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"Yah! Yoongi-hyung!" Hoseok's voice chimed from across the hallway.

It was already noon, Yoongi had just gotten out of a 4 hour long class, and hoped he could enjoy at least half an hour of silence before his shift at the daycare. It was getting unbearably cold in Seoul, he was wrapped up in two hoodies, a thick coat and scarf, with hot packs in both his pockets.

The otherwise unnoticeable student sighed, pulling his hood off his ebonite hair and turning around, eyes trained on the student rushing through his classmates to reach him, greeting most of them on his way.

Yoongi had so many questions constantly swirling in his head whenever he saw Hoseok. Like how he had the energy to just be happy and social all the time, or how in the hell he managed to recognise him anywhere, no matter how much he tried to blend in.

"Did you put a tracker on me or something?" Yoongi joked, feeling himself at ease as the younger boy walked next to him.

Hoseok only laughed, wrapping an arm around Yoongi's shoulder and slowing his usual hasty skips to match the odler's lazy pace. The halls of the university were just as cold as the crisp breezes whispering outside, making Yoongi even slower and grumpier than usual.

They walked for just a few minutes, both heading to the bus stop, until Yoongi noticed something just wasn't right.

Hoseok wasn't talking.

He looked up to the man, surprised to see him already looking down at him with a knowing smirk.

"What?" Yoongi asked, but as soon as he'd seen those eyes, he knew exactly what this was about.

"So are we gonna to talk about the hot high school student who pulled you outside a few days ago?" Hoseok asked.

Yoongi sighed.

"Nah, we don't need to talk about it."

"Oh but we will. Do you like younger guys? Don't get me wrong they're cute but you struck me more as someone who would have a crush on your uni professors," Hoseok said.

Yoongi turned to him, face pinched in disgust.

"Ew Hoseok, they're like fifty."

"I mean the teachers in the performing arts departement are well preserved, not gonna lie," Hoseok said, making Yoongi question their friendship even more than he usually did.

"Well not the ones in law trust me," he replied.

"Yeah but you'd make a great baby boy, just sayi-" before he would finish his sentence, Yoongi slapped the back of his head, chasing after him.

As Hoseok turned around, he was surprised to see his friend's lips pulled in the softest of smiles. Yoongi wasn't usually one to take teasing that well, which made it oh so much more tempting to do it. He usually got mildly annoyed and snapped back with some savage remarks that would qualify him for a Show Me The Money diss battle.

But Yoongi didn't seem as grumpy today.

"You're in a good mood today," he said with a small chuckle.

Yoongi shrugged, hopping onto the bus that had just arrived in front of them.

"We're kind of early, want to drop by a coffee shop to get a snack?" Hoseok asked as both of them sat next to each other in the back of the bus.

Yoongi hummed, looking outside to the scenery beyond the dirty window bus.

He then turned to look back at his lap, noticing just how small his thighs looked next to Hoseok's muscular ones, both of their knees touching.

He truly couldn't understand why Hoseok followed him around all the time. He had plenty of other friends to hang around with all the time, and yet he preferred staying with the boring, dull student that no one noticed in the hallways.

Especially in the past few days, Hoseok had been hanging out with him outside of just their commutes to the daycare. He accompanied him to his classes and even had lunch with him sometimes. Yoongi didn't mind his company, but he hated the attention that it brought. Everytuime Hoseok sat next to him in the cafeteria, at least half a dozen people followed him and settled on the table as well. None of them spoke to Yoongi of course, even when sitting right next to him, Hoseok's presence outshined him so much he seemed even more invisible than usual, but they were still there and he didn't enjoy being around that many people at once.

"Hoseok why do you hang out  with me?" He suddenly asked.

The said boy turned around to him, both of their eyes meeting briefly.

"Do I make you uncormatable?" He asked.

Yoongi had to think about for a few seconds, did he hate being with Hoseok? Flashes of the younger running across hallways to catch up to him, his beaming smile every time they walked passed each other in the hallways and his constant teasing.

"No, not really." He answered.

Hoseok smiled.

"Good, because you make me comfortable."


"You don't talk alot, but you listen well. And you don't care about anything, so I know that you'll never walk away from me," Hoseok said.

"You're weird."

Hoseok chuckled, but didn't say anything. Both of them rode in silence until the familiar neighborhood of the daycare painted the window of the bus. A more residential area, with narrow streets and small parks and playgrounds.

They hopped off one stop earlier than usual, planning a quick stop at the nearest coffee shop before walking back to their workplace. It was a rather sunny day, but that didn't help the freezing weather to seep through their clothing.

"Ah it's nice and warm here," Hoseok sighed in relief as they finally got to the daycare.

Yoongi wasn't fazed, he had brought extra hot packs, enough to last him another two days, in his backpack and the cold was nothing against the multiple layers of hoodies and sweaters he had piled on.


"Good Morning everyone, my name is Kim Seokjin, I'm a therapist specialised in posttraumatic stress disorder treatment, and I will be your new homeroom teacher," the man said as he wrote his name across the blackboard.

Had this been any other day, at any other school, all the girls would be swooning at how beautifully elegant their new teacher was, complimenting his appearance, his neat handwriting and asking him about his love life.

But the class was still in shock. They had seen their homeroom teacher, Mr Kang, plastered on every newsboard, some had heard the yell of their classmate, seen his blood and the dead body bleeding out on the floor. The wound was still fresh, a few seats were still empty. The class was quiet, all secretly curious about who had suffered the crime of their teacher, who had called the assassin. The police still visited the school regularly to interrogate students about the events, and the blood of their classmate still crusted on the wall under the window.

"In light of the painful situation you have all been put through, I would like to ask you to complete this assignment in groups of two. You will not be graded on it, it is just an exercise to help all of you move forward. Your homeroom will be replaced by weekly workshops," he explained, walking between the rows of desks and handing in the paper for the assignment.

"The name of your partner is mentioned on the top of your paper," he added. "You may sit next to them to prepare the assignment."

The class erupted in chatters, students looking hesitant at each other. Amongst them was Jimin, biting on his bottom lip and picking at the wound in the palm of his hand under the table. His nervous ticks had only gotten worse since SUGA's attack, and his nails now reached to pick at any scar he had. Thoss he had in the palms of his hands from digging his thumb nail in them and the small rips of skin around his nails.

He had thought this would all be over by now, Mr Kang would have been dead, and he would have let his body crash against the pavement under the school roof, silencing all of his thoughts. But Jeon Jungkook had come into the picture and now he felt trapped.

Trapped by the heavy trauma his teacher had left on his shoulders, to deal with alone, trapped by the careful affection he received from Jungkook and the pain he would cause if he left, trapped by his mother's pitiful gaze every time he came home, trapped by his father's remarks on his teacher, trapped by the curious looks his classmates were casting at each other.

What if they found out? What if everyone knew what their favourite teacher had done to him? What if they found out he had asked someone to kill him? What if they found out he liked men? What if they f-

"Jimin," A voice called

He jumped, looking up to Kim Taehyung who stood in front of him as a shaky breath fell from his lips.

"Y-yes?" He asked, eyes darting to the bandage still wrapped on his ear.

Guilt wrapped around his insides, squeezing them so tight he felt like he might throw up.

"We're together for the assignment, do you mind if I sit here?"


Hey everyone! Happy New Year!

I hope this year will be a little less of a bitch but lET'S NOT JINX IT!

Anyways, one of my resolutions, belive it or not (yes i'm sure i have given you guys trust issues by saying i'll update and then leaving you hanging pls don't hate me), is to update this a little more often. I'm going to try an update per week, probs on weekends, but we shall see how that fits into my schedule.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this little filler? I had to get the story back on track after such a long hiatus, another update is on the way sO WORRY NOT!

love you guys and all the support :))

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