Chapter 5

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Annabeth's POV

"Hi Annabeth." She simply said. "What are you doing here?" I said crossing my arms, "Hey Wise Girl, what's taking you so long? The guys're waiting for-." Percy said coming out of no where obviously. He didn't continue what he was saying when he saw Rachel at the door. "Rachel? What the Hades are you doing here?" Said Percy in shocked. "Oh, hey guys. This is Rachel, but it seems you already know her." Connor appeared out of no where, "She's the new girl i've been dating." He continues. I looked at Percy surprised while Rachel stands there smirking. Percy again looked at me with a worried face, i seriously saw Rachel winked at Percy. "Excuse me." I said pulling Connor at the kitchen. "What the hades do you think you're doin?!" I asked Connor. He just gave me a shrug and cunfused look.

"What am i doing?" He asked me. "Why are you dating Percy's ex-girlfriend?!" I said half-whisperin half-shouting. "What do you mean? Rachel never told me that." He replies. "Well i guess Rachel hasn't been honest to you." I said pointing at her direction sitting at the couch near by Percy while she ives him flirtatious looks i glared at her. "You know what i don't care. She's been good to me. And Percy's my friend but he needs to move one!" He said. "I think you don't see what i see in here. Rachel cheated on Percy! With another demigod." I said explaining further. "And you might be the next! I just don't want you to get hurt, neither does your brother!" I said. 

"Annabeth, i know you're just concerned but i can handle my self." He said. "But-" He cuts me off. "No Annabeth, i can handle myself." He repeated. I rolled my eyes as he walked away. He sat close to Rachel and he puts his arm in her shoulders while they were leaning. I went to Percy and sat beside him but not too close. Thalia, and the others looked at Rachel, if looks could kill i think Rachel was dead by now. I thought. Thalia looked at me confused, i pulled my phone out and texted her because she's at the other couch and whispering about isn't a good idea. 

To: Thals

Connor has been dating her and She never told him that Percy and Rachel dated and they broke up and she cheated. Connor doesn't care and said and i quote "Annabeth i can take care of myself". 

I pressed send. After 2 minutes my phone buzzed and i checked it. 

From: Thals

That WITCH! She needs to be thaught a lesson. And i just have the plan for it ;). 

Her text's says, i raised my eyebrow and looked at her, she winked at me and i just shrugged. Just then Piper and Jason came out of their rooms to change because they smelled Lasagna and Chicken a while ago when they were both cooking. "Hey guys! oh, and i see Rachels here...." she said her voice trails off. "With me." Connor said empasizing the 'ME' part. He looked at Percy who was looking at me. "Awkward....." Leo said out of no where, Reyna glared at him and he shuts up. It got awkward, but soon then Grover, Juniper, Katie,and Travis, arrived. I sighed in relief. "So shall we start the karaoke night? Before it gets more awkward..." Nico mumbled the last sentence but i could still here them. Juniper sat on my right and Katie sat on Junipers right and so on. "What's she doing here?" She asked her eyes directing to Rachels who was busy laughing with Connor. 

"Long story, let's just say. Connor dating her, and She didn't tell him that Her and Perce broke up and you know the next part." I said gesturing my hands. "What? The part that she cheated on Kelp head? Well yeah i know that part." She said and i laughed at the kelp head part. Jason readied the karaoke and the mics. "Who's going first?" He asked handing the mic. I looked at Rachel who raised her hand. "I do!" I looked at Percy "She can sing?" I asked "She does." And nod and snickered. She picked the song Airplanes, there was a rap so Connor did the rap. They sang ok but not that much. Percy has his straight face, i wonder if his jelous. So i asked. "Are you jelous?" I asked frankly. "Huh what? oh, no, no." He said crossin his hands. "You sure? You look like you're jelous." I pointed out and crossed my arms. "Why? Are you jelous if i'm jelous?" He said teasing me. I snort. "Pfft, Me jelous? Oh please seaweed brain. You know i don't get jelous." I said. "Hm. Ok. I am jelous." He said. my eye brows cross. "Wow. Just WOW." I said and stood up and got to Pipers backyard. 

I got out the house, i'm here at the backyard. I dipped my legs in to the pool. Half only. I sat there at the grass and looked at the stars, the constellation. I felt a hand in my shoulder. I thought it was Percy but it wasn't it was my best friend. "What are you doing here outside?" She said. "Well, I need some air." I said. "So you mean theres no air inside?" She said sarcastically. "Thalia, i meant i needed space from Percy and Rachel." I said in a obviouse tone. "Well duh! i can't stand with that Rachel!" She said. We lauhed for a minute and she spoke. "You know Percy loves you a lot." She said. "Huh, If he loves me then why is  my best friend in here and not him?" I said raising my eyebrow. "Because he was lookin for a song for you, so he could sing even though he has a terrible voice and i could spare some time and distract you a little bit and not make you a loner in here." She said and stood up. She held a hand to help me up. I accepted it and we went inside. My mouth dropped when Percy was sitting in a single chair with a guitar. "What the Hades are you doing Seaweed brain?" I said. "I'm serenading you, so sit down and listen." He said and i sat down with the gang while Rachel's eyes were angry and arms crossed. 

Do you hear me? I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, oh baby I'm trying

Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooh ooh ooh

They don't know how long it takes,
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again

Lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair

Though the breezes through the trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning 'round
You hold me, right here, right now

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again

I'm lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh, ooh
Ooh ooh ooh,ooh

He sang Lucky by Jason Marz. It actually really blends with our friendship slash relationship. It really is similar at the song. The song was made for us, i thought. I tear a little. That was amazing. He went to me and pecked my lips. "I love you Annabeth no matter what." He whispersto me but loud enough for the gang to hear. I smiled at that. "I love you too Seaweed Brain." And i kissed his lips. "But i thought you were Jelous?" I asked him. "Yeah i was. I was jelous that you waren't jelous because i was jelous. You get it right?" He said, i laughed. We sat down Leo sang wreckin ball and he even used the broom as a wrecking ball so we all totally lauhed at that, except for Rachel ofcourse. Reyna sang counting stars, Piper sang rolling in the deep, Kati sang titanium, Grover sang the man who can't be move, Nico sang She looks so perfect, and Jason sang What makes you beautiful. 

They all sang actually, i was the last one who didn't and i planed not to. When they say i should sing i change the subject and they forget it. Actually i'm not that bad as a singer. I sing alot at the bathroom actually but i'm not a pop star singer. Now they all looked at me and i laughed. Theres no choice but to sing. I choosed Skyscraper by Demi Lovato. It was high but i can handle it. I held the mic and started to sing.

Skies are crying, I am watching
Catching tear drops in my hands
Only silence as it's ending
Like we never had a chance
Do you have to make me feel like
There's nothing left of me?

You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

[Verse 2:]
As the smoke clears, I awaken
And untangle you from me
Would it make you feel better
To watch me while I bleed?
All my windows still are broken
But I'm standing on my feet

You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

Go run, run, run
I'm gonna stay right here,
Watch you disappear
Yeah, oh
Go run, run, run
Yeah, it's a long way down
But I am closer to the clouds up here

You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Oh Oh
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

(Like a skyscraper)

Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

When i was done, they all clapped and even Leo, Nico, Jason, Grover, Percy and Thalia stood and clapped. I laughed and I hugged them all, i didn't really knew why but i was happy. I saw Rachel rolled her eyes when i was done. "You have really great voice. Actually scratch that! Amazing and beautiful one!" Thalia said as she winks. "Thank you." i said and laughed. I sat down and Percy kissed my ear and whispered something. "You do sing like an angel." He said in a husky voice. Mostly like drunk. Well we were actually drinking beers so that no one would be a buzz kill so were a little tipsy but i can handle it really. "Thanks." I said and kissed his nose. He pouts. I just laughed at him. We were having fun and laughing and singing. "How about we have a singing battle?" Thalia 


How about that for not updating for who knows how long. Hahaha. But sorry for not updating i know my votes arent increasing (wow that's a ryhme.) but i will update very often because i'm still working out with the other story, and the next chapter they are still at Pipers and Jasons house and still karaoke night :) 

Thank you all! 

All rights reserve.


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