The Meeting

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"welcome home young master"the maid said"the king is waiting for you"she added while Natsu nod.

"Dad?"he asked while walking on his father's room.

"come sit here there are things we need to talk about"Igneel said while tapping the side of the couch.

"first of all i'm going to tell you after you graduated college you're going to marry Lucy ok?"Igneel asked with a slight smirk while Natsu just nod sadly"good now for the second thing I decided you to do and this is the last time I will said this..."he stopped for a second"you stay away from that girl"he said with a slight venom in his voice.

"about that I already decided that.I will stay away from her but..."he hesitated for a moment"I will go to America at least about two years."he finally said it with a serious expression on his face

"okay I'll let you"Igneel said before standing up and leaving the room.

'whhhaaaaattttt!?just like that he will going to let me to go in America? I can't believe him...but if its for her sake I'll do it.'he thought with a sigh'wait I forgot to asked him on when will I go to America damn it'he thought again before standing up and chase after his dad."WAIT!" he yelled when he saw his his dad look at him

"what?!"Igneel asked."I forgot to ask you something!"Natsu yelled again."will you stop yelling and come to me!"Igneel yelled"what! you're yelling to!"he yelled before running to him."so what is it you're going to ask?"Igneel asked when Natsu is beside him"oh yeah forgot bout that again Its youre fault that is why I forgot IT!"he yelled the last part"Will you stop yelling we are just centimeter apart!and it is not my fault when you are going to tell something then you forgot it IDIOT!"Igneel yelled"yeah that's it and who are you calling Idiot you knuckle head? I am going to ask you on when will I go to America?"Natsu asked "oh yeah you are going to America after you finished middle school"(A/N it's just only one month after he finished mid school)"Ok its just only one month I think I can do that"he said with his fist in the air"IM ALL FIRED UP!" he yelled while Igneel sweatdrop and ask to himself'why do I have children like oldest one wanted to second oldest one is an idiot and the youngest one is cute but a cry baby'he thought with a sigh

*timeskip one month*

"yosh this is the day I am going to America with my brother and sister"he yelled(A/N Natsu's father decided to bring Zeref with Natsu but when Wendy knew about it she said she wont stop crying if she didnt go with her brothers.)"Natsu please stop yelling we are in the airport you are making a scene."Zeref said calmly"what is an airport brother?"Wendy asked innocently"Wendy,an airport is where planes pick passengers and other things you didnt know Wendy"Zeref said calmly then the speaker speak"people plane number 1 is ready please go to airplane no1 "

"come on thats our plane."Zeref said before walking away.

"Wait! what do you mean by that I wont ride a pla..."he was stopped by Zeref dragging him to the plane while everyone who see them sweatdrop."sorry...sorry"Wendy keep repeating it while bowing then she run to chase Natsu and Zeref.

"Ugggh how much longer Zeref-nee-chan."Natsu asked his face is green.

"about 23 hours more"Zeref said with his eyes close.

"whhaaaaaattttt (puke)"Natsu yelled then Zeref stand up and punch him in the gut until he fell to unconcousness

"well that should make it" he said while cleaning his hand with each other."why did father want us to ride a public plane even though we have a private plane?"he thought out loud before sitting again and fell asleep while Wendy is playing her i pod without even noticing what happened.

* timeskip 23 hours later*

"we are landing now please ready your baggage princes and princess please come out now your chauffer is waiting for you three"the pilot said

"wake up Wendy,Natsu we are here"Zeref said trying to wake them Natsu suddenly stand up and yelled"Finally I can get out of this cursed plane"he yelled while Zeref sigh"I think we need to carry Wendy to the car"Zeref said calmly before piggy back riding Wendy.

"Whaaaaatttt! I wont ride into another cursed transportation"he yelled."If you dont ride the car you cant get in the house come on Natsu I'll tell you how to prevent your motion sickness"Zeref said"really! come on tell me how"Natsu asked"I'll tell you when we are in the car"Zeref said before walking away"really!? come on!"he yelled before running to Zeref.

"Natsu you need to think that you are just in the house and this is not a car"Zeref explained then the car kept repeating it in his mind'this is a house not a car a house not a car'Natsu kept repeating it until they are in their chauffer said"this is your new house the king said to bring you here."the chauffer said before getting out of the car and then he opened the door in the passenger's seat."finally I found a way to stop my motion sickness thanks Zeref!"he yelled before Zeref put a finger in his lips that means be quite Wendy is sleeping."can I go somewhere else I want to know this place"Natsu requested Zeref"be sure you won't get loss"Zeref said while Natsu nodded their house is big it has 3 floors the first floor is for guess then the second floor is the kitchen and on the third floor is for after Natsu place his things in his room he run through the door then yelled"I'll be back in dinner bye"he yelled before walking a short walk he was loss"damn it where was it again?"he asked to himself then suddenly he heard something.

"come on girl there is nowhere to run give us your body and money"a blond haired stranger said they cornered a girl with scarlet hair"no!" the scarlet haired girl yelled before kicking the man in the balls"damn it that hurts but I like hard to get type come on hold her Cobra" the blond haired is a dark red haired man with a scar on his right eye that reached his jaw line "dont order me like that Racer,remember I am stronger than you"he said before moving in the back of the girl and holding her hands so that she cant fight anymore but a sudden pink flash came and all he see is a pink haired man standing in front of the unconciouss Racer.

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