Her Result

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" Three days, it's been three days..." Gajeel crossed his arms.
" Natsu go to Lucy's house, talk to her. "Gray spoke.
" You heard Erza, she doesn't want to see me. "Natsu sighed.
" Natsu, she's your girlfriend! "Mira declared.
" Not anymore. "Natsu looked down.
" What!? "Mira fumed, she jumped over the counter, her black skinny jeans rubbing against the marble. She tore off the small apron and threw it to her sister." Lisanna, take care of the cafe. I'll be back. "she then turned and pointed a finger at Natsu." You better stay right there when I come back. "she growled deeply making him gulped. No one messes with her ships not even the two she shipped would ruin it, she wouldn't allow it. She damn wanted those thirty three NaLu babies either they liked it or not.
" Mira, what are you planning on doing? "Gajeel asked out of curiosity, raising his pierced eyebrow.
" Three days, Lucy has been alone for three days. Do you not remember what happens when she's alone? I'm worried, but I don't want to go bursting in while dragging Natsu behind me, that's for later. "she stated walking out. Natsu felt like an idiot. How could he forget the one thing he feared for Lucy. Her condition, her acute stress disorder, and she may as well have depression, nor can she walk or stand for any longer than ten to fifteen minutes. He made sure to take care of her during the time. How could a some fight make him forget!?
But he couldn't rush into her house and try and get her back. He needed to figure out what she was upset about and make it up to her. That was the only way.


Mira drove her car up into the drive way of Lucy's small one floor home. She shut off her car and hopped out, pushing her hands into her sweatshirt's pockets for some warmth in the cool wind. She walked to the front door, pulling out her keys. All Lucy's close friends had a copy of Lucy's key since she was diagnosed with acute stress disorder so they could check on her.
Mira knocked on the door before she did anything else. But there was no sound, not even Plu barking. She knocked once more to the same response, silence. She turned the know finding it was locked. She pushed her copy of the key in, unlocking the door and walking in.
" Lucy? "she called. She looked around, it didn't seem to messy, just a paper on the ground by the and a few plates uncleaned. Beside the sink was the blondie." Lucy, you can't believe how worried everyone was about you. "she pet Plus who lay in front of the piano room Lucy refused to go in after the one experience with her mother in the room.
" Lucy? "Mira put a shoulder on Lucy's shoulder.
" M-Mira? "Lucy looked up at her, her hair almost covering her whole face. She stumbled to the side, Mira caught her unexpectedly.
" Woah there, it's okay Lucy. "Mira assured a small smile on her lips.
" M-Mira... I-I'm so hungry... "
" Then let's whip you something up to eat. "
Mira stood Lucy up and went to the sink. Lucy put her hand on her shoulder." I'm hungry... But I can't eat. "she clarified.
" What do you mean? Of course you can-"
" I tried, everything I eat doesn't go down I just end up puking it back up! "Lucy admitted in a louder voice than she wanted." Three... Days... I've been trying to eat, I've tried everything, even dog food! Nothing! "
Lucy pointed to the trash that was overwhelming with unfinished food even a whole pizza with one pizza slice with one bite out of it.
" You really can't... Can you? "Mira questioned, putting a hand on her shoulder, rubbing it gently.
" What's happening to me? "Lucy cried as Mira hugged her.
" Can you drink anything? "she asked.
" Not even that, not even water... I don't know what to do anymore... "
" Have you seen your mother? "
Lucy shivered." She shows every night... But she just stands there... Watching me with these... Eyes... "her voice broke." It's as if she's laughing at me. "
Mira hugged her tighter.
" Alright, I wanna try something. It involves you eating and drinking, are you alright with that? "Mira asked, making sure Lucy was fine with not her thing she was unable to do. She just nodded." Alright, sit down. I'm gonna make some calls. "
Lucy nodded sliding off her to get to her sofa.
Mira took out her phone and called the first name she saw which was Erza." Erza, it's Mira-"
" Yeah, I'm still at Lucy's. "
" I wouldn't say-"Mira jumped hearing a sudden thud. She turned quickly seeing Lucy on the ground, skin pale and she was having trouble breathing." Lucy! "she dropped her phone with Erza still on the line.

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