His Arms

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Lucy lay on her bed, cuddling in Natsu's chest. Natsu was already asleep, exhausted from the crazy night before, and going through a depressing day, finally night has come.
Lucy closed her eyes after listening to Natsu's light snores for awhile. Sleep wrapped only an arm around her, not letting her sleep completely.

" Lucy~"

She burst her eyes open, sweat dripping down her face slowly. She pushed herself up, sitting up, Natsu's arm slipped off her, no longer keeping her warm and safe.
The voice was familiar. She didn't need any clue to whose voice it was, she already knew.
Her mother's.

" Lucyy! "

She brought her hands to her ears, shutting out the noise. But the voice had come from inside her head, haunting her.

" Show me your hands. "

Lucy looked down, raising her hands in front of her eyes. She felt her stomach turn, seeing them drip with red thick liquid. She felt sick, her stomach wanting to go inside out.
she she stood, almost falling but she hugged the wall to prevent her trip.
She held onto the end of her bed, trying to go into her bedroom restroom. She slipped, hitting the ground hard.
She sat up, looking down. Her eyes landed on the violin case sitting under her bed. She felt the urge to take it out, her body doing it for her without her mind knowing.
She stared at the violin in her delicate grasp.

" Go ahead and play it. "her mother's voice filled her mind." If you practice enough, I'm sure you'll be better than me. "

Lucy grasped the bow to the violin, she positioned herself to play, but her eyes widened, feeling her arms shivering. She held the bow just above the string, not finding the strength to move the bow along the strings.

" You must practice once we return home! "her mother shrieked at her." You'll never be able to become a musician if you cannot obey a single command! "

Lucy closed her eyes tightly, feeling the tears fall from her eyes.

" You play like this... "

Lucy jumped, turning her head to the violin seeing her mother's face staring back at her. She clenched her eyes shut, a shriek slipping from her lips as she chucked the violin. It slammed against the wall, breaking the wooden instrument.
Natsu instinctively slipped from the bed and getting to her as fast as he could, her scream awakening him.
" Lucy! What happened? "he asked, ready to fight is another came in for the intention of harm just as Hit had. Lucy held her head staring down, her eyes and body shaking. He looked up, seeing her violin broken in two." Lucy-"
Lucy held her mouth, she quickly stood on her weak legs, making it to the bathroom and turning the light on. She opened the toilet and puked into the bowl.
She sat there, shutting the toilet and sat there shaking.
Natsu sat next to her, he didn't speak, he wanted her to speak to him if she wanted to. They sat there, being silent.
" I heard mother... "she whispered in the silence, like a small breeze.
" your mother? Didn't she die? "he questioned, she nodded slowly, her hands clenching in fist and her eyes clenched closed, tear dropping on her hands.
" I saw her... she was here... "she admitted." She tried to have me play the violin, then her face-"
Lucy's eyes widened again, her mother's face staring back at her, it wasn't her mother, it was what used to be. A pale face with dead fish eyes staring back at her.
she opened back up the toilet and puked again. Natsu held her hair up as she did.
She pulled away, looking at Natsu.
" A-Am I going mad? "she asked him.
" No, you're just tired. "he assured her." Maybe you should take a warm bath, that used to calm you back then. "

She looked down at her legs, they were sore for her already being on them more than usual in the last almost ten minutes.
" of course you'll have my help~"he grinned.
" G-no! "she blushed brightly, he chuckled.
" I won't do anything. "he promised.
" A-Aright... "she squeaked, embarrassed, clearly.
Natsu began taking off his shirt.
" Wh-What are you doing!? "she asked.
" Don't worry, I just don't want my shirt getting wet. "he assured her, get up, moving to her tub and turned on the water.as it hit the floor of the tub it made a rumbling sound. He let the water hit his hand, making sure it was warm before putting the plug in the drain.
" C-Can you continue looking over there as I undress? "she asked making Natsu smile lightly.
" As you wish. "he said. She undressed herself, pulling down one of her white towels and wrapped it around herself.
" o-ok... "she blushed more. Natsu turned after turning off the bath faucet. Hies cheeks were pink, looking up at her siting on the floor with only a towel to cover her body from his perverted vision.
He went next to her, picking her up and slowly placing her in the hot bath.
" How is the water? "he asked, looking away from her.
" Warm. "she said, she felt his hand slip on her head. She looked up at him." Natsu... "
" Yeah? "he looked questioningly to her.
" I... Before I got into the hospital... I'm sorry I had played the violin at the party, and... I honestly didn't want to leave you... I still loved you I still love-"
Natsu kissed her, stopping her from speaking anymore. Lucy placed her hand on his shoulder.
" N-Natsu... "she huffed as he pulled away from her lips.
" Lucy... You're so beautiful... "he said seductively in her ear. She blushed brightly. He kissed her cheek and pulled away, smiling at her genuinely." I like that face you're making. "
She jumped, cheeks bright red. She looked down to the water, having her hair block her face from his vision.
" I guess no kiss for Lucy... "he sighed, disappointed. Lucy looked up at him and puffed out her cheeks. He grinned, grabbing her cheeks with one hand, squishing the air out so her cheeks were normal sized. He brought her face closer and kissed her again.
" Natsu, how are you feeling, now? "she asked as he let her cheeks go and pulled away from her lips.
" I feel a lot better. How about you? "he asked.
" I'm alright. "she assured him. He sighed in relief, placing his head on her shoulder.
" You scared me... "he admitted." I wake up, your violin broken, you on the floor crying with that frightened look in your eyes... "
He picked up his head, looking at her." Don't make me scared like that, again... Please? "he questioned.
" I won't, I'm sorry. "she assured him, kissing his cheek.

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