29 ◉Trapped

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Hania refused to take the driver and instead chose to drive. Before she left, she strictly instructed the butlers and maids to not tell this to Haider. She knew very well how protective and possessive her big brother was, and he would, most certainly, flip if he knew she risked going alone.

With the help of maps on her phone she drove into a posh suburb. She smiled at herself feeling genuinely happy for her brother. Finally, he found someone worth his love.

Alina combed her hair and brushed aside her tresses from her shoulder, skillfully placing it on her back. Then, she adjusted the flute sleeves of her pink floral boho top and tugged her top inside her ripped jeans. As she applied her gloss, the doorbell rang and in excitement she fumbled whilst wearing platform heels. Speedily, she grabbed her hand-purse and darted out of the room.

Farhana and a young woman stood together. The stranger girl was a young adult who looked around with awe stuck gaze. Alina reduced her pace as she observed the girl. She was dressed in V neck yellow Cami top with ankle-length denim, accessorize with three-layered delicate gold chains, few rings, and a smartwatch. She had paired her attire with sneakers.

Alina cleared her throat and the girl turned to look at her. She felt awkward under the girl's judgmental gaze.

'Alina Hooda?' She asked. Alina nodded. The girl now noticed her carefully, running her gaze from head to toe. Alina shifted; her fingers moved on their own accord to her ear studs.

'Hi,' – she extended her hand, - 'I am Hania Zaidi. Haider's sister.'

'Oh!' Alina was surprised to meet Haider's sibling. She knew about Jahangir and Uzma Zaidi but never knew about her. Haider never talks about his family in any interviews. Hania snapped her fingers in front of her and she flinched out of her thought.

Haider's baby sister sighed wearing her sunglasses, she asked Alina to come with her, - 'Big Brother has asked me to take you to the parlor and spend some time with you.' She sounded disinterested. Alina nodded letting Hania walked ahead of her. She realized both brother and sister were similar in attitude.

Together they sat in the car. Alina looked around, - 'Where is the driver?' She enquired still glancing around.

Hania huffed clenching the steering wheel, - 'I am the driver. Duh! Can't you see I am the one at the steering?'

Alina blinked with her mouth slightly open, - 'Do you have a license to drive in India? And doesn't America have steering the other side?'

Hania rolled her eyes behind her sunglasses as she looked behind, backing her car, - 'So, I have Haider Minhas as my brother.' She replied haughtily. Alina raised both her eyebrows and looked front. Deciding not to poke the arrogant young girl further, she settled against the plush car seat.

Alina was awe-struck stepping into Delhi's luxurious Boutique, spa, and salon. This was of international standards. She had never been inside such a place. For her, glancing at it from outside was luxury enough. The dark-tinted glasses made her curious to explore but her bank balance said otherwise.

Hania removed her sunglasses and eyed Alina. She frowned being suspicious at Alina's starry eye gawking around the place. Surely, she must have been here. Because her brother never dates middle-class women. They met the receptionist and were guided into the SPA first. Alina could barely keep her excitement; all this was more than she had dreamt of.


Haider buttoned his ivory suit, adjusted the placid tie, and pulled up the collar of his sky-blue shirt. As he buttoned the cuffs of his sleeves, he got a message. He smiled reading the message from his sister. With a smile plastered on his face, he pulled his coat closer and began combing his hair.

After he got ready, Haider climbed down and stopped at the end of the stairs as his paths crossed with Uzma. She paused standing in front of him. He noticed she was dressed in a full sleeve green blouse and orange banarasi saree. Her hair neatly combed and tied in a bun, whilst gold, pearl, and green beaded necklace adorned her neck, heavy Kundan chandbali hung from her ears. She smiled at him, adjusting the Saree from her shoulder.

'How am I looking, son?' She enquired looking hopefully at him. Haider frowned observing her from head to toe once again.

'Why are you so overdressed, Mrs. Zaidi?' He asked in a cold dead-pan tone. Uzma's smile faded and she frowned instead. She adjusted her Pallu on her hand and straightened.

'Is it looking over? You suggest I change?' She tried to sound positive. Haider shook his head and kept looking at her with a poker face.

'But why?'

'For the party?'

Haider placed his palms into his pockets and inhaled deeply, - 'It is my party, Mrs. Zaidi. And, you are not invited.' He replied simply. His words pierced her heart. She was stunned to react and simply stared at her son with blank expressions. He turned around and walked away like it didn't matter to him. Tears filled her eyes and she looked away letting tears fall from her eyes.

'Jahangir is right. You have changed after Minhas's death. Now, you don't love me.' She thought out loud.

'Ammi, Ammi. Look I got A plus for the essay.' An excited young Haider rushed to his mother. Uzma chuckled taking her son in her arms and sat on the sofa with him on her lap.

'Well done, my son. What was the essay about?' She asked wrapping her arms around him. Haider covered his mouth and giggled. He forwarded it to her and then wrapped his arms around his mother's neck.

'My mother!' Uzma read with delight and looked down at her son. Haider jumped up and hugged his mother again.

'I love you, Ammi.' He confessed holding on to her tightly. Uzma laughed with him and hugged him tightly.

'I love you too, my son. My jaan!'


Haider had organized his business party in the party hall of his office. The entire place was lit with warm yellow fairy lights and a huge chandelier in the center of the hall. The central air conditioner cooled the place.

Few famous personalities from the business field were present and some were his employees. Paparazzi had arrived and they were chilling in one of the juice stalls and bars. There were few waiters serving drinks and starters. Haider walked around guiding the waiters and attending to the guests. He kept glancing at the main door waiting for the special guest.

Soon, his wait was over, and the guest of honor arrived with his sister, Hania. Haider was spellbound seeing his girlfriend, Alina. She looked divine in figure-hugging and shimmering black sleeveless flowing evening gown. Haider was pleased that the V neck wasn't plunging but decent. He noticed her sleek chest-nut brown hair was flat and parted from the middle, open and resting on her back. He drew in a sharp breath, inaudibly as he was reminded of the dream, he had of her. She walked confidently, but he didn't fail to catch the nervousness in her smile. Among the sea of people, Haider's gaze was glued to her.

'Hey, big brother!' Hania greeted him with a zealous smile. Haider was still admiring Alina. She smiled at him. His fingers twitched to touch her glossy red lips, but he controlled his desires by firmly closing his fist. Hania frowned and waved her palm in front of his face. He clicked his tongue and looked at her.

'How am I looking?' Hania grinned flaunting her purple off shoulder long evening gown, with short sleeves and sweetheart neckline. Her collar-bone length hair streaked with caramel brown highlights were tugged behind her right ear showing off her long dangling earring.

- 'You are looking like a princess, baby sister.' He complimented her. Hania turned red. She glanced at Alina and thanked her brother.

Haider was relieved when Hania left them away for drinks. After she was out of eyesight, he held Alina's hand. She looked at him with surprised eyes and then smiled.

'You are looking so gorgeous that I can't look at anyone else.' He praised her and then kissed the back of her palm. Alina smiled lowering her gaze for a moment and then looked at him.

'You are looking handsome like always.' She grinned and then bit her tongue realizing how silly she sounded. Haider let out a throaty laugh and slowly wrapped his arms around her waist.

'You are too cute, my love.' He commented and kissed the side of her head. Alina felt her ears burn. He then guided her to his guests for an introduction.

Alina felt vulnerable under the scrutiny of the press. Particularly, she felt embarrassed when one of the reporters asked about her status. She wasn't an A list actress or rich dudes' daughter or Pageant winners or businesswoman. She was an ordinary woman from a middle-class family. Haider confidently presented her, she kept silent. The flashes from the camera and the group chattering of reporters confused her and made her anxious.

'Tonight is no ordinary business party.'- Haider paused, glanced at his girlfriend, and then looked back at the crowd, - 'Tonight, is my engagement to Miss. Alina.' He announced with pride.

Alina's jaw dropped and she looked sharply at him with her eyes widened. He looked at her and smiled boldly then faced the curious and amazed reporters again.

Hania who was at the corner spit her drink and gaped at her big brother and the woman beside him. She wanted to talk to him about his choice, but now she was appalled and speechless.

Not only Alina and Hania but there were two others who were shell shocked as well. Meera elbowed Mikael and he looked at her. He had a dumbstruck expression plastered on his face.

'Are you hearing what I am hearing?' She shook her head.

'Alina looks shocked herself. Haider shouldn't have announced like this.' He replied. Meera frowned and slapped his arm.

'What are you, cuckoo? Obviously, she knew. No one announces like this without the other person's consent.' She tried to make him see sense. Mikael sighed clutching on the glass of juice. Meera shot a glare at Alina and Haider, - 'She has changed, Mikael. First, she used to tell us everything but now, she has forgotten us.'

Mikael looked at her, - 'No, Meera. I think there is more than what—'

'It is not you but your blind love that is talking, duffer.' Meera hit his forehead with her palm. Mikael pushed her hand away and she whined pulling up the neckline of her velvet red gown.

He looked keenly at Alina and observed her uneasiness. He took a step closer and felt bad for her as it felt like she was in a situation, she wished she could just run away from.

I know what you did there, Haider

This sudden announcement in front of the prapz so that Alina doesn't have an option of saying no. Dude, look, it doesn't work this way!!! Come on, yaar.

Okay, Hania doesn't approve of Alina. Wait until you meet Amaal *Buhahahaha*

I wonder what Alina is going to do? *worried* What are your thoughts about the chapter, my lovelies? Drop your thoughts in the comments, please *muaaah*


'Why are you being so nice to me?' She asked blinking at him. Mikael looked at her blankly for a second then took a step and placed a palm on her shoulder.

'Because you are my friend.' He replied in a serious and calm voice. Alina was taken aback. She looked away briefly and then looked at him again. Her eyes pricked with tears, but she maintained a steadied eye contact with him. His gesture and care touched the chords of her heart making her feel relieved. Mikael swiftly removed his coat and passed it to her stating she might feel cold during the scooter ride. A small smile of gratitude appeared on her lips as she took it from him. She wore the blazer whilst walking out of the building.

Haider was enraged to know Alina left the party without consulting him. But he was chained because he was the host of the party. He asked Hania to check on her, but she flatly refused. He thought for a moment, then requested her and Banerjee to take care of the party.

'And finish this useless party as soon as you can. Understood, Banerjee?'

Banerjee nodded timidly. After that, Haider stormed out of the party hall.

Oh No! What will happen now? Alina is in big trouble, I guess. What is Haider going to do? Drop your thoughts in the comments? and Stay Tuned for the next update *lots of love* *hugs and kisses*

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