Chapter 3

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The rest of the class consisted of the final performances. Y/N was extremely impressed with Janeul and her violin solo. The quiet girl, with her short dark hair and large framed glasses, didn't say much in class and tended to shy away from speaking to anyone or large groups, but came alive on the stage. She took control of the violin and made it come alive in her hands.

Y/N stopped her on her way to her seat, congratulating the girl. Januel blushed and thanked her quietly, hurrying back to her seat with her head down.

Mina leaned over. "I don't know why you bother with her. She never speaks and her family is from the other side of town," she said, disgust lacing her tone.

Y/N shrugged. "Januel's really sweet. She's just shy," Y/N said. "Plus why should it matter what side of town she is from?"

Mina raised her eyebrows at the question. "You don't want to get involved with those people. It will ruin your reputation here," she whispered.

Y/N rolled her eyes at the childish response. She liked Mina, she really did, but sometimes she wanted to throttle the pretty blond. Since she was raised in a high-class family, she tended to look down on those that she didn't believe fit her ideal world. Y/N had been surprised that she had agreed to meet Jungkook, since he was from a working class family. However, Jungkook's looks must have surpassed her desire to have a rich boyfriend.

Professor Choi sat on the edge of the stage again, getting the room's attention. "Your next project is going to be a duet. Before next week's class, I want each of you to find a partner to work with. You will be working together to learn a duet. I would like each of you to try working with someone new. This means don't choose your friends," he said, laughing at the groans that filled the room.

Y/N and Mina packed up their supplies and began to head out of the classroom, when Y/N heard a husky voice behind her calling her name. She turned to see the new student, Min Yoongi, heading up the wide steps toward her. Y/N motioned for Mina to go ahead and turned to face him.

Yoongi stopped on the step below Y/N. "I... uh... I was wondering if you wanted to be my partner for this project," he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Y/N smiled at the pink blush that crept over his smooth pale skin. Her eyes met his and she saw that they were the color of coffee with just a hint of cream. His silver hair hung over his forehead and he kept brushing it back out of his face.

Y/N realized that she had been staring at him blankly and shook her head to clear the erratic thoughts. "Um... sure. I would like that," she replied.

Yoongi gave her a wide smile that showed his gums and pretty teeth. "I'm Min Yoongi, by the way," he said, sticking out his hand.

Y/N returned the handshake, noticing that his hands were warm despite the cold temperature in the room. "Chang Y/N," she replied. "It's nice to meet you. Welcome to our little slice of heaven," she said, gesturing to the performance room.

Yoongi gave her another gummy smile. "Your performance was amazing. You really did Nocturnes justice," he said.

Y/N's eyebrows lifted in surprise. "You recognized the song?" she asked.

Yoongi nodded. "Yes. Although I can play guitar, the piano is my instrument of choice," he said.

Y/N smiled in understanding. "We'll have to find a four hand song to perform. Do you have any idea?" she asked.

Yoongi put a finger to his lips in thought, his eyes narrowing. "I have a couple in mind, but I think we should take some time this week to look for possible songs."

Y/N nodded at him in agreement. "Let me give you my number so we can keep in contact," she said.

Yoongi pulled out his phone and handed it to her. Y/N put her number in and Yoongi sent her a quick text so she had his number as well.

Y/N looked at her watch and her eyes widened. "I better go. I have to get to my next class," she said.

Yoongi looked down at his schedule. "Can you tell me where to find Room B204?" he asked.

Y/N laughed. "That's where I'm heading," she said. Although most of the music department was in the B Building, the performance room was in the main hall. "Piano Literature II. How did you get past the prerequisites if this is your first year?" she asked.

Yoongi blushed and avoided her eyes as they left the room together. "Um... when I applied, I had to prepare a performance piece. This is the schedule they gave me," he said, hesitating to admit the truth.

Y/N smiled at him. "Lucky. You must be really good. You basically skipped the first two years of the program," she said.

"I was a business major first because my dad wanted me to take over the family business, but two years in, I realized it was not what I wanted. I learned to play piano when I was six years old and it's all I ever really wanted to do," Yoongi said. He felt his cheeks get hot when he realized all he had said to the girl. She was so easy to talk to and made him feel at ease.

Y/N smiled at him, motioning for him to continue.

"I left business school and told my dad that I didn't want to continue the family business. He threatened to cut me off, but my grandpa stopped that. He still pays for my schooling, but its hard living with him right now since he's so disappointed that I quit business," Yoongi said. "I'm currently in the process of looking for a place to live."

Y/N thought about her empty spare bedroom and her need for a roommate as they headed across the campus together. "I know I just met you, but my roommate moved out last month and I've been needing to get another one," she explained. "Would you be interested?"

Yoongi looked at her in surprise. "Are you serious?" he asked.

Y/N smiled. "Yeah. My best friend moved in with his girlfriend since she didn't want him living with me. So now I have an extra bedroom. It comes with a private bath. All utilities are included. I even have a piano in my place," she said, hoping to sweeten the deal.

Yoongi just stared at her in shock. "Do you feel comfortable living with someone you just met?" he asked.

Y/N nodded. "We can try it out on a two week trial. If you don't kill me in my sleep and I don't throw you out a window, then we can make it more permanent," she said.

Yoongi laughed at her blunt statement. It would be easier to practice together since she had the piano there, but he didn't want to make a split second decision and regret it later. "Can I have a day or two to think about it?" he asked.

Y/N nodded again. "Sure. That would make sense. Probably need to realize I'm not a crazy person," she said.

Yoongi smiled at her. "Sounds good to me," he said, giving her another gummy smile.

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