Her And Him

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" You've been going into this room a lot now. "Natsu sighed, leaning on the doorframe to Lucy's music room. A few days gone by and neither of them had left the house, or at least Lucy hadn't. And then the visits from Mira and Erza.
Lucy sat on the piano bench, staring down at the keys.
It made Natsu only worry as she sat there, afraid a finger would graze a white or black bar and she'd flop onto the floor.
" You promised Mira you'd go down to the Cafe today. Why don't you get ready? "he continued speaking. Lucy nodded, but she didn't move." I wanted to leave you alone to think for a few days, but your starting to make me worry... a lot. "
Lucy sighed, running her hand up and down her thighs." I'm not going to play the piano, even if I wanted to I can't. My hand stops before I can even touch one of the keys. "she stated in reassurance.
" So you tried? "Natsu looked down watching Happy crawl in the room as Plu stood next to him, scanning the walls.
" Yes. But I'm to scared mother will push me to practice as she did before. "Lucy lifted her hands and looked down at them." She'd force me about everyday to play until my hands had cuts as they scrapped at the edges of every single key on the piano, or were sawed on by the strings of the violin, cello, about any instrument we had... I had to practice everyday to satisfy her. And she would put me into competitions and I would win, every single time. "
Natsu staid silent, walking in fully to sit next to her on the long piano bench.
" I would always say she was the best mother, but as I look back... She was wonderful but also frightening. She was most kind until the time she was dying. She became more and more brutal and violent. I couldn't help but obey and do as she asked... She was sick. I still remember when my hand cramped and she slammed my head into the keys a few times. "
" That doesn't sound like a wonderful mother, that sounds like an abusive one. "Natsu held her raised hands with his, giving them comfort and warmth.
" Yes, I guess she was... But she may have been too afraid of her sickness she became like that. I guess I'll never find out, but I know she still cared for me. Otherwise... Why would she run out in front of a car just for me? "
" Lucy-"
" She had to. And... I don't know. Maybe... I-"she stopped shaking her head." I feel like she's been trying to reach out to me to tell me something. Or maybe I have forgotten something-"
" A ghost reaching out to family from beyond the grave~"Natsu spoke in a forcibly haunting voice, overkill in his performance as he stood up, dusting off his jeans.
" She not a ghost. But there's something real about the hallucinations. "
" Lucy, I can't say anything that won't hurt you-"
" Natsu. "Lucy got up and walked up to him, running her hand over his abs." Don't take me for a sensitive girl whose lost. I can handle anything you say. "
" The last time I said something, you misunderstood, you went silent and we broke up. "he raised an eyebrow. Lucy huffed, blowing his hair." If this whole thing is about something you've forgotten or if you believe this whole acute disorder is because your mom tried telling you something... Then you're the only one that can figure that out. "
Lucy sighed, beginning to walk to the door." I promised to be at the Cafe today didn't I? "
Natsu smirked and walked behind her, shutting the door to the music room after Happy and Plus ran out chasing after each other.

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