Part 4

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"You're joking, right?" Hero said as we walked through the halls of the school. Jack went to the middle school part of the school.

"Nope! This plan is full proof!" Steve said.

"You say it's full proof but you are quite literally the dumbest one out of all of us." May said.

"Oh shut up, already! And I don't think you understand we need to do this!" Steve said.

"And why do we 'need' to?" Kaylee asked.

"...You're joking right?" Steve said. Everyone stayed quiet. "...Oh my god, my birthday's tomorrow you fucking assholes!"

"Ohhhhhhh." Everyone But me said.

"Are you guys for fucking real!? None of you knew!?"

"I knew but that doesn't explain why we have to sneak out tonight." I said.

"Because I need to get some stuff before tomorrow." Steve said rolling his eyes.

"Why do we have to come?" Hero asked.

"Yeah why don't you just have your mommy get the stuff for you?" May said.

"Becaus- Ugh, look, I just wanna spend time with my closest frien-"

"No you don't." Kaylee interrupted.

"You've never really wanted to hang out with us outside of school and only go to things if (Y,N) invites you." May added.

"Ugh! Alright you caught me! Let's just say I can't get the stuff with my parents or stupid Liz, Alright!? Not that she'd even take me anyway..." Steve said.

"What are you getting?" Amber asked.

"What the fuck does it matter!? Just- Ugh, we'll talk about it later." Steve said.

"'We'? I'm staying out of this." Kaylee said.

"Ditto." May said.

"I'm with M-May." Kaitlyn squeaked.

"I'm not trying to get into more trouble." Hero said.

"Wow. Thanks guys. Great fucking friends." Steve said.

"Look, lets just get to our first period classes, Alright?" I said.

"That's my cue to leave then." Kaylee said. "Deuces." She held up two fingers before leaving to her class.

"Alright so which of you guys have room 170?" I said. No one said anything. "Wait, seriously? I'm going to be alone?"

"Well maybe not. You might have-"

"Hey, (Y,N)!" I looked behind me and saw my friend Debbie standing there. "I've been looking all over for you!"

"Hey Debbie."
"Hey~ Debbie~." Amber, Hero and Steve said teasing me making me glare at them. May flinched and grunted at it and Kaitlyn's face turned red for some reason.

"What class are you in?" She asked.

"I'm in 170." I said. Her face immediately lit up.

"Rad, Dude! I'm in 170, too!" Debbie said.

"'Rad'?" I heard Steve stifle a laugh before I shot another glare at him. Debbie is my only friend outside of the group of us super kids. She's kinda an airhead and oblivious to things, but she's sweet and sometimes her being dumb  is kinda funny and adorable. It's like she's been living under a rock for the past 50 years. What she lacks in knowledge of recent history she specializes in 1980's culture. Hero and Steve think I have a crush on her since, like I said, she's my only friend outside of the group.

"I guess we should get to class." I said.

"Uh huh!" She said before looking over at the group. "Oh, hey guys! Are any of you guys coming with us?"

"Nope, it's just the two of you." Hero snickered, winking at Debbie. May's eye twitched and Debbie raised an eyebrow.

"Is something in your eye?" She asked Hero.

"I- uh- forget it." Hero replied.

"Oh, well, come on (Y,N)! Later May, Amber, Hero, Kaitlyn and Stevie!"

"It's just Steve." Steve said sternly. Debbie grabbed my hand and started walking to class with me. I noticed she had a really old phone that looked like it was from 2014 or something. Even when she doesn't have something from the 80's it's still outdated as hell. I thought. Her phone was connected to headphones that were dangling out of one ear.

"What're you listening to?" I asked her.

"Huh? Oh, I'm just listening to The Crëw! They're one of my favorite artists."

"Oh, cool! My parents' friend Sonya's also really into classic rock." I said. Debbie flinched when I said that.

"Wh-What? When did The Crëw become Classic Rock?" She said.

"What do you mean? They're literally half a century old now." I said.

"Oh, yeah, you're right." She said. "Well, anyway, how was your summer?"

"It was about as good as a summer as it could be in this town." I sighed. "What about you?"

"Well, too be honest, I don't really like summers as much as I used to. I'd much rather be at school with my friends... or, friend. Singular." She said smiling at me.

"What? What about-"

"Your other friends? I like them, but I highly doubt they wanna be my friends. I know how they make fun of me and think I don't notice." Debbie said still smiling somehow.

"Debbie, that's just Steve and Steve's a dick to everyone. The others just..." I trailed off.

"Just what?"

"Just... kinda... think you're a little weird. But that's not a bad thing! All of us are a little weird but we own up to it!" I tried to make her feel better. "It's just like our gimmicks. Hero is the most normal one which makes him weird to us, Kaitlyn's socially awkward, Amber's into really old music too, Steve is a-"

"(Y,N) you don't have to try to make me feel better. Besides I don't really need more than one friend. Do I want one? Sure. But as long as I have you I'm fine." Debbie said smiling. Then after she did someone grabbed both my arms from behind and someone else threw Debbie against a locker.

"Hey, Dorkie! How was your summer? Miss me?" Cassie asked with one hand pinning Debbie against the locker. "Find any more groovy tunes while we were gone?"

"Groovy is from the 70's, Cassie!" Debbie grunted before Cassie kneed her in the stomach. Debbie sank to the ground holding it.

"What did I tell you about talking back to me?" She asked looking at her nails with little musical notes on them.

"Leave her alone!" I said. Cassie turned her head to look at me. She leaned against the locker with a hand on her hip.

"Oh hey~ (Y,N)." She said. "How was your summer? I mean that genuinely unlike with Dippie over here."

"Just Leave Debbie alone, Alright?" I said.

"And what if I don't? As you can see, Andy's got you kinda held up right now. Even if you wanted to hit a pretty face like mine, you couldn't. But speaking of pretty faces, how about we make a deal? I leave Dopie alone and you and I go to a concert I just happen to have an extra ticket for?"

"What? You're out of your mind. There's no way in hell I'd ever go on a date with someone like you. Ever." I said. Cassie's Face twitched before an evil glare appeared on her face.

"Listen, jerkoff. You will Eat. Those. Words." She said threateningly. I could've swore I saw something spark in her eyes and her hand twitching before she took a deep breath. "But I guess that just means I get to continue partaking in my favorite hobby." She said before turning around and seeing Debbie gone. "What the- how the hell did she? Did any of you idiots see where she went!?" She asked her other two cronies and Andy. They shook their heads. "How did none of you nimrods see where she fucking went!? Ugh, I'm gonna go find her! You three have fun with (Y,N) but not too much, and if I see a single scratch on his face, all three you are DEAD!" Cassie said before storming off. Crap, this isn't good. I need to think of a way out of th- oh wait. I thought before throwing my leg back and hitting Andy in the balls. He let go of my arms and I threw a punch at Hunter, one of Cassie's other goons, only for it to have little to no affect. Seth, the third one, punched me onto the ground and then the three of them started kicking the crap out of me. You'd think being the son of Backmask and Headkase they'd give me some sort of fight training? Well, Nope. They were afraid if they did teach me anything, I'd use it to fight crime. I mean, they're right, but still, some help would've been appreciated. Andy picked me back up and Seth put some brass knuckles on his hand (how the hell did he get into school with those?) before someone punched him so hard he hit a locker and the door caved in, making a nice seat for him. Hunter looked over into a light emitting from May's hand that temporarily blinded him before she kicked him into a classroom door which also broke. May glared at Andy with her eyes turning blue for a few seconds.

"Fuck off." She told him. Andy quickly let me go and put his hands up. I fell to the ground and looked at him slowly walk backwards before kicking up a switchblade from one of his combat boots and catching it. I quickly tripped his leg and grabbed his switchblade before standing up and stepping on his chest.

"She said fuck off." I repeated.

"You know I could've taken him." May said over my shoulder.

"Yeah, but I didn't want to feel like a completely useless piece of-"

"(L,N) AND BIAFRA! GO TO PRINCIPAL EFFACER'S OFFICE IMMEDIATELY!" The teacher who's classroom door May just broke shouted.

"Really? Nothing for the gang beatdown but-"

"NOW!" The teacher said interrupting me.

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