Level 13

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"In which year was she in Germany?"

" Sir, she was there from 20** to 20**" He said that, which shocked me more.

Yaazhini was with me in these years.

Is she not my Yaazhini? 


" It's so confusing! She looks just the same as Yaazhini but everything about her says Sakthi!

Oh my god! What should I do?

My head is going to blast! " Arjun let out a frustrated groan not knowing how to proceed more. 

" No, I should start to observe more. She can lie but not her character nor her body language can. I should be more careful in doing so. In all this who is this Kid? She makes me more confused. Is she my kid or what? But there's no chance of it! But then..." His lamenting session was interrupted by a knock even before he could answer the door opened. 

He was not ready to face anyone, and neither was he in a decent condition. He was sitting in just a lower.

" What the f*ck?!" Arjun yelled at the intruder, it was Alya. 

" Uhh..." She hesitated to speak. 

" You should have some manners, Alya. I didn't even allow you to enter my room." He said as politely as he could and put on the T-shirt that was lying on the bed. 

"I am sorry!" She muttered awkwardly. 

" What do you want?" He sighed. 

" Will you accompany me to shopping?" She asked as bit her lip not in a seductive way though. 

"What nonsense are you asking? Why would I accompany you to shopping?" He asked confused and irritated. 

"Because... Because..." She stammered. 

" Because I said so..." His mother entered the room making him more irritated. 

" Just stop it already. I am not interested in speaking to any of you, so please..." He showed her way out closing her eyes.

 " Arjun, is this how you treat your mom?" His mother fumed. 

" Oh, please! You and I know how much of a mother and son we are! Please don't dig my mouth and get out of here, I am not interested in coming anywhere out of this room, especially with you guys!" He exclaimed and sat on his bed. 

" Arjun, I know I didn't take care of you in your childhood but now...." 

" Save it, Mother! Whatever is done is done. I ain't disrespecting you or asking anything you to do. One thing just something I ask from you, please stay away from me!" He said exasperated breath. 

" Why do you hate me? I lo..." 

" I don't hate you, Mrs. Kashyup. You are just not in life neither plan to add you to it! I respected your life back then, I don't blame you for it! Now, you are just a stranger to me or you could say my dad's wife. Please let me leave, I already have a lot of things going on in my head!" He said as he buried his face in his palms. 

" Why..." This time someone from outside interrupted her. 

It was Ruhani. 

" Maa, please. He is not well that's why he is like that, go some of your friends are waiting in the living room." She said and sent her from there. 

" Should I tell you separately?" Ruhani asked coldly to Alya who then left from there. 

" Arjun..." She touched his shoulder, he looked at her with tired eyes. 

" You look tired, you should sleep Arjun!"  She said running her hands through his hair. 

" I just couldn't when I close my eyes, it's just her face I can see..."  He blurted out. 

" Who?" Ruhaani as she sensed something wrong. 

" Who? No, one!" He tried to dodge the topic. 

" Arjun..." 

" Please, Ruhaani I wish not to speak about it!" He said in a soft voice. 

" I won't force you, but I can give you a hug, right?" She asked with a smile. 

" of course!" He hugged her with a smile lingering on his lips. 

Cheaters! Hug without me?" Arav dashed into the room and fell on them making them fall on the carpet. 

" You stupid guy!" Ruhaani groaned. 

" Ajju bhaiya!" Arav whined. 

" I want to spend time with you... You don't spend time with me..." 

" It's just two days I've been here..." Arjun rolled his eyes at him. 

" That's fine, actually I booked a table in a restaurant shall we go?" He asked looking at Arjun with excited eyes, he didn't want to break his dear brother's heart so he agreed. 

Arav skipped from there to get ready. 

" I will drive, just turn on the GPS, " Arjun said as he slid into the driver's seat. 

" Which restaurant did you book?" He asked Arav. 

"Blossom & Books Bistro, it looked beautiful bhai. They have a play area for kids, a mini library and a gaming room too. It's amazing!!" He said very excited, Arju chuckled looking at his excitement.

Soon they reached the place, Arav and Ruhani went inside while Arjun went to park the car. 

After parking he walked towards the entrance. He felt someone watching, so he turned around and checked if there was anybody but he couldn't find any. 

He felt the same when he left Sakthi's office. 

" It's nothing maybe..." He shrugged his thoughts and walked inside. 

It indeed looked beautiful, he went to the table. More than eating he wanted to spend time with them. 

" So tell me, how is everything going on? I asked about life not business" Arjun asked both of them. 

The next two hours went like a second, as they spoke, laughed, and teased each other. 

After being there for almost three hours, Arjun went to pay the bill. 

But he stood shocked seeing the scene unfolding in front of him. 

What shocked him was not Shakti but Jeevan running behind her in his formals. 

" Jeevan?" He muttered as he stood there shocked. 

" Mam!" Jeevan ran behind her. 

" Yes, Mr. Iyer?" She asked with the same emotionless face. 

" Mam, you forgot to sign these papers..." He showed the file for her to sign it. 

" Mr. Iyer make sure this doesn't happen once again. I know it's not your fault, but be sure to keep them under your claws..."  She said as she signed the document. 

" I will make sure mam! Have a nice weekend!" He said and turned to leave. 

Now both of them moved in different directions. 

Whom should I go to Yaazhini no Shakthi or Jeevan?

If she is not Yaazhini how does she know Jeevan? And she calls him so formally?

While he was contemplating, Sakthi was almost out of the restaurant when Nithin joined her with a sleeping Maya in his arms. 

While Jeevan returned out of the room he went in with his laptop bag and blazer in his hand.

" Jeevan..."  

Jeevan stopped in his tracks hearing him. 

" Arjun?" He frowned looking at him, not the expression Arjun expected to get. Yet he went and hugged Jeevan. 

" What are you doing here?" Jeevan asked Arjun hugging him back. 

" I should ask you the same, Mr. Jeevan Iyer!" Arjun said angrily. 

" This is my hometown, where would I be?" He shrugged. 

" First answer my question, Shakti is My Yaazhini right?" Arjun asked impatiently. 

 Ufff! Getting time to type is so difficult! I am sorry for leaving you all hanging for almost a week. 

Will update one more chapter, soon. 

Please give your opinions and suggestion

How is the story going? 


 Anyways Bye for now......................

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