48. Luster Wings and Strong Hearts

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1013 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own Magic Kaito~ And really need to get better at naming chapters... anyways I hope you enjoy~

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Written July 10 2019
Posted October 5 2019

Kaito blinked, his face flushed red before he fell out of the chair, clutching his stomach as he burst out in laughter. "Oh my god!" The magician giggled through his laughter. "That's so creepy!" He wheezed, at the blond's affronted snort the magician elaborated. "Not you" A few more giggles escaped "Whoever took my clothes" He breathed, finally managing to reel in his laughter as he sat up cross legged on the floor.

Saguru shook his head at the brunette's reaction, a small smile playing on his lips. "Thankfully there were no apparent signs of sexual assault so yes, they were just being as you say 'creepy' in their plans to sacrifice you" He replied softly, the possibilities had only hit him once the other had been sent off in the ambulance. It had been quite relieving when the doctors affirmed that both Kaito and Shinichi hadn't been touched.

'That's a relief'

"I guess cultists are naturally creepy" Kaito shrugged, grinning "After all, they are cultists" He added as he crawled back into the comfy chair, the fall had hurt his wings a bit but they didn't feel damaged. Golden eyes narrowed when the wings twitched.

"You fell on your wings, are they okay?" Saguru asked, concerned that one of the fragile bones had broken.

Kaito blinked before fanning them out to their full wingspan. "Yup, it just hurt for a few moments like if I'd walked into a wall or something"

'I've started to not really notice my wings, maybe I'm just getting used to their presence'

"When your sight returns you should go out for a night flight" Saguru replied as he admired the wings, they looked almost completely different since the magician had unlocked his magic. The black feathers were significantly more sleek and shiny than before and had a certain luster that hadn't previously been there. "Your wings look quite a lot more beautiful than before" The detective added "I think your magic has enchanted them"

The magician blushed a little, Aoko's words lingering in his head for a few moments before he shook them away. "Really? I never actually gave them a good look before now" He scratched his cheek sheepishly "I was too busy freaking out and then I hid them, and now I can't see enough to even look at them" Kaito breathed.

'Though I do think most feathered flying birds have pretty wings, so I probably will like their appearance. Thankfully my wings are normal shaped and not like an ostrich's wings'

"Well then you now have something else to look forward to" Saguru smiled, reaching over to pluck out a loose feather, it felt quite a lot smoother than the other feathers he'd picked up.


"Aoko, are you okay?" Ginzo asked softly from his daughter's doorway, the text he'd received from Kaito had disappointed him, but he had understood Kaito's reasoning.

'It's a shame that Kaito-Kun won't become my son in law, but I can't blame him for seeing Aoko like a sister... I was the one who mostly raised him after Toichi's death...'

Aoko looked up from where her face had been pushing into her pillow, her eyes were red and slightly puffy as if she'd been crying for a good while. "Y-Yeah, Aoko is okay" Her voice cracked slightly but neither bothered to mention it.

Ginzo smiled sadly as he walked over and took a seat on the floor beside her bed. "You know, there's this person that seems quite interested in you" He stated softly, recalling some of the text. "I think her name was Koizumi Akako, maybe you should get to know her better once you feel a little better"

'I'm not good with the touchy feeling things, if only her mom was here to help, she'd know how to make Aoko feel better'

"Akako-Chan?" Aoko inquired softly, blinking in confusion. She'd thought that her pretty classmate had a crush on Kaito. "I thought she liked Kaito"

"Well I overheard Kaito-Kun whining to Hakuba-Kun that he wanted to keep 'Akako and her creepy witchyness' away from you since you're too good for her" Ginzo lied, hoping that Kaito hadn't lied to him in the text.

'Why is Kaito-Kun trying to get Aoko with someone he doesn't approve of?'

An annoyed scowl crossed over Aoko's face "Bakaito is so rude! Akako-Chan is really nice!" She growled, recalling how her friend always went out of his way to avoid Akako.

Ginzo smiled, his daughter seemed to have regained more of her energy. "Then maybe you should hang out with her just to get back at Kaito-Kun and prove him wrong"

"Aoko thinks that she will!" Aoko huffed, crossing her arms in defiance "Bakaito is a big jerk and doesn't deserve Aoko's attention" She added with a confident nod.

'She's so strong, my wife would be so proud'


"I can see colours more brightly than before" Kaito mused as he shuffled his deck of cards, he hadn't once messed up a single trick despite his lack of sight, instead he flowed through the tricks smoothly.

"That is a relief" Saguru breathed, it was the first bit of definite proof that the magician's sight would indeed improve. It was highly likely that it would, however, there had always been that small chance of it not improving, that option hadn't even been talked about.

"I wish it was improving faster though..." The blond let out a sigh as he tossed a small book at Kaito's head. The magician let out a soft squeak of surprise as his cards scattered all over the ground at the impact. "What was that for?!" Kaito whined as he began feeling around the floor for his cards, unfortunately they were of a similar shade of faded light blue as the floor.

"You are improving quickly, and will continue to do so. Stop whining" The detective scolded with a smirk, not bothering to help Kaito collect his cards since it would give Kaito something to do.


Kaito huffed at the response.

Me: This was fun to write~ despite how my rat was sleeping on my foot which felt like being poked with a prickly bush (Thistle plant) since rats can't retract their claws and twitch in their sleep~

I sometimes wish my rats were as big as cats... until I remember their chewing habits...

They would destroy everything 0.o

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