3) We found him

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"So you're a girl?!" I murmured checking the little dog for any signs of wound. Sure Luke had said the toy poodle was healthy after being taken care of for three weeks after its rescue, but I still wanted to be sure for its sake.
"What shall I name you?"
It gave a small bark, as if it could understand my question.
If only it could speak and let me know what kind of name it liked.

After countless minutes of cuddling the furry baby, I put it down and Gena picked it up before handing it to one of the two servants standing next to her.
"It's time for bed, Miss Annie. Doctor Luke said from today onwards, you need to rest more."

Argh, Luke.
Damn him!
Why did he have to ask Miss Formal to have me follow the new schedule and diet? Gena would now turn a hundred times stricter than before.

I exhaled a sigh, conveying my defeat, as I got off of the couch.
The second my foot lifted off of the floor, an outdated ringtone blasted through the air.
It sounded as old as the year fifteen-fifty, but at that specific moment, it sounded like the most beautiful melody I would ever hear.

The emergency phone was ringing.
It could only mean one thing...they had found Jack, or traces of him.

Tears instantly filled my eyes.
A crying chuckle escaped me just as all the energy in my body vanished.
"They found him!" I muttered stumbling back on the couch.
My knees felt weak and jelly, as if I was fifteen and about to meet my crush.
"Get me the phone!" I yelled unconsciously, my gaze staring at the nearest space.

My mind was processing a lot of emotions and the rest of my body began losing energy.

Like she weighed no more than a feather, Gena dashed across the room and fetched the phone.

I grabbed it out of her hands, my own pair shaking with both anticipation and dread. Had they really found him?

"Boss, we found Zack," a male voice acknowledged from the other side of the call.

My heart exploded from the excitement of hearing the -ack. I was too high in my world to notice the difference in the names.
"Where is he? How is he? Is he alive?"

"Yes, Boss. He's in the hospital under strict security."

"Hospital? Which hospital? Is he okay?"

"All Saints Hospital. Do you wish to see him?"

"I'll be there as soon as possible. Nobody is allowed to lay a finger on him unless it's the doctor!" It was an order, a yell, and a cry.

After months of waiting, finally, there was some good news. I would finally see my other half again.
All the desperation that had accumulated over the weeks started dripping away through the endless tears rolling out of my eyes.
All I could think about as they drove me to the hospital was how proud Jack would be knowing that I had recovered my memories and had kicked WSG out of the country.

Even as I ran through the brightly lit hallways, all I could see was Jack's smile and his loving blue eyes on me. I could already see us embracing and kissing the life out of each other.
Maybe we could even have a quickie on the hospital bed. A little naughtiness is good for living.

"Boss!" Matt exclaimed when he saw me run towards the door he and the other three men were guarding.
He didn't look pleased to see me there, or maybe he was surprised I had actually shown up.

The others quickly gave short respectful bows, chorusing my title, "Boss."

But I paid little to no attention to him nor to any other door or soul in that hallway.
I just barged into the room like a drunkard, happy tears blurring my vision.

Hardly past the door, my feet froze up, and my heart ceased beating for a second. A second enough to have me drop dead right then and there. But hell made it beat again so I could live through the new misery unfolding right before my eyes.

A mass of short copper-brown hair lay on his bandaged head. His nose was a little sharper and his cheekbones were slightly different even though he looked ninety percent similar to Jack. It wasn't my Jack, it was...Zack.

"No, I'm dreaming," I murmured, my body once again, hit by a wave of shock beyond my comprehension. All the merry energy that had filled me a few seconds ago completely vanished. Poof! Yanked out of me brutally by the face of the enemy.

I backed, but the now shut door refused to blast down and give way to my body.
It was then that the call replayed in my head.
They had said Zack, not Jack.
But since all I had been waiting to hear was the discovery of Jack, my mind had filtered the 'Z' and replaced it with 'J'.

I was such a fool.

"Noooo!" I let out a long and frustrated wail which was enough to cause ears to bleed, but the cursed man lying on that damned bed didn't stir, not one bit.
Everything started to hurt, from my lungs to my heart.
What was I to do with all the pain inside me?
I did what any disappointed woman would in my place...take it out on the man who had hurt me.

"Where's my Jack?" I screamed hitting Zack on his abdomen and chest. The blows weren't hard, but due to the emotional state I was in, I felt as if I was hammering him.
Tears everywhere, screams, wet nose, anger, hatred...all were for Zack.
"Where the hell is-" a depressing cry cut in, "-Jaaaaack?"

My weeping was uncontrollable, making me feel foreign to my own body.
I wanted to hit him till he threw up whatever he had eaten in the last whole year, including his organs.
I wanted to hit him till my hands gave up and turned useless.

He had to give me back the man I loved.
I would make him, even if it meant peeling his skin off his bones one inch at a time.

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