Chapter 4

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It had been three days since I'd seen Angel.
Or any of the Guardians for that matter.
I hid in my workshop for those three days, trying not to worry about Angel. She was tougher than she looked and a Guardian capable of taking care of herself.
But what if that wasn't enough?
I shook my head and continued digging around in my bins for parts. I'd been working on a new, mechanical and magical heart for myself as my organic one was hurting worse and worse with each day and I wouldn't be able to take it any longer within a week or two.
It was hot in the workshop from the forge and the machines that were melting metal and assembling prototypes. I'd removed my hat and replaced it with a bandana to keep my bangs out of my eyes, and I worked shirtless as to keep myself as cool as possible.
Suddenly my mechanical doorman (it's more of a high tech computer that monitors the door and allows access to certain people) beeped. Loudly.
I ran out of the shop and into the tech room, sliding on the slick floor. The computer chirped. "You have a visitor: Angel," it told me cheerily.
I panicked internally. Angel was here? Why?
Over the din of machines I heard the door click open on the other side of the building. Crap crap crap crap! I ran back into the shop and grabbed my hat and shirt before scrambling to shut off various mechanisms. At one point I stepped in a puddle of oil and slipped; thankfully my wings caught me and prevented me from falling in said puddle.
I pulled myself off the ground and scrambled to the next room. I needed to shut off the stuff in there. Unfortunately I misjudged how much friction my sneakers had against the ground and I missed the doorway completely, slamming into the wall.
Suddenly, "Ben?"
I popped my head around the corner. Angel was standing there, a robotic mouse scurrying away from her feet and right toward me.
I rubbed my head and meekly stepped out from the doorway, walking tentatively toward her. What did she want?
Without warning, Angel rushed to me and threw her arms around me, hugging me so hard I couldn't breathe. I felt my cheeks burning. Since when did this kinda-sorta-acquaintance-friend touch me?
I gasped, patting her back. "...Air! Air! Air-"
She let go and giggled sheepishly, her cheeks tinged pink. "Sorry. Um, I know I've just popped out of nowhere, and I didn't talk to you earlier, but can I stay with you for awhile?"
I blinked, shocked. The butterflies in my stomach that I usually felt around Angel were even more disruptive, making me almost feel sick. I shook my head, stammering, "Yeah--yeah, totally! Um, let me just, eh, tidy things up a bit."
I led her into my room. She gawked at the vaulted ceiling, the bronze walls and marble floor, the sheer enormity of the space. Her gaze fell upon my huge bins of LEGOs in the corner and her eyes lit up slightly.
I skittered around her, picking up trinkets and dangerous LEGO pieces that, had she not been wearing shoes, would have made for a very painful welcome.
"Sorry about the mess," I mumbled. "I didn't think I'd have company."
Angel looked confused for a moment. Then her expression softened and I could tell she was just remembering that she was the only one who could see me.
She grabbed my shoulder gently, giving me a sympathetic smile. "Hey, it's okay," she told me quietly. "I need to talk to you about something, though."
I felt my face going even redder than it was before. I shoved my hands into my pockets, fiddling with the little screws and bolts I kept with me--just in case. "What-- what is it?" I stammered.
Angel looked down at the ground. She appeared to be hesitant about something.
Then she threw herself into my arms and sobbed into my chest.
This was awkward.
At this point I was scared my head would catch on fire because I was blushing so hard. Angel pushed herself against me tighter and my stomach flipped. I swallowed hard.
Something was up and even though I was flustered and didn't know why she was crying into my oil stained shirt, I knew I had to do something to comfort her.
I nervously, slowly put my arms around her. Her breath caught audibly and I felt her tense, but then she hugged me back. I suddenly felt very...protective, I guess, of her. From what I knew, Angel was not sensitive and didn't cry easily. Whatever made her like this...well, let's just say I wouldn't let it happen again.
A unexpected comfort settled between us and I tightened my embrace. Her sobs slowly faded to gentle shaking and sniffling.
I closed my eyes. "It's going to be okay," I whispered. I hesitated, trying not to stumble on my words. "I'll take care of you."
I glanced down at her. Her eyes were still closed, but a weak smile had worked its way onto her lips. I copied the gesture and held her a little tighter.
After a few moments I let go of her. "Come on," I told her, nodding to a room behind her as I walked forward. "I wanna introduce you to someone."
She sniffed and wiped away the last of her tears. "O-okay," she stuttered shakily.
I grinned. "He'll make you really happy," I promised. "Trust me."
Angel followed me into a large, open room that I'd designed to be like an aviary and a terrarium simultaneously. Angel gasped softly behind me. "Cool, huh?" I asked her. She nodded. I looked back at the open balcony that lead to the Scottish moors. "But this isn't what I wanted to show you."
I whistled loudly and after a moment loud flapping was heard in the distance. Angel looked alarmed. I held out a hand to reassure her.
Out of the fog a silhouette appeared and Angel took a step back. Then a huge fluffy gryphon with the head of a barn owl, the fore- and hind-legs of a snow leopard, and the antlers of a stag laded with a soft thump in the aviary. I smiled and pet his face as he chortled excitedly.
"Angel, meet Griff."
She stared at him, then grinned and rushed to pet him. "He's so cute!! And soft!" Griff licked her and she laughed.
I smiled. "I think he likes you," I observed.
Angel mumbled something to Griff and Nuzzled his face. He looked sideways at me and smirked. I frowned. "What'd she say?" I mouthed. He made a series of squawking noises and I squinted at Angel playfully, trying to ignore the heat in my cheeks (she'd said, "Griff's not the only one who likes me.")
She didn't take any notice and buried her face in Griff's fur. "Where'd you get this thing?" she hummed, content. "I want one."
"Um," I started, "I kinda just found a himself..."
Angel put her hands on either side of Griff's face and pursed her lips. "Were you all alone?" she cooed like she was talking to a baby. Griff bobbed his head. "Aawwww!"
Angel considered the creature. Then she looked at me. "Can you ride him? He's like the size of an elephant."
"Yeah," I affirmed. "I ride him all the time." Her eyes lit up.
"Can I ride him?"
"He looks pretty tired, Angel. You can ride him later. For now he just wants to get to know you." Just like I do.
Angel nodded and Griff laid on the floor of the aviary, creating a large fluffy couch. Angel flopped against him and stretched her arms.
"I love your place, Ben," she sighed after a moment. "It's so cozy and alive."
I sat next to her, one knee pulled to my chest as I cocked my arm on it. "Thanks," I stammered. "It...I spent quite a long time making it what it is. It's got a considerable amount of rooms for one person and his pet."
Angel looked at me, her expression softened with that sympathetic look again. I avoided her gaze. "It's fine, really. Three thousand years of solitude isn't...isn't that...bad."
I felt her hand on my shoulder again. "Hey," she said, "I can fix that for you. I'll get the others believing and help you appear to the children."
I gave her a grateful smile. "You'd do that?"
"Of course. What are friends for?"
I looked out at the fog and the heather. "Friends...." I savored the word. "It's been a long time since that word has been used toward me." Angel smiled weakly and followed my gaze.
I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath through my nose, tipping my head back against Griff's chest. I could see the moors in my mind, dragons and other mystical beings flying through the fog and bounding through the heather.
A spear of pain shot through my heart for the umpteenth time and I grit my teeth. Angel didn't need to know about that yet.
No one needed to know about it.
Never in my three thousand years would I let anyone know about those scars.
Angel glanced at me, sensing my sudden tension, and she looked concerned. I played dumb. "What?" I asked her, forcing down the pain.
She blinked and shook her head. "Nothing."
That was close.
After the pain subsided, I tried to make small talk. "So," I drawled, "what's your reason for showing up in my house and sobbing into my chest?"
Angel blushed and looked away. "Um, maybe we talk about it tomorrow. I kinda don't wanna ruin the calmness."
I raised an eyebrow but didn't press further.
I sighed. "Um, do you need anything or...?"
"No, I'm fine." She bit her lip. "But if you could show me more of your place that would be cool," she suggested timidly.
I stood and held out a hand to help her up. Gruff hopped to his feet and nudged Angel from behind excitedly.
It just so happened that by doing so, Angel was pushed toward me and we found ourselves flush against each other, our noses touching.
I said something intelligent like, "Uuhhh..." I blushed hard. Angel did the same and removed herself from my personal bubble with awkward unintelligible stammering. She stepped to the side and avoided eye contact.
I cleared my throat and flicked Griff's beak. "That wasn't necessary," I stuttered, still red-faced.
Angel giggled behind me and I felt the heat rise in my cheeks again.
I led the two through the house, showing off various rooms and contraptions. Griff got bored after the first room and went to sleep in his aviary. Angel marveled at my little mechanized birds, and they all flocked around her. Every time she touched one it turned a pinkish color. It was fascinating.
I looked out the window. Time had really flown by; it was dark outside. I found an extra room that wasn't too cluttered and set up a bed for her. "Um, so, you can stay here, if you want," I stammered. I'd never felt so awkward in my life and I hope not to feel that way again.
Angel nodded. I began to walk out the door when she grabbed my wrist. "Wait."
She hesitated, and after a millisecond of what looked like an internal battle, she pulled me into another hug. "Thank you," she whispered into my shoulder.
My stomach turned again and I tentatively hugged her back.
"Y-you're welcome."

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