5. I Feel So Updated

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So days turn to weeks. Weeks turn into a month.

Yup,  you guessed it. It have been a month since that day. I hate to admit but now Ryan and I have become close. Yup, I finally started calling him Ryan. But get the thought of him being better OUT OF YOUR MINDS.

It is impossible.

He is cocky as always. Those same annoying smirks and extremely cute-

I mean extremely perverted smiles. Yeah perverted.

Maria, Renee and I are now very good friends with Kate. Kate as in Katherine.

But unfortunately Alex and Katherine haven't met each other properly.

They chat on phone but haven't seen each other in real life. 

Wondering why.

I will tell you. Katherine always volunteers herself for our 'ecoclub'
Activities which takes place during break time.

And this week when their is No activity. She is out of town.

Wondering how I am talking to all of you without any interruptions.

Let me tell you.

Alex and I am currently waiting in the cafeteria. Waiting for our friends to come.

They are 10 minutes late.

And wondering what Alex is doing, he is stalking food on social media because of which his mouth is watering.

I shook my head.

"Jules,  I can't wait anymore I am gonna get my food. Want me to bring yours?"

"Yeah you are right. Bring for me also. "

With that he left.

I looked over to the table next to us where Ryan's group sits.

I took out my phone and scrolled through my instagram.

Not able to hold my curiosity in control. I searched Ryan Walker.

"Tsk...Tsk... Tsk" I heard an extremely familiar cool voice.

Oh Gosh!!

The Luck I have.

"Sweetheart you are doing it wrong." said Ryan and took my phone typed out something and returned it to me.

"That's my ID sweetheart." said while giving me a wink and Charming
Smi- sorry I meant perverted smile.

With that he was about to turn but he looked at me again "You can stalk me as much as you want and don't hesitate to follow me. I will definitely follow you back."

My dropped open.

"Are you delusional ?!" I asked.

He smirked and went to his table.


That- That Cocky bastard.

"Food is here" said Alex.


"They still not here?! "

"Nope." I said taking the first bite of my food.

Suddenly I saw Maria  entering.

Alex followed my gaze.

"Damn, why didn't did I ask that earlier" said Alex.

"Where were you ?!" asked Alex and I.

"Mrs. Delta's mood swings." said Maria.

We nodded. Well aware what would have happened.

I looked at my watch. Renee is still not here

"Maria first go and take your food. We will continue when you  come back "I said.

She nodded.

By the time they came back. Ryan's friends were also seated.

Then we saw Renee entering. Her lab coat and hair covered with white powdery substance.

Alex who was too busy to look up but still Noticed her presence.

"So Renee why were you lat- " asked Alex without looking up

"Oh My God  Renee, What happened?! " I asked.

Renee had her chemistry class before lunch but she was too good in chemistry. To make a mistake.

When I say too good. I mean it. 

Alex instantly looked up the moment I asked Renee what happened.

"Renee how did th-" Alex got cut off my a very worried Maria.

"Renee are u alright ?! How did this happen?!"

"Oh that's because if someone would have listened to and followed the instructions given by the chemistry lab assistant. This would have NOT happened." said Renee glaring daggers at one of Ryan's friend,who glared back.

What was his name again umm... Jake.... no... James. Yeah James was it.

Oh if I haven't mentioned he was the guy who was arguing with Renee the other day in the Mall.

Suddenly I noticed Maria smiling at someone. I followed her gaze and found her mall crush, his name.... Yeah Dean,who was smiling back.

Both of them were blushing slightly.


My mouth dropped open second time in the whole day.

My friends keep me so updated.

I feel so updated.

Please note the sarcasm.

Alex and I shared looks.

Suddenly, I got a message from Alex.

I quickly opened it.

AlexYou thinking what I am thinking?

Me :  If you are thinking how much we are updated about this, then yes.

Alex:  Yeah That and you think we should help their love lives?

Me:    Sure, I have nothing better to do.

Alex:   So which first?!

Me:     Dean and Maria. It looks more sorted.

Alex:  You right. #Man

Me:     Man?!

Alex:   Their ship name. MA - Maria and N- dean.

Me:      Ewww. Its the worst ship name EVER!!!

Alex:   What I tried!!

Me:   I am sorry but I am not gonna appreciate your effort.

Alex:  But you know what I have never seen Maria like this before.

Me:   And I have never seen Renee like this before.

Alex:  Please don't tell me you wanted to see her this way.

Me:  of course I don't want to.

Alex:  Julia I want you to not give up on your team's ambition.

Me: Team?! Ambition?!

Alex:  #Singleforever

Me: Alex since when were you committed.

Alex: I am sorry.I really wanna come.But I can't betray my girlfriend.

Me: Alex freaking Spencer please don't tell me that this girlfriend of yours is also known as 'Food'

Alex: Duh!! 

What else you can expect from Alex?

I rolled my eyes at the screen.

"Guys, what are you both doing on your phones?! " asked Maria looking at us.

"Umm.. Well both of you seemed busy glaring and .... all so we thought not to disturb you guys." replied Alex.

Renee and Maria blushed.

Quickly changing the topic. Maria said,"So Julia your dad is going today right? "

"Yeah. He is." I replied sadly but quickly hid my sadness "but you know what he stayed too long this time."

We then talked about random things.



Hey people!!!!

Hope you liked the chapter ❤❤

Rest of the chapters will Not disappoint you. (Maybe :P)


Don't forget to vote and comment!!❤❤

I love you guys a lot ❤❤❤

And like always

Comments and Suggestions are WARMLY WELCOME!!! 

Till next time,

Missfairygirl_12 ❤❤


If you don't already know 'XO' Stands for Hugs and Kisses ❤❤



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