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A/N: I'm proud of my story :) And I don't care if only a few people may not like it. Why should I when a lot of y'all do? The BDSM in this story is things that I myself like, what I think BDSM is and the aspects about it that I enjoy. If it's not enough for you I mean, you don't have to read it. But I appreciate those of you who do like it and who vote and comment because I really enjoy your comments lol.


After eating, Leo took me home and I didn't really say much. I knew he cared and was just worried about me. After we got inside of my house we both sat on the couch and turned on the tv quietly. 

"What are you wearing today?" 

"Some shorts and a nice shirt." 

"I want you in a dress with sandals." 

"Yes Sir." 

"Good girl." He murmured, kissing my cheek 

I smiled at the endearment and watched tv until it was time to go. He goes home to shower and change clothes, and I went to go get dressed in what he told me to dress in. I put on a flowy, blue summer dress and some silver sandals on my feet. I curled my hair and put in matching earrings and a bracelet and then waited for Leo to come back. Ten minutes later, he was walking in my door with a soft gray v neck tee shirt, Black shorts, and gray vans on his feet. His hair was curled in the front with a deep side part, and the hair folded over to his left side. He was a mouth watering sight for sure. 

"You okay?" He asked me with a smirk 

I snapped back to reality and nodded, getting up from the couch. 

"You look great." I said, having to swallow to wetten my parched throat. 

His green eyes flash with happiness as he walks towards me. I smell his scent and feel warmth build inside me. 

"Okay Pet... change of plans. I heard that we'll be doing some things at this cook out. You mind changing?" 

"Sure, no problem. What's on the agenda?" 

"There's gonna be a obstacle course, in fact, we're doing boys against girls." 

I jump up. 

"Awesome, I'll be finished in no time." 

Before I rush out, he grabs me and pulls me back. 


"What?" I asked confused 

"First I wanted to tell you that you look beautiful with what you have on." 

"Thank you Leo." 

He kisses me and I kiss him back. I feel his hands travel to the zipper on my dress and slowly zip it down wards until my dress pools at my feet. He pulls away abruptly and leans his forehead against mine. He's breathing heavily. 

"Go get dressed before I make us late." He murmurs 

I smile to myself and collect my dress off of the floor and hurried to my room, throwing on a purple shirt, dark blue jean shorts, and my dark brown Sperry's. I come out in five minutes to a smile. 

"Still just as beautiful. Come on sweet heart." 

I walk out of the door first with him behind me. We get into his lexus and he drives us to this huge mansion. I stare in awe as he drives through the golden gates with a C insignia in the middle of it, no doubt standing for Calavry. He rides up the winding drive way to park behind the other cars. I hear the distinct beat of Lorde's Royals playing through the air. It's ironic actually, but I say nothing as Leo cuts off the car. 

"Ready Pet?" He asks 

"More than I'll ever be." I say quietly 

I was nervous as hell....


I go around to her side to open her door and she steps out, taking my hand. 

"Just be cool and be yourself okay? They'll love you." 

She takes a deep breath. 

"Okay." She says quietly 

I massage her shoulders quickly and then take her hand, walking up to the houses doors. I knock, and soon James the butl answers. 

"Ah, Master Leo, glad you could make it." He smiles, letting us in 

"You know I couldn't miss this. James this is Ellie, my girl friend." 

I see her blush as she and James shakes hands. 

"Ah, the illustrious Ellie, I've heard a lot about you. Everyone is dying to meet you." He says sincerely   

She just smiles. 

"I'll show you guys to the back. And afterwards, I'll be joining you. Seems like I get the day off today." 

"Well of course, you're just as much a part of this family as anyone. Look, I'll take Ellie outside, you go get dressed James. We'll see you out there." 

"But Master Leo, it's no trouble at all." 

"Nonsense, go on. Plus we're gonna have a talk about what you call me. You know you can call me Leo, you're family James." 

I see Ellie giggling but James doesn't notice. 

"Alright. I will see you two out there...Leo." He said with a quick smile 

He then turns to go up the grand stair case. 

"And just what are you laughing about over there." 

"Nothing, master Leo." She teases

I grab her hand. 

"You're about to go over my knee." I laugh 

She laughs back as we go out to the spacious back yard where there is life all over. There are various jumpers for the little kids, ballons, burgers on the grill, cakes, cookies, pies, all of the various cook out foods there could be, and white round tables where my family members and close friends were sitting. I look around and soon see Josh and Priah. 

"Yay, familiar faces." She says 

"Oh no, you're about to be acquainted with some unfamiliar ones. Come along Ellie. And remember, be your self." 

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