I lost ANOTHER bet...

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Once again I lose a bet against some of my readers. I promised LadyNightlight and deathpower  that if they could get me ten new notifications on my new chapter, 'Truth or Dare,' the last chapter to this book. Guess what? A MILLION NOTIFICATIONS LATER. Actually, I'll show you exactly what happened. *Glares at mentioned two* (oh my word it has 62 comments in it... [Oh, nope, 63...])

DeathPower- I think Percy is going to cut or something like that I'm not sure anyone else think so too

Me- I think other probably do. I tend to be an evil author, as LadyNightlight knows oh so well XD

Deathpower- Nnnnnoooooooooo why is there a cliffhanger when it was getting good (yes I counted the n's and o's)

Me- :P I'm an evil author

Deathpower- Why just why (;n;) (A million emojis I don't have on my laptop) I feel so sad about not knowing what happens

Me- Sowwy! I'll update when it's due next! Just kidding, I don't have a schedule. I just wait until enough people have bothered me about it. Comment a million times? You're update will be done by tomorrow. XD I'll make you a deal. You get me ten more notifications on this chapter and I'll start working on the chapter TONIGHT. How's that sound?

Deathpower- OK I think I can do that

Me- Kay. You're on.

Me- :P LadyNightlight

LadyNightlight- Y

LadyNightlight- E

LadyNightlight- S

LadyNightlight- You summoned me

Me- Yep. Scroll up and read comments. (She does this stuff all the time, which is why I don't appear fazed XD)

LadyNightlight- 10 notifications. Pss easy

Me- You've got until midnight

LadyNightlight- 10

LadyNightlight- 9

LadyNightlight- 8

LadyNightlight- 7

LadyNightlight- 6

LadyNightlight- whatever number comes before six

Me- did you just... did you just do that?

LadyNightlight- 4

LadyNightlight- 3

LadyNightlight- 2

LadyNightlight- Done

Me- ...Did you really just go there?

Deathpower- LadyNightlight (I've tired of typing her full name out I'm copying and pasting now :P) yes thank you so much for helping me

LadyNightlight- @FallDown5 yes yes I did.

Deathpower- I think I won the deal

Me- Aww crap.

Me- I did not expect LadyNightlight to just... Ugh. Welp. To my laptop I go. Whoopdeedoo.

LadyNightlight- Deathpower I think you're right

LadyNightlight- In the name of Nike we have a Victor

Deathpower- Don't feel bad here have a blue cookie *hands blue cookie*

Me- LadyNightlight ...Jerk....

Me- Yay! Cookie! *stuffs in mouth, hisses and runs off to laptop*

Deathpower- You know what I take back what I said

Me- Deathpower that was for LadyNightlight, she's the jerk, you're perfectly fine! *glares as LadyNightlight from distance*

LadyNightlight- (Completely random) @FallDown5 do you watch Supernatural?

Deathpower- Thank you FallDown5

LadyNightlight- Blue cookie?

Deathpower- yes

Deathpower- Yes I do

Me- Uh... Kind of? I'm working on it XD

Me- Still working on stranger things so...

Me- Blue... Cookie...

Deathpower- LadyNightlight you get a blue cookie as well "hands u cookie*

Deathpower- Don't worry @FallDown5 I give u 12 dozen blue cookies *hands u 12 dozen blue cookies*

Me-  Yay! XD

Deathpower- Your welcome

Me- Now... *sigh* I have a chapter to write... lol

Deathpower- Yes now shoo go do the chapter

Me- *sticks tongue out at you* omg I opened my laptop and I'm literally still on the 'You just published Truth or Dare!' Scene XD

Deathpower- lol

LadyNightlight- look 50 comments so deathpower we definitely win

Deathpower- yas thanks for the support

Me- Oh shut up :P

Deathpower- Oh don't be mean *hits you behind your head*-

Wait what, I didn't read the last one! Don't hit me deathpower!  Anyway, *sigh* Yeah, I have a LOT (and I mean a lot) of weird comment conversations, so you may be part of one some day :P LadyNightlight and I have been through pretty much everything since day one XD I update a story she likes, she tortures and bugs me for not updating, I finally update and end with a cliffhanger to annoy her, and the cycle just continues on and on XD Seriously, both of you (and daughterofchaos24, whom I was having an interesting conversation about candy and gluing people together)

     Annabeth's POV

      I wasn't sure why we needed to go to Percy, but Nico seemed so concerned we all immediately followed him. We stopped at the Poseidon cabin and Nico banged on the door with his fist. "Percy! Open up!" there was no reply, only thoughts.

      I'm sorry guys... I can't let you in... I need to punish myself...

      "Percy! Let us in! Now!" I exclaimed. No reply.

      I wont open the door, they understand that right?

       "Percy open this door right now!" I yelled, pounding on it with my fists. If my assumption of what he was doing was correct, this wasn't good.

       "Percy! Please! Open the door!" Nico begged, still banging on his fists on the door.

       We knocked and hollered and begged but he never came out. Only telling himself that he was keeping us away for our own safety. After about ten minutes I was fed up. "Nico, move back." I growled. He nodded and stepped to the side.

        I clenched my fists and then swung my leg up, kicking the door in. It fell slowly, then hit the ground with a loud crash. We ran in and saw the bathroom door was shut. I tried the knob. Locked. "Percy, let us in!" I exclaimed.

        I'm not letting them in... I need... I need to be... to be punished...

       "Percy! P-Please!" I begged, tears rolling down my face.

       "Come out and stop! Please!" Nico also begged, tears running down his face.

        "Wait... Is he..?" Jason whispered, suddenly pale. Frank, Hazel and Piper, getting what he was asking, looking at me with hopeful eyes, telling me to say no.

       "I-I think he I-is..." I whispered.

      Why would they care what I'm doing?

       I let out a sob and slid down the bathroom door, sitting on the floor his my arms wrapped around my knees, which were tucked close to my chest. I sobbed even harder and everyone tried to comfort me.

      Is Annabeth... Crying? Why is she crying?

       I felt the pressure on my back from the door loosen and everyone in front of me looked up with wide, terrified eyes. I didn't want to look back at what he had done. So I didn't move and buried my face in my knees. "Why are you crying?" Percy whispered in my ear.

      "B-Because." I hiccupped. "Y-y-you're hurting yourself."

      "Why does that matter?" He asked.

       "Because I c-care about you!" I exclaimed, squeezing my eyes shut as I felt him move around in front of me.

       "Why wont you look at me?" He whispered.

       "Because," I whimpered, "I don't want to see you hurt."

       "I'm fine Annabeth, just... Just a little stress, okay?"

       Why are you lying to her in this state? Because the truth will hurt more you dumbass.

       "It's not just a l-little stress." I hiccupped. "You aren't yourself."

       "What do you mean?" he asked.

       "You're... Less happy. More nervous. Depresses. Stressed. Tired. I can tell you have anxiety, and..." I raised my head slightly and saw his forearms weren't facing me. I gently grabbed his hands and pulled then towards me, facing them up. I gasped.

       Dozens of small cuts going across his wrists were visible, on both arms all the way up to his sleeves. Old ones that looked years old that were just white lines, some that were pink and still healing, some were still bleeding. "You don't look happy Percy. Why... Why would you do this?" I whispered.

       He didn't answer, but his thoughts were raging. Multiple voices of different pitches, volumes, males and females, began to yell. Telling him to do things, telling him that he's pathetic, a failure, and so many more things that just got louder and louder until I thought me ear drums were going to bleed and the voices just blended together into a perfect harmony of screams. At first I thought that I had fallen asleep and that this was a nightmare. Then I realized.

       This was Percy's mind. Percy's mind is a living nightmare.

(Ik it's short, sorry!)

(Okay so I made Percy's thoughts italic because I forgot to do that last night because I barely got to hit publish before I fell asleep.)

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