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First of all, I would like to point out that @LadyNightlight, @saphirabluescales, and @deathpower are very, very evil people. If you want to know why, go on the comments of the last chapter of this story. They all banded together and tortured me until I started to write this chapter. I have evil, demented followers. -_-

Annabeth's POV

       I ran through the cabin, checking everywhere. No sigh on him. He didn't leave a trace. "G-Guys?" I stuttered, coming out of the cabin slowly. "He's not here."

      Soon, the rest of the seven and Nico were looking all around the cabin. We were about to check around the stables or the beach when there was a flash. I closed my eyes tightly and when we opened them again I saw we were on Olympus. And by 'we' I meant the Seven, Nico and Thalia. Somehow.

       "My lords." I bowed slightly before the audience of gods. "May I ask why we are here?"

       "Rise my daughter." Athena said firmly, but a gentle tone in her voice. I obeyed and stood. "We understand you were looking for Percy?"

       I nodded, biting my bottom lip in worry. "We know where he is." Poseidon asked. I gasped in relief, but before I could say anything he started again. "But it's not a good thing."

      I looked at him confused and saw his eyes were deep green with sadness. "He's in Tartarus, my dear." Athena told me softly.

      My eyes widened. "No..." I whispered, clenching my fists so they couldn't see them trembling. "W-Why?! How!?"

       "It... It has been thought that Tartarus has somehow teleported him there. We are but to watch from Olympus." She said sadly. I bit my bottom lip harder then burst into tears. Piper and Hazel rushed to my side and hugged me close while I sobbed into their shoulders.

       "Wait, watch?" Nico questioned.

       I pulled away from the hug, wiping tears from my eyes. "Yeah, what was that about?" I asked.

      "We have been informed you've placed a thought reading device on Percy, though it won't work from this far. So we thought you'd prefer to watch." Poseidon explained sadly.

      Without hesitation, I nodded. "Then take a seat." Hera snapped her fingers and a bunch of bean bag chairs, soda and junk food appeared. She smiled sadly at me.

      "I figured you'd need to eat. It always helps me under stressful times." She explained. I had never really liked her, actually I had hated her, but her hospitality made me feel welcome.

       I smiled at her and relief flooded her features. "And it makes you fat." Zeus muttered under his breath. Luckily, Hera didn't hear.

      We all settled down around each other, facing the giant jumbo screen on the wall. It flickered to life and I grabbed Piper's hand. It wasn't romantic, just comforting to the image that was on the screen. Percy was walking through a giant castle, from what it looked like. His face was angry, his fists clenched as he stormed through the massive hallways. Every door he came to he shoved open, looking inside, then growled and continued walking. Suddenly I heard a scream- A scream that sounded very much like mine.

      Percy's eyes widened. "Annabeth!" He yelled, picking his pace up to a run. I wanted to yell to him. To tell him it wasn't me. That it was a trick. Instead I squeezed Piper's hand so tight I'm surprised it didn't break.

      He rounded a corner and stopped dead in his tracks. About thirty monsters stood in his way, and it didn't look like he had a weapon on him. He made a growling noise deep in his throat. "Where's Annabeth."

      "Sorry, can't tell you!" A monster giggled. Before you knew it Percy rushed forward and punched it in the gut, making it let out a squeal and vaporize into dust.

      "But... A monster can't be killed without Celestial Bronze!" Zeus exclaimed.

      Percy turned to the other monsters, who had taken a step back. "Where. Is. Annabeth." he growled.

       "S-She's no-" a monster started, but a Cyclops elbowed it in the ribs.

       "She's in the holding cells. The same thing you just escaped." The cyclops said.

       "Show me to her." Percy growled. Once it didn't move, he added a harsh "Now! Or I'll kill you all!"

       "W-We're not a-allowed!" A monster from the back squeaked.

       Percy's face turned into a sneer. "How about this. You show me the way or I make sure you die a slow and painful death."

      No one answered.

      "So I'll sweeten the deal. If one of you doesn't show me the way right now, I'll tear you apart limb by limb until you show me where she is." He growled. I flinched at his tone.

       Once again, no one replied but they were all shifting nervously. "No? Fine then." I looked away as soon as he started to fight. I didn't want to see it. I buried my face in Piper's shoulder and listened to monster's agonized screams as he tore them apart.

      "I-I-Is this t-the P-Percy you s-saw in T-T-Tartarus?" Nico stammered.

      I lifted my head and nodded weakly. "Wait!" A monster squeaked just as Percy was reaching for it. Monster dust covered him and all around him. "I'll show you to her!"

      Percy raised an eyebrow. "You promise?" He growled.

      "Promise! As long as you don't kill me!" It whimpered. Percy nodded.

      "I won't kill you. Make it quick." He growled.

     They ran through the corridors until there was a large, iron door. "S-She's in there." it squeaked.

     "Thanks, but I won't be needing you anymore." he grinned an innocent smile that looked sinister; creepy. The monster let out a scream as Percy tore it apart like a teenager to a teddy bear.

     Everyone, even the gods, flinched at Percy's cruelty.

     "So annoying." Percy muttered as he wiped his hands on his jeans, then shoved the door open as fake me screamed again.

     Only to see two Cyclops, snickering. Percy's hands clenched into tight fists that made his knuckles turn white. His face was downright murderous. "You. Tricked. Me." He growled. He looked around the room, at all the torture tools lining the walls. Whips, daggers, poisons, the works.

       "You made a mistake. You shouldn't have lead me into this room." Percy growled, grinning a sadistic grin that made me want to throw up. The lights flickered and Percy's grin grew. "I guess you won't be making any more impressions any time soon." the lights went out and all I couldn't see anything, which I was thankful for.

       Loud screams and clanging of metal and shattering glass filled the room. Soon after, I heard someone whistling a tune softly. I recognized it as Davy Jones. The lights flickered back on and Percy grinned. There was a pile of dust at his feet. he began whistling again while running his hands over the many weapons. He picked up a dagger and tested the blade, pressing it against his palm and slicing downward fluidly. He grinned as blood ran down his palm and onto the floor. He began whistling again as he picked up another dagger. He did the same with the blade, grinning once again. He twirled the razor sharp knives in his hands while he whistles, kicking the doors open. He simply whistled the eerie tune, twirled the blades in his hands and walked along the corridors.

       He suddenly stopped whistling and peered around the corner, where a large, bright 'EXIT' sign in big, bold red flickering letters hovered over a door. Two empousi guarded the area. Percy then began to sing softly.

      "Momma doesn't call, sister never writes, bet ya they would laugh if I called to say goodbye." he sang softly while creeping along the shadows, slowly creeping closer.

      "No one's gonna worry, notice when I'm gone, they don't know I'm missing till they pull me out the mystic..." he continued to sing until the Empousi heard. They perked up and looked around, putting their spears in the 'attack' position.

      "Got a head full of spiders, and a heart that isn't here.." he sang softly, slowly getting closer. He suddenly grinned and hurled a dagger in the direction of an Empousi. She wailed in agony and fell to the ground in a pile of dust.

       "Who's there?!" The other Empousi cried, waving her spear around wildly.

      "Oh, you know." Percy said casually. "Only Percy Jackson." The Empousi froze, giving Percy a chance to throw the second dagger. He smirked and walked over, picking up the stray knives from the piles of dust.

      He blew the dust off of the blades and wiped them off on his jeans. "Perfect." he muttered, examining the shiny blade. He opened the door without a problem, raising an eyebrow. He stepped out onto the landscape and the door slammed behind him. She shrugged and grinned.

      "Time to get home."


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