Her Life 2

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Lucy at up in a hospital bed with a sigh.
Her mother next to her, holding her hand.
"another attack? " Lucy asked.
" Another...  But... I'm still angry with you. " her mother said.
" Because I didn't tell you of how I felt physically. " Lucy said.
Her mother stared at her.
" I'm sorry. " Lucy said.
" Lucy... " Felen said." Your father says you cannot continue in your studies at the University..."
"No!" Lucy screamed. "I can keep going! It'll pass I promise! I want to continue in my studies please!"
"But... Anymore stress will cause you harm. " Felen said with concern and worry." You'll collapse. "
Lucy scowled.
" I want to continue... " she gritted her teeth." I can handle it... I promise. "
" I'll speak with yous father. " Felen said." But... If you begin feeling like you're going through enough and collapse again... "
" I got it... I'll take it easy mom. " Lucy smiled." thank you. "

-Lucy P. O. V-

Half a year... Just half a year and I can go back.
God... What has done to me?
He's made me into the woman I am now.
I still love him.
I look down at my right hand. It has bandaids on my fingers. Playing instruments can really take toll on you if you play to much.
I sat in my room.
It's been a while since I've played my guitar.
I pick up my guitar and set it on my lap.
As I was about to strum the guitar, I stopped my hand.
I gasp and widen my eyes.

My hand was shivering.

I put my guitar down.
My hand... It hurts.

I look at my phone as it began ringing.
I look at my caller ID and eyes widen.
Why is Levy calling me?
No... She sent a video chat request.
I accept and I see her smiling face.
"Lu! " she smiles.
" Hey Lev. " I smile.
" We're all here say hi! " Levy said.
I saw Mira, Lisanna , Elfman, Juvia , Cana, Gajeel, Gray, Erza, Jellal, and the love of my life... Natsu!

"Hey guys!" I say.

"Hey Lucy/Lu/Luce" they a greet in unison.

"Its been awhile since I've seen you all!" I smile.

"When do you think you're coming back?" Juvia asked.

"Actually..." I say and smile brightly. "In half a year...I'll be returning from America."

"That's great!" Natsu smiles. I smile back at him.

i look behind me, and smile.

"You guys wanna see my family?" I ask.

"Of course!" Mira screams.

I get up and take my phone that was on front camera.

I walk to the living room where my mom and siblings were.

"Hey mom..." I say as I sit next to her.

She looks at me.

"Say Hi to all my friends!" I smile.

"Hello." she smiles and waves.

"Hello Mrs. Heartfillia!" everyone says in unison and she does a small chuckle.

"Are they the friends you've been telling me about?" my mom asks.

"Yep!" I say.

"Oh." she says.

I look at my siblings Shina and Shino.

"Hey! Shina, Shino! come here for a sec." I say.

Shina a small petite brenette like Felen ran over to me and jumped on my lap.

I here Levy, Juvia, Lisanna, and Mira awe and coo over her adorableness.

Shino came over and sat by me. He's a blondie like me.

"Shina, Shino say hi." I say.

"HAi!" Shina smiles and waves crazily.

"Hey." Shino says.

"Awe!" Mira cooes.

"They're booth so adorable!" Lisanna awes.

"Absolutely cute!" Levy squeals.

"Awwwww...." Juvia says.

"Hey mom you know where dad is?" I ask.

"He's outside on the deck drinking some coffee." Felen answers and I get up.

Shina and Shino follow.

I walk down to our huge deck, and see my dad.

I walk out to him and wrap my arm around his neck and put the camera on him.

"Gah!" he screams. I chuckle.

"Daddy...say hi to my friends back in Magnolia." I say.

"H-Hello." he says and shyly waves.

"Hey dad...tell them about the big thing you're doing back there." I say.

"Well...I'm building an amusement park back in MAgnolia." he says.

"Cooooll!" Gajeel says.

"Awesome!" Gray cooes.

"Love ya daddy." I say, and look at Shina and Shino.

I walk back inside.They both follow.

''So, that was my family..." i say.

"So cute!" the girls say and Cana just puts up a beer.

"Well...Lu!" Levy smiled. "We're going to leave Natsu and you alone."

All of them left except Natsu.

I sat on my bed, and looked at Natsu.

"Hey Luce." Natsu said.

"Hey Natsu." I say and smile.

Me and Natsu alone. I wish he was here with me in my room though. But we have to communicate by video call on the phone. after about five years I finally see him...on a Levy's phone.

"Luce... how's it going in America?" he asks.

Maybe I should tell him about what's actually happening to me. Maybe... I shouldn't he might worry to much. He is Natsu. When I come back home ... I'll tell him.

"It's going good. Here in America... it's awesome." I say. Natsu chuckles." How's it Magnolia?"

"It's been good..." He says, and I smile.

"Any news?" I ask.

"Erza and Jellal got married." Natsu says."Elfman came back into town... and Gajeel and Levy have twins."

"Aww cute." I say.

"Hey Luce...." Natsu says. "I love you...more than anything."

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