His Shock

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Natsu froze for what seemed like forever.

'I can no longer play' Natsu repeated the words in his mind.

"What the hell happened?!" Natsu asked.

"I was under to much stress. My new family, school work, and my job my stress levels went higher. Then I began feeling weak and tired lately, my eating and sleep wasn't normal... then I suddenly fainted while playing the violin for my family." Lucy said. "Then when I practiced my instruments... I kept becoming more and more tired and stressed... and I'd usually collapse or I'd become paralyzed. Now it's to the point... I can no longer play."

"But..." Natsu hugged Lucy tightly.

'But that's how we met. It's how you should me your voice.' Natsu thought.

He clenched his eyes shut and clenched his fists.


Natsu sat Lucy down on his bed. Plu and Happy played in the other room.

"What's your career Natsu?" Lucy suddenly asked.

"Imma therapist..." Natsu said, a bit embarrassed.

"Seriously?" Lucy said looking up at him.

"Masters degree... and I've got my own office." Natsu said. "I'm a lucky man aren't I. I've got a great job that's fun... a trusting pet... Good home...Great friends... "

Natsu looked over at Lucy.

Lucy looked back at him curiously.

"And a beautiful and smart girlfriend." Natsu grinned at Lucy making her smile brightly.

Then Lucy frowned. Making Natsu lose his grin. Then his grin came back.

"I-I'm sorry... "Lucy said.
" M-Maybe you can play now! "Natsu said." Maybe it was just because you missed your friends! "
" I wish that were true. "Lucy sighed.
Natsu leaned over and kissed her lips. Lucy kissed back.
" Can you at least try? "Natsu asked.
" OK... I will. "Lucy said. She walked over to her violin case she had brought along.
She pulled out the violin and got in ready position.
" Just be calm. "Natsu said.
Lucy took a deep breath.
Her hand stopped the bow right above the strings. She took another deep breath and closed her eyes and began playing a tune. 
Nats watched her play with a smile.
Lucy sudden stopped right at the high note and she dropped her violin and bow, and fell forward. Natsu caught her.
"Lucy! "he yelled.

(sorry short chapter... Is getting really late good night! Alice out!)

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