Her Friend

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" Ms. Heartfillia, you're doing excellent progress. You'll be able to walk again in no time. "Lucy's physical Therapist informed her with a smile. 
Lucy sighed in exhaustion, getting help from Erza to sit in her wheelchair who joined her in the small room, the others waiting outside.
" Thank you doctor. "Erza said, pushing Lucy out of the room and down the hall." You're probably tired after today. "
" I am, trying to walk again is quite difficult. "Lucy sighed again." I just with I could play-"
" Stop there, you can't. You almost died last time, and you may die or go into a longer coma as you were in. "Erza said." I know how much you loved to play, it was your voice... How you communicated. I remember in high school... You hadn't spoken to me verbally, you still had that silly notepad you wrote on. But when you played... I could hear the words you spoke and your feelings through it all. I miss high school, when we were together. "
" Everyone was so surprised when I began speaking... It was funny to see their reaction. "Lucy giggled, but she felt tears begin to run down her cheeks." I miss playing so much. I just want to be able to sit on the cool piano bench and play as I used too. "
" If you ever are able to play again... I hope I'll be there to hear it. "Erza stopped pushing the chair and walked in front of her. She took out a handkerchief and wiped her tears with it." I didn't tell you this, but I believe you will be able to play one day. I heard from your father about your mother and how she used to play for you... And that may have caused your acute stress disorder. I don't understand why it didn't come earlier, but I believe once you get yourself treated, you will be able to play. "
" Thank you, Erza. "Lucy cried, putting on her best smile to her dear friend.
" Don't cry so much, you might make me cry. "
" I doubt that. "
" I might, I am able to cry just as you and anyone else. "
" are you sure about that? "
" Now you're making me sound like an unemotional monster. "
" sorta. "
Erza hit Lucy's head lightly making her giggle. She smiled to Lucy happy that she was able to cheer her blonde friend up.
" Let's get back to the others. "Erza began pushing her again down the hall.

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