Gilbert and see him outside a window, he said when everything is done he will fine me, then he leaves, I fall asleep on the couch when I hear the door open and Francis saying "bring them in and take him to the room upstairs on the door to the right" then I wake up and see men covered in bandages and blood and I see Francis saying " My love you shouldn't be seeing this, focus on me not them" I look up and gasp seeing his face a scar on his cheek and bruises everywhere he was holding his side which was covered in blood, then I remembered, "where is Gil?" " in the room on the left" I ran to the room and saw Gil wrapped in bandages, then Francis walks in and says "thank you friend for fighting with me" then Gil said someone should tell my brother I'm here, I don't want that boy causing more damage" I tell Francis I need some air and walk out of the house, then I fine Gilbert's brother Ludwig, I point my gun at him and say " Ludwig, your brother Gilbert is safe in my home he was injured and we brought him in to heal and tend to his wounds" he turns to me and says "ok show me" we walk back to my home and tell him to wait by the gate, I bring Gil out and Ludwig sighs in relief I turn to go home and look back and they practically vanished, I walk back inside everyone left to the hospital and Francis is in his room I walk in and lay on the bed Francis hugs my waist and we fall asleep

Francis Pov: I walk down stairs and hear a knock on the door, and see Ludwig and he looks at me with tears in his eyes and sorrow in his face, he hands me a box with belongings of Gilbert, and to letters addressing to me and Y/n,'I open mine and it's reads
My friend Francis, I knew when we made that deal if anything happened to one us we would take care of y/n well this means that you must protect her and love her with all your heart, she's a good one, thank you my friend -Gilbert

I fold the paper and put it back in the box and leave it on the table and head to bed

Y/n Pov: I wake up and see Francis fast asleep, I get out of bed and walk down stairs I see a box and I nearly cry and see what's inside, belongings of Gilbert his dog tags and ring I put the ring on my other hand and hang the dog tags on my neck, and see a letter for me it's says
Y/n if you are reading this, it means that I probably didn't make it, I made a promise that if anything happened to Francis I would protect you, and if anything happened to me Francis will protect you but now you must promise me that you will stay with him and love him forever and protect him, I am with old friends I haven't seen in a while, and they probably hate me for being late, haha, but I'm glad I get to watch over you even if you cant see me, I love you Y/n, thank you my sister- Gilbert

I hold the note to my chest crouch down and cry, feeling emotions hit me like a storm, but I feel comforted knowing he's in a better place

The End

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