Chapter 4

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Bela came to Sehgal Mansion and went to Sumi's room.

"Namaste aunty", wished Bela

"Arre Bela, come in", said Sumi

"You are indeed very punctual", Sumi said smiling to which Bela smiled back

"Ok so, you can use the study room till you need and you can work from there only Bela", Sumi continued

"Sure aunty, thank you", said Bela

"John will show you the room beta", Sumi said

"Okay aunty!!", Bela said smiling and left the room

Bela went down and was going near John to ask him about the study room when she heard some voice and turned back dashing with someone. She looked up and finding mahir there, she gulped her saliva but maintained to put a stern face.

"Can't you see and walk?", Mahir asked annoyed

"I can tell the same to you, and moreover you were coming behind me so it's obvious that I don't have my eyes behind me also", Bela said smirking

"Unbelievable!", Mahir exclaimed and left from there

Glaring at him for once she turned to go but found kuhu looking at her, actually stating at her.

Kuhu came from her room and stopped in her way seeing mahir with Bela, and seeing the way she answered back to her brother made her extreamlly shocked.

"When she can break Bhai's car door then talking against him isn't a big thing for her", thought kuhu

Realising that Bela caught her staring at her she slowly moved forward and forwarded her hand for a shake hand, Bela smiled at her gesture and shook hands with her.

"I'm kuhu", introduced kuhu

"Bela.. you must be Sumi aunty's daughter right?", Bela asked

"Yeah, you are right.. and guess what, I was very eager to meet you", kuhu said smiling

"To meet me? But why?", Bela asked confused

"Arre even I have too see who dared to break my brother's car glass", kuhu said smirking

"See kuhu, it wasn't intentional.. he was showing his attitude which for obvious made me angry so that time what I got in mind I just did, I'm sorry", Bela said slowly

"Arre Bela you don't need to feel sorry at all, yuvi Bhai told me everything.. but I was just shocked coz till now no one even dare to speak against mahir Bhai and.. you are something special", kuhu said smiling to which Bela also smiled back

"Friends!?", Kuhu asked Bela

"I thought we already are!", Bela said smiling wide

Smiling, kuhu hugged Bela.

"Bela Didi", came yuvi from his room

"What did you just say?", Asked Bela eyeing at him

"Huh? Did I say anything wrong?", Yuvi asked confusing

"Didi? Like seriously? Do I look so old?", Asked Bela frowning

"Umm no, I thought you will be of Bhai's age so I called you such.. I'm sorry di, I mean bela.. I'm sorry", said yuvi stammering

When Bela can speak against mahir, then yuvi won't be any for her and he was indeed frightening looking at her frowning face.

"Better!! Never call me Didi again.. and moreover we must be of the same age too", said Bela

"Yeah ok Bela", yuvi said smiling softly

"And you don't need to be scared of me, I speak against your Bhai and that doesn't mean I speak such with everyone.. he's so arrogant so...", Bela said but stopped seeing mahir behind her

Her jaw dropped looking at mahir who is already eyeing at Bela angrily. Both kuhu and yuvi also saw mahir and being scared of his reaction they slowly moved away from that place leaving Bela alone.

Bela also thought to leave as a better option for her now, turned to go but stopped when she felt someone held her hand. She slowly turned and saw mahir holding her hand and standing right in front of her now.

"Umm.. I actually have some work, so can I leave? And also you need to leave for your office, isn't it?", Bela said slowly

When mahir doesn't answer she gets more frightened and the next thing he did was beyond her expectations.

Mahir pulled Bela's hand making her crash his well built body and caged her with his arm wrapped around her waist. Bela gasped with his sudden move and the same with kuhu and yuvi who are secretly observing them from a corner.

(Ignore there clothes and background)

This was the first time for her to be this close to any guy, and automatically her heart started beating hardly and she was indeed getting more nervous with there closeness.

"Next time don't you dare to speak against me in my house with my family", mahir said and Bela could sense the anger in his voice

He left her and looking at her for once he left from there to his office along with John.

Here Bela was still shocked of what just happened a minute ago. Composing herself she moved forward and found kuhu and yuvi at the corner.

"Can anyone of you show me the guest room?", She asked to avoid talking about mahir and also coz John left

Kuhu nodded and went along with Bela and making herself comfortable there, she started working on certain designs which Sumi suggested her.


Here, mahir reached his office and directly went to his cabin and quickly started his work coz he was having an important meeting in the next two hours.

Suddenly his cabin door got opened and he saw Anu coming inside.

"How many times I told you to Knock before you come inside?", mahir asked being frustrated

"C'mom mahir, I'm your finance and I don't need to take any permission to come to your cabin", Anu said

"Everyone have something called personal space and it's simple manners to knock before entering and moreover this is my office so you better behave Anu", said Mahir annoyed with her

"Ok fine mahir", Anu said rolling her eyes

"So mahir, I'm thinking if we can spend sometime together now!?", Anu said smiling

"I have a meeting now Anu so it's better you leave.. I'll think about it later", said Mahir sternly

"You are such a boring person mahir", said Anu being frustrated and left his cabin

Mahir left a sigh of relief once she left, she's too annoying and irritating for him but neither he could deny his mother who choose her for him and moreover his business mind pops up saying that the deal he sighed with Mittal's for the marriage is indeed very profitable for there company.

Soon it's the time for his meeting and going on well he was happy that he cracked the deal. He wanted to share this with his family personally and hence completing his work soon we went home around six at night.

"You seem happy today mahir, what's so special?", Asked Sumi seeing mahir coming

"Yes Bhai.. don't tell me it's due to the proximity you shared with Bela in the morning", said yuvi smirking

"Yuvi", mahir glared at him

"What? Can anyone tell me what happened?", Asked Sumi confused

"Nothing mom, I just cracked a deal today", mahir said smiling and also diverting the topic

"I knew you would mahir, congratulations", said Sumi caressing and kissing his forehead

"Yeah congrats Bhai.. after all you are my brother", yuvi said proudly

Mahir glared at him not forgetting what he said about Bela and him a minute back.


How did you guys feel about there first proximity level!? 😉
Hope you guys are liking this story and enjoying reading too. Do not forget to vote and do let me know you views through the comments.

So as of now it's only fighting and abusing going on 🤪.. how do you think love takes its place between them?

And I'm so sorry to forget to upload yesterday, I don't know how but it just slipped my mind.. so yeah, a double update today ❤️

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