Chapter 1: Captivated

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So as many of you might already know, if you have read my other most recent work or read what I've posted on my message board.  My flash drive was lost and I had some ideas for new fanfics there.  So yesterday I put up a new story from those ideas I had there.  And this story here is also from those ideas that were on my lost flash drive.  So I wanted to get this on here as soon as I could before anything were to happen.  For example if someone has my flash drive and decided to use my ideas as their own, I want to have these stories up and running so I won't be called a cheat or that I copied someone when in reality my idea was taken.  Also I only have a wattpad account.  I don't have any other account in places to read fanfic, like at or A03 and any other place.  And even if I did I would let you guy know and also keep the same name I use here on wattpad, ju7393.  So if anyone sees these two most recent stories on other places, that was not me.

I had practically this entire chapter typed up on my flash drive, so this chapter I had to start it over from the start.  So it's not the same as I had written it before.  But I tried to write it as much as I could to be like the other one I lost.

Anyways, I don't know when I'll be updating this again.  I have to finish a project for Tuesday.  And it's not the type you just type up a paper.  I, along with one of my classmates have to teach the class on Tuesday.  We are in charge of a chapter.  So I have to do some additional research and not just read what is in the book.

Anyways sorry for any spelling or grammar errors.



Neither of them thought it possible that they would each find someone to love.

She was a cloud, and a sky. She was a wonderful person, so kind and loving. But when she was angered, she raged like a never ending storm until those who have angered have felt her anger.

But she was still to shy, and innocent. She was afraid of falling for the wrong man.

He was a sun. He attracted attention like the sun when it finally comes out to warm the earth after a freezing winter. He was handsome, young and powerful. He was and is the greatest at what he does. To kill those unfortunate enough to cross his path, or those who have had their name written down for him to dispose of.

Some of the women loved him. Some of the others hated him for not settling down and taking one girl, instead of making them feel so desperate for him.

But he wasn't interested in settling down, to start a family. Well it wasn't that he wasn't interested, it was that he couldn't.

He couldn't bring a possible family of his into danger. He was nothing but danger, so he couldn't afford himself to form such an attachment with anyone. Especially if that person was a civilian.

But these two were nothing more than an idiot and a fool. They were both young, and clueless.


The day had ended as it usually does. Before closing the shop, she'd encounter those annoying customers, that make her just want to rip their throat out. But she is a civilized person and will not kill or hurt anyone unless they did something to her. But that doesn't stop her from giving those people a good piece of her mind.

So as it has come to be accustomed, she walks into the bar she stops by once or twice a week.

She walked up to the bar, and called for the bar tender with a wave of her hand. Beckoning for him from across the other side of the bar table.

"It's good to see you again." The tender smiled at her, "What would you like? The same as usual?"

She smiled at the man before her, "Yes. Thank you Robert."

She sat down on one of the empty seat at the bar table and watched as Robert prepared her drink.

"Here you go." He said as he placed down her drink in front of her.

"Thank you."


As she took sips of her drink, from her corner of her eye she could see the figure of a person walk up beside her then sit.

But she wasn't able to get a good look at them, since her hair at the moment decided to become like a curtain of dark brown hair covering her.

She sighed and put her drink down to pull her hair away from her face.

At her action a chuckle and voice responded to her action, causing her to shiver.

Quickly she pushed aside her hair to look at the person.

Their eyes met. Blue grey colored eyes met obsidian eyes. She recognized him instantly. Who wouldn't recognize him after all.

"From your look. It seems you know who I am." He stated.

She smirked, "Everyone knows who you are. There is no way, that someone wouldn't know or have heard of the name Reborn." And she looked away from him to reach for her drink.

"I'm honored to know that everyone knows my name."

She rolled her eyes, and decided to ignore him.

"Doesn't it seems a bit rude that you know my name and I don't know yours?" Reborn said.

She turned to him once again and watched him as he called the bar tenders attention.

"You have no need to know my name." She stated.

She didn't want to be associated with a man who was not only known for his great achievements as a hitman, but as a man who could easily win a woman's heart.

She was disgusted at the mere thought that such women existed that would allow themselves be seduced by him. She had to admit that he was handsome, but she didn't like the reputation he had. And she didn't want people to start saying that she was like the others.

'But I could always be wrong. They are rumors.' She thought to herself. But ended up throwing away that thought.

She stood up from her seat and picked up her belonging.

"Leaving already." Reborn said without looking at her as he looked at the liquid in the glass in his hands.

"I have an early start tomorrow." She said as she walked around the big bulky chair she had been sitting on.

"See you later then, Emilia Fausti."

At hearing her name being said, she froze. She slowly turned towards the man sitting at the table.

"How do you know my name?"

Reborn turned around to face her, "I have my ways."

Emilia frowned, "Then why did you lie saying that you didn't know my name?"

Reborn stood up and faced her, "I have my reasons."

Emilia turned away from him and left without a word.


It's been a week since she has last been to the bar. A week since she last saw Reborn. And hopefully it'll stay that way. Or so she hopes it does.

She was currently brewing the coffee for the day and baking the muffins, when she heard the bell hanging from the door ring.

"I'll be there in a moment." She called out as she quickly finished up what she was doing, and quickly went up front to the front desk to take the first order of the day.

Emilia wanted to just turn back and leave, "It's you." She muttered as she looked at Reborn who was leaning against the counter.

"Seems like you're not very happy to see me." He said as he pushed himself away from the counter and walked to stand in front of her, with only the front desk separating them.

Emilia smoothed out the front of her apron and smiled at Reborn, "Oh of course not." She said, "I'm just disappointed that you have to be the first person I see after opening the shop."

"No need to be so harsh." Reborn smirked. In fact he was thoroughly enjoying see all these different reactions she has, "I'd like to make my order."

Sighing in resignation she took his order, and began to prepare his drink. An espresso and nothing more.

"You're probably thinking why I just want an espresso at such an early hour without anything to eat."

Reborn could see her slightly jolt in shock.

'Did I say that out loud?' Emilia thought as she slowly walked back watching Reborn.

Reborn smirked, "It was very obvious."

Emilia blushed at the thought that someone was so easily able to know what she was thinking.

"Anyways here is your espresso. Have a good day."

Reborn took the espresso from her hand and paid for it, but instead of leaving he went and sat at one of the tables. He took a drink of the espresso, taking his time just to annoy her.

"This is pretty good." He hummed, "I've decided that I'll stop here more often then."

Emilia grimaced at the thought of having to see him everyday, "God, I wish he gets lost next time and doesn't come back." She muttered to herself.

A chuckle could be heard, "That's impossible. You can wish all you want, but it won't happen."

She glared at the man sitting at the table innocently drinking his espresso, "Nothing is impossible."


Every single day was now different from how it was for both of them.

As promised, Reborn went to that coffee shop every day for his espresso. He loved the way she made it. He had tried espressos from other places but they were never to his liking. So he had to make his own every day.

Reborn had no intention of getting to know her. Sure he found her interesting. After all it wasn't every day that he would see a young women yell and cuss at a mafia boss, and threatening to cut off his manhood. It was hilarious and entertaining. But now it seems things have changed.

At first Emilia hated having Reborn in her shop every day. Every day teasing her. But eventually they began to have normal conversations.

Talking about their lives. Joking about things. Having fun. They both each enjoyed the company of the other. They were captivated with each other.


The end of another day and she was closing up for the day. Just as she locked up for the day she heard an all too familiar voice behind her.

"And here I thought that I could be back before you closed."

She turned around with keys in hand to face him. Emilia looked down at her watched and sighed, "I have some extra time. We can go and I can prepare you an espresso?" Reborn had been off on a mission for two days, and had just come back, so it was the least she could do.

Before he could answer they both heard a voice. To one of them it was familiar, but to the other it was unknown.

"Reborn is that you!" A women called out from the other side of the street.

Both Reborn and Emilia looked towards the woman.

"It is you!" The woman said happily as she practically ran across the street to get to Reborn. Once she was at his side she grabbed onto his arm and seemed like a leech stuck onto his arm, "It's been such a long time since I last saw you!" She said as she squeezed his arm tighter against her chest.

Emilia watched in silence. She was disgusted and.... hurt? That woman's clothing were very revealing. It looked as if at any moment her breasts would either end up coming out of her dress, or if that dress would end up suffocating her from how tightly fit it looked.

Reborn looked down at the woman holding onto his arm, "Two years since I last saw you." Reborn said, "You've changed Cristela." Her light brown hair, and brown eyes were still the same, and so was her height. But otherwise, she did indeed look much different. She looked much older than she actually is.

"Two years is so long." She said.

Before any of them could say anything, the jingle of keys caught their attention.

Emilia was putting her keys away in her pocket. She wanted to leave. She didn't want to be there any longer.


"Who is this?" Cristela asked as she looked at Emilia.

Before Emilia could respond, Reborn spoke, "This is Emilia." Reborn looked at Emilia for a few seconds, "A friend of mine." Once those words were out of his mouth, he regretted ever saying them.

Cristela let go of Reborn's arm and took a step closer to Emilia, "Well then, friend I think it's time for you to go. I have a lot of catching up to do with him." She smirked.

At every word she heard, she could feel as if something was breaking inside her.

Reborn could see how much Emilia was hurting. And it hurt him so much as well.

Without a word, Emilia quickly turned around and left.


'I'm such an idiot!' Emilia thought to herself as she practically ran away.

She had done what she had so desperately tried not to. She had fallen for the wrong man. A man that she wanted nothing to do.

'I guess all he really wanted was to play around.' She held in the tears.

She had no need for emotions such a love, especially not for someone who plays around with women. Maybe it was true what she had been told, "We are clouds. And as clouds we aren't meant to be tied down by anyone. Don't let anyone or anything hold you down."

She didn't care if it was a mistake of her part, if she had misread the situation. But she wouldn't let her feelings for him grow. She could make sure to kill whatever part of her that still has a lingering emotion of affection for him. And if she ever saw him again, she would show him what she's really like.

What she was really capable of.  She had no intention of going through what she had seen others go through.


'I'm such a fool.' He thought to himself as he watched Emilia leave.

He didn't want her to leave. Especially not when thinking the things she is, 'She's wrong.'

"Reborn, let's go." Cristela said as she went and tugged on his arm.

He pulled his arm from her grasp, "Don't touch me."

"What's wrong?"

Reborn moved away from her, and fixed his suit jacket, "You know very well, that there was nothing between us. And that there never will. I hold no affection towards you." He said as he stared down at her.

She recognized that look. She had seen it many times before. That was the look of a man ready to kill. Though Reborn, would never kill unless he had to, his words were enough to hurt.

"You will never be anything to me." He said, "You had no right to do what you just did." He thought back to what he had done and said. And also of what he had done and said.

Cristela was on the verge of tears, "What's wrong with you! This isn't like you."

"People change."

"But not this much!" She exclaimed as she tried to move closer to him.

One look from Reborn was enough to shut her up, "I was a fool, and I still am...." He said.

He turned to look at the shop then at the direction that Emilia had left, "Because I just let someone go that I shouldn't have let go of."

'And I need to get to her before it's too late.'


So what did you guys think?  Was it okay?  Or bad?  I'll try better in the next chapter.  I started this chapter today and finished typing it today.  I just needed to get it done and up here.  So I'm sorry if it seems a bit rushed or very messy.

So that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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