Her Love 2

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"" What do mean he's missing!? "Erza growled.
" I mean he hasn't returned to his apartment, he hasn't been seen at the hospital, and he won't answer any of our calls. "Gray stated.
" That idiot. It's only been a day! A day! "Erza yelled." What could've happened to him? "
" None of us knows, but we already contacted the police and they've sent out search parties. "Levy stated.
" I hope they find him soon. "Lisanna stated.
" We all hope so. "Gray said.
" Natsu. "a tall male called the pinkette's name.
Natsu opened his onyx eyes.
-Natsu's P. O. V -
I remembered I had swerved out of the way of something, and then everything else is blurry.
My head hurts and I can't hear anything. I force my eyes open and see what had happened.
My windshield was shattered, I look down to my arm, a large piece from it sticking out from my right arm.
Dammit, it hurts alot. I grab onto the glass shard stuck in my arm and yank it out. I open the compartment in front of the passenger seat and pull out a scarf my father had left me. I wear it a lot but today I didn't. But at least I had it with me.
I take it out and tie it tightly just above my wound. Hopefully it'll stop the bleeding.
I push open the car door and climb out. I'm so exhausted, but I need to get back.
I force myself onto my feet and begin look around.
Seems as I drove out of town without realizing it. Then I crashed trying not to hit something. My airbag didn't go off strangely, and I know I had slammed on my brakes, but they didn't work.
" Natsu. "
I hear my name being called, having me turn to see who called it. I stared at a tall man who had black hair and somewhat tan skin. I knew this guy, I hadn't seen him in years. He's from my former gang from high school, but I quit. But... More than that... He was my family after dad left me with my godfather Igneel. But then igneel left, and all I had... Was him...
" Zeref? "I said, turning fully to him.
" It's been awhile... Little brother. "he smiled genuinely." that looks bad, you need to get that treated before it gets infected. "
I felt my knees suddenly slam on the dirt. My vision blurred and next thing I know, it was all black. Darkness swallowed me, and when I opened my eyes, I was laying on something very uncomfortable.
I felt my arm have a wave of a stinging pain jab at me making me his and jerk my arm away.
" Hey, stay still! "I heard a familiar voice shout at me. I look over to Zeref who had poured alcohol all over my open wound." It's not done professionally, but it will at least prevent it from infecting for awhile. "
He wrapped my arm in gauze, then stood up.
" You lost a good amount of blood, sorry, but I can't do anything really. "he sighed.
" I need to get back to Magnolia. "I stated to him, pushing myself up." I have friends there who are probably worried for me. "
" I don't have any transportation that I can bring you in. I promise you if I did, I would've been on the road on my way to the hospital by now. "he said.
" I have a phone, maybe I can call them. "
I take out my phone and turn it on. Unfortunately for me, there was no reception where I was.
" Damn. "I hiss. I look up to him and sigh." What brings you to me anyway? I quit the gang, remember? "
" I know you did, I was there. I did as well after hearing about you having a little cutie who kicked hit in the groin. "he grinned." But, hit didn't like that, he sent someone for my life. So, I've been hiding out in the old house that was abandoned awhile ago. But it also seems as he wants you to get to me, now. "
" That explains my breaks not working, and my airbag not going off. "I stated.
" I'm sorry I brought you into the mess, I didn't want you to get in this. Not after you quit and found a good life. "
" Zeref, you're my brother. We'll deal with Hit together. "

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