Truth or Dare

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Annabeths POV

     We all looked at eachother with wide eyes, not believing our own ears- Or Percy's thoughts.

     Ugh, well, I think I ought to go check what time that stupid game I stupidly agreed to play.

      Silence, then


      Percy thought a few more cussed before slowing down a bit.

      My gods, being a Savior of Olympus you'd think you'd be more stable on your feet there Jackson.

      "Why is he so... Negative?" Jason asked, a concrened look etched upon his face.

      Alright, lets not trip over nothing again.  Alright, step, step, step, step, Hades Cabin.

     We all made it look like we were talking as he knocked on the door. "Come in!" Leo called. The door creaked open and there Percy stood. I was shocked.

      I though he would be beaten or battered. Depressed looking. At least look tired. But no. His eyes still glittered, his stance humble yet confident, his grin as mischievous as usual. "Hey Wisegirl." He grinned, sitting next to me and planting a kiss on my cheek.

      I laughed and kissed him back, except it was on the lips. He grinned.

      I have the best girlfriend ever.

      "So! Truth or dare!" Leo exclaimed, rubbing his hands together.

       Oh gods kill me now. Please.

      Leo winced slightly. "Anyway, who's going first?" Percy asked

       "Me!" Leo immediately yelled.

       "Oh gods." We all groaned. I heard a slight echo of 'oh gods' through my ear piece.

       "Calypso, truth or dare?" Leo asked.

       She squinted her eyes at him. "Truth."

      (Oh my words this is the worst question of all time. Sorry.) "Who was the last person to land on your island- Other than me?" Leo asked.


       "Oh... Uh... It was Percy..." Calypso muttered.

      Leo blinked once. Then twice. Like a cartoon.

       Oh shit oh shit oh shit I'm sorry Leo I didn't mean to leave her! I made the gods promise to release her!

     "He made the gods promise to release her. They didn't. He wouldn't have dated her- I don't think." I told him.

      "No way. Sorry Calypso." Percy smiled sheepishly while Calypso laughed.

      "Don't worry about it, I can see why you left." She winked at him and he turned bright red.

      Man this is embarrassing. I remember when Annabeth hated me when I was twelve... I didn't know I liked her until I was... Thirteen? Fourteen? Maybe fifteen? I mean, when I left her island it wasn't to see Annabeth in a love way, was it? Maybe it was. I don't really know.

       (Ahh, nothing like walking to a gas station and selling them out of candy. It's a moment of pure bliss. Then you drop everything when you walk home and your bliss is gone. So you're stuffing cany in your jacket pockes, your sweatshirt pockets, your jean pockets, your hoodie, up your sleeves... Yeah. I bought THAT much. @LadyNightlight knows of my eating struggles.)

       I smiled at Percy and laid down on the bed, Percy laying down next to me. I propped a few pillows under our heads so we could see everyone else while still playing ourselves.

      Oh my gods she's so close... She's so beautiful... I don't know how an idiot like me got someone as amazing as her...

"Uh... Hazel, truth or dare?" Calypso asked

     "Truth please." Hazel asked nervously.

      "First crush?" She asked.

      Hazel sighed. "Leo's grandfather. Piper, truth or dare?"

       Oh yeah, the Sammy Valdez guy.

      "Dare." Piper replied with a grin.

      "I dare you to let Jason dress you up in an outfit- Not actually change you, just choose your clothes." Hazel said after a moment.

       Ope. (Anyone else say that? Like 'Hope' without the 'H') Piper's either going to be in a really ugly outfit or a very... Pro Jupiter or Zeus or whatever outfit. Wait, if Thalia's a daughter of Zeus shouldn't Jason be to? Or did he come around a second time as Jupiter? Or is Jason really Greek but raised as Roman?


      For Percy he sure thinks a lot. After a few minutes and a trip to the Aphrodite cabin Piper came back.

      Told you.

       She was wearing lightning earrings,  a light blue shirt with a lightning bolt, some light blue skinny jeans and converse sneakers with lightning on the side.

      "Knew it." Percy muttered.

      "That's a first." Leo snorted.

      "Ha ha, very funny." Percy said, rolling his eyes.

      Of course I'm the dumb one, I'm always the dumb one. You can't seem powerful if you're dumb, right? Right... Then again Zeus has some pretty dumb moments and everyone knows he's powerful... No, playing dumb had ought to work. I'm not that powerful anyways.

       Everyone exchanged nervous yet secrete glances. "Right, Frank, truth or dare?" Piper asked, wrinkling her nose as she sat next to Jason in her 'Go Zeus!' outfit.

       "Dare?" He said, though it sounded more like a question.

       "I dare you to kiss Hazel. Right here, right now." Piper said, smirking. He and Hazel turned bright red, Hazel fanning her face slightly.

       "I- Uh... Hazel, is that okay with you?"

      He's such a gentleman. Kissing wasn't very common back then, was it? Even then, she's still only barely fifteen. (I'm making her [Not counting extra] and Frank both fifteen, Nico sixteen [not counting extra years] Piper, Leo and Jason seventeen and Annabeth and Percy eighteen.)

       "S-Sure.." Hazel stuttered. Frank gently kissed her before pulling away, a deep blush on both of their faces.

       "Right... Uh... Will, you seem less opt to murder someone, truth or dare?" Frank asked.

      Wise choice.

       "Truth." Will said, draping an arm around Nico, who scowled but didn't say anything.

      Okay I know I'm going to sound like Jason but Nico and Will are seriously to perfect... Eh. At least I don't stalk them. So I'm not as bad as Jason.

       We barely made it through that one, and every managed to keep a semi straight face. Jason pretended to cough, attempting to hide the blush covering his face. Frank took a deep breath, obviously fighting off a smile. "Did you know about Jason's fanfiction about you two? All 59 of them?" Nico did a double take, wide eyed and staring at Jason.

      Oh my word Jason's soooo dead... I thought I'd be the one to give it away, but nope! Poor Jason.

       Jason was bright, bright, BRIGHT red, as well as Nico. "Oohhh Jason's busted..." Percy whispered, making everyone laugh.

     "Well, to answer your excellent question, Frank, I did. And I've read all of them. Dude, what have you got running through your mind?" Will asked, raising an eyebrow.

      "Solangelo bitches." He whispered, making everyone burst into laughter again.

      Where the hell did that come from? Who knows. Jason's Jason I guess.

      "Anyway, Nico, truth or dare?" Will asked. Nico sighed miserably.


       "I dare you let me kiss you without you shoving me away." Will said, crossing his arms.

       Nico's face flushed red. "D-Do I h-have to?" He muttered.

      Nico's also from an older time. But it had become more common by then, hadn't it? It was a good couple decades in the future. And also Nico's not really used to coming out as gay, because of his time as well, right? Is he? I honestly don't know. I should probably talk to him more.

    "It's a dare." Will said, raising an eyebrow. Luckily the dare covered the fact that Nico had blushed even harder due to Percy's thoughts. I shuddered, suddenly feeling cold.

       I snuggled into Percy's side and he wrapped an arm around me, care free. Or so he showed on the outside.

      Breath.... Breath... Breath... Don't freak out... I've held her a thousand times... Hell I've kissed her a thousand times... Gods dammit Jackson, can't even hug your girlfriend without freaking out...

     I grabbed his hand and pulled it closer to me, cuddling into his baggy sweatshirt. "You're warm Seawed brain." I murmured.

      "Uh... Thanks?"

       My god Jackson you idiot..

       "Fine, I'll do the stupid dare." Nico grumbled.

       Will smiled, then leaned down and kissed Nico. Five second. Ten seconds. Twenty seconds. Jason was flipping out by the time Will pulled away. Nico hid his face in Will's also baggy, bright yellow sweatshirt.

       Okay that was adorable. Sorry Nico!

       "Right, Nico, it's your turn and only Percy remains." Will reminded him. (I know I know, Jason nor Leo have taken dares, but Leo started and helped Piper with hers. I'm to lazy to think of anything else, so that's my excuse.)

       Nico lifted his face from Will's back and looked up at Percy.

       I have a bad feeling this is not going to go well...

       "Hmm, Percy, truth or dare?" Nico asked.

       Dare! Choose dare you moron!

       "Truth." Percy decided, then looked like he'd hit himself with the frying pan. "Shit." He muttered under his breath.

       "Hey, language!" I teased. He just stuck his tongue out at me.

       Sorry Steve... Oh gods I love that movie to much.

       "Hmm... Annabeth, you help me out here." Nico said. I shrugged and got up, walking over to Nico. Not going to lie I missed Percy's warmth.

       No Annabeth, come back! I need you!

      I flinched internally for leaving Percy. "So what do you want me to ask?" he whispered.

       "Ask him about...  I have no idea, actually. Just don't be to obvious, okay?" I asked. He nodded and I walked back over to Percy.


      He immediately wrapped his arms around me as soon as I sat, making me laugh. "I love you too Seaweed brain." I chuckled, looking behind me so I could kiss his cheek, which he re-directed onto his lips.

        "Alright, Percy, I'm going to go easy on you and ask you this; how are you doing?" Nico asked. I saw the subtle, yet obvious of the plan right away.

       "How am.. I? Doing? Like... Like what?" Percy asked.

       Be dumb... Be dumb...

       "Emotion wise. Like, we haven't heard about you in forever." Nico said, leaning back against Will.

       "I-Uh... I'm doing good I guess, tired from training so many campers most the time." He responded with a nervous shrug.

       You're such a moron, you fucking idiot. Losen up. Smile. Act like an idiot. Shouldn't be hard, you are one after all. Loosen up... Look casual... Smile...

       "Are you sure? You look nervous..." Nico noted. He actually did. He was randomly smiling, then frowning, and randomly tensing and loosening.

       "I'm fine. Just tired. I think I'm going to go to bed. Night Wise Girl." He stood, giving me a quick kiss before rushing out of the cabin as quickly as possible.

       Moron moron moron! I fucking failed that! They're gonna think something's wrong now, I shouldn't have left! If they find out, my life is fucking over! Done! Gone! Bad Percy, bad bad bad Percy, now I have punish myself and- Argh! Fuck! I fucking hate my fucking life! Why, Fates, keep me living when I could have died all those times?

     Everyone looked between one other with wide eyes. "What's Percy going to do to himself..?" I whispered.

      Nico's eyes were glazed over slightly. "Fuck, we need to get to his cabin. Now." He muttered before jumping of his his bed and bolting for the door, us right on his heels.

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