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Previous Part

On Call :

Lisa : forgive me if you can...


Present Part

On Call :

*Taehyung's heart clenched hearing her sob's through the phone as he let the silent tears fall down his cheeks*

Taehyung : p-princess tell me where are you?? *he stuttered though he tried his best not to break down, not to let her know he is crying miserably behind the close door*
Lisa : I don't know tae..he...he locked me in a room
Taehyung : where did you find this phone??
Lisa : I-i stole it from a guard when h-he came to give me food...*she stuttered in between her sobs*
Taehyung : you did a good job, don't get scared everything will be fine I promise...*he trying his best to comfort and encourage her as the sound of her crying is stabbing his heart continuesly*
Lisa : he is disgusting tae, I feel horrible around him...*she bursted into tears as Taehyung clenched his fist, anger is rushing through his every vein*
Taehyung : don't let him come near you. Remember the basic self defence I taught you princess. You're a brave girl, you will protect yourself until I find you, did you get that??
Lisa : y-yes
Taehyung : be strong don't let him show your weak side. You have to fight for you, for me
Lisa : please come fast, I can't take it anymore
Taehyung : I'm coming princess please stay strong. I promise I'm coming to get you. Remember I love you...*he said as a tear dropped from his eyes*
Lisa : I-i.....*suddenly she became silent only her heavy breathing can be heard as Taehyung's heart sank feeling the silence*
Taehyung : princess... princess are you there??
Lisa : tae someone is coming I-
Taehyung : princ-..*he couldn't finish his sentence as the call ended. He pulled his hairs in frustration before punching the wall multiple times. His eyes became bloodshot remembering all her cries and fear. Clenching his grip tightly on the phone he hurriedly ran outside*

*Entering to the control room Taehyung quickly gave his mobile to one of his best hacker*

Taehyung : TRACK THE LAST CALL IMMEDIATELY!! SHE CALLED ME, FIND THE LOCATION FAST!! *he said banging his hands on the table as everyone started to track the location. His eyes are strictly gazing at the screen impatiently*
Man ¹ : boss the call came from out of this city....*one of them said without looking at him typing on the computer
Taehyung : find the exact location...*he said with gritted teeth. They typed for few seconds before saying*
Man ² : boss we found it. The call came from the Gotjawal forest
Man ³ : yes boss, it's the deepest and largest forest in this country
Taehyung : in which part of the forest they are staying now?? *all of them looked at eachother before looking at Taehyung in fear*

Man ¹ : we can't say this boss..... *Taehyung clenched his jaw before grabbing the man's collar*
Man ¹ : boss... internet doesn't work in that forest. It's a restricted area for human as there are many wild animals. We know the calm came from that forest but we can't find exactly from which part of the forest they are now...*Taehyung gave him a hard punch making him fall on the ground*
Man ² : Mike must have used some technology to contact with his men even if they are staying in that forest. He has every restricted technology
Taehyung : THAT BASTARD IS NOTHING LESS THAN A TERRORIST!! SICK, PSYCHO, DISGUSTING PIECE OF SHIT I'M GONNA RIP HIS HEAD OUT OF HIS BODY THE MOMENT I'LL MEET HIM!! Gather everyone we'll be leaving soon. I want my men in every inch of this forest to find my princess. No matter what I want her all fine infront of me. Inform everyone FAST


*As soon as Lisa heard some noises behind the close door she cut the call. She quickly hide the mobile under the bed before sitting on it. How she wish to talk to him a little longer but the beast won't let her do that. She wonder what will he do after knowing she contacted with Taehyung. Her palm became sweaty as she gulped hard noticing the door cracked open revealing the beast. She locked her gaze on her lap but could feel his burning gaze digging holes in her body. She flinched after hearing him closing the door as she looked at him in horror*

Mike : darling..did you miss me?? *Lisa felt like vomiting hearing him calling her with disgusting pet names* well to say the truth I always miss you. You are my fantasy, you don't even know what I want to do with you... babygirl..*he said showing a dirty smirk before coming near the bed as she started to go backwards*
Lisa : s-stay away from me
Mike : I wish I could but not after capturing you in my cage beauty....*he said crawling to the bed*
Lisa : don't come near me!! Stay there or...or I will
Mike : what will you do to me?? We'll the thing I want to do to me is to please me badly, can you do that babygirl?? *he bite his lips as Lisa shook her head aggressively before getting off from the bed. She tried to reach towards the bed but Mike was fast enough to come after her* where are you running babygirl?? *he said gripping her wrist tightly*
Lisa : I'm not your babygirl!! Leave me I want to go home...*she said struggling under his grip as he chuckled mischievously*
Mike : I like when you struggle against me. Playing hard to get I see
Lisa : stop your shitty talk and leave me alone

Mike : stop raising your voice at me!! *pushing her backward he pinned both of her hands to the close door as he hovered above her* don't open that pretty mouth of yours or I know well how to shut it...*he smirked looking at her teary eyes* the sooner you accepte the better for you. I'll give you everything just surrender yourself to me
Lisa : never!! I'll never give myself to a psycho like you
Mike : I know how to take you babygirl but believe me you won't appreciate that side of me. So you better behave
Lisa : just kill me already....*she said raising her voice. Tears continuously dripping from her eyes feeling the burning pain on her worst because of his very tight grip*
Mike : what do you think, I have waited for years, fought against that Kim, made an excellent plan to kidnap you just for killing you?? I could have done that staying miles away from you just putting a bullet in this pretty brain of yours. Killing you won't fill my desire for you babygirl. I want you as my women, I want you only for me, all of you just for me....*he hold her chin making her look at his eyes while his other hand gripping hers* forget that Kim and give yourself to me...*she shook her head as she tried to control her tears* I won't hesitate to force myself on you...*he whispered near her ears making her shiver under him* I want you at any cost and I can do everything to get you including killing your so called husband
Lisa : no you won't do anything to him
Mike : I'll if you don't obey me

*Standing in the midst of hundreds of gang members Taehyung instructing them about the plan. All of them are getting ready to leave for Gotjawal forest. Numerous car already on their way while others are waiting for Taehyung's command*

Taehyung : everyone will stick to plan, I WON'T ACCEPT ANY MISTAKE. We have to reach there as soon as possible. Some forest guards will be there to guide our way. Get ready for the WAR!! *he said clenching his fist as everyone stood still waiting for his next command* GET ON THE CAR FAST!! *everyone hurriedly obeyed his command as he lookyag the long line of black cars. All the cars started to leave one by one when he made his way towards his private get along with his most trusted bodyguards*

Taehyung : please wait for some more hour I'm coming to get you princess.... *he said looking at the sky as a silent tear dropped from his eyes. He quickly wiped the tear with his thumb before stamping in the plane*

Time Skip Few Hour Later

*Sitting on the corner of the room Lisa tried to call Taehyung but with her bad luck the mobile got switch off. With a heavy sigh she started to look for charger but got nothing. In frustration she throw the mobile making it shattered on he floor but the next thing she noticed made her froze in fear*

Mike : what is this!! *there he is standing holding the door knob looking furiously at her. She stood in the corner in fear not knowing what to do* WHERE DID YOU GET THE PHONE!! *Lisa flinched at his outburst while he made his way towards her. Standing right infront of Lisa he gripped her shoulder tightly* where did you get the phone!! Are you planning to call that Kim, ANSWER ME!!!
Lisa : n-no I didn't call anyone. T-that phone was already no use so I-i broke it
Mike : no use huh but still you tried nah. A bad girl like you should be punished.....*he said smirking at her before holding her chin making her look at his venom eyes* I gave you enough time to think but I can't wait any longer to have to babygirl
Lisa : No!! *she jerked his hand from her face as he groaned*
Mike : co-operate with me otherwise you will end up in bad situation I swear. I have waited for years, I craved for you every time now it's your turn to satisfy me
Lisa : you are so disgusting...*he quickly gripped her jaw tightly making her groaned in pain*

Mike : you're mine!! Only I have tight on you, only I can touch you...*Lisa pushed him with her all force as he stumbled backwards*
Lisa : you have no right on me!! You're just a stranger to me. You're sick, you're a psycho
Mike : and you belong to this psycho
Lisa : I only belong to Kim Taehyung!! Did you hear me... I only belong to him. He is my husband. Only he has the right to touch me. My body, my soul, everything belongs to him. I'm his and he is mine
Mike : watch your tongue kitten...*he suddenly pulled her wrist before cupping her face* your everything belongs to me and I'll show you that..... *saying this he tried to forcefully kiss her while she continuously moved her face to avoid his kiss. Before he can do more she hit his middle stump with her knee as he kneeled down on the floor groaning in pain while holding his property*
Lisa : I wonder if you can use it after this...*she ran towards the door but before she can step outside she felt his hand holding a grip on her hair*
Mike : you're gonna regret this!!
Lisa : aahh..leave me...leave me you devil...*she tried to hit him to defence herself but he is way more stronger than her. Gripping her wrist tightly he started to drag her outside*

*Opening the old wooden door he harshly pushed her on the dirty floor*

Mike : you need some lesson to learn and this place will taught you this
Lisa : noo.. don't leave me here. I'm scared of dark
Mike : then join me on bed..*he said showing a devilsh smirk*
Lisa : never
Mike : then enjoy your punishment, stay here alone until the darkness consume you...*he turned to go but stopped hearing her little sob's* forget that Kim and come to me, I'll make you happier...*he said looking at her small figure as she sat on floor while hugging her knees* accept my proposal babygirl....*she shook her head aggressively making him groaned in annoyance* then suffer here!! You'll never meet him. Except or not sooner or later you'll end up in my arms.... *saying this he furiously left the room and locked it*

*Hugging her knees tightly she buried her face there and started to cry sitting on the dusty, cold floor. She is left alone on this creepy, dark room. Nobody is here to accompany her, nobody is here to protect her*

Lisa : I-i miss you tae... please come fast your princess need you tae, I need you


*Standing to the entry of the forest with hundreds of his gang members Taehyung let out a deep sigh before looking at them with his dominative aura*

Taehyung : the forest is really big. We have to search for her in groups. Every group will consist of ten members. Different group will searcg in different location. Spread every corner of this forest, search every inch of it until you find my princess. Any internet won't be available here but we can contact if we find Mike's territory. Remember if any of you find her don't wait for me. Your first mission will be to rescue her out of this forest to a safe place. Don't kill Mike if you get him, save him for me. I want to kill him slowly and painfully. We can't waste time. We have to find her before getting dark. It will be hard to search in night so be alert, this forest is full of wild animals. Don't hurt any animal unless your life depends on it...*everyone listened to their boss respectfully before going for the mission* it's time to go, spread everywhere and find her...*in a few seconds everyone disappeared into the deep jungle leaving Taehyung with nine other guards* follow me...*he commanded before going inside the forest*

*Hours passed by of searching still there is no sign of Mike, no signal if any human. Taehyung's mind is filled with Lisa's thought. The sound of her crying through the phone still lingering on his mind making his blood boil in anger*

Taehyung : I hope he didn't hurt you princess or I won't able to forgive myself. It was my duty to protect you but I failed. Please be safe I'm coming for you...*all these words left from his mouth like a whisper as he don't want his men to see the vulnerable side of him*

*Searching for more time Taehyung suddenly stood before facing his members who are following him*

Man ¹ : what happened boss??
Taehyung : divide into two group and continue searching. It will get dark soon. You five go in this direction and you four in that.....*he said pointing towards his men*
Man ² : what about you boss??
Taehyung : I'll go alone
Man ³ : no boss we'll go with you. It's dangerous to be alone in the middle of this forest
Taehyung : don't worry about me. I'll be fine, go and search there will go to the opposite direction. My princess will be always my first priority. Find her
Man ² : yes boss...*they bowed to him before running towards two different direction while Taehyung is going opposite*

*Another half of hour passed Taehyung is searching for Lisa suddenly his leg slipped making him fall in the lower ground. He groaned before standing on his feet but something behind the bushes caught his attention. He went near the bushes and peeked behind itas he became shock seeing the scenery infront of him*

Taehyung : oh my god!! That Mike build a damn home in the middle of the forest!! So all this daya he was hiding here huh. I'm sure my princess is here, I can feel it....*he quickly took out his phone and saw the internet is working in this area. He tried to call his men but they are out of reach* no one is near this place except me. I'll do it alone...*holding his gun tightly he out it on silencer before going towards the house while bending down behind the bushes he tried his best to hide himself*

*Hiding behind the trees, crawling on the ground Taehyung successfully made his way backyards of the house. There was no guard in the from side but Taehyung hide behind a wood seeing two guard standing behind a close door of the outhouse. His hear clenched thinking his princess might be there. Without wasting time Taehyung shot the two guards before they can fight back. It was a plus point that his gun is in silencer now. Running towards the dead body Taehyung saw a window he peeked behind it*

*He felt like his whole world brightened seeing the small figure sitting on the floor but his heart crashed hearing her little sob's. Her face is buried in her knees, sitting on the dark room she is crying in loneliness*

Taehyung : p-princess...*his voice cracked miserable as she immediately looked at the window before running towards it*
Lisa : t-tae...you...you came, it's not a dream right?? *she cried holding his hand with her shaky ones as he bite his lips trying not to break down infront of her*
Taehyung : I finally came princess, I finally found you...*he said planting kisses on her knuckle*
Lisa : I-i feel so scared here
Taehyung : please don't cry I'll get you out of here. Stay here okay I'll open the door....*Lisa nodded as Taehyung started to check the two dead body searching for any key but didn't find any. Not wanting to waste any time he shoted and kick multiple times until it broke. As soon as he opened the door Lisa jumped on his embrace. Wrapping her arms on his neck she started to cry on his embrace*
Taehyung : shh.. everything is fine. I'm here princess, your tae is here. Nothing will happen to you...*he hugged her body securely giving her his all warmth while whispering sweet things on her ear trying to calm her down. Caressing her hairs he slowly tried to broke the hug but she hold him more tightly hiding her face on the croo of his neck. He felt the feared of her as he kissed her head multiple times* we have to go before Mike comes. Let's go princess...*breaking the hug Lisa nodded through tears* I'll kill him for making you cry....*he said wipping her tears by his thumb before holding her hands possessively*

*As soon as Taehyung came outside holding Lisa's hand he met one guard who is looking at those dead bodies. Before the guard can meet Taehyung's eyes he shot in his head as the guard let out a scream. Although Taehyung's gun is in silencer but the scream of the soon to be dead guard is enough to attract everyone's attention*

Taehyung : shit!! They must be coming??
Lisa : w-where are you men tae??
Taehyung : everyone is in this jungle searching for you but I don't know exactly where are they now..*Taehyung quickly started to shot some of Mike's men who is coming their direction* stay behind me princess
Lisa : tae..let's run. They are so many you can't fight alone
Taehyung : I won't run showing them my back. I'll fight back princess
Lisa : please I don't want you to get hurt. Let's go from here fast....*she said with her pleading voice. Taehyung was about to shot another one but noticed his gun is out of bullets. He searched for the extra bullets but didn't find any*
Taehyung : damn it!! The bullets must fall from my pocket in the way of coming
Lisa : t-they are c-coming
Taehyung : no time to waste....run princess....*holding Lisa's hand tightly Taehyung started to run towards the deep jungle. He could feel the footsteps of Mike's men from afar. Running as fast as possible they tried to go in the deepest of the jungle*

*Running through the pile of giant trees Taehyung and Lisa trying to find any way to go out of the jungle or it will be great if they find Taehyung's gang members*

Taehyung : don't look back princess, keep running
Lisa : I-i can't tae..my legs are hurting
Taehyung : I'm so sorry princess, please bear it a little more we will find a way out...*the continued to run about thirty minutes still didn't find any way but they can feel Mike's men have lost their track long ago as they didn't see them coming behind for a long time. The day came to an end as it's getting dark more. The night is started to engulf the jungle in darkness*
Lisa : where will we go tae, it's getting dark!!
Taehyung : as long as I'm with you nothing will happen to you don't worry princess, we will surely find a way..... *suddenly Lisa tripped on a stone as she fall on the grass letting out a painful groan. Looking behind Taehyung quickly bent down to examine her*
Taehyung : what happened princess??
Lisa : my ankle....it's hurting
Taehyung : let me see...*grabbing her foot on his hand he saw the reddish bruise on her ankle. He tried to caresse it but she flinched in pain*
Lisa : I don't think I can run, it's paining....*she said looking at him with her teary eyes. Cupping her cheeks in his muscular hand he planted a soft kiss on her forehead. She closed her eyes feeling his hot lips against her skin*
Taehyung : everything is fine...... *suddenly he stood before benting down as he carried her in a bridal style*
Lisa : tae...
Taehyung : shh...let me carry my princess....*he said smiling at her as she smiled back through the tears. Wrapping her hands around his neck she made herself comfortable on his arms as he started to walk again* though it's a hard situation still I'm feeling like it's our honeymoon...an adventurous honeymoon
Lisa : you're unbelievable...*she said shaking her head as he chuckled at her*

*The night has already engulfed the jungle making it's hard for them to walk forward. Through the moonlight Taehyung somehow managed to walk still carrying Lisa on his arms trying to find a place to stay for the night. Soon he saw an old wooden house on his way*

Taehyung : what about we stay here for the night princess??
Lisa : good enough than staying under the open sky and God knows when we'll be the dinner of the wild animals.
Taehyung : I won't mind having you as my dinner....*Taehyung said chuckling before making his way towards the home as she looked at him in shock*

*Entering to the house they examine it*

Taehyung : not as bad as I expected
Lisa : it's looking kinda clean than an abandoned house
Taehyung : cause maybe the hunters use it while hunting wild animals illegally
Lisa : that's bad
Taehyung : at least we found a roof above our head for tonight...*he carefully made Lisa sit in a wooden stool suddenly a strong wind came inside through the broken window making Lisa shiver in cold as she shrugged herself to get some warm. Noticing some wood in the corner of the room Taehyung took some in order to fix the window. Gathering some wood he somehow managed to fix it restricting the wind come inside* we need fire to warm ourself
Lisa : how we will make fire?? *Taehyung smirked at her before pulling out a lighter from his pocket*
Lisa : where did you find this??
Taehyung : keeping it was a plus point before stepping into the jungle..... *gathering some wood he started to make a fire to earn some warm. Soon the room's environment turned into a heated one*

*Carrying her from the stool Taehyung made her sit on the carpet near the fire before sitting next to her. She is still wearing the dress she wore on the airport. The light blue dress reaching under her knees, with a pair of lace sleeve v cut neck but not showing too much skin but the dress is too light for a cold night like this as he noticed how she hugged herself to avoid the cold. Feeling his deep gaze at her Lisa looked at him with a questionable face*

Lisa : what are you looking at??
Taehyung : can't I look at my beautiful wife?? *a bright red tint flashed across Lisa's cheeks hearing his words but suddenly she started to feel nervous seeing Taehyung started to unbutton his shirt. She gulped noticing his hard abs peeking behind the silk cloth. She felt like his abs is winking at her as she quickly divert her gaze somewhere else*
Lisa : w-what are you doing??
Taehyung : you seem still feeling cold, put on my shirt....*as she looked at him this time only to see his upper body is naked while he hold his shirt infront of her to wear*
Lisa : tae I'm alright, put on the shirt or you'll catch a cold
Taehyung : no princess wear it, you will feel warm....*Lisa looked at the short before looking at him. Grabbing it from his hand she made herself sat right infront of him before she start to put the shirt on his body. He was about to say something but she shushed him saying*
Lisa : I said you to wear it so wear it, don't disobey me tae!!
Taehyung : that's my line....*he said chuckling at her while she is busy to button his shirt with her shaky hands*

*Shiver went down her spine when she felt his toned and against her fingers. Now she wonder why even she doing this, she could have just told him to wear it himself but atleast she got the chance to touch his abs by this. Suddenly hearing a roar of an wild wolf lisa jumped on his lap in fear. Wrapping her legs around his waist while her hands are around his neck, she crashed the poor mafia under her embrace*

Lisa : oh my god, oh my god what was that?? *she said hugging him more tightly straddling on his lap as a groan escape from his mouth followed by a heavy breath. Taehyung suddenly hold her hips tightly to prevent her from moving more*
Taehyung : p-princess stop moving.... *his words came like a whisper as she finally realised their position. Pulling her face from the crook of his neck she looked at his face in embarrassment. She blinked her eyes multiple times making eye contact with his dark orbs*
Lisa : I-i am sorry, I was just...aaahh!! *she again hugged him even more tighter than before hearing another roar of an wolf . Her legs around his waist tightened*

*Wrapping his arms around her waist Taehyung hugged her with the same passion as he could feel his heavy heart beat of her. Her whole body is smashing against his*

Taehyung : it's okay princess, stay like this
Lisa : am I making you uncomfortable?
Taehyung : never
Lisa : I'm just scared of everything happened today. I don't want to be apart from you, please never leave me. I feel so lonely without you...*she said snuggling on his neck as he caressed her back*
Taehyung : where will I go without you?? I can't live without you
Lisa : I-i missed you tae....*Taehyung's heart clenched hearing her words but feeling some wet thing on his shoulder be broke the hug before cupping her face to face him*
Taehyung : I hate your tears you know that right?? *Lisa nodded slowly* then why are you crying??
Lisa : I'm scared...what if Mike again come and take me with him
Taehyung : I will never let him do that again. I'll fight for you till my last breath....*he said connecting their foreheads*
Lisa : you promised me not to leave me than why you always talk about your death!! *she said hitting his chest lightly as he chuckled lowly*
Taehyung : this mafia will never leave you wifey. Even if I die I will hunt you after becoming a ghost
Lisa : thank you tae
Taehyung : why princess??
Lisa : Mike was after me for years but you never let me know this. You always protected me, thanks for taking me away fro bthsg sick human. I felt so horrible around him... thanks for everything
Taehyung : princess...did he...*he bite his lips not knowing how to ask* did he tried to bad touch you??

*Lisa looked at him with her teary eyes before nodding slowly. Taehyung's body stiffened as his blood started to boil in anger. How he wish to kill Mike mercilessly for doing this to his wife. How he wish he could take out Mike's eyes for looking at his wife, how he wish to cut Mike's hands into pieces for trying to touch his wife inappropriately*

Taehyung : where did he touch you?? *Lisa showed her hands infront of him as he grabbed them securely*
Lisa : he touched my hands...*Taehyung noticed the red marks in her wrist as he pressed his lips on them kissing her hands multiple times to wipe off Mike's touch, he met her eyes again wanting to know more* he gripped my shoulder.... *reaching for the zipper of her dress Taehyung slowly unzipped it enough to slide down the dress showing her bare shoulders. Pulling her hips even more closer Taehyung started to plant butterfly kisses on her shoulder. She whimpered a little by his touches, butterflies running on her stomach. Goosebumps run all over her body as he shoulder became wet by his saliva by all of his kisses. Pulling his face from her shoulder he looked at Lisa. Her eyes are closed breathing heavily as the pinkish tint on her cheeks made her look even breathtaking*

Taehyung : look at me princess..*slowly opening her eyes she met his eyes which are shining like a moonlight night* say it....*his deep husky voice sending shiver down her spine*
Lisa : he touched my face, my cheeks, my jawline....*grabbing her neck Taehyung pulled her face near his before attacking her with kisses. From her forehead, to her cheeks his kisses trailed down towards her jaw. Feeling overwhelmed with the sensation she gripped his shoulder tightly still sitting on his lap. After kisses her jawline for few moments more he cupped her face staring deeply on her soul. Their nose are slightly touching while his hot breath brushing near her lips*

*Both of them can feel eachother's heart beating crazily. Hot breath brushing near their lips. Taehyung pulled his face a little backwards to her eyes. His gaze fall down from her eyes towards her lips as he gulped before biting his bottom lips. Her body felt like burning feeling his intense gaze at he lips. Taehyung's eyes again meet as he tried to find some answer*

Lisa : I didn't let him...*his face expression still remained same but she can see his eyes smiling. His fingers brushed her neck as he looked at her lips again before looking at her*

*He slowly started to lean forward giving her a moment to stop him by his heart skipped feeling her hold tightened on his shoulder while she closed her eyes. Closing his eyes he slowly pressed his lips into hers. A sudden sparkle went through their body as they felt their lips for the first time. Holding her neck tightly he deepened the kiss while his other hand caressing her waist. Lisa's hand went fro vis shoulder to his neck wrapping it hy her arms while playing with his hairs. A tear left from Taehyung's eyes feeling the euphoric touch of her lips...the euphoric feeling of their first kiss. The kiss was passionate, sweet yet dominant. He poured his all emotion through the kiss to let her know how much he adore her, how much her want her, how much he kove her. He kissed her with tenderness like there is no tomorrow. They want this moment to never go. After kissing her for a long time as much as he want he finally broke it. Both of them started to oant heavily due to the lack of air. His eyes still remain on her swallown lips like he can still feel them. Snuggling his face on the crook of her neck he inhaled her addictive scent*

Taehyung : if you keep making me feel like this I don't know how line will I can control myself...*pushing her to the carpet he kaid her down in her back before laying next to her. Pulling her head upwards he kept his hand under her head as a pillow. Grabbing her waist he pulled herself close to his body as her back is snuggling on his chest. Shiver went down her spine when she felt his hot breath in her neck. He planted some butterfly kisses there as her hold on his hand tightened which is resting on her stomach* sleep princess before I change my mind...*her heart sank on the oblivion feeling a wet kiss on her neck* only God knows how I'm controlling myself but I know everything has a perfect timing and I'm waiting for it. I hope the kiss we shared a while ago is the beginning. Good night princess
Lisa : good night tae....*she whispered in a soft tone before both drifted into sleep in eachother's embrace. The moonlight night, the darkness of the forest, those roaring of the wild animals brought two close together than before*

*Both of them wish this night to be the bright beginning of her relationship. The beautiful moment they shared this night already consumed a part of their heart. They belongs to eachother and they wish to stay eachother's arm like this, together and forever*

Time Skip To Next Morning

*The fire already ended, the sun already peeking inside through the broken window. The couple started to wake up not because of the morning sunlight, not because of hearing the morning singing of the wild birds but both their eyes shut open after hearing a gunshot*

Lisa : w-what was that?? *both of them sat on the carpet before looking around the whole room. They can see some man standing outside behind the broken window, they heard some footsteps around the tiny house* tae are they your men or Mike?? *she looked at Taehyung with fear that's completely visible on her face*
Taehyung : I don't know let me check... *he said standing if his feet as she did the same*
Lisa : no tae don't go...*she said grabbing his hand*
Taehyung : princess I have-
??? : should I give an invitation to both of you to come outside or should I broke into the house?? *a shiver ran g through Lisa's body realising the owner of the voice*
Lisa : tae he...he came...*she said with a shaky voice holding his hand more tightly. Looking at his gun that is laying on he floor he checked his body again incase he find a single bullet but nothing, he did nothing as he grabbed his hairs in frustration*
Mike : Kim fucking Taehyung come out now!! I know you're hiding inside with my babygirl!! *Taehyung's jaw clenched after hearing those words from Mike. He peeked behind the window and noticed Mike's men already surrounded the hole area, there is no way they can run away from here especially he doesn't have any weapon*

*Taehyung came infront of Lisa who's eyes already shining in tears as he hold her hands before interwining their fingers. He placed a soft kiss on her knuckle before pressing his lips on her forehead to calm her down*

Taehyung : everything will be fine. My men will find us soon till then we have to play along with him
Lisa : I'm afraid....*he shushed her by pressing his lips on hers. He pulled out after sharing a sweet little kiss*
Taehyung : your tae is with you. Nothing will happen to you, nothing will happen to us I promise

*Taehyung took a deep breath before making his way outside while holding Lisa's hand*

Mike : well well well...see whom we got here Mr & Mrs. Kim huh!! *he said looking at Taehyung and Lisa as soon as they stepped outside of the house. His all men already keep pointing their gun on both if them while Mike's gripped on his gun tightened looking at their interwined hands* you did a great mistake by running away from me babygirl
Mike : oh calm down Kim!! I'm not afraid of you. It's been a long since we last met, how are you feeling to meet me??
Taehyung : feeling shit to meet you Mike
Mike : well same for me Kim. Now handover my babygirl to me and I'll think about letting you go
Taehyung : I'LL CUT YOUR TONGUE IF YOU ADDRESS HER THAT AGAIN!! *his grip on her hands tightened as she pressed her body more close to him trying to hide from Mike's dirty gaze over her*
Mike : watch your worth Kim. You have nothing to fight against me, no weapons, no backups
Taehyung : but I have the most precious thing with me...my wife..*he said showing Mike her interwined hands*

Mike : soon I'll snatch her too and she herself will walk to me. Do you wanna know it how?? *he said smirking at Lisa as she shook her head* look at your husband babygirl....*Lisa narrowed her brows before looking at Taehyung but her breath hitched seeing a guy pointing his gun ok Taehyung's head*
Lisa : tae...no!! Don't shot him please.... Don't shot him...*she said to the man while panicking*
Taehyung : princess nothing will happen to me
Mike : well every bullet will dog on your head of you don't let her go...*Lisa pulled her grip from Taehyung's hand before going other side of him*
Lisa : lower your gun please.. don't shot him....*she said slightly pushing the man but to her great horror three other man of Mike came behind Taehyung pointing their gun in every side of his head*
Mike : there is no escape Kim, you have to die
Taehyung : I'm not afraid of death but I'm just wondering how coward you are taking advantage of my this state. If you have the courage to fight me without any weapon
Mike : huh!! I'm not in a mood to fight. Come to me Lisa before I shot your so called husband
Taehyung : no don't go to him...*he said grabbing Lisa's hand*
Mike : I'll shot him Lisa
Lisa : no please....*tears started to drip from her eyes as she looked at Taehyung. Four gun is pointed on his head still there is no fear in his eyes but surely those eyes are showing rage*
Taehyung : stay here...*he said tightening the grip on her hand as she started to sob*

*Suddenly the sound of a gunshot made Lisa screamed in fear. Looking at Taehyung she desperately checked him if he is okay. A loud laugh caught her attention as she looked behind*

Mike : hold on babygirl, I just shoted on the air but if you don't listen to me then next bullet will made a holw in that Kim's head
Lisa : please leave him
Mike : come to me and I'll let him go. I won't do anything to him I promise
Lisa : will you really let him go?? Without hurting him?? *Mike nodded hiding his smirk. Lisa looked at Taehyung whispering*
Lisa : I'm sorry...*she said stepping backwards from him. He tried to hold her hands but Mike's men stopped him*
Taehyung : no princess!! Don't go!! Even if I die don't go to him
Lisa : I can't let you die tae...*she turned and walk towards Mike*
Taehyung : princess!! *Mike hold Lisa's hand with a devilish smirk while looking towards Taehyung*
Lisa : please let him go, I came to you. Tell your man to lower their gun
Mike : the show must begin now...*he said pointing gun to Lisa's head making her widen her eyes along with Taehyung's while Mike signalled his man as two of them hold Taehyung's hand from behind* you gave me so much pain babygirl. Now watch how your husband will suffer
Taehyung : LET GO OF HER!! HOW DARE YOU POINT GUN ON HER HEAD!! *he struggle to release his hands*
Mike : if you tried to fight back I'll shot her
Taehyung : NO!! YOU WON'T DO THAT

Mike : I can do everything, I can get obsessed with her, I can kidnap her for me and I can even kill her for running away from me
Taehyung : YOU SICK PSYCHO!! *Mike's men started to beat Taehyung mercilessly. His lips started to bleed, shirt is slightly ripped off due to the punched and kicks. Face became filled with cut and bruises after some moment. All the time Lisa started to scream his name, continuously sobbing but still struggling under Mike's grip to tan to Taehyung, to engulf him in her embrace*
Lisa : tae... don't beat him please..leave him, don't hurt him...*she said while crying miserably. Even if after getting beaten so much for a single second Taehyung didn't broke the eye contact with her. Some groan left from his mouth , some unnoticed tears may fall but he kept looking at her
Taehyung : d-don't cry p-princess I-i am okay...*he somehow managed to say those words to calm her down*
Lisa : no you're not okay. I can see it, I can feel it...*the atmosphere filled with her crying and some painful groan from Taehyung and Mike's devilish laugh just add some oil in the fire*

*Suddenly a gunshot diverted everyone's attention as some of Mike's men dead body fall on the ground*

Man : lower your gun....*Mike's eyes widen when he felt a gun on his head. Slowly turning his head he saw one of Taehyung's man pointed the gun on his head. Looking every direction he saw Taehyung's man surrounded the whole area. His eyes widen in shock seeing countless of gang members from every direction of the jungle. He have only thirty people with him but Taehyung has hundreds. Mike lowered his gun from Lisa's head as she quickly started to run towards Taehyung. Mike's men already freed Taehyung as he slowly started to step towards her limping continuesly. He barely can move because of the pain on his body. As soon as she engulfed his body in her embrace she felt herself on air as Taehyung spined her body with his all remaining force*
Mike : IF I CAN'T GET YOU NOBODY WILL!! *a painful groan escape from Taehyung's mouth as she widen her eyes in fear hearing a gunshot*

*Countless of gunshot can be heard as she saw Mike's body become all bloody as Taehyung's all men started to shot him aggressively. Like a blood flesh his body fall on the ground with hundreds of bullets digging on it but her mind is still filled with the sound of the first gunshot and Taehyung's groan. Taehyung is still hugging her, his painful breath brushing near her neck. She felt something warm on her hands when she touched his back. Pulling her one hand she saw it filled with Taehyung's warm blood. He got shot, he took the bullet for her, he sacrificed himself for her. Her body started to shake after realising the painful situation. His body started to lossedn as she fall on the ground along with him. Sitting on the ground she engulfed his weak body as he put his head on her lap*

Lisa : t-tae....*tears started to fall from her eyes as she saw him all bloody on her lap* WHY DID YOU DO THAT!! WHY YOU TAKE THE BULLET FOR ME!! *she screamed crying miserably*
Taehyung : p-pri... princess...*he said caressing her cheek*
Lisa : you'll be fine.. we'll take you to the hospital l...*Taehyung shook his head as he smiled painfully*
Taehyung : I-i wanted to live a h-happy life w-with you
Lisa : you will...we will...*Taehyung's breath suddenly hitched as he hold her hands before planting a kiss there*
Taehyung : I-i love you princess. I wish to h-hear back those words from..you but...*he let out a deep breath before closing his eyes before everything became silent*
Lisa : tae......*she shaked his body* tae... wake up tae...*her heart sank, she felt like her soul left her body. Tears continuously falling as she got no reply from him*

"You can't leave me like this. KIM TAEHYUNG WAKE UP...YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS. You promised you'll stay with me forever then HOW DARE YOU BROKE YOUR PROMISE...*she screamed painfully while hugging his lifeless body* don't give me this punishment. I didn't say those words to you yet, you have to come back to hear my answer...to hear those words from me. I CAN'T LEAVE WITHOUT YOU, CAN YOU HEAR ME?? I CAN'T.....*she screamed in pain, she cried with agony but got no reply from him* come back to me please... I beg you - Kim Lisa"

♡ Words - 7576
♡ Published - 6th Wednesday, Dec 2023
♡ 50+ vote, and 20+ comments for the next chapter
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