37. Hunt

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1008 Words excluding (A/N)~ Yay ~ I don't own Magic Kaito~ and I hope you enjoy the chapter~

Posted August 26 2019

When the door opened another time, all four conscious teens tensed, Saguru and Shinichi took a defensive stance near Kaito, while Aoko and Heiji took offensive stances both wielding a mop and broom respectively.

"I guess I didn't have to rush here so quickly..." Ginzo breathed as he entered, closing the door behind him. All of the teen's relaxed their stances at the sight of a familiar face.

"Dad!" Aoko gasped in relief, the other teens sharing her sentiment.

'I had thought it was the enemy...'

The blond felt as if he shouldn't be feeling as surprised as he was, he'd already known Kaito was very close to the inspector. "I'm surprised you've managed to get here so fast" Saguru admitted, it hadn't been that long since Aoko had called.

Ginzo shrugged "Kaito-kun is like a son to me" He glanced back towards the door. "Division one is guarding the door and some of the kid task force members are scouting the area"

"I understand division one, but why is tha kid task force here?" Heiji inquired, he knew that the unconscious teen was most likely Kid, however he doubted the task force would know.

A fond smile crossed Ginzo's face as he glanced at Kaito. "Kaito-Kun is very popular with division two" He paused and looked at Shinichi. "Just like how division one will drop everything they can for Kudo-Kun, division two would do the same for Kaito-Kun. Plus, while that bastard Kid may escape often, other criminals are fairly simple to catch compared to him" Everyone nodded in understanding, anything seemed simple when compared with Kaitou Kid.

'True, with all of the insanity Kaito causes as Kid, the Kid task force is very adept at many situations and spotting people who shouldn't belong'

"So it's only a matter of time before all of this is settled" Shinichi stated, smirking confidently. He'd seen the crazy things the task force had done against average criminals.

"An' if for some reason tha enemy make it 'ere, we got ya strength to stop 'em" Heiji added, motioning towards the broom slung over his shoulder.

"Yup, Aoko will smack those idiots as hard as she can if they get here!" Aoko announced, brandishing her mop, the inspector felt proud of his daughter.

'Normally I would pity anyone facing Nakamori-san's mop wielding anger... Today there will be exceptions'


'Dammit! Why is the place suddenly swarming with cops?!'

Dr.Kalos grimaced as he ducked into a bush for the tenth time in the last half hour. He was stuck, he couldn't change his location without being spotted.

'The cops never arrive so quickly! Usually they take a while, yet for some reason dozens of cops arrived almost right away...'

It was unnerving, the doctor had already seen many of his followers get hauled off in handcuffs, even Kohaku, his second in command had been caught.

'I recognize half of these cops from the Kaitou Kid heists! They're supposed to be incompetent! Why are they doing so well?!'

"Oh! Found another one!" The voice was the only warning Dr.Kalos had before he was yanked out of the bush. He gaped in shock at the division two officer.


With a snarl, the doctor attempted to twist out of the officer's grasp, only for the officer to easily adjust his grip to counter every escape attempt.


"I've just received word that everyone has been caught" Ginzo announced as he put away his cell phone. Heiji jolted in surprise.

'That was too fast!'

"Everyone? Are ya sure tha everyone has been caught? Couldn't there be more people hiding?" The osakan inquired, Ginzo shook his head, a proud smirk on his face.

"No, my task force is highly skilled in flushing out criminals, they know how to get the others to rat each other out. Every criminal gave the same number of members and the same name for the leader" Heiji looked at the inspector in shock while the other teens nodded in agreement.

'But... everyone makes them out to be a joke'

Shinichi rolled his eyes at his friend's confusion. "Yes everyone thinks the task force is a joke, but that's only because only their Kid related assignments are mentioned" At the curiosity shown, Shinichi continued. "Chasing Kid has caused the members of the Kid task force to become experts at finding people, did you already forget how Nakamori-keibu had stated that they were skilled?" The eastern detective scoffed, earning a scowl from his western counterpart.

"No, I jus' didn't expect it ta be so quick!" Heiji huffed, crossing his arms.

'It's not like I'm as familiar with tha task force as everyone else here...'


"So tell me, Kalos Kal,why did you and your group decide to go after both Kudo-Kun and Kuroba-Kun?" Megure questioned, Dr.Kalos was currently behind bars to protect those questioning him. Ginzo was silently leaning against the wall, having been granted permission to listen in despite it not being in his jurisdiction. The favours one got for helping out in rescuing division one's favorite helper.

Kal's eyes narrowed, he could tell that he wasn't going to be able to talk his way out of jail. He licked his lips before responding. "I wanted to sacrifice both the awakened angel and the unawakened angel to the gods" He replied honestly, he'd either be written off as crazy and maybe get an insanity plea, or they'd believe him and the angels would be exposed.

'I had known the one angel was division one's pet, but I didn't know the other one was also a pet of the police...'

Rage flared within Ginzo as he stood up from his leaning position against the wall, Megure quickly put an arm out to stop the other inspector. "Calm yourself or you'll be forced to leave Nakamori-Keibu" Ginzo let out an angry exhale before leaning back against the wall. He'd be calm until he got his answers, then he'll yell at the crazy bastard who kidnapped both Kaito and Shinichi.

Me: that's the end of zee chapter~ I hope you enjoyed~ I liked making the task force competent against normal criminals~

Who are your least fav MK/DC characters?

Mine are Aoko, Genta, and Sonoko~

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