52| Raabia is Drunk AF

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'Wow! Marquee. The place we met for the first time.' Saad exclaimed astounded. Raabia looked at him with her eyebrow raised giving him a you-remember look. Saad felt his cheek flush and simply shrugged. Truth be told, Raabia remembered it as well and it is exactly why she brought him here.

Raabia smiled amazed by the way life works, they met here for the first time in ten years and pretended to be boyfriend and girlfriend and now, look at them, they are married. Life sure is funny.

Once inside Saad held her hand and took her to the bar. They sat on the high stool beside each other.

'Two tequila shots!' Saad ordered and then turned to Raabia. She looked uncertain, she has never drunk alcohol and isn't familiar with the varieties. And so, she goes with what Saad has ordered.

As they wait for their order, Raabia looked around. She watched the couples dance happily as though they had no care in the world. She then spotted a familiar looking American Man, the Tall man waved enthusiastically at her.

Shit! Sebastian- Raabia quickly turned around and tried covering her face with her palm.

Saad tapped his feet and shook his head little to the peppy music, he frowned when his gaze fell on Raabia who kept sinking in her seat covering her face with her palm. He moved his hand when someone called, - 'Rabbit.'

Shit! - Raabia cursed.

'Hey man, Saad.' Sebastian greeted him happily. Saad got down the stool and the two men side-hugged each other. They then looked at Raabia.

'What a surprise, Rabbit.' Sebastian slapped her arm lightly and smiled funnily, he seemed drunk.

Raabia heard Saad gasp, - 'Rabbit?' the tinge of amusement in his voice didn't go unnoticed by her and that moment she wished she could just disappear. Now, Saad will tease her till she dies of embarrassment.

'Rabbit, a very cute nickname.' Saad commented. Raabia managed to glare at him. He winked back at her. The wink told Raabia what she was in for.

Sebastian looked confusedly as the bartender placed shots in front of Raabia.

'Rabbit. You are drin-' He began but stopped abruptly when Raabia nudged him sharply on his stomach. He winced but Raabia quickly covered up, - 'Won't you drink with us, Sebastian?' She placed her elbow on the table and leaned against her knuckles looking at him casually. Sebastian looked at her and she blinked her eyes rapidly.

'No, Rosy must be waiting for me.' Sebastian pointed to the dance floor.

'Okay, bro.' Saad side hugged Sebastian and he hugged him back. He then took his leave, before going he smiled at Raabia but she simply glared at him. He gulped and turned around walking away.

'Cheers.' Saad raised his short glass. Raabia looked apprehensively at her glass as she clicked it with his. She watched Saad gulped down the drink in one go and then shake his head. She lowered her head and stared at her glass. Momentarily, she thought of tossing the drink cautiously but she feared he will find out and then her truth will be out. After the "Rabbit" thing Raabia doesn't want any more embarrassment.

She closed her eyes tightly and gulped the entire content. The liquid was very bitter and she choked. Saad looked at her alarmed but she smiled at him. He raised his eyebrow at her, she picked up another glass.

'Cheers.' She forced a smile.

Saad still eyed her as he extended his glass.


Fifteen minutes later,

'Raabia.... Raabia.' Saad poked his finger on her arm and looked worriedly at unconscious Raabia. Her head resting on the table and all her curls covering her face completely, she held tequila glass with one hand and the other rested on her thigh. Saad panicked because firstly he couldn't see her face and secondly, she wasn't moving, not even a muscle. He extended his hand, he called her name as his fingers inched towards her.

'I am up.' Raabia suddenly shot up and Saad jumped retracting his hand.

She looked around with droopy eyes and a silly smile.

'Raabia?' Saad called her uncertainly. She looked at him and batted her eyelids with a goofy smile.

'Heeeeyyyyyy.' She slurred and fell forward. Quickly, Saad jumped from the high stool and held her shoulder, her head rested on his shoulder.

'If you can't handle drinks why the hell you had eight shots?' Saad said irritated.

'I want more.' Raabia's voice muffled against his shoulder. Saad rolled his eyes.

'No.' He said sternly. Raabia pouted shaking her head. She began demanding that he get her more drinks. Saad face palmed wondering where he has gotten himself in.

After a while, he held her arm firmly and made her climb down.

'I want to dance.' She whined. Saad refused, shaking his head but Raabia was adamant, she refused to walk. Eventually, Saad had to give up.

'Yaay!' Raabia raised her arms in the air and then grabbed Saad's hand and dragged him to the dance floor. She is drunk out of her senses and so he didn't protest. Once on the dance floor, she lets go of his hand and let down her guards as she danced mindlessly to the song. A sober Raabia would rather die than dance like a fool. But Drunk Raabia doesn't care. She didn't mind who she was dancing with, he didn't look like Saad nor felt like him when he held her waist.

Saad squeezed his way towards Raabia who was dancing with a stranger. Gracefully, Saad stepped in between them and held Raabia's shoulder giving the hint to the other man to move. He smiled politely and moved away.

'Are you mad? You are dancing with strangers.' Saad scolded Raabia. She just grinned funnily at him.

'Why you care?' She slurred and held his shoulders.

'Because, I am- you are-you are my wife.'

'Possessive.' Raabia winked nudging his arm. Her grin made Saad conscious of what he said.

'Okay, dear husband, let us dance.' Raabia grabbed his hands and placed his palms on her bare waist.

'Dance, dance, dance till our head explode. Woohooo.' Raabia threw her arms around his neck and stepped closer. Saad gulped feeling their bodies touch. There is a naughty glint in her eyes as she sensually grid her body against his. Saad felt uncomfortable, he felt aroused.

'What happened, Husband. Don't want to dance?' Raabia pouted making her eyes appear larger.

'Enough of dancing.' Saad separated their frames and held her arm. Raabia kept protesting but he didn't listen, he dragged her out of the dance floor. 


OMG! Raabia is so cute *hehehehehehe* First time she drank *laughs* Uff her ego *laughs some more* Bechara Saad has to manage his drunk wife. 

How was the Chapter, guys? Drop in your comments *flying kisses*


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